I Found You

Von KayleeMarta

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Annabelle and Isabelle are two very different girls, they are also twins. When their parents were in a car a... Mehr

I Found You: Prologue
Time To Go
Let's Go
Let's Talk
Lessons To Be Learned
Time to Party...or Not.
This Should be Interesting
Fights, How Fun
Let's Eat
So...about your sister.
Let's take a Walk
Confessions Part 1
Confessions Part 2
Running Away
Time to tell
New Relationships
First Dates
Not Accepted
Broken Promises Part 1
Broken Promises Part 2
I Love You
Reach for Hope
Wake Up
Secrets & Pasts
Moving Forward
Starry Night Prom
The Letter

Didn't see this one coming

1.3K 15 0
Von KayleeMarta


I stood outside, dribbling the soccer ball back and forth as the hot sun bled through my shirt and into my skin. I aimed for the net angrily. I briefly swung my leg back and then pushed it forward with as much force as possible. The ball swiftly pushed into the net and I let out a breath I hadn't realized I had been holding.

Why was Ashton mad at me? I don't remember doing anything to upset him so he has no right to be a jerk to me. He knows I have a short temper better than anyone so why the heck would he go out of his way to piss me off?

"You know, it's better to have an actual goalie." I heard a familiar voice. I turned around to come face to face with Jace. I hadn't even realized he was standing there. I scowled and turned back around to retrieve my soccer ball.

"Look," he sighed. " I'm sorry if we started on the wrong foot." I just kept walking to get the ball. When I reached it I took it on under my foot and swiftly kicked it up and caught it in my hands. Too furious to even look at Jace, I began to walk away.

Jace jogged out in front of me and I stopped. "Why do you hate me?" he questioned. " I don't hate you,"

"Oh good because I-"

"I just don't like that you exist." I finished, cutting him off. He scowled at me and I smirked.

"What do you want?"

"To talk to you. I just think we got off on the wrong foot." I looked at him incredulously but his blue eyes full of sincerity made me calmer.

"Fine. Just don't be a butt-head and all is well." I said, pointing at him menacingly. He nodded happily. He extended his hand and signaled for me to take it. We shook hands, "Nice to meet you Freckles, I am Jace Matthews." I laughed and smiled as this time, when he called me Freckle's I didn't mind as much. "Nice to meet you Dip--" I cut myself off, "Jace." I quickly corrected. He laughed this time and I couldn't help but stare. It was a soothing laugh, a sincere laugh

He was still holding my hand when a question popped into my head and I ripped my hand away from his. "Hey did you see if Ashton is out yet? I really have to talk to him." I explained. Jace's eyes suddenly turned a cold blue. I looked at him questioningly but he just sighed and shook his head.

"Why do you have to talk to him anyway?"

"Well he's been avoiding me and he's mad at me so I'm going to ask him why. I hate it when Ashton gets mad at me." Jace nodded slowly and I pursed my lips at him. "So how's your sister?" he asked me as he began to take a hold of my soccer ball. "Uhm she's good." I responded, unable to understand why he asked the question. Oh goodness if he likes Annabelle too then there are going to be some issues with his brother.

He began to dribble the ball around and passed it to me. "Do you play soccer?" he asked me. "No I just like carrying soccer balls around and going to random tryouts." He snorted a laugh and I smiled at him. "Sarcasm: a mans best friend"

"And woman." I added.

Suddenly I spied Ashton staring at me and without hesitation I began to run toward him, leaving Jace behind. Once I was close enough to Ashton I could see that he was still furious. "Still mad at me I see." I pointed out. He looked away and began to walk. "Ashton!" I yelled as I took a hold of his arm. "Why are you mad?"

"Why are you ignoring me?" he retorted. I gave him a questioning look. "Don't worry, I see you have new friends. I don't want to be a bother." Oh so that's what this is about?

"You're mad at me because I'm actually making friends?" I exclaimed. "Whatever." he muttered. I felt my blood begin to boil. "No it's not whatever! You can't possibly be the one telling me not to have friends because for years you urged me to have them!"

"I meant girl friends! Not stupid guys!" he shouted back. "And why can't I have guy friends? Why!" I yelled as I turned around so that he wouldn't see how aggravated I really was.

"You lie. So much." his words hurt but I kept my stance. "First of all, you go around faking what you're not but now, now you're trying to befriend other people. And you know what, you're going to hurt them." he growled. A tear escaped my eye and I whipped around ferociously.

"Well if you feel that way then just don't be my friend! You obviously don't think I'm a good person so whatever!" I was about to leave when Ashton took a hold of my arm. Ashton was right, all I do is hurt people and I shouldn't, I know I shouldn't.

Suddenly Ashton engulfed me in a hug. "I'm sorry." he muttered. "I was just jealous." I began to cry full on and shook my head. "No you're right." I tried to leave but he just cupped my face and cleared my face of tears.

"No I was just" I cut him off, "No you obviously don't want to be my friend." I stated, attempting to leave again. He held me tight and looked at me intensely. "No I don't want to be your friend." I let out some tears and pushed his hands away. "I know." I looked away but he made me look at him again. I closed my eyes so that I wouldn't have to look at him.

Suddenly I felt warm lips pressed against my own. I opened my eyes to see that Ashton was kissing me. I stiffened but didn't move. He finally pulled away. "I love you." He whispered. "And I don't want you to think I'm gay anymore, I just didn't want to scare you away." he muttered. A new round of tears began spilling from my eyes. Ashton was about to kiss me again but I swiftly turned around and ran as fast as I could and as far as I could, leaving Ashton by himself calling after me.

What just happened? Ashton had lied to me about being gay? How-why would he do that? He told me he loved me. How can he love me? Why would he love me? He's right, all I do is hurt people because I'm afraid I just hurt him pretty badly.

I let the tears stroll down my face as I ran toward the locker room to retrieve my things. I hurriedly changed into my sweats and proceeded to leave. I decided to wash my face in the bathroom because I didn't need Annabelle worrying about me.

Just as I was about to leave, the big ball room with the centered piano caught my eye. I longed to play but could I get in trouble? Haha, Annabelle is rubbing off on me because I really don't care if I get in trouble. I quickly set my things down and dashed for the piano.

The keys begged me to play them and I longed to tap the keys to produce a harmonic sound. I sat down cautiously and began to play Jace's melody. I didn't trust myself to sing so I just played. I know he hadn't finished an I spied his sheets of music onto of the piano. I grabbed them and began to scribble down the last notes that I had incorporated. I hope he likes it.

I sighed heavily and got up, still thinking about Ashton. I decided I should go back to the dorm so I could go out to eat dinner with Annabelle. Should I tell her what happened though?


I walked back to my dorm, still wearing the smile I had on from earlier. I decide I was going to walk down into the little town and do some shopping and call Isabelle down to meet me for some dinner, but first I need some money.

I walked inside my room, throwing my book bag on my perfectly made bed. I looked over to Isabelle’s bed and the covers were all over the place. I let out a sigh and walked over to make them. I saw a blue unopened envelop lying on her bed. I picked it up and held it in my hands for a second.

I know it would be rude to open something that isn’t mine, but curiosity got the best of me. I open the envelope and pulled out a folded piece of paper. I unfolded it and read: Hey Isabelle want to do lunch? <3 A.

A? Who could that be? I thought for a second and then it came to me, Ashton. How sweet. I placed the note back inside and put it on her desk. I quickly made her bed and left another note telling her I went out shopping and to call if she wanted to get some dinner. I grabbed my wallet and shoved my phone in my pant pocket.

I walked outside and was met with a gust of California wind. The sun still shined brightly over my head as I made my way down the sidewalk and into the town. It was a beautiful night with people out sitting under trees, laughing, talking, and eating.

As I made my way into town, I saw a flower stand and I made a mental note to stop and get some on my way home for my vase. I passed dozens of stores, but didn't go into any of them.  I passed a cute antique store and decide to go in and look around, I had nothing better to do. I walked in and the scent of old wood came swarming around me.

It was a cute little store with porcelain dolls, old tea cups, and toys from the 60’s. I found my way over to where the jewelrey was placed on the counter. Sitting behind the counter was a lady, who looked to be about 70. She had curly shot white hair, and bright blue eyes that reminded me of Chase’s eyes. She had glasses hanging around her face, and a smile that would comfort anyone.

She looked at me and smiled sweetly and said, “What can I do for you sweet pea.” I smiled back and answered, “Oh, I’m just looking right now. But thank you.”

“Well then just let me know if you need anything.” I started looking through the necklace on the holder when the lady spoke again, “That’s a beautiful locket you are wearing, if you don’t mind me asking but where did you get it?”

I hesitated for a second and responded, “I don’t really know, my parents gave it to me when I was really little. My sister has one just like it, except different initials.”

“Well they truly are beautiful. Say how old is your sister?”  Man this lady was very nosy. I gave her an odd expression, and spoke “uh-“ she cut me off with a slight chuckle. “Oh my I have done it again, going around sticking my nose in other people’s business.”

I shook my head, “No it’s okay. Me and my sister are twins.”

“Well isn’t that the darndest thing, I have a twin as well, and two twin grandsons.” Her eyes light up and she held up one finger signaling for me to wait one second. She reached down under the counter and pulled out two identical bracelets.

It was a silver bracelet with blue and green jewels intertwined into the bracelet. It had a heart shaped charm with 'Always Sisters' written on it in cursive and on the other read 'Forever Friends.' They were beautiful, and I knew they would be perfect for me and Isabelle.

“They were me and my sisters, before she passed away, and now it’s too hard to wear them. I would like you to have them.” She held out the bracelets for me. “Oh no I couldn't possibly take them from you.”

“Yes you can, and I want you to. What’s your name?” She asked sternly. “Annabelle, Annabelle May.”

She gave me a sincere look, “Look I really want you to have them. You seem like you and your sister are really close, and I have no one to pass these down to.” I gave in and held out my hand and she dropped them into it.

I put mine on and it really was beautiful. I placed the other in my pocket for Isabelle. “Thank you!” I said with a bright smile on my face. She smiled back at me and that’s when I heard him. “Grammy, where do you want these boxes?” Chase asked as he stepped out from the back door.

He looked up and his eyes met mine. He dropped the box on the floor and breathed “Annabelle.” This kind, caring, generous lady was Chase's Grandma? Wow this is one small world. “Chase, be careful with those boxes!” she yelled at him.

His face turned bright red and I let out a little chuckle. Chase muttered “Sorry” and picked up the box and began to walk over to where we were standing. Chase’s grandma rolled her eyes. So far I like this lady.

“What are you doing here?” He asked in a somewhat confused tone. “Just doing some shopping. I should ask you the same thing, don’t you have soccer tryouts?”

A smirk formed on his lips, “Do I sense some stalking going on?"

“What? No! I only know because Isabelle was trying out. And trust me you're not that great to stalk.” Chase raised an eyebrow, “Says the girl standing in my Grandma’s shop.”

“In my defense I had no idea she was your grandma.” I argued, his grandma spoke up. “Alright enough fighting, Chase you are free to go, I’m going to close up soon anyways, and Annabelle best of wishes putting up with this one at school.” Chase’s jaw dropped all the way to the floor and I let out a laugh, “I will try my best, and thank you again for the bracelets.” I waved good-bye as I headed out the door, Chase right on my heels.

“What do you want Chase?” I asked sounding annoyed. “I want to apologize for everything; I want to start over, fresh and new.” I was shocked by what he said. “Well we can start over but I still won’t like you.” I said flatly.

Why couldn’t this guy just leave me alone? He gave me one of his famous smirks, “Well then I will just have to try extra hard to change that.” I had to look away because I could feel my cheeks reddening.

“Good luck with that.” I said sarcastically. He let out a chuckle and replied “Thank you. I will see you around Riding Hood.” I watched him pass me with a wave. He suddenly turned around “Oh and to answer your question, I was let out early of try outs to help my grandma, since I am one of the captains of the team. And with that said, I bid you a good day Miss May.” He ended with a bow and I couldn’t contain my laughter.

As I walked down the street, window shopping, my thoughts began to wonder. Chase was the first thing that popped into my mind, and this time I didn’t push him out of my thoughts, but just let my mind wonder.  Chase Matthews somehow you found a way under my skin…I command you to stop, for that it is not so easily done.

Q/A: What will Isabelle do about Ashton confessing his love for her? Does she love him back? Will Annabelle ever like Chase? And what about his Gandma??

Hey guys, it's Kaylee! I just wanted to say sorry for that uploading last night, somethings came up and I couldn't finish my part, I am truely sorry for it! Hopefully this chapter will make up for it...im sure Ashtons big confession shocked most of you, it shocked me for sure!:)

****8 days until school is over!! (This should make everyone happy)

Best wishes to our readers!:)


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