Stuck on the puzzle

By crumblewhenyoucry

23.8K 691 197

The probability of passing through life untouched by its darkness is too small to even feel the emotions that... More

Coffee, books and tears
Buffalo milk and egg yolks
Why were you late, anyway?
You drunkard...
Don't you worry, child...
Don't cry, okay?
For which I am thankful
You are always in my nightmares
Son of a stepfather
Love is a Laserquest
Very subtle
Happy 16
We are the Arctic Monkeys
You look cute together
I've missed you
Rough hands
Forgive us
I know she meant it
Hello Kitty pajamas
Your mother's eyes
Talking the same sh-
No regard for the cost
That night
Reckless serenade
Stuck on the puzzle
Author's note

I hell love you

629 22 0
By crumblewhenyoucry

"You look so handsome!"

Isaac was trying on a suit his stepfather bought him.

"I want to wear it on Friday."

"No objections. The girls will love you."

"I don't care about 'the girls'." He came to me and gave me a kiss. I think things are getting a bit wrong with us...

"You're not my boyfriend."

"I know."

"Why are you acting like this, then?"

"1: I am not acting. 2: You kissed me back last night(because you want me)."

"1:I don't want you.2: take your suit off, let me iron it."

"Fine. Suit off."

He started unbuttoning his shirt, revealing for the thousandth time his perfect abs.

"Staring, huh? I think I will need to take my pants off, too. If you want to iron the suit..."

"Stop being dirty, it's not you."

So I basically went up to him and kissed him again, my hands resting on his chest.

"Stop distracting me and let me iron your clothes."

"God, it's both hilarious and dramatic. You are so broken. Alex has torn you apart, hasn't he? You are acting so differently. 5 months ago, you wouldn't let anyone touch you, for nothing in the world. Now, you're all over me. I'm not saying it as a bad thing, I am just noticing. You need love, don't you? You need to feel loved. And you know I love you. I love you because you are my best friend. And I am just as broken as you are, just so you know. So don't believe I don't need love. But I don't think we can find the "lovers' love" in each other. We are meant to be just friends. But still, there are moments when I want to slam the fucking door and kiss you and make out with you. But I see your intelligent, innocent face and I realize:"I will break her even more". Sorry, I don't really know what one should understand from my speech. I hell love you."

"I hell love you, too. But just that."

"You got it... I don't want to be your boyfriend."

"Pretending I wanted to be your girlfriend, why wouldn't that happen?"

"Because our friendship wouldn't exist anymore and because I am going to break your heart."

"How do you know?"

"I just know myself."

From that moment, things became normal again. We stopped kissing and sexually teasing each other. And something new came around, too. Isaac was packing some shorts as I was ironing his shirt when he said:



"I love you."

"I love you too."

"I hell love you."

"I hell love you too."

"I hell hell love you."

I put the iron down and raised my head to face him.

"I hell hell love you too."

He smiled and continued to pack.


My phone starts ringing. I try to open my eyes and see who the hell is calling so early. Fail, I just pick up without looking.



"Isaac, what time is it?"

"6. Open the door."

"Are you fucking kidding me? You're at my door?! It's 6, for fuck's sake."

"Phoebe Phillis, open."

I hung up, exasperated. He said he'd pick me up at 9, not at freaking 6... I wanted one or two more sleeping hours... I almost dozed off again but some strong knocks made me open the freaking door.

"You will wake up the neighbors, son of a stepfather..." I mutter as I cross the hall.

"Good morning, Phoebe Phillis."

"If this is your way to make sure I am still alive, please go fuck yourself."

"Actually, this is only one of the reasons why I came here at this early hour."

"So, what are the other reasons?"

"I came to tell you I love you and... TO PISS YOU OFF!"

"If I weren't that sleepy I would punch your pretty face."

"I love you too."

"Now move your butt somewhere around here. I need to get ready... Eat something. And by the way, your hair looks great. And, as an overall appearance, you look like a man."

"Thanks, Phoebs. Your phone's ringing."

I went to fetch it and saw the name, a monkey emoji attached to the four letters. Alex. I denied the call and went to take out a black and white dress, took out the black sandals I bought with Haley and left them in my bedroom. The phone started ringing again.

"PICK THE FUCK UP, PHOEBS." Isaac shouts from the living room, his mouth full of food.

"I don't want to!"

I get in the shower and, after about an hour of scrubbing, hair styling(well, just straightening it) and slightly applying make up, I padded back to my room in just a towel.

"God damn it woman, are you ready? I've seen two episodes of The Mentalist so far!"

"Shut up." I yell back, putting on my dress. I spray some perfume, adjust my hair, put on my sandals, put on some earrings and a butterfly necklace and head out.

"Oh my holly molly... You... Your fucking phone's ringing again. Just pick up so that they leave you alone."

I was really pissed off with this. So I picked up.

"What do you fucking want?"

"I wanted to hear your voice again, even if you are not saying something particularly nice."


I hung up.

"Just so you know, Phoebe... When a guy like Alex who can get any girl he wants any time, day or night, insists upon contacting and seeing you after such a long time, it means he loves you." Isaac has figured out that it was Alex." Anyway, you look gorgeous, darling."

"Thank you." I say, frowning.

"Let's waste time now. Oh, it's eight thirty. We're leaving in half an hour."


I wandered around the apartment, taking care of Ben's needs, tidying my room. Isaac was sitting carefully on the coach, making sure he doesn't wrinkle his suit too much.

At 9,we were driving in Isaac's Cadillac, music loud, hearts light, faces bright. We were just teens. We thought we were immortal.


Haley greets us as we enter the yard. She had a beautiful light blue dress. Dylan was wearing a suit, too.

Isaac took the responsibility of making small talk. I looked around. I saw happiness and freedom and infinity and youth. Being a teen is some kind of conscious dream. It's like you have ecstasy in your blood. You are invincible. I see all these humans and I think about how they will grow up and have kids and see their kids grow up and than raise their grandchildren. I will be like that, too. Even Haley who is a mass of freshness will once be weaker. Isaac's hands will eventually start trembling on the keys. Dylan will start being tired. All these people here will die. Who knows... Some might die of cancer, some might die in car accidents... Others will be surrounded by children and grandchildren. Others will die alone in a flat in the outskirts. But right now, we are all free, happy and untouched by the worries that come along with adulthood. We don't see the future, we don't know our destiny. But now, we're at a point where our destinies meet. Here are strangers. Some are dying on the inside, others are simply melancholic, some are excited, others are relieved... But for a reason unknown to any of us, we gathered here today, to breathe the same air.

"Good morning everybody!" Our principal's voice reaches our ears through the microphone. Isaac and I sit next to Haley and Dylan, on the left side of the yard. Some foldable black chairs had been neatly arranged on two sides. It looked as if we were at a wedding. Our principal talked for a while about how our high school is the best from Ireland and that there are pupils who also come from England to study here. And so the awarding festivity started, with Isaac and I:

"As I have just said, we have two pupils from England. Their story will really make you happy. They were best friends in childhood. And even if one of them had to move in Ireland with his family, that didn't tear them apart. Faith wanted them to come together again. And so their friendship goes on. They have wonderful and inspiring stories and their abilities... Are infinite. I would like to present you the Sheffield so-called brother and sister, ladies and gentlemen! Phoebe Phillis, Isaac Martin, come here!

Isaac got up first, buttoned the middle button of his suit coat, as I taught him to do when he gets called, gave me his hand and pulled me up. He offered me his arm and I wrapped my left hand around it. We walked in a fast pace and climbed the three steps that led to the stage. Everyone was clapping enthusiastically and the school's orchestra's members were whistling. My class mates were on their feet, clapping loudly. Even the guys Isaac used to spend time with during lunch cheered along. Dylan and Haley were screaming their lungs out.

"Quiet, energy!"our principal shouted."It seems that many of you are familiar with their story. Here comes the part when they get to shake hands with me and take their diplomas from this year. Ladies first, Isaac.."

Isaac nods approvingly, smiling towards the principal. I could notice some cute girls hyperventilating when they saw him looking at them for a second. I glanced at him and he was all smirky and manly.

"Phoebe Phillis, class 10 L. 16 years old. Left Sheffield when she was 14, breaking her family's heart. She survives without them? Of course she does: 1st prize at the Writing and Interpretation national contest, as well as at the English olympics. She chose to study an extra language this year, while other students skipped the possibility of choosing an extra class. She chose Italian. Even if she is a beginner, she obtained the third prize at the advanced section of the national contest this year. She doesn't take pride in what she does, so I had to hear from Isaac Martin that she has also written her first book."

My heart started beating faster. How come Isaac told that to the principal? Everybody was cheering again and I looked at Isaac who was clapping satisfied of what he has done. I gave him a faint smile. In the crowd, some freshmen were whistling me, scanning my entire body. The principal gave me the diplomas and we shook hands; he than petted me on the back.

"Phoebe, don't leave your brother alone on the stage here. Now, Isaac Martin, ladies and gentlemen! Especially ladies!"

A giggle formed in the crowd. I laughed at that comment a bit, too. Isaac arranged in an attractive manner his black bow tie, making all the girls almost faint.

"Isaac Martin is 'mono parental', let's say. His father died when he was 7 and he moved shortly afterwards in Ireland with his mom and stepfather. However, the changes in his life did not stop him from becoming a complete artist. He will be one of the greatest pianists in a few years, I'm betting on it. 1st prize at the national piano contest, 2nd prize at music history, 1st prize at the French olympics."

A great round of applause exploded. I clapped too, making room for him to step closer to the principal and shake hands with him.

"And, the icing on the cake! You all know about the international experience exchange project organized by Reader's Digest publishing house. Your colleagues here have been nominated according to their results at contests in this 'artistic' field. Writing is art, art is color and sound. Boys, I know you would have wanted to get to know Phoebe better this summer, but she will be with Isaac in America. Same with Isaac, ladies. Maybe next year. Thank you, children. Come back with beautiful memories."

Me and Isaac got off the stage hand in hand and the next ones to be called were Dylan and Haley. Dylan won prizes at architecture, arts and physics. Haley was very proud of her achievements in chemistry, psychology and drawing. Me and Isaac sat back down to our places and applauded everyone who got called on the stage. We know how many things you have to sacrifice in order to be in the tops.

After an hour or so, the festivity came to an end. I am thankful to Haley for her idea:

"Let's take an epic picture. Let's have someone take an epic picture of us."

Jessica, the ex-girlfriend of the hockey team captain, was just passing by. She was great in photography and Dylan asked her to take a picture of us. She thought of a scene to pose in and so she gave us some indications:

"Dylan and Isaac should be on one knee. Behind the two of you, Haley and Phoebe. Girls, lean down from behind on them, your hands on their shoulders, as if you are drowning them in a pool. Boys, you have to smile from one corner of your mouths, as if you're making fun of the girls."

"But I really feel like making fun of them! They're ridiculous! They are to weak to 'drown' anyone!" Isaac says, making us burst into laughter.

Jessica then took the picture. We thanked her and wished her a happy holiday and than gathered to look at the picture. Isaac's right hand was resting on his knee, while the other one was in his trousers pocket. His face was literally 'laughing out loud'. My hands were pushing down his shoulders. A huge smile across my face. Dylan had a hand on Haley's and the other one, on the knee, just like Isaac's. He was laughing, too. Haley was grinning whole-heartedly, her head slightly bent down to look at Dylan. To mine and Isaac's left, a beautiful beige marble sign read: Kingston High School, Dublin. In the background, the main entrance could be spotted.

"Jessica's talented, no kidding." Haley said, delighted. "I want this picture right now, let's go develop it."

And so we found ourselves waiting for the pictures to develop. One for everyone. Meanwhile, Haley and I were picking some frames for the photos. We decided upon black ones for the boys and white ones for us.

Before going home, Isaac and I had a long goodbye moment with Haley and Dylan, mainly because we would only see them again in autumn... And secondly because we felt good in their company.

"Take care, lioness..!" Haley whispered as she hugged me tightly. "Love you."

"Love you too, take care."

"Bye, Phoebe, watch your back out there. Nah, don't worry you got Isaac." Dylan said, hugging me.

"Take great care of Haley for me."

"I will, don't worry."

"God, people! Why are you so sentimental?! There's skype!" Isaac says, throwing his hands in the air.

"It's not the same thing, dummie!" Haley scolded him, giving him a hug. "Take care of Phoebe."

Isaac nodded. Dylan high-fived Isaac and hugged him with one hand, smiling at each other.

"Byeeeee! Call us when you get there!" Haley says, waving as we got into the Cadillac.

We waved back and headed to my place.

"I think I'll miss them." Isaac says, breaking the awkward car ride silence.

"You'll definitely miss them."

We entered my flat, I changed in some short jeans and a tank top and Isaac changed in some jeans and Tee he always had in his car. He always had a set of extra clothes beneath the driver's seat. Don't ask. He always has awkward things. We planned to pack my bags after the festivity. His were almost ready, his mom just had to wash the suit he wore today and iron it(and some underwear, too) and than just zip the luggage up. I didn't even pull the bags out of the wardrobe.

"It's gonna be a long day..." Isaac says, taking down from the upper shelf three big trollers and two smaller bags, sighing.

"I love you too." I laugh, sticking my tongue out at him.

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