Resume Of Romance

By idet843

3.5M 84.8K 6.2K

Rylie's breath catches in her throat. Moving closer on the bed she wants to touch, she wants to caress the s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6-Trailer included
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10-Trailer Included
Chapter 11
Chapter 12-Trailer Included
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19-Trailer
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Author's Note-
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 67

Chapter 66

31K 1K 170
By idet843

Chapter 66

Chace and Richard arrive at the Rye Bar at Capella hotel in Georgetown more than an hour late for their meeting.  Because of the high backed chairs in the bar it's hard for them to determine if Rowland is still in the bar.

A man dressed in a dark suit approaches them wearing a smirk on his face. "Mr. Richard and Chace Braxton?" He questions. They both nod their heads. "Come with me." They exchange glances deciding to follow the man. He escorts them to a table with three chairs in the back of the bar. One chair is already occupied by Rowland Preston taking a sip of scotch. Chace and his father take a seat in each of the other chairs. A waiter suddenly appears they also order scotch.

"I understand congratulations are in order Chace, you and the younger Cameron sister are engaged is that correct?"

"Yes sir, we are engaged." Chace says taking his drink from the waiter. It's difficult for him to have this conversation with Mr. Preston having dated Sharna so many years ago.

"We are not here for pleasure Rowland, you know that. Say whatever it is you need to say to us." Richard cuts right to it not wanting Rowland to have any incite on any of his family members."

"Always to the point aren't you Richard? Understandable because of the circumstances so here it is. Discontinue your search for Aiden Layton and tell Monique Cameron to plead guilty on the manslaughter charge for Gavin. I'll get all other charges against her to disappear, she'll only serve a couple of years, a year at the most." He finishes his scotch in one gulp sitting his glass on the table.

Chace is shaking his head already finishing his own drink, he slams it on the table and stands up. "Let's go dad, no deal Rowland." Chace waits for his father to stand.

"Wait, Richard tell your son this is the best deal for the Cameron girl. You know I can get this done." Rowland stands up with them turning to Richard.

"So can our attorney, you think we are stupid Rowland? Emilio can get most of the shit she's in pleaded down. She shouldn't have to serve time for this.   Now I don't give a damn if Aiden is dead or alive but I'm guessing he's still alive for one reason only.  Aiden must have the video of what happened on that veranda when Gavin Rosedale died? We want no part of what you're doing, were leaving. Chace, let's go."

"Why are you being so difficult over this she's my daughter? She's been hurt enough over this. It's my job to protect her."

"You're right Rowland that is a father's job to protect his children but it starts while their still in the womb. Monique Cameron is going to pay for her mistakes not yours and your families. You and yours need to decide how to deal with what you have done." Richard raises his arms up to cup Chace around his neck moving his son further away. "We're leaving Rowland."

Chace is in the shower the next morning when Rylie is waken by his phone ringing. She gets up looking for something to cover her naked body. She grabs Chace's shirt from the floor putting it on. He wasted no time when he got home from his meeting with Rowland and his father last night. He didn't want to talk about it he told her. All he wanted was her. Picking her up bridal style he carried her up the stairs, removed all of her clothing and his then picked her up again and put her in their bed climbing on top of her. She fell in love with him all over again last night, he wanted her so bad but he also had a lot of concern for the baby.

The phone shows the caller is Jayson. Rylie rushes in the shower opening the shower door. She shows the phone to him. He takes it from her coming out of the shower. She grabs him a towel wrapping it around him then follows him into their bedroom. She's picking up their clothes off the floor when she hears Chace say to Jayson they will do the meet now.   After he finishes the call Chace tries to call Jackson twice but there's no answer.

"He's a cop, how the hell can he not answer his phone." He sounds frustrated getting up and going in the closet.

"Talk to me Chace, what's going on." Rylie anxiously follows him. He comes back out of it and sits on the bed pulling her down to sit next to him.

"Mason called Jayson this morning. We may have another way to get the video of what happened the night Gavin died."

Rylie leaves the closet not sure how she feels about all of this coming back up again. She goes to the bed to sit down next him.  

"Does Mason have the video?"  She asks.

"Not yet, a woman showed up at his office two days ago. She works at the hotel where Gavin died. Her ex-boyfriend also worked there. He was working security the night Gavin died. He's married and his wife found out about her. The guy and his wife got into a fight and he was arrested. The wife showed up on the girlfriend's doorstep a couple of days ago. She dropped off all of his stuff. The girlfriend went through some of it and found several videos. One of them showed what happened on the veranda." Chace explains.

"Is it the original video, maybe it's tampered with or maybe this is a setup of some sort? What does she want?"

"The same thing they all want, money." Chace tells her. He takes the time to explain the conversation he and his father had with Rowland last night. When he's done telling her about it. He realizes they haven't heard from her sister since early morning yesterday, she's usually a pain in the butt. "Speaking of your crazy sister where the hell is she, usually she's bothering us?" He turns to Rylie.

Rylie clears her throat, uhm.....well she's busy." Rylie tries to get off the bed quickly but can't move fast enough.

"Huh-uh, your turn talk to me." Chace pulls her on his lap.

"Chace, it's none of our business who she is seeing or what she's doing. I think we need to stay out of it." Rylie kisses his cheek.

"He's my friend Rylie, I don't want him hurt."

"She's my sister, you don't think he can hurt her. She's in love with him and she's trying to deal with it but he keeps popping up around her. Tell your friend don't break her heart." Rylie says on the defensive.

"Hold it, let's just stay out of it. It's going to work itself out.  Jayson and I are going to meet this lady to see if she really has the video?" He kisses her cheek.

"Well, wait a minute, you three can be intimidating, I think you should take me with you." Rylie recommends.

"Oh hell no. You're not getting your way this time Rylie. Call your sister, she can go with us, it's about her anyway."

Jayson and Chace arrive at Pentagon City Mall going inside they are on the second level. They take the escalator down to the food court level where it's crowded and very noisy.

"I thought you said Monique and Jackson would be here?" Jayson is looking around for them but doesn't see them.

"That's what Rylie said. You okay with them being together because if this is going to be awkward we'll meet you somewhere when it's done." Chace questions.

"I'm cool with it man, she deserves somebody in her life that's going to do right by her. I love Margo and I'm not going anywhere. Monique knows that. We've got Randi, there's always going to be that bond between us. Jackson is the right man for her." Jayson nods his head.

Jayson and Chace have been looking around for Monique and Jackson for about twenty minutes when Chace's phone lights up with a text message from Jackson.

"Meet us in front of restrooms." Chace shows Jayson the message they walk toward the restrooms with Jayson spotting Monique first although she's wearing a baseball cap and no makeup. He can see that she looks happy. She and Jackson are holding hands blending into the crowds of people. They let go when they see him and Chace. After they greet each other they decide to go back near the escalator.

"Where is she, she said she would be here thirty minutes ago." Chace is getting frustrated.

A petite dark haired woman wearing a colorful hat and sunglasses bumps into Monique. "I'm sorry, I can't do this out here, meet me in the ladies room." The woman says to Monique walking away. Monique starts walking behind her when Jackson grabs her arm.

"You can't do that, it might be a setup." Jackson wails holding onto her. Monique turns to Chace and Jayson.  All three men agree.

"Or she might just be scared, I was when I was in a similar situation. Look it's a public restroom, I'll go in look around and tell her it has to be done out in the open. What's her name Jayson?" Monique asks him.

"Marquita Collette." He answers. Monique smiles. "Great name, wait here I'll be right back." She leaves the three men standing by the escalator. Jackson starts pacing. "I think we need to stand in front of the restrooms in case something happens." He says cautiously.

"Monique can handle herself Jackson." Jayson quietly remarks.

"Nobody knows that better than me Jayson, I'm still a detective and my people don't know anything about this. If it goes wrong it's my ass on the line but I'm here because I care about her and don't want anything to happen to her."

They wait for more than ten minutes watching women go in and out of the restroom. Jackson is fed up after it goes into twenty minutes. He's ready to show his badge and close the restroom down, Chace is now agreeing with him. Jayson wants them to wait another couple of minutes. He is standing in front of the restroom door when it opens again.

Monique walks out holding the woman's hand. Both woman's eyes are red. A closer look at Marquita without her hat and sunglasses reveals she has a black eye and bruised cheek. Monique pats her on the hand telling her it's going to be alright. The woman stands against the wall while Monique approaches the men.

"We've got to help her. Somebody paid her boyfriend's bail. He found out his wife gave all of his stuff to her. He showed up at her house yesterday and did what you see. He wants that video back he's got a buyer for it."

"Shit, is anybody following her, did she check." Chace is watching the woman.

"Chace, the boyfriend raped her last night, she took the video and ran." Monique says.

"Dammit, she's probably being followed." Jackson looks around them.

"She says she was careful but she thinks somebody is following her boyfriend. There was a SUV parked at the end of her cul-de-sac when she left this morning. She's been hiding since then. Please, I want to help her, I know I don't have the money to do it...."

"It's alright Monique, we'll help her." Chace squeezes her shoulder for reassurance. "Go get her and tell her to come with us.

They take Marquita to a hotel near the Pentagon checking her in under the Braxton Holdings account they use for business. Jackson has had time to look at the woman more closely he wants her to get medical treatment she refuses. Monique takes her into the bedroom closing the door.

"You think it's the real video?" Jayson asks.

Chace is on the phone to Sander, he wants them to check out the boyfriend's name to make sure he really works for the hotel. They wait while Monique and the woman are in the bedroom. Sander calls back about twenty minutes later verifying the boyfriend and Marquita both work for the hotel although the boyfriend has been fired.

Monique walks out of the bedroom, a CD is in her hand. The three men stare at it. Monique walks over to Chace handing it to him. "Here, she just wants to go someplace where she will be safe. She has family in San Antonio her boyfriend doesn't know about.  If we can send her there?"

"Don't worry about it Monique, I'll fly her down on my plane when she's ready." Jayson says.

"Thank you." Monique sniffles. Jackson walks over to her pulling her against him. "You alright?" He asks.

"Of course not Jackson. I don't want anybody else to go through this, she's a victim." Monique says wiping her eyes.

"Chace, you and Jayson go. Take that to Emilio and do what you need to do. I'll stay here with them." Jackson remarks.

Chace and Jayson go back to their father's house. Heading straight for the kitchen Chace lays the CD on the counter in front of his father.

"I don't think I can watch it." He says.   Jayson rubs his face not sure he wants to see it either. Richard Braxton picks up the CD and walks to his family room popping it into the CD player. He takes a seat and watches it alone.   After he watches it he makes a copy then goes back into his kitchen where his sons are sitting at a table not doing a good job of eating sandwiches.

"I think you both should watch it is all I'll say.  Did one of you call Emilio?"

"Yeah, he's tied up with a client. He wants us to bring the CD by his office." Jayson comments.

"Go home, I'll get it to him." Richard walks toward them hugging each one of them.

Two days later Jayson is up early packing a day's change of clothes to fly Marquita to Texas. Margo is sitting on their bed.   The last two days he comes home late from work.  She knows the Braxton's are planning something because of the constant phone calls and meetings they are having. Jayson hasn't talked about any of it, he keeps telling her that he loves her and it scares her that he's silent about it all.

"Are you going to talk to me about it?" She looks worried.

"Margo, there's nothing to talk about. We discussed it and I don't want to see the video." Jayson remarks.

"Why because you think I lied or did something wrong?" Margo remarks.

"Baby no, I didn't say that. Let's not turn this into something it's not. I just don't want to see it."  Jayson answers.

"Don't you think you're going to have to know about it Jayson. Monique's trial is next week. You don't care." Margo stands in front of him.

Releasing a heavy sigh he clasps his fingers through hers lifting them to his lips. "I care Margo, I care about what Gavin did to all of you. None of you are the same and I hold some of the responsibility for that. I don't have to see how he terrorized each of you are to know what he did. My family and I are taking care of this." He pulls her in his arms hugging her.

Rylie is having the same issue with Chace. They are getting ready to go to work.

"Chace it's been two days, we need to discuss it. Marisol told me that Ivana is moving to London. She wants to get away from everything here." Rylie tells him. He's sitting at the kitchen island drinking a cup of coffee.

"I know, she called me to tell me goodbye. She said Mason is going to come visit her soon. Are you alright with that? I mean, they are getting closer. I think he really likes her." Chace is watching her closely.

"It doesn't concern me Chace if that's what you are asking. I want Mason to find somebody to be happy with just like I'm happy with you." Rylie responds.

"I wasn't hinting, I know you love me. We don't have to discuss the video Rylie, I didn't watch it. I can't watch Gavin hurt you and I'm unable to do anything about it. We do have to discuss something else." Rylie is sitting her coffee cup in the sink. She walks past him taking a seat in the family room on the sofa. He gets up and follows her sitting down next to her.

"I have some decisions to make. It might involve less guests at our wedding when I'm done. We may lose more clients from Braxton Holdings but it's what I have to do." He says.

"You're going to turn Rowland in to the FBI." She answers looking for clarification.

"I was, but my father wants to be the one to do it. He insist on being the one to do it."

"What about Aiden, that guy that said he knew where Aiden was. Is Aiden really alive?" Rylie wants to know.

"We should know the answer to that by the end of today. If everything goes the way it should, Aiden's whereabouts whether dead or alive will be known soon." Chace tells her.

"How is any of this going to help my sister?" Rylie holds her head down.

"I told you to trust me. If it all goes well, she might have to serve a misdemeanor charge." He replies.

Later at work Rylie is anxious all day. Beth is driving her crazy with her questions about everything. Rylie is doing her best to get through the day. It's almost five and Rylie is tired and ready to go home. She goes looking for Beth to tell her she can leave for the day.

Instead Beth comes rushing into her office. "Rylie you need to come quick they found the Senator?"

Rylie looks up from her laptop at Beth's excited presence. "What?"

"Come down to the conference room, we've got it on the TV.   They found the Senator, you know the one that your sister was involved with, he's alive. They found him not far from here in his car asleep in a parking lot. They are taking him to a hospital. Come quick." Beth says running back out the office.

Rylie gets up and walks down to the conference room on the executive level passing Chace's office. She sees the people gathered watching the TV screen. She walks up to the door.

"Sick bastard, I wish they could drop him in a vat of oil and fry his ass. Ironic he was parked in front of a Women's shelter or it was planned by someone." Carolyn flippantly comments.

Rylie looks down the hallway at Chace's office door. It's still closed. She walks back down to it looking inside its glass enclosure.   Evelyn is gone home for the day. Chace's office door is partially open. She walks inside to the open door.

He's standing at the window, his hands in his pockets, his head is bent. She walks up to him putting her arms around him. "Was his being at that location in his car intentional?" She tilts his chin up.

"I can't answer that." He says to her and waits. She pulls him close to her hugging him. "It's alright lover, I know, it's alright. Thank you Chace."

"Let's go home." He kisses her passionately.

It's Friday the following week. Monique keeps pulling her dress down, she's nervous to go through the doors. Emilio is by her side. She looks behind her at a stoic Jackson standing with another detective by the door. It opens she goes inside and takes a seat but looks around for her family. Everyone she loves is present including her Aunt Katie. Jayson and Chace surprised her and Rylie.    Jayson stopped and picked her up on his plane on the way back from dropping Marquita off with her family. Her eyes focus on Randi sitting in her Aunt Katie's lap. She's chewing on a toy she got for her. Randi has brown hair like her mother and Aunt with her Aunt Rylie's big brown eyes. She sees her momma and starts to squeal as they come in the room. It makes Monique tear up.

She's barely listening as they go through the court proceedings. She tries her best to focus on what's being said but it's all a blur. She hears Emilio and the other attorney representing here's monotone voices. She's tired of fighting, so tired. The banging of the gavel drawls her out of her thoughts. She looks at Emilio poker face, then turns to see Rylie and her Aunt Katie crying. There are shocked looks on Chace and Jayson's face. Richard Braxton is holding his head down. Jackson is trying not to look at her to remain professional. Jamison is sitting in the corner of the court room. She sees him get up and bang on the door as he leaves it.

"What happened, she whispers to Emilio, tell me what just happened?" Monique has tears in her eyes.

**Thanks For Reading. (I hope you vote for the story)

I am apologizing for the time involved in updating. I have a family emergency I am dealing with soon after suffering being ill myself and as such have not felt like writing much. As I have previously explained. I don't want to cheat the story so I have written it when I have inspiration to write it. I have a day off work on Friday and will post the epilogue to end this story which of course will be the wedding. Sorry to frustrate so many of you but I am a private person as my right and I do not post my personal life on the internet.

Other Stories:

_The Way To His Heart

_Destiny Is Served

_Tiptoe Kisses

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