Archons of the Elite

By Anomaly8187

40.3K 1.5K 361

Waking together on a bus the archons of anemo, geo and electro find themselves in a world not of their own. W... More

Character summary
A new World
The bus
Please be a dream!
Bards can be troublesome
The aftermath
An archons ambition
Tears of a bard
S.S- Games night
Vol.2: Prologue
Vol.2: Reuniting with a stranger
Vol.2: A scene forged in anguish
Vol.2: Consequences
Vol.2: S.S Voices
Vol.2: Forging bonds
Vol.2: Shattered Pride
Vol.2: Broken memories
S.S Too much to drink
Vol.2: "I Focalors~"
S.S Gamers
Vol.3: Prologue
Vol.3: Befriending your insanity
Vol.3: The Sperenza
Vol.3: The calm before the storm
Vol.3: Significant scenery
Vol.3: False rewards
Vol.3: The meaning of freedom
Vol.3: The perfect counter
Vol.3: A gyaru's rollercoaster of emotions
S.S: To challenge lightning itself
Vol.3: The friend you barely know
Vol.3: As the pieces fell into place
S.S: Friends and Foes
Vol.4: To challenge the gods
Vol.4: Pawn to E4
Vol.4: Karma's a bitch
Vol.4: The Zodiac Exam

Vol.4: The game begins

262 12 2
By Anomaly8187

Venti POV

What the fuck was happening?

Every moment since I'd left my bed had been full of calls and messages, the murmuring of students filling every corridor despite the time. I mean who's even up at seven on a break?

Still, I can barely believe that Kiyotaka of all people had done this. Maybe he was working with Nagumo? Or at least had a deal with him like I do?

"Did ya hear? Some class D loser is vice president of the student council."

"Yeah I know right? Maybe if it was Kushida or Hirata I'd understand but who else could have done this?"

"How'd you think he did it?"

The voices trailed off as I kept walking, Haruka noticing me before running over.

"Venti what's going on? Kiyotaka joined the student council? But how?" Her rapid fire questions leading me to quieten her for a moment before I answered.

"I have no idea." I murmured, my overly cheerful personality muted as I considered everything I knew. "But I'd like to find Kushida before we discuss this properly."

"Ah fair, yeah she'll probably know something."

We continued to walk down the surprisingly crowded halls of the Sperenza, snippets of conversation filling our ears as we went.

"Do you even know who that is?"

"I mean he's gotta be important surely? Maybe he's really smart?"

"I don't know... I've never heard of him."

A few minutes later we turned down a corner to find Ayanokouji and Kushida talking quietly, whatever dealing they had finishing as we arrived.

His girlfriend looking up at him with a face alot more serious and planning than I was used to, though the words she uttered were such a contrast I barely expected them.

"Do you still want to be my boyfriend?" Her voice alot less uncertain than you'd expect.

I quickly covered Haruka's mouth to stop her from speaking, this was far too important to miss after all, though the smirk on her face as she licked my hand was equally annoying.

I'm supposed to be the annoying one ya know?

"Sure. But it's probably best we get things straight. I know you see this relationship just as I do, and that's fine as long as once your finished with it you don't turn on me. Understand?" His voice a dull feeling, the normally cold and pragmatic words numbed within the monotone speech.

A small nod came from Kushida before her smile brightened and the normally cheerful voice was returned.

"But remember this little experiment is off if you take someone else, part of a plan or otherwise."

With this she began to walk away, me and Haruka moving quickly to avoid being spotted, though a nagging feeling told me Kiyotaka was fully aware of our presence, not that he seemed to care.

The unspoken agreement to not approach either right now lead to us moving towards the café.

Despite her bubbly personality I had the feeling Haruka was falling apart a little, her friends personalities seemingly a facade and the group she'd been in since the start of school seeming to collapse overnight.

If only that wasn't so true.

Ichinose POV

A light smile crossed my face as I relaxed on the chair, the boy in front of me one I'd barely talked to, someone who was effectively a ghost even in class D.

Until this morning that is, despite his newfound fame he still stood calmly in my kitchen as he boiled a cup of tea for the both of us, time ticking slowly as we became lost in thought.

"Any sugar?" He asked, only slightly raising his voice to be heard over the cooling kettle.

"Three please, I'm in the mood for something sweeter today." My response earning a short nod before he returned to the room, passing me a cup before sitting on my bed.

"As much as it's nice to have company you did mention you wanted to talk right?" My sentence ended with a light blow as I cooled the tea that had just burnt my tongue.

"Yeah, there's two things we need to discuss, the first being Vice president Nagumo."


A short silence filled the room as I pondered my response.

"Is this about my position as first year representative?"

The cautious wording enough to give me room to maneuver the conversation.

"Partially. On one hand you suit the role, on the other I could never believe that president Horikita would accept you."

The words dug into my heart as I heard them, the frustration in my heart bubbling a little.

"Nagumo told me that Horikita is biased towards class A, I was lucky someone as benevolent as him took me in."

"Horikita didn't accept you because of your inability to consider the underhanded plans of your opponents. Not because you were a part of class B." The immediate shut down of my point annoying me further.

"I refuse to fight like that." The words leaving my mouth harsher than I'd intended, the cold tone making me feel awkward as soon as I uttered it.

"So does Horikita, and yet he's class A. The difference is he can deal with it, you don't even consider it."

Ugh, I hate how accurate he is there, I'm a little irritated I didn't put this together myself...

"Yeah, I suppose you're right. But then why would Nagumo bring me in? I still have the same faults."

He seemed to pause for a moment as he observed me.

"Perhaps he wants control over the first years? Or maybe it's something else. Regardless I doubt his intentions are altruistic."

I considered for a moment, the annoyance I had at the boy vanishing as I listened more objectively.

"I'll be careful, we'll be working together after all from now on, I suppose the least I could do is listen to your advice."

The shift in demeanor grew gentle within an instant, the guarded feeling I'd had vanishing as his prying eyes returned to a calm gentleness I'd associated with him.

"Well, it's about that actually. After we return to the school I'll be joining class B, and I fully intend to try my hardest."


"Wait how are you going to do that? Twenty million is an insane amount of points, one you can't reach without your classmates."

He leant back slightly before speaking again, the words that followed leaving more questions than answers.

"If possible I'd like class B to provide 10 million points if I can prove I'm capable. Completely winning the next exam for class D should be enough. The other half will be fine, I can get that."

~Well, isn't this entertaining~ The normally teasing voice within me replaced by a sharp and focused one that only occasionally emerged, now clearly being one of those occasions.

~I'd recommend you take this offer, it's your choice though, so don't blame me if it goes wrong~

"It's a deal" I said with mock confidence, the hesitation in my voice likely more than a little obvious. After all Yae did things for her entertainment, for all I knew she just wanted to see what he'd do, even if it was bad for our class.

I did however pause for a second before continuing.

"I need to know how you'll get the points though. I can't risk my classmates becoming affected if you've broken the rules."

A small shrug was all the boy gave before giving in and speaking.

"There goes the mystery." The normally joking words a little confusing due to his general lack of tone. "I have a deal with the student council president. If I can prove myself as worthy of my position against Nagumo he'll give me the points and let me stay as vice president."

"And if you don't?" My words cautious as I dug for information, him going against Nagumo? Why?

"Then I'll likely have been expelled, that seems to be how Nagumo operates."

The reaction I gave must have been one of revulsion from the way his head tilted slightly.

Why must everyone be so cruel in this competition?

Despite my feelings I leant back in the chair out of frustration, before yelping in an entirely childish manner as the back gave out and I fell to the floor, a hand finding it's was behind my head right before I landed.

"Ah, sorry about that, Venti damaged the back by trying to ride it down the hall, I should have mentioned that." His look of, concern?, morphing as I began to laugh, a genuine smile taking over my face at the rather abrupt change in mood.

Deep in the back of my mind however I heard a soft laugh from Yae at the revelation that such parts were moving behind the scenes.

Even if it wasn't my thing I had to admit I was curious aswell. But right now I was happy to spend time with my future classmate.


Hey! Sorry for the general lack of updates, college is taking alot of time and I'm in the last stretch of my final project so hopefully you'll get more after that's done.

Regardless I hope you're enjoying these chapters and enjoy the increase in pace.

I don't intend for Venti and Kiyo to stop being friends but I'm not decided on whether any other characters will have changes of opinions towards eachother so who knows what'll happen.

Either way I hope you're having a good day and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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