Of Immortals and Men | COMPLE...

By _Sirius

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A tragic love story, about a werewolf who lost everything and a girl with no place amongst the humans, set in... More

Introduction to My World of Immortals
Prologue The Black Night
Chapter 1 The Legend of the Wolf
Chapter 2 Unbound
Chapter 3 A Cry for Pride
Chapter 4 Escape
Chapter 5 Under the Night Sky
Chapter 6 Tragic Pasts
Chapter 7 The Stirring
Chapter 8 Alpha
Chapter 9 To Be Human
Chapter 10 Big Brother's Watching
Chapter 11 Remnants
Chapter 12 My Sanctuary
Chapter 13 A Game of Chess; Dance of the Wild Melody part 1
Chapter 14 The Queen's Capture; Dance of the Wild Melody part 2
Chapter 15 Checkmate; Dance of the Wild Melody Final
Chapter 16 Revelations
Chapter 17 Blackbirds
Chapter 18 The Rarest Thing in the World
Chapter 19 Redemption of the Emancipated
Chapter 20 Without You I Would Be Nothing
Chapter 21 In Between
Chapter 22 So Long...
Chapter 23 And It All Goes On
Chapter 24 Goodbye and Hello
Chapter 25 Conviviality
Chapter 26 What's My Age Again?
Chapter 27 Alone Together
Chapter 28 The Rising Tide
Chapter 29 Feel Alive
Chapter 30 Don't Let Her Go
Chapter 31 She Lives in a Fairy-tale; They were Goddesses part 1
Chapter 32 She Lost Herself; They were Goddesses part 2
Chapter 33 The Choices She Made; They were Goddesses part 3
Chapter 34 A Goddess's Resolve; They were Goddesses part 4
Chapter 35 Never Let Me Go; They were Goddesses Final
Chapter 36 Fade into Darkness
Chapter 37 A Clouded Mind
Chapter 38 That's How the Story Goes
Chapter 39 St. Peter's List
Chapter 40 Pain Demands to be Felt
Chapter 41 He's just a Student
Chapter 42 Lost Innocence
Chapter 43 The Pact and the Prejudiced
Chapter 44 By Your Side
Chapter 45 Love and War
Chapter 46 Decisions
Chapter 47 A Million Tears
Chapter 48 Hearts that Hurt
Chapter 49 Screams that Sound the Same
Chapter 50 Stay With Me
Chapter 51 Graduation
Chapter 52 Like a Paper Cut (part 1)
Chapter 54 The Echo of Power
Chapter 55 They of the Storm; The Second Black Night part 1
Chapter 56 Immortals; The Second Black Night part 2
Chapter 57 The Burning of a Thousand Miles; The Second Black Night part 3
Chapter 58 Invincible; The Second Black Night part 4
Chapter 59 A Fire in a Lonely Town; The Second Black Night Final
Chapter 60 Resolve
Chapter 61 The New Divide
Epilogue Life's Like This

Chapter 53 Red Thread, Paper Cut (part 2)

117 6 0
By _Sirius

Chapter 53

Red thread, Paper Cut

Part 2

"You held it all, but you were careless to let it fall."

~Linkin Park~

Ellen-Mia stood with a solid stare in a dark forested area, watching a blonde haired woman wearing nothing but a light blue gown. The woman was obviously human, and she was knelt before a pond of crystal clear waters. Her eyes were shut, and Ellen-Mia could clearly hear her prayers.

"Please, my lord, send me your angels. Not for me but for my loved ones. Let no evil befall over their heads, for they are innocent. Protect my child, oh lord. From the grasp of darkness."

"Mommy look, the lights are back!" When the young voice echoed throughout the night, the human woman stood and faced the child who stood a good distance away.

She smiled at him and then looked at Ellen-Mia.

"Honey, there are no lights. We went over this." It was then that Ellen-Mia noticed that the boy was pointing at her.

In slight surprise, she turned to analyze the young one. He had scruffy black hair, a very deep shade with light brown eyes. His torso was bare and small, like that of a young boy. He wore knitted brown pants with symbols etched into them.

It didn't take long for Ellen-Mia to understand that he was of a tribe, making the mother a part of it as well.

"It's almost as if the Fates want me to exact my revenge."

As the events kept unfolding, Ellen-Mia noticed the presence of another being. This one was completely vile, but it was nothing she couldn't handle. The humans, however, were another story.

"This one..." she paused, as she watched a very old, very brittle looking individual emerge from the shadows of the trees to address the human woman. "Is not human..."

It was a disgusting sight. The old man's hair was falling right before their eyes, and his nose dripped and oozed phlegm uncontrollably. His eyes were red with countless cataracts and his skin lagged on his archaic bones. Some of it even chafed right off whenever he made a motion-though they were only the slightest of movements, for his back arched over his form, preventing regular footsteps.

"Who are you?" the woman asked, turning to face the man while trying to conceal her son's form with her body.

"Don't you recognize me?" he lifted the one arm that held his walking cane, making dry skin spread off of it.

Pointing the stick towards the blonde lady, he spoke again. "Of course you don't. See what that bastard of a wolf did to me? Your husband cursed me into this. He made me age!"

With one gasp, the human woman lifted her hand to her mouth as if taking in the repulsive sight of the man for the first time.

"Ez...Ezekias...Sirius spared you. Why must you come back for more?" she tried to reason.

"More?" the man yelled, feeling infuriated. "I would have rather die than live like this!" and before anything else could be said, he opened his mouth that turned grey and let out his tongue that came to life.


"Mommy! Look at the light it will protect you!" the voice of the little boy chimed in again, making the woman turn to face her son.

"Exsavior, run! Run and tell daddy!" but before she could make any movements towards him, blood splattered.

Ellen-Mia watched as the old witch sucked the life out of the human, and as she did, her body remained still.

She could not move or do anything to protect the woman, making her realize that it was not within her powers to do so. The Fates brought her down for someone else.

The boy...

When the mother began to fall limp to the ground, her eyes came in contact with Ellen-Mia once more.

The angel stood, her cascading hair flowing within the mystical wind as an observer, and the human woman, all life being separated from her body, started to plead. Her blue pupils, turning dark, teared as they clashed with Ellen-Mia's electrical green eyes.

"The light...I see...protect him please, my baby," she whispered it, like a prayer-allowing Ellen-Mia to move freely from the spot she was in.

The angel flew with a graceful flight, never once breaking her sight from the old man who was now rejuvenating his figure.

Within a matter of seconds, Ellen-Mia stood before the frightened boy, who was paralyzed and still. He saw how the tongue came flying in his direction when it was done with his mother, but it never reached him.

Ellen-Mia easily repelled it with her aura, sending it back to the old man. It wounded him considerably when the tongue latched itself onto one of his eyes.

During his blinded rage, Ellen-Mia wrapped her wings around the boy and warped him away to safety. She put him to sleep and laid him down in a haystack that was piled up in a corner of one of the tribe homes.

Looking at the young boy, she remembered how he was able to see her with little efforts.

"I'm sorry, but my presence here must never be known," she whispered, touching his forehead with her index finger and erasing everything that he had witnessed.

When this was done, Ellen-Mia sighed, feeling her body start to lose its grip on the World of the Living. She realized that her mission was completed after fulfilling the prayer, and now her return was imminent.

But did she really want to return?

It wasn't as if she had a choice, but if only she did.

Ellen-Mia always wanted to explore the World of the Living, for it seemed to be much vaster and a lot more interesting than her own world.

When her body began to turn into the lights from before, Ellen-Mia prepared herself to go back to the Celestial Realm. However, right before she vanished, she noticed the tribe natives rushing out of their homes. Most likely, the woman's death alerted them.

The men ran out in nothing but pants that were similar to the young boys, but what really shocked Ellen-Mia was what happened after they took to the forests.

Their bodies shifted and transformed into enormous wolves.

"Lycans...," she gasped the word in shock, as she looked back at the boy before seeing the skylight of her bedroom again.

Everything was still and untouched, as if she had never left which didn't surprise her. It wasn't the first time she had traveled into the World of the Living after being summoned with a prayer by a believer, but it was definitely the first time she was tasked in saving an Immortal rather than a human.

Nevertheless, the deed was done, and there was no questioning it.

The dawn of the morning for the Celestial Realm came swiftly; everything went on as it should. With the bartering merchants selling their trinkets and the angels making their rounds, nothing seemed to be affected by yesterday's attack.

Nathanael never came back, and neither Zachariah nor Elias seemed to take the time to check up on her. Ellen-Mia wasn't really bothered by it, more because all of her thoughts were being consumed by her visit to the World of the Living.

Sitting on the resting cloud that faced the outside of her window, she bore a lost look-her eyes mixing in with the swirls of the skies every now and then.

The funny thing of her predicament was how any little notion fueled her doubts. She knew she was treading on thin ice, but the angel captain couldn't help but indulge herself.

How could she not? With such a vast universe left to be explored, why would she simply want to remain in the Celestial Realm?

A scoff escaped her throat, as she decided to act upon the idea she came up with during the night. The lycan boy and his human mother never left her mind-what would Zachariah think if he knew she was put in that position?

It was just something else she would keep to herself.

With a casual stride, Ellen-Mia strolled the cobblestoned paths of the Core, passing by the marketplace entry where she knew her little experiment could take place.

Ominously, the winds picked up and spread her long silky brown locks over her burnished pure white feathers. She lifted one foot and without any more hesitation, Ellen-Mia made her way into the marketplace area.

Countless souls, specially chosen by the angels to live within the Core, managed the bazaar. Some were angels that had given up their positions to newer soldiers-embracing the simpler life of a merchant.

Taking her time, Ellen-Mia explored around the stands, shying away from the overly enthused. She still didn't quite know why she was there or what she was looking for, but that didn't stop her from venturing further within.

Runic swords that could kill any Immortal, blood of an ancient witch purified with holy fire, the scales of a succubus embossed onto armor for protection, amongst other things-items and treasures that could only be made in her world, but found outside of it. It was all very daunting for a sheltered angel such as herself.

Unconsciously, Ellen-Mia held her arm with the other, feeling out of place-as if she was a girl poking at a lion.

"Miss, can you please try not to step on that?" In an instant, someone addressed her.

She looked in the direction of the voice, to notice a bartering soul talking with a concealed individual. The person was tall, almost towering over the stand of the merchant, and all over his lanky body were clothes and robes.

Noticing how the soul pointed exasperatedly to her feet, Ellen-Mia's stare fell to the ground. Her eyes came in contact with an ordinary yarn ball. It was red and large, having only one strand loose.

'What's so special about this?' Her fingers caressed the thread as she picked it up. It wasn't heavy nor was it light-there seemed to be nothing odd about it.

"Is this what you wanted?" she asked the soul when her stride took her to stand next to the towering stranger.

The man nodded and took it out of her hands, looking back at the person in question. "You know my price. This is extremely expensive. No other merchant has one and you better than anyone knows that only the Seraphim have access to this thing."

Ellen-Mia's eyes widened in utter shock upon hearing the mention of those higher ups. The Seraphim were amongst the strongest of angels in all of the Celestial Realm.

"No regular angel can come in contact with such beings, let alone souls. How did you come to acquire such an item?" Ellen-Mia spoke to the soul, eyeing him sternly-her shyness dissipating.

Quieting down, he turned his stare once more to the angel captain, unaware of her status.

"It is fine; I will give you the payment that you ask for-lest we want our business safe from these loudmouths," this time, the tall being spoke, insulting Ellen-Mia with the choice of words.

"Who do you think you are?" she began, but the individual ignored her as he presented the soul with a pouch as payment.

The soul greedily accepted it, as he handed the yarn ball to the mysterious being. Within the small bag was a cube with indents on each face. It was of a lustrous grey color and just by looking at it one could be fooled into thinking it was frozen water.

"Pleasure doing business with you-as always, Angel," the words came out with a sly tone, making the tall person scowl in anger upon hearing them.

"You!" Ellen-Mia began, realizing who the mystery being was-but there was little time for her to argue as she was whisked away.

A flutter of her wings, and she separated herself from the grasp of her captor. However, the deed was done; she was already within the observatory-the supposed prison for the Archangel of Death.

"Why so fidgety? I wasn't going to try anything...," the skeleton-like angel spoke, as she went and sat on an enormous chair that had a glass desk before it.

Taking the time to analyze her environment, Ellen-Mia ignored her question.

The room was circular and monumental, possibly capable of housing all of the angelic squads. It also took a sleek appearance, for everything around seemed to be made out of the same metallic alloy.

"Everything here is chrome?" Ellen-Mia questioned, figuring out the metal that coated the walls and objects.

"Yes, is it not beautiful? Very fitting for a scientist such as myself," Angel said.

But for every second that passed within the room, Ellen-Mia's attention was distracted. All around bustling robots moved about-they pushed tables and used their cylinder-like arms to stab at holes in the wall. It filled it with chrome and maintained the place with its lustrous shine.

There were also angels, most likely the ones under the command of the Archangel of Death. Just like Ellen-Mia was captain of her squad, and Zachariah was her general, the Archangel of Death was also a general.

Nevertheless, she knew not to take her lightly, for Angel had great powers-and it is speculated that she is one of the oldest angels alive.

"Come now, we have much to talk about." As Ellen-Mia maintained her defensive flight, Angel attempted to persuade her.

The mad scientist remained calm, but Ellen-Mia was not about to sit down and chit-chat with the likes of her.

"Abaddon, bring in the Oracular Sphere." With a shout, Angel commanded one of her subordinates to emerge.

The male angel by the name of Abaddon, bore an austere expression. He was like no other angel the captain had ever seen. His eyes were dead and bright brown with the left one scarred- but it seemed like a perfect scar as if done intentionally and meticulously. Three straight lines tainted his face as they ran from the eye down his cheek. There were also metallic bolts around them, similarly to the robots.

However, it was not the only place where he had them. They also adorned his skull where with his long brown hair fell down his back and all the way up to his calves. In Ellen-Mia's mind, she knew why the angel had those marks. The crazy scientist must have done something to the poor subordinate.

With a flap, Abaddon flew in her direction, revealing one of his wings to be made purely of metal and chrome.

He stopped before her and placed the item that was called the Oracular Sphere in between them.

"Are you really an angel?" Ellen-Mia asked quietly, shocked by the atrocities that were committed on his body.

Abaddon, upon hearing her words, changed his expression from stern to anger. He scowled at her and spoke, "I am the General's captain, Abaddon of the Guardians Empirical unit number one. How dare you question me?"

"Abaddon, play nice, now. She doesn't understand our ways just like the others." But the words of his general only made Abaddon scoff.

"She will soon however. This is why she is here." With that said, Angel's large eyes narrowed in speculation of Ellen-Mia, as if the captain was a final ingredient to one of her experiments.

However, Ellen-Mia didn't know what unnerved her most, the words of Angel or Abaddon's response.

"Touch the sphere, captain," Angel spoke, making Ellen-Mia look at the object that floated about.

It was just like that cube from before, only its color was pure chrome-like. Was it truly liquid?

Because of this curious notion, Ellen-Mia decided to do as she was told, even if it was going against her instincts.

Her hand hovered over the round ball of mystery, and as it did so, light began to emerge. It showered the room, reflecting her shocked eyes as they gazed into the orb. Slowly, the energy erupted, making the sphere grow in size. It revealed bright blue silhouettes of what Ellen-Mia could only assume were souls.

The sight was marvelous, like a hologram of the World of the Living, for the souls went and moved about as Ellen-Mia watched. But she could only see them as lights shining through.

"What do you see?" Angel asked her.


"Are they different?"

"No, they are all the same..." Ellen-Mia worded, still mesmerized by the sight before her.

When Angel heard these words, she sat up straight-pleased with the response.

"We, however, see them differently. Those souls you see there are embodied humans and Immortals alike," she paused, as Ellen-Mia turned to look at her in wonder. "This Oracular Sphere that I've devised is just a small gateway into the Pool of Souls. The Pool of Souls is directly connected to the Tunnel of Light and these are the only means for a soul to enter the World of the Living," she explained.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because, you have just been assigned a captain's position. You are new to this. Someone has to teach you," Angel spoke, her tone serious while losing some of its instigative manners.

"Who says it is you that needs to teach me?" This time, Ellen-Mia became flustered. She disliked the role Angel proclaimed for herself.

"Because if not I, then you will never learn the truth. Only the Cherubim and Archangels are allowed to govern over the Pool of Souls, but I-" she stopped, her alien-like eyes dimming. "I was tasked with research over travel to the World of the Living. Angels cannot enter the dimension without massive reciprocal effects."

"What are you talking about? Prayers bring us to the World of the Living all the time," Ellen-Mia reasoned.

"Don't be such a fool. It is only projected energy of ourselves that enter the human world when summoned like that." Abaddon, unable to contain himself, countered Ellen-Mia's retort.

"Correct, there is no real means for us as angels to enter the world without losing our minds, our memories, who we are-or even worse, our powers."

Massaging the bridge of her nose, Ellen-Mia still felt exasperated. "Nothing of what you are telling me is giving me any answers. Why have you brought me here?" she stressed each word, and this made Angel's eyes spark.

"Because, you are a perfect candidate. You wish to learn more of this universe. You doubt yourself and the creator-you are an angel ripe and ready to fall-"

"Stop it!" Ellen-Mia yelled in anger. "You know nothing about me!" With rage filled eyes, her rings of light that adorned her head began to shimmer.

But her movements were held in place, when a sword threatened to cut her throat. Abaddon unsheathed his weapon in a threatening manner. "I will not hesitate to cut you down."

A scoff filled the air. "Blades cannot hurt me." The angel captain defied.

"Ones blessed with olive leaves can, though." Again, Angel's satirical tone returned as she commented with nonchalance. The words made Ellen-Mia retract her offense as her halo dimmed.

"Whether you have come to terms with it or not, you cannot run from the situation you are in. I, however, am giving you an out-a possible means of escape in order for you to figure out for yourself the meaning of your existence." She paused to see Ellen-Mia's reaction, but there was none. "I can send you to the World of the Living so you can be free. Think about this and come back to me whenever you are ready. I will be here." Nothing more was said as the Oracular Sphere disappeared and before her eyes was the marketplace.

It was as if she never even went in.

But the words of Angel kept resonating within her head, letting her know that everything that occurred was very real.

"Captain? Did she hurt you?" Surprisingly enough, the words of her lieutenant brought her back to reality.

"Elias?" she spoke, not expecting to see him there.

His worried eyes told her that he knew what took place. "How did you know what happened? Where you there with me?" she asked him, cautiously.

"I was tasked with keeping watch over you. I did not see anything you saw-I only know up until the point where you realized who that robed stranger was," he said truthfully, making Ellen-Mia ease up.

Last thing she needed was Elias also questioning her allegiance.

"Well good. It's nice to know I am being protected, but I do not need it. I am fine, you can go back to your other important duties Elias," Ellen-Mia said, in an authoritarian tone as she flew away from him.

Two days passed since the night of the incident, and all she could do was walk aimlessly about the bustling streets of the Core. Every time she would stop right before the observatory-feeling compelled to enter it.

'Father, am I really to disobey your wishes if I take Angel's offer?' On the night of the second day since her encounter, Ellen-Mia could not find peace.

She sat on her resting cloud, staring up at the swirling skies in everlasting doubt-a feeling that becoming stronger with each passing day.

'What would occur if I did? How will this one decision affect the world?' It was not until she came to that conclusion that Ellen-Mia understood.

She could not continue on the way that she was-even if it was the wrong choice, she needed to make it in order to understand.

Determined, she flew out of her opened window under the glowing lights of the swirling dark skies. It was against curfew law to spread wings at such an hour, but at this point, she figured it was the last of her worries.

Never before had she felt the night air caress her feathers like in that moment. Somehow, it made her feel at peace as if she was finally coming to terms with the turmoil that was within her.

Landing graciously before the cylinder building, Ellen-Mia took one deep breath and made a decision right at that moment.

Her doubts, her fear, her questions and more importantly her desires were not going to be suppressed any longer. She needed to know; she needed to experiment.

'Is this the mindset of a fallen angel?'

"Captain?" before anything else could be done, one young voice broker her racing thoughts.

"Nathanael...!" she whispered in shock. "It's strictly prohibited to spread wings at this hour, why are you breaking curfew?" Ellen-Mia wasted no time to chastise, but the young angel boy did not accept her reprimanding.

"Those same laws apply to you, cap," he said, daringly calling her the nickname she hated.

"I told you not to call me that," Ellen-Mia whispered.

"Where were you today? You promised that we would train. I waited for you all day at the courtyard," Nathanael began.

"I'm sorry," she said her words while pondering over the commitment she had made with the young one, and when it came back to her, she attempted to explain. "A lot has been going on, but right now I need you to go back to your home."

Nathanael shook his head. "I know a lot has been going on. They told me to stay away from you. Elias has been keeping watch and he told me if you did show up it would be fine, but not to look for you." Lowering his head, Nathanael said the last words in a low voice, "but you never showed..."

Understanding immediately the situation, Ellen-Mia smiled at the boy. It was an ominous look-as if admitting defeat or the fate to come.

"Nathanael, things won't ever be the same anymore and for that I am sorry. But please, leave now before you are dragged further into this." With those words said, she turned her back to the boy and started for the Observatory, but Nathanael was not done.

"Cap, you said everything was going to be fine! I asked you, remember?" he yelled at her, his emotions getting the better of him. "You acted as if everything was under control!" but his words went ignored as Ellen-Mia refrained from addressing him.

"Why can't you just be the way you are meant to? Why do you want to do everything that is against the rules?" Nathanael continued to yell at her, now with tears streaming down his eyes.

Those last words struck something within Ellen-Mia as she stopped before the door. "I can't do that anymore. I'm sorry."

"Don't leave me! You are my only family here! Please..."

Turning to face the now sobbing boy, Ellen-Mia gave him a hard stare. She did not want to, but she knew that she was in too deep to retract now. Thus, the best way to keep the boy safe was to split ties with him.

"You were chosen to be an archangel, Nathanael. You must act accordingly. There is no room for cries and weakness here. I am sorry, but I'm following my own path now, and you should strive to be stronger. Farewell." With that said, she disappeared into the observatory, hearing how the boy cursed her endlessly.

Her heart was pounding and her head was ringing. She was frightened and sad-to have to commit something like that was difficult, but now that she was fallen, there was nothing that could be done.

Suddenly, Nathanael's cries ceased, and all was silent. Something was amiss, and before she could move, Angel appeared before her.

"Quiet. We must move fast." In an instant, she was whisked into a dark room where the Oracular Sphere shone brightly.

"What is going on?" Ellen-Mia questioned.

"Elias and Zachariah have been watching you. They are coming," the robed tall archangel spoke, moving quickly about the room as she illuminated it with her sickle-like halo.

An odd machine came into sight. It had wires sprouting out of it from every which way and in the center of it was a resting bed. All around the bed were thin mechanical arms, wielding various objects from needles to laser guns, and at the base of it, before the spot where an individual's head would lay, was an electrical field. It was created from four of the robotic appendages, resembling a small vortex of energy. Simply put, it was not an inviting cot.

"Don't be intimidated by it, you're going to be laying there in a few minutes," Angel spoke with an edgy voice. It was obvious that she was not her usual self.

"So is it going to be her first or me?" but before Ellen-Mia could even make out a word, another voice chimed in.

She hadn't noticed before, but someone else was among them. Curiously, her eyes scanned the poorly lit room, and within seconds, they fell on a person she never thought she would see again.

"Ilima!" When the name slipped the captain's lips, the demon cringed.

"I didn't think you'd join me so quickly," Ilima said, addressing the captain angel.

"I-" unsure of how to respond, Ellen-Mia hesitated slightly, before reasoning with herself. "I am not joining you. I am seeking my own answers, following my own path."

Much to Ellen-Mia's surprise, the demon simply nodded in acceptance rather than taunting her.

"Alright, enough blabbering. We need to get you both out of here if my experiment is to be any success. Besides, there's only so many times they can kill Abaddon before it becomes impossible to restore him," Angel said to the two ladies.

Her words brought on so many more questions, but Ellen-Mia fought the urge to ask. Instead, she was handed the yarn ball from before and told to take a thread.

Once she did so, the mad archangel gave it to Ilima, but she refused.

"I know what that thing does and I am not about to use it."

"It will make the transition smoother," the Angel of Death said.

"I am a demon, smooth isn't what I need. I need to be reborn from the core." Nodding in acceptance of her conclusion, Angel realized that Ilima was right.

"Wait, what does this do?" Ellen-Mia asked, lifting the yarn to eye it.

In an instant, she felt a pang on her finger and noticed how it bled. The thread made a slit, like a paper cut only real this time.

How it managed it was beyond the angel captain, especially since it was the first time she had ever seen her own blood.


A boom shook the Observatory, making Angel eye them in haste. "Elias is nearing!" she said to them, causing Ilima jump into the mechanical testing bed without any notice.

The arms immediately began to work as they pierced her body and electrified it until she became nothing but energy-her screams showering the room. She was then sucked through the small vortex and warped into the Oracular Sphere, becoming one with the Pool of Souls.

Ellen-Mia understood what was to become of her, but she failed to figure out the thread.

"Hurry, take the string and pin it on a soul from the Oracular Sphere." Another boom silenced her questions, as Ellen-Mia did what she was told.

In her mind, she was trying hard to understand so as to not do anything regrettable. But during her turmoil, she came up blank.

'What am I supposed to choose?' Her eyes ran through them all, but they were completely identical.

It was only until she remember that one person that still remained in the World of the Living. The boy she had saved from the evil witch.

'But how can I find him?' With her mind focusing on the child, a ripple began to form in the Oracular Sphere.

All the souls started to fade as one grew in size. It took the form of a wolf and it danced and swirled before her eyes.

"By the blessed Almighty..." Even the Archangel of Death was stunned by the behavior the Oracular Sphere had taken. Her eyes reflected the sight, and as Ellen-Mia pinned the red string from her bleeding finger onto the dancing soul, Elias burst through the dark chamber.

"My captain!" he yelled in angst, but Ellen-Mia simply gave him a solemn look and a peaceful smile.

"It is done," she said, making Elias rush to her side.

However, Angel prevented his advance, sending Ellen-Mia onto the conversion bed with her telekinetic powers.

She flung her boney arm, and yelled at the captain.

"Find Ilima on your descend and guide her with you!"

"Captain, no! What have you done?" Elias screamed as he fought against Angel but to no avail.

It was a tickling sensation at first. Ellen-Mia felt her entire body go numb as everything around slowed. Her vision blurred and her ears failed her. She felt her Grace, which slept within her, begin to separate from her body and her halo started to lose all of its splendor until it vanished.

Finally, she emitted a scream when a piercing pain rushed throughout her body. Darkness hit her for a split second until her eyes fluttered opened.

"Where am I?" she voiced, but no response.

Light surrounded her, but it was slowly dying. And when she was to yell out a cry, her lungs collapsed.

Ellen-Mia remained still, watching how the lights vanished as she zoomed through the clouds in a descending manner. She quickly realized that she was undergoing the Fall.

Her body was paralyzed, and she felt every inch of it start to wither. Rushing winds caressed her face, taking what she assumed were her feathers. It left a trail of white specs in her wake-letting her know that her once strong wings were no more.

Somehow, the speed of her descend enabled her to turn. It was then that she saw another falling body.

'Ilima...' She tried to reach her, but the demon was a good distance away.

'How can I guide her?' her mind screamed for her to reach the body of the demon, but there was no way she could move.

Then, as if fate itself took its course, her blood spilled over the demon, and it was the last time she saw Ilima as a falling body for it changed to a pure white bluish energy-a soul.

When this happened, Ellen-Mia found a small portion of peace. It was the best that she had during what could feel like the end of her life.

Never before did she feel such pain, such intensity. It truly felt like death, not that she knew what dying was like, but it must have been similar.

Then her body lost the last of its energies and her mind succumbed to darkness.

'That...that was my life...that was what happened...this is why I am who I am. This is why I met Exsavior because I chose him.'

'We chose him...we are the same, Mia. We are Captain Ellen-Mia of the Powers Unit number three, Hashmal of the Celestial Realm. Our decisions brought us here. It molded everything around you.'

'We delved in things that we had no knowledge of, believing there would be no consequence. Now I understand. Captain Ellen-Mia is Mia. I am Mia-I am Captain Ellen-Mia and I chose to fall...'

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