There's A Thin Line Between L...

By Loves2Shop

4.3K 84 47

Brooke fell in love with Lucas when they met at camp, but was too scared to tell him so instead she introduce... More

Happy Birthday To Me!!!
Trying To Advoid The Guilt
Admitting My Feelings Towards Him!!!
How She Broke Rachel
Subsiding My Feelings
I'll Do It!!!
Sneaking Around!
You Were Never My Friend!!!
On The Hunt For You
Everything Is So Complicated
Naley Moment
Jumping Through Time

I Didnt See This One Coming

244 4 4
By Loves2Shop

We were going to the cabin tonight for the weekend, but I had to see Peyton. I have given her 5 days to cool down and clear her head. I walked down the side walk towards her apartment building. The same building where she and Lucas had shared together. I walk up the few steps and stare into the building.

Just 5 days ago I was walking out of this building after having a huge fight with Peyton. I push the double doors open and stalk towards the elevator.

I was now standing outside the door and my body went cold. I had a bad feeling about this, but I know I have to do it... I have to get this over with before we leave for the cabin at 4:00 this afternoon.

I bring my hand up and tap the door three times and then I wait. I could literally feel my heart pumping through my body. This girl was one of my bestfriends. We did everything together and the thought of us losing her hurt me. I know what I said to her was all true, but she was still my bestfriend and no matter what I said I don't want to lose that.

I look at my watch... I've been standing there on the same spot outside the door for about 5 minutes now and I got no answer... so I knock another three times and wait for a response. I then heard movement on the other side of the door and listened as the door knob was turned and the door slowly opened and there stood Jake, Lucas's bestfriend from school a towel wrapped around his waist. He stared at me for a moment and then his eyes widened "Brooke..." He says my name like it was going to scare him.

"Babe is that the food?" I hear Peyton ask... I look pass him and at my blond ex bestfriend Peyton. She looks up and her eyes lock onto mine and if you could see her face... it was priceless "Brooke..." She breaths out my name. I glare at her and shake my head turning around and going to walk away.

She was breaching about me being a bad friend when she's sleeping with Lucas's bestfriend from school. She claimed to be upset and hurt, but she wasn't... not really... she was sleeping with Jake this whole time... I just know it from both of their facial expressions "Brooke... wait" I heard her call after me "Brooke"

"You know..." I stop and turn to look at her "I came here because I felt hurt and bad about what I did to you and I wanted to apologise again. I wanted to just talk and see if we could talk this out, but here you are sleeping with Jake" I nod my head over at him and shake my head again "You went on about how I was such a bad friend and how I was such a bad person, but in reality you were just the same as me. So tell me Peyton"I step closer to her and cross my arms across my shoulder "How long have you been sleeping together because I know this isn't a one off"


"How long Sawyer?" I question narrowing my eyes at her

"Since the long weekend at the cabin when you and Lucas couldn't make it" She tells me

I grasp "So there's you cheating on Lucas, but yet you throw him out and get mad at both of us knowing you're not exactly miss innocent" I give a small laugh "You're fucking unbelievable Peyton, but you know what I'm done and for good this time" I then turn around and go to walk away.

"Brooke... please... Brooke" She called after me and once I was half way down the hall I stop at the elevators and press the button on the side and wait for it to come up then I turn back to Peyton.


"I don't know what to say" She mutters wrapping the night gown she had on tighter around her body.

"You don't need to say anything to me anymore Peyton" I tell her with a small shrug. I was defeated. I actually thought we were friends... I know I hurt her, but I thought maybe just maybe we could talk it out and work on the friendship that was swimming around us when I was in her apartment, but I guess I was wrong... I guess I was really wrong "Just talk to Lucas okay"

"I'm sorry" She whispers, but I could read her lips so I knew what she had said.

"You know what's funny?" I say as the elevator doors open. I ignore it and stare at my former bestfriend "None of us liked Haley back in school mostly you and Rachel, but yet you was a friend to her more than you was to me... how does that work I wouldn't know, but that doesn't matter because I'm officially done with this" I twirl my finger round between us "This friendship I guess is officially over" I then walk into the elevator which was still open.


I hadn't been really talkative since I got back from Peyton's and packed the rest of my things for the weekend. Turned out we were going for 5 days because everyone booked time off work and Lucas called ahead to my boss and she agreed for me to have some time off because the fashion magazine I work for had let this month's issue out and I wasn't needed until the end of next week. I didn't even respond then I just nodded with a fake smile and packed extra clothes.

We were now outside the cabin and Lucas grabbed both our bags and headed up to the room that was mine. It was weird being here with him after everything that happened... After actually being able to be with him. I turn around and look out into the open at the trees.

The wind was blowing gently through the air and my mind was twirling around in my head and I didn't know what to do. Do I tell Lucas about Peyton and Jake or do I not say anything and act like I didn't see anything. I was his girlfriend and I was meant to be there for him so what do I do... Someone please help me here.

"Are you okay?" I was brought of my thoughts and saw Rachel standing beside me "You haven't said a word since we picked you guys up"

"I went to see Peyton today" I tell her. My bag drops from my shoulder "I went to settle things with her... I wanted to air things out and I was ready to have a full out fight with her... I was ready for anything she was going to throw at me, but I wasn't ready for what I saw" I sit on the step and place my bag in between my legs "Now I don't know what to do Rach... it had only been 5 days and yet she was sleeping with him... out of everyone and now I don't know how to tell Lucas"

"Okay Brooke... I'm confused" She says and I turn to look at her again "What happened?"

"Peyton and Jake" I run my hand through my hair and give out a loud sigh "Peyton and Jake... They eh... They've been sleeping together"

"Wait... What?" That wasn't Rachel's voice. My head snapped up and I was looking at Lucas. He was standing behind us between the door frame. I wasn't sure how long he had been standing there, but my heart dropped just by the look on his face. He looked broken and I didn't know how I could make this one better... I don't think I could make this better "What?" He says again and I instantly stood up Rachel following me.

"Lucas" I mutter taking a step towards him "Baby"

"Wait... What!" He just stood staring blankness at me. My heart was breaking for him. His facial expressions tugging at me "Peyton and Jake... How long?"

"Since that night we spent together when they were down here" I tell him with worry in my voice "I'm sorry"

"Its fine" He brushes it off "Come, Nathan and Alex are cooking" he takes my hand and I take one glance at Rachel as he drags me into the cabin and towards the kitchen. He wasn't fine. Anyone that knew him would be able to tell that Lucas wasn't fine, but he doesn't want to talk about it and I know that so I'm just going to leave it and approach the subject later.


"So are we going to talk about this or you going to keep acting like it doesn't bother you" I ask as Lucas and I walk into the room we'll be sharing "His your bestfriend and she was your fiancée"

"I'm not acting Brooke" He tells me taking off his shoes and putting then beside the bed "It doesn't bother me"

"You can't lie to me Lucas" I state putting my hand on my hip and tilting my head to the side "Now please talk to me... let it all out"

"Brooke..." He says my name as a warning like he was warning me to stop pushing, but if he knew me at all that isn't what I was going to do.

"No Lucas" I narrow my eyes at him "Just talk to me"

"Okay fine" His shirt was now off and he turned to face me and I didn't like the look on his face. Why was he looking at me like that? "You want to talk okay then let's talk" My hand dropped from my hip and I felt scared. His tone of voice isn't one I've heard before and my heart was beating against my chest. Where was he going with this?

"Lucas..." I just about get out, but he interrupts me. His eyes showing nothing I've seen before.

"Peyton is sleeping with Jake and you want me to talk about it" He says and I don't think I'm breathing. Okay I am breathing otherwise I'd be dead, but my heart hadn't stopped beating at this point I think it's going to burst out my chest "And we were not there because we were together and now you want to talk about it"

"Lucas I didn't..."

"No you didn't" He states and I felt tears prick my eyes. Was I seriously about to cry? I just stood there staring blankly at him. I didn't know what I was meant to say. I as lost for words. One minute we were good and now his looking at me like he hates me... Why was he looking at me like that? It's not like this is my fault "My fiancée was cheating on me and I was with you so I guess I know what it feels like to be cheated on huh Brooke"

"Lucas... I'm sorry... I-I..." My voice trailed off. No more words would come to me. My whole mind had gone blank and he was still looking at me like he hated me. What the hell is going on?

"If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be feeling like this right now" He muttered, but I don't think I was meant to hear him say it because he wasn't looking at me anymore. He was now facing the bathroom door. He actually blames me for feeling like he does... It wasn't my fault and I know that, but to hear him say it broke me... I gave up a friendship for him and this is what I get... I just wanted to make it better for him, but now I feel worst. I feel like a bitch.

"What is that suppose to mean?" I ask a sob escaping my mouth "You... You actually blame me" I watched as he instantly turns round and looks at me "I fought with Peyton because of you and your kissing ways... I broke my friendship because I love you and here you are yelling at me and telling me this is my fault... well I'm fucking sorry Lucas, but I didn't expect this okay. I didn't see this one coming and I don't want you to hurt, but this isn't my fault" I then run out of the room and down the hall heading to the door and I was out in the woods crying like the baby I feel like.



She wasn't mean to hear that... she wasn't mean to cry. I wasn't mean to make her cry. None of this should have happened. We were meant to come here and get Nathan and that girl Alex together, but instead Peyton and Jake ruin everything and my heart dropped at the sight of Brooke and her broken voice as she ran out of the room. I was a jerk. The biggest jerk going and I made the girl I love cry.

I don't know what happened. I just feel hurt a little and I didn't mean to lash out at her... it was just... I don't know. She kept pushing me and I know she was doing it because she didn't want me to hurt and bottle it up, but I really didn't want to talk about it.

So my bestfriend is sleeping with my ex fiancée and it started when Peyton and I were together... So he hadn't called me yet to tell me the news and so I want to rip his head off and feed it to the shark that I will find... That doesn't make me want to talk it over. I just want to bury it, but Brooke was right. I can't just act like it doesn't bother me when it clearly does. I snapped at her for god sake and I told her it was her fault.

Shit! I'm a jerk face!

I run my hand over my face and through my hair letting out a loud frustrated sigh and then I heard my phone ringing on the bed side table. I grabbed it and saw Peyton's name flashing. I pressed ignore and let it go straight to voice mail. I didn't want to speak to her. I needed to speak to Brooke. I needed to find her and I needed to find her now.


I sat on a large boulder I saw once I stopped myself at some waterfall deep into the woods. I watch enough horror films, but yet I head straight for the woods anyway, but the only good bit was the sun was still up so I'm guessing it was maybe just past 7:00 in the evening. I brought my knees up close to my chest and rested my arms on them. I looked out to the waterfall and watched as the water flowed.

I never knew this was even here. It was nice around this part of the woods. You had purple and pink flowers at the bottom of the green with Daisy's and buttercups. I remember when I was in middle school and I use to make Daisy chains at recess. I loved making Daisy chains.

"I'm sorry Pretty Girl" It amazed me how his voice could bring me out of my thoughts. I didn't say anything to him I just kept looking over the waterfall and rested my chin on my arms. I felt him sit down beside me. His body heat radiating off of his body.

I loved him being this close to me. It did give me so much comfort and I felt better being this far into the woods now that I know I had him with me. Yeah I was still mad at him, but I didn't like being alone for so long "Pretty Girl" He says the nickname he has for me again and when I don't reply he puts his hand on my knee. I feel tingles, his touch sending electric shocks throughout my body "I didn't mean what I said Brooke. I was mad okay and I know I suck and I'm a jerk, but I love you and I'm sorry"

"I just wanted to make everything better for you Lucas" I tell him in a small whisper that I know he heard because he replies.

"I know you did baby and I appreciate it. I do"

"I didn't want this to happen Luke" I decide to look up at him. A tear visible in my eye "I didn't know that was going to happen and I'm sorry your hurting"

"I'm not hurting Brooke" He moves a piece of my hair from my face "I was, but I'm not anymore" He was telling the truth. I'm glad he wasn't hurting anymore which means I'm not hurting too. I love him and he loves me and that's all I care about "I realised that yeah they hurt me, but I have you and I really don't care what they do. I hate that it started when me and she were together, but hey what I did wasn't any better so I'm sorry baby girl and I promise you this time I'm not hurting anymore"

"I love you Broody" I lean in and kiss him lightly on the lips

"I love you too" He says giving me light smile.

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