Its A Kind Of Magic (Previous...

Af GalaxyDefender1201

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(Previously known as 'Deciding') Jess is your average college girl. She's quite pretty, has a bright future a... Mere

Chapter 1: The Boat Ride
Chapter 2 - Morning Selfie
Chapter 3: New Kid On The Block
Chapter 4: Date time Cupcake
Chapter 5: One Question, One Argument
Chapter 6: Making Ammends
Chapter 7: Party Pooper
Chapter 8: Jacks POV
Chapter 9: The War Zone
Chapter 10: Second Chances
Chapter 11: Party Planner
Chapter 12: The Dress
Chapter 13: Jacks POV
Chapter 14: The Birthday Party
Chapter 15: Jacks POV
Chapter 16: We need to talk
Chapter 17: True Pain
Chapter 18: I'll be ok
Chapter 19: Little Monkey
Chapter 20: The Best-ish Time Of Year
Chapter 21: Christmas Day
Chapter 22: Your secret is safe with me
Chapter 23: Punishment
Chapter 24: Mouldy Pumpkins, Frappes and Sleepovers
Chapter 25: New Years Eve
Chapter 26: Jacks POV
Chapter 27: Goofy smiles and Good News
Chapter 28: Long Time No See
Chapter 29: His True Home
Chapter 30: Brotherly Love
Chapter 31: Phone Conversations... with who?
Chapter 32: Big Fatty Blobby
Chapter 33: Hide and Seek
Chapter 34: Confessions
Chapter 35: You need some TLC and to get ready to KTA!
Chapter 37: Jack's POV
Chapter 38: Jack's POV- Oh Wise One Danny
Chapter 39: Not To Toot My Own Horn
Chapter 40: Jack's POV
Chapter 41: Mash Potato
Chapter 42: Mothers Know Best
Chapter 43: I'm Not Stupid
Chapter 44: Those Cliché Moments
Chapter 45: Humpty Dumpty
Chapter 46: Pretty Girls
Chapter 47: I Understand
Chapter 48: This Was Going To Be Brilliant!
Chapter 49: Finally Becoming A Reality
Chapter 50: The Summer Dance And The Case Of The Missing Lipstick
Chapter 51: The Date
Chapter 52: No Strippers
Chapter 53: I Missed You
Chapter 54: The Wedding
Extra #1
Extra #2
Extra #3
Extra #4
Extra #5
Important A/N on Deciding! Sorry Not An Update
Extra #6
Officially The End
⭐️Some News!!⭐️

Chapter 36: Can't Live With Them, Can't Live Without Them

39 4 1
Af GalaxyDefender1201

I lay in bed. Just thinking. Or crying. Sometimes both. This is what my routine has been like for days. Its been a week since I found out and it still stings. Less so with the Tom situation, more so with the situation regarding Jack. I still can't believe he would do this to me.

Beth, Izzy and Harriet had been round a couple of times. I missed college everyday this week and I have to say, I miss it. As much as I want to, I can't. Because they'll both be there. Pathetic I know, but I just don't feel ready. Its Saturday now and my Dad keeps pestering me, saying I need to go back. He also I should get over Tom because he never liked him, but the annoying this is, I did. Uggh men. What do they know?

I was dragged out of my thoughts when my phone started ringing. I checked the caller ID and saw that it was Danny. He'd come around once in the past week and it was nice. Danny was like a brother to me. Clicking the green accept button, I put the phone to my ear.


"Jess!" Danny cheered down the phone.

"Hey Danny, you okay?"

"Yep" he said popping the 'p'. "What you doing?"

"Nothing much" I replied.

"Correction, you are now"

"Why, hat are we doing?" I was quite excited. I hadn't done anything with just Danny in a long time, and it would be nice for us to do it again some time.

"We're going to meet Callum and his fiancée" I froze. Jack's brother? I asked the inevitable question.

"Is he going to be there?" I spat, venom evident in my voice.

Danny sighed. "Jess, Callum is his brother. Of course he will. Callum really wants you there, he would have asked you himself but he didn't have your number"

"I... I can't Danny" I whispered.

"Come on Jess. You don't even have to speak to Jack" even his name drove daggers to my heart. "He will just be there. Please Jess, you need to go. You're like a sister to Callum and I'm sure his fiancée would like to meet you, bearing in mind you kept him in check for years. Always setting him straight if their Mom wasn't there to do it. He'd be crushed if you don't go" I smiled at the memories. He was right. It was always Beth and I who would tell the boys to behave. Especially Callum even though he was 5 years our senior. I sighed. Could I do this? Would seeing him make me break even more than I already have?

"I don't know-" He cut me off.

"Please Jess?" I could just picture Danny and his puppy dog eyes.

"Okay fine. What time and where?" I relented.

"One O'clock. Wear something smart and don't worry, I'll pick you up"

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah why not? I'm sure you'll be needing to drink more than me anyway" I laughed.

"Thanks Danny"

"No problem. See you in a bet Jess, love you"

"Love you too Dan" We hung up. I looked at the clock. It was 11:20. So I had just under 2 hours to get ready.

I had a quick shower, and dried and straightened my hair. 12:33.

I rushed to find something to wear, eventually deciding on a pair of pale denim skinny jeans and a cream coloured, chiffon blouse with a silk bow on the front. I put on a small layer of foundation under my eyes to try and cover up the redness from where I'd been crying and then I added a small amount of mascara and a dark shade of red lipstick. I grabbed my white ballet flats and a small matching across the body bag and I was done.

When I heard the door bell ring I ran downstairs and said good bye to my Dad.

"Oh you're finally going out then?" My Dad joked.

"I'm going to meet Callum's fiancée"

"Oh. Who was at the door?"

"Danny, he's picking me up"

"Oh ok, well have fun" I nodded.

"I'm sure I won't" I muttered to myself. I opened the door and saw a smiling Danny.

"And the beast awakens from its hibernation and leaves the cave, venturing into the wild once again" Danny said in his best David Attenborough impression.

"Ha dee ha ha" I respond sarcastically.

"Sorry, come on lets go" We walked down my garden path, when it dawned on me.

"Wait Danny, you don't drive"

"I know. That's why I got a taxi" he shrugged. Laughing, I followed him to the awaiting taxi. Danny told the driver the address and drove off.

"So what is her name again?" I asked.

"I think its Elizabeth" Danny said.

The rest of the journey consisted of Danny cracking jokes and me laughing. It was safe to say I hadn't laughed this much in days.

When we arrived my stomach felt like it had been filled up with hyperactive, tap dancing butterflies. The nerves kicked in and I wasn't sure I could face him anymore.

Danny seemed to sense my apprehension and gave my hand a gentle squeeze in reassurance. I gave him a small smile and then hopped out of the taxi while Danny paid the man.

When he joined me, he took my hand and led me up the long pathway of an unfamiliar house.

"Where are we?2 I asked.

"This is Callum and Elizabeth's house" he said with a smile. It was lovely. It was a decent sized white house, with shutters on the windows and ivy and roses scaling the front of the house. It looked so romantic. The garden was surrounded by a white picket fence. Cheesy I know.

Danny pushed open the small gate and led me to a pale brown door. He knocked a couple of times and eventually a petite, brown haired woman opened it.

"Danny? Jess?" We both nodded. "Oh we've been expecting you. Come in, please" She ushered us in and we both entered. "I'm Elizabeth, but call me Lizzie please" She said excitedly.

"Okay, nice to meet you" I said graciously.

"Hi Lizzie, good to finally meet you. I've heard great things" Ugghh what a charmer! I giggle internally and rolled my eyes.

"Same here" she replied.

"All good things I hope?"

"Well you can hope" she said and winked. Danny blinked and looked stunned. This time I burst out laughing. "Anyway come on. Lets go see everyone else" she gestured for us to follow her into a room off to the right. Oh great!

When we walked in everyone stared at us. Beth smiled and waved, Callum came over and gave me a hug and Jack... wasn't there. I noticed Callum's mom stood in the corner talking to, two older people. Lizzie's parents?

"Hi Jessy Bear" Oh wow, we're back to the nickname he called me when I was 5. Great! "I'm glad you came"

"Hi Cal"

Beth ran over to me as soon as he'd left my side.

"Hey babe, you okay?" She wrapped me in a hug.

"Yeah thanks" I glanced around the room, scanning for someone.

Wait, I don't want to see him!

"He isn't here yet" Beth said dragging me out of my thoughts.


"Jack... he isn't here yet" she said.

"I wasn't... looking... for... him" I said sheepishly.

"I know you we-" someone knocked the door. "Oo, looks like he's here" she shot me a sympathetic smile and walked towards Danny.

I made my way over to Claire.

"Hi Claire" I sent her a feeble smile.

"Oh Jess, hi! Have you met Lizzie's parents?"

"No I haven't. Hi I'm Jess"

"Hello, nice to meet you Jess. I'm Carl and this is my wife Samantha"


"Hello" Samantha said. Then the door opened and Jack came in. Everyone turned to look at him.

I internally gasped when I saw him. He looked thin, and had big dark circles under his eyes. His usually thick and luscious hair seemed lifeless and dull. Overall he looked like shit.

Then I realised I was probably the reason why. He seemed devastated when I ran away.

I mean he did just profess his love to you and you ran off!

A voice in my head said. Oh shut up me!

He glanced around, giving Danny a nod, Callum too. He smiled at Beth, and hugged his Mom. But over her shoulder our eyes met for a few seconds and I could see the hurt in his eyes.

I couldn't take this anymore. It had been only a few seconds and I could already feel my heart constricting.

I had to leave. I bolted past everyone and into the hallway. I felt a few tears fall down my face. Where was the garden?

Eventually I found it and made my way outside. I found a wooden bench and sat on it, placing my head in my hands.

Why did things have to mess up so much?

Life is what happens to you, when you're busy making other plans.

A saying I remember Dad saying to me when I was little. And this is a prime example of that.

Eventually I'll get over what Tom did, but I don't think I can ever get past what Jack did. He was supposed to be my friend, my best friend. And he kept something this big from me. What hurt the most was, that he thought I would believe Tom over him. I've know Jack a lot longer, of course I would trust him more.

He was just a stupid fucking boy!

I heard the door open again. Please for the love of all things holy, don't make it him.

"Hey" a delicate voice said. I looked up. Lizzie.

"Hey" I sniffled.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine" Liar!

"Are you sure? You didn't look fine in there..." I shrugged. "Did something happen between you and Jack?"

I nodded feebly, feeling my eyes well up again.

"What happened? If you don't mind me asking. Gosh you've known me for ten minutes and I'm already nosing in your business"

"No it's fine don't worry"

"So what happened?"

I told her everything that happened. She nodded in places and shook her head when she disapproved.

"Men!" She sighed. "Can't live with them, can't live without them"

I nodded in agreement. "True dat. Do you think I'm overreacting?"

"Not one bit. If that happened to me I would kick the guys ass" I chuckled.

"Sorry but can we not talk about his anymore? I need to stop crying"

"Of course. I'm sorry, my bad!" Lizzie said. Gosh she was so understanding. She was really pretty as well. She had short, shoulder length brown hair, blue eyes and was just a bit small than me height wise. Her skin was a perfect mixture of tan and pale and if she was a little taller she could easily pass as a model.

"So how'd you two meet?" I asked changing the subject.

"Oh well we were in this bar and..." we continued talking for a while. She was really kind and I felt like we'd been friends for years.

Eventually Callum came looking for us. He said we should come back in before the food ruined. We both went in and I helped her with the last minute food preparations.

We were having lasagna with a few chips and garlic ciabatta. She poured me a big glass of red wine and I took a large gulp. I set the table with a little help from Beth and then we served everyone their plates.

The lunch conversation was okay. Occasionally I would join in, but for the most part I sat quietly, munching on my food. Jack however stayed silent the whole time. I glanced at him every so often. I even caught him looking at me once or twice.

After lunch we sat in the living room, talking about the wedding.

"So have you set a date yet?" Samantha asked.

"Yes actually we have" Callum said.

"We decided August the seventeenth" Lizzie replied.

"Oo how lovely" Claire cooed.

"And we have another couple of announcements to make" Lizzie continued.

"We have chosen some very special people to take more important parts in the wedding" Callum said. "So without further ado, Jack I would love it if you would be my best man"

Jack looked up and smiled but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Sure man. I'd love to" he said.

"Any Danny, I would like you to be an usher" he continued.

"Thanks Callum, I'd be honoured" they shook hands.

"Now I've only just decided this but... Jess, I feel like even after just a couple of hours we've known each other for a while. So I would love for you to be my Maid of Honour"

I was genuinely speechless. I smiled and nodded. Eventually I found the words. "I would love to, thank you"

"Great and Beth I would love for you to be a bridesmaid also"

"Of course. Yay, thank you"

The rest of the afternoon continued like that. We spoke about the wedding, Jack and I exchanged awkward glances now and then.

It just felt strange. Me not talking to him. Him not talking to me.

But I can't forgive him.

A/N Hiya guys, the pic above is Lizzie. Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment.


Love to you all ❤️❤️❤️

B- Xx

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