Tutoring EXO ( EXO fanfic )

By ncttrash

239K 10.9K 2.4K

Past that door will he the boys who will be deciding my future. My future? I have it all planned out. It's l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapters 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Edit Update...
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Edit Chapters... Pls...
Tagged Thingy
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55 (END)

Chapter 17

5.7K 260 206
By ncttrash

(Kris's POV)

"Now our plan is ruined!!!" Ji Won's eyes sparked with electricity, but I know deep down that she wanted to cry.

Ji Won and I aimlessly roamed around the city now that the engagement party has ended.

"I told you the boys are going to sabotage us one way or another." I said.

"Of course. I just never expected it would take this quick." Rubbing her hands together, JiWon sighed. She was in an unstable state,  but even through all the seriousness I can't help but to stare at her.

Don't take it the wrong way. I just really wanted a suit made to look like her galaxy dress. Maybe it'll happen one day. How come they make her a galaxy dress, but not me! I get a plain old boring white suit instead.

"Now how are we going to make Lay believe that we're actually going to get married!" JiWon bursted out, "Then, he's never going to get jealous. Then, he'll never realize that he actually loves me. Then I'll never be able to be with him, and I might just grow up like my old man. Alone forever, always thinking about my first love! ~LAYYYY!"

Rubbing the side of my temples I let out a sigh. This girl is a major migraine, "Woman he doesn't love you! MOVE ON!"

Women are a mystery...

No matter how much I discourage her she never backs down.

Ji Won crossed her arms then stuck her tounge out, "That isn't true!"

As her eyes moistened my temper softened. Without thinking, the question I've always wanted to ask escaped me, "How are you so sure he still loves you?" The atmosphere became heavier, as the light in her eyes dimmed.

Finally a tear fell down down her cheeks as she whispered an unsure, "I'm not... I-I don't know..."

With that, her final tear fell as she harshly rubbed her eyes. She sat up straight with a fierce expression on her face. "You told me you'd go along with this plan so as a leader you could help at least one of your members. You're not backing out."

And now she's back to annoying.

You know, let me remind you. Lay is a humble guy, but at times he's too humble thinking he doesn't deserve any better so he never fights for himself. No matter how bad the world treats him he gladly sits back accepting reality. He isn't a coward, but sometimes he needs that extra push to help him become bold. He needs to fight for Ji Won. I know it'll help him and the boys.

Lately, he's been so distanced and depressed from everybody else that it just became too weird. Whenever we would try to talk to him he goes on a rant about how sad life is! It was stranger than his usual, strange self. I knew that letting Ji Won go will be his biggest regret of his life.  I needed the old Lay back. This was the only reason I agreed to help this woman, not just because I wanted to fulfill my role as a leader.

If only this woman was a guy I ought to...

"Well, I think this is doing more harm! Now all the members despise me!" I yelled even though we were merely a seat apart.

She shook the topic off, "None of that matters now. What matters is that girl that ran off with Lay at the party. Who is she?"

I smirked, "Why? Jealous?"

She scrunched her brows to glare at me. Truthfully I didn't see Lay at all. Everything just happened so abruptly.

"Well, why don't we personally go up to him and ask. DRIVER TURN THIS CAR AROUND!" I yelled.

She then reacted as soon as she realized what was happening, "NO! We can't! He's gonna reject me again! Kris!"

For the rest of the ride I ignored Ji Won's constant nagging. I knew that she really wanted to talk him. She's just holding herself back.

We drove to the first place that came to my mind. Lay usually retreated to an old worn down ramen shop whenever he needed alone time. Just as expected, they were there. All the members stood outside with their ears peeking through the entrance of the restaurant eavesdropping.

When they noticed our presence they all scattered composing their selves trying to look innocent.

"Gege..." Tao started.

I looked down avoiding their eye contact.

Then Suho started to speak, "End whatever you're doing. Lay is hurting. You know that."

I looked inside seeing Lay talk with no soul. He was with a girl.


I looked back at the members, "If you trust me then you should just watch, but why do I feel like none of you do?"

"It's not like that!" Xiumin instantly interrupted.

Luhan then added, "We just don't want the members to be falling apart like this."

Tao finished, "Kris, how could you do this to Lay?"

Ji Won followed behind me, cautiously observing both Lay and Minhye. The members turned silent as they attentively watched her walk forward into the restaurant.

Her shoulder stooped low lacking the confidence she usually showed.

Ji Won was the type to hide everything on her mind. Her actions were irrational and she barely puts any thought to her words, but she doesn't mean any harm. She actually cares for Lay better than any of us do. Lay just stood in the shadows perfectly content without the light so we really didn't understand him. He'd always hide it if he's struggling, but Ji Won knew everything about him. She knew him so much better than us. She was his other half.

Throughout our fake engagement she talked about the many stories of Lay rejecting her. Stories of Lay serenading her. Stories of Lay breaking her heart. Nevertheless, she still talked about him whether about good or bad.

Woman are a mystery...

Lay continued to cry for a while, but four quiet words lured Ji Won to walk forward even more. The words Ji Won has probably been waiting for all this time, "I still love her..." Though it was said in a quiet whisper the meaning was loud enough to touch everyone's heart. When she got near them she continued to wear her poker face but instantly broke after a measly second. She raised her arms hiding her face in her elbow. She just stood their crying like a five year old. When I looked around, although there were only five customers, everyone's attention was brought to them.

I was about to drag her out to save her from any embarrassment, but Minhye beat me to it.

She wrapped Ji Won in a tight hug, and unexpectedly started to cry louder than everybody else leaving others dumbfounded.

She started wailing, "Pleeeaase don't cry!"

Look who's talking....

Then she continued, "There is a man who loves you! Both of you need to talk. Now! Uahhhh! This is sadder than the kdramas I watch!"

Without any warning Ji Won started to laugh.

Tears and laughter? She must be a mad woman.

Women are a mystery....

All at once Ji Won wiped all her tears smiling warmly at Minhye.

She took a breath returning to her usual perky self, "Thank you! Lay must be so lucky that he found a girl like you. Maybe now I can move on in peace..."

Minhye shook her head flustered, "No! That's not it at all! We're barely even friends."

There was a minute of silence as the gears of Ji Won's mind started to turn.

Ji Won slowly nodded her head trying to stop the smile that's edging in on her, "If that's the case..." She marched up to Lay grabbing his hands, "Let's go! That girl says a man loves me. Come with me and help me find him."

Lay was once again dragged by Ji Won's headstrong personality. In a split second they disappeared.

All the members now turned to me. I shrugged, "I brought her here, and now she's heard what she wanted to hear. Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

"So this is what you've been waiting for?" Suho asked me.

My head bobbed a sincere yes, "Who else is going to help that unicorn fly?"

All the members smiled in delight hugging me all at once.

Tao started crying, "I thought you were gonna leave us."

Then Suho added, "Why did you keep this from everybody else? You should have asked me to help. You know very well that unicorns don't fly!"

They don't? Aish! Whatever...

Everyone else was left to applaud after watching such a touching moment. Even the measly five customers who was in the restaurant was clapping on the verge of tears.

The only odd one out was Minhye who still hasn't stopped crying.

I was about to walk up to her, but Chen and Xiumin beat me to it.

"Why are you crying?" asked Chen.

Xiumin put his hand over her head as if she was a child, "This is a time to be happy. You just helped a troubled couple."

Through all her blubbering she was able to speak, "It was just so touching. The both of them must've suffered a lot because of those unspoken words."

"You're so emotional!" Chen teased.

Minhye continued to wipe her tears, "Is this why you guys were totally out of it the past week?"

Xiumin smiled, "That day when we completely ignored you was actually the time we received the engagement party invitations. We thought Kris was actually going to marry Ji Won, but turns out he only agreed to help Lay."

For a split a second I felt her eyes fall on me, but her attention was stolen by Chen who kept teasing her, "The others just watched you cry like a little baby. Heh!"

She then started to hit him playfully while Chen played along saying "Ow" to every blow he received.

His teasing definitely worked though. Minhye had already stopped bawling.

I was about to walk away once I was assured that she was fine, but then our gazes connected once again. I tried averting my eyes, but then she suddenly started to smile like a fool.

That smile...

I have a strange feeling it's going to bother me from now on...

After realizing that I've been observing her for way too long I was finally able to walk away. I needed to go. Now.

Women really are a mystery...

There's just one more thing left I had to take care of.

I raced back to the car finding a man in his glasses. Short, and skinny always looking through his laptop. Let me introduce you to Ji Won's manager.

When I entered the car, I ordered the driver to lock all the doors, definitely giving the manager a scare.

I wore my most villainous expression sitting myself down directly next to him, "So I heard you've been the one who's been failing my members and I."

I sat up using my height once again for intimidation, "Do you know what happens when someone messes with my members?"

I watched him cower in his seat now trembling like a little kid. He started whimpering, "I-I only did it for Ji Won-ssi. I didn't want to see her in a such a sad state. Do anything to me! Just please don't tell her...I-I don't want her to hate me... Please..." His last word quivered.

I sat back down to think.

So it wasn't Ji Won who purposely made us fail?

All he wants is Ji Won to be happy.

I looked back at the manager, "Well, you don't have to fail us anymore. You got what you wanted. I'm sure that crazy woman will find her happiness in that unicorn."

I exited the car breathing in the cool, night breeze.

I guess I played everything coolly. I became the hero of the day, and I defeated the evil master mind. Now, maybe I could ask one of the members to buy me that galaxy suit. That would be awesome!

Anyway a lot happened, but the most important lesson I've learned today is "Women are a mystery...

If you want to support the story visit my ko-fi page: https://ko-fi.com/trulyasolomon

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