what is he to me? (kyoya tate...

By kagamineXlen

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shes known him since childhood they grew up together but kyoya left at the age of 8 to began training out in... More

character page
Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11 (finally!!)
chapter 12 ( the real one)
chapter 12.2
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

A merry Christmas to you Kyoya

582 13 3
By kagamineXlen

AN: this is a Christmas special chapter so enjoy. also this is on my phone so it's finally allowing me to update since my phone was a butt the whole break.


Ayano's pov

It's Christmas Eve and me, Madoka and Ayami are all up prepared to decorate.

"Dude the guys said they'd get up and help too. there so lazy." I said stating the obvious.

"Haha you got that right, though I wouldn't have expected Tsubasa to forget too." Madoka stated. I then stomped up the stairs pretending to be mad and stormed into Kyoya's room and pulled him out of bed. I then did the same to the other guys half of them slept in there boxers but I wasn't flustered with the other guys only when I saw Kyoya.

" hey whats the big deal?" Kyoya asked rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and walking out of the room still in only boxers.

"KYOYA! put your pants on!" i shouted flustered. causing all the girls to come up the stairs and all the guys to come out of there rooms, luckily the other guys had there clothes on.

" its Christmas eve baka get dresses." i chirped bopping kyoya on the head lightly.

"ok ok.. but I'm taking you with me." kyoya said, picking me up and putting me on his shoulder. he then walks into his room and sets me back down and lifts my chin so that I'm looking at him.

"w-w-what?!" i stuttered flustered.

"cute.' kyoya whispered his face tinted pink also. kyoya then leaned in and planted a soft kiss on my lips.

'k-k-k-kyoya!" i squealed louder then i intended.

"s-shush i just wanted.... to kiss you. ok?" kyoya admitted i looked to see his face still tinted pink and his eyes averted. i then looked down a remembered his pants.

"KYOYA!!!!! your pants!!" i squealed.

"o-oh y-yea" kyoya replied scratching his neck his face redder then before. he then went to the closet and grabbed his usual outfit.

"WHA! you can't wear that its Christmas eve." i shouted, i then looked in his closet and pulled out a white dress shirt with a gray normal jacket type vest, a red tie and a pair of jeans.

" here at least its a little fancy." i stated.

"Hey your not dress in fancy clothes." Kyoya noticed, picking me up again and taking me into my room.

" i don't need to be fancy!!!" i shouted, kicking and squirming in his arms.

" yes you do if i have too." kyoya said setting me down in the room the minute he set me down i pushed him out the door and locked it.

" hmm i think I'll mess with kyoya a little"

i grab my plaid flannel red dress shirt my black skinny jeans, my black beanie and lay it out. i put on the shirt and pants then mess with my hair to be a guy hair style. ( cause anime people can do that without cutting there hair ) then I put on the beanie.

" hehe if I look like a guy then he won't be a big pervert"

I walk out of my room and attempt to clear my throat. everyone turned to me and went wide eyed at my appearance.

" uh Ayano?" Madoka said.

" hehe- ehem haha" I laughed giggling like a girl at first but i cleared my throat and did my best manly laugh ( rofl this is funny to me for some reason ).

" oi gu-" Kyoya began as he walked into the living room but didn't finish his sentence when he saw me.

" uh....?" Kyoya simply said.

" ha- ehem i mean yo" I attempted my best manly voice which was terrible.

" .....hahahahah!" Kyoya busted out laughing and ended up falling to the floor, still laughing.

" .... don't laugh at me I have a perfectly good man voice" I said crossing my arms and turning my back to him, this time I spoke in my normal voice. I decided to actually get dress and ran back up stair into my room. I locked it again and took off my clothes and changed into my simple light blue dress and my matching flats. i pulled my hair into a long braid that laid over my shoulder, my bangs were braided above my forehead. i then realized we've wasted a lot of time and we need to decorate so I run out of my room to the end of the hall i go up into the attic and pull out Christmas boxes one by one. I stacked the boxes and then close the attic and take some of the boxes down stairs an set them down in front of the couch. once all the boxes are down stairs i sit down and everyone comes into the living room wonder what all the racket is.

" hey guys please please please help me decorate!" i beg and we all go through the boxes and began to decorate. i got creative and laid some lights along the back of the couch and tape them down. Kyoya and Gingka were working on the Christmas tree. Madoka and Ayame were decorating the kitchen. Tsubasa and Masamune were working on outside. i decided that we could use some Christmas spirit, so i put on some music, but since I'm not much for normal Christmas music since its always playing i put on some techno and alternative remixes of normal Christmas songs. i decide to decorate the door, i noticed Ryuga was randomly at the door and slams the door open smacking me into the wall i peel my self off the wall.

" ryuga why are you here?" Madoka asked everyone gathers around while i work on peel myself off the wall.

" i want another battle Gingka." Ryuga says looking only at Gingka.

" why you..!" i said finally off the walk i stomp over to him and pull his ear really hard.

" ow whats that for!" he shouted annoyed.

" you think you can walk in here and smack me into the wall just to ask for a battle?" i said irritated. i pull him by the ear outside. once outside i let go of his ear and kick his back, causing him to stumble forward.

" i refuse to allow a rude person like you to smack me into the wall and get away with it." i say crossing my arm and turning my back to his holding my head high , with my eyes closed.

" humpf" i mutter.

" your so childish" i heard Ryuga.

" WHAAAAA!!? how dare you call me childish!!" i shouted leaning forward flailing my arms around with a childish angry face.

" point proven." Ryuga simply states emotionlessly.

" WHYYY YOOOOOU!!!" i said beginning to stomp over to him everyone runs out and grabs me to stop me.

" grrr let me at him!!" i shout, still with childish angry face.

" no you can't hit him Ayano" Kyoya stated. i plop to the floor and cross my arms and make a childish pouty face. ( dat pouty face ----> )

" Ayano quit being childish" Kyoya said quietly.

" I'm not being childish hmpf." i stated keeping the pouty face.

"yea you are" Kyoya simply replies.

" no you are a baka" i said bopping him on the head. Kyoya makes a childish pouty face too.

" don't call me a baka." Kyoya mutters.

" hahaha" i laugh innocently and grab Kyoya's hand.

" your not a baka" i reassure.

" haha i know kitty" Kyoya stated, leaning slightly on me, our heads leaning against each others.

" you've tamed a lion Ayano." i heard Kyoya mumble, this some how made me smile.

"Ehem we are still here. Tsubasa interrupted our moment and me and Kyoya instantly let go of each others hand and turn our backs to each other blushing crazy.

"Awe that was such a cute reaction. You guys are so cute." Ayame stated and Kyoya glared at her for calling something he did 'cute'. Finally the day can to an end and we finished decorating in time and Madoka managed to make some food so we all got to eat.


POV Kyoya

The next morning I woke up and headed to the kitchen everyone was already up and eating breakfast or waiting in it. I walked up to the counter and grabbed a plate of breakfast eggs and bacon Madoka had just set there when she noticed me. Come into the kitchen. I walked to the table and sat next to Ayano and Masamune across from us was Tsubasa next to Ayame and Gingka. As i was going to eat a bite of my food i noticed someone come to the door. Everyone turned and looked to see who it was, it was Ryuga again.

"Ryuga why are you here AGAIN?" Ayano asked him immediately going to the door.

"....I don't know... Can I just spend Christmas with you guys?" Ryuga asked, which shocked me and the others.

"Fine... but no funny business." Ayano answered with her arms crossed.

"I have to go into town now though, so don't do anything without me." Ayano stated rushing out the door, before anyone could say anything. I then looked to the Christmas tree and noticed presents under the tree, at this I ran upstairs into my room and brought down the gifts I brought and put them under the tree. All my gifts were already wraps so I just placed them under the tree. I guess Madoka, Gingka, Tsubasa, and Asami saw what I did, because they all ran upstairs as well and brought down their gifts as well. Even Ryuga brought gifts and put them under the tree. While we waited for Ayano's return Madoka kept us occupied with fancy Christmas sweets and random conversation.

Ayano's POV

Since Ryuga was spending Christmas with us last minute I decided I'd go to town and buy him some gifts as well, it didn't take long so I was soon back at the B-Pit with the others. When I returned I stayed in the truck and wrapped the gifts then came in and placed them under the tree. It was the last of the gifts so we decided to get to opening them. We decided Gingka would pass out presents then he's be the first to open his gifts.

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