The Other Potter

starsandsnakess tarafından

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Golden child, Lion boy; Tell me what it's like to conquer. Fearless child, Broken boy; Tell me what it's lik... Daha Fazla

Business As Usual
The Dementors
Home Sweet Home
Blame and Boggarts
Exchange of Secrets
Saturday Lessons
Tryouts and Catchups
Quidditch and Bed Rest
Boiling Over
Chosen Family
Gut Feeling
Tis' The Damn Season
All Things Merry & Bright
Shoulder To Cry On
All Is Fair In Love and War
Last Piece of the Puzzle
Back to Reality
Bruised Knuckles
Dark Mark
Realigning Stars
Calm Before The Storm
Beauxbatons & Durmstrang
The Seven Champions
Wands & Worries
Rumour Has It
Fire & Ice
Flying High
Fake It
Deep Dive
Blue Mountains & City Lights
Price of Protection
The Third Task
Meet you at the Graveyard
What I Was Made For
You're on Your Own, Kid
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
To Put Our Faith Into
For What I Am
Come One, Come All
Professor Umbridge
Lasting Impression
Where No Trust Lies

Terms End

509 35 4
starsandsnakess tarafından

(I'd just like to say Taylor Swift wrote 'I Can Do It With A Broken Heart for Elijah)

He'd spent another half an hour in Dumbledore's office being filled in on Moody and Barty Crouch Jr, and everything else that happened whilst he was absent last night. Apparently, the last feast for the Tournament was tomorrow, giving the students a few days to recover and process.

Going to leave the Headmaster's office he was greeted by four grave faces, and one smug one.

"Professor Snape. Minister." He greeted dryly to the pair, he didn't recognize the two flanking them, and he wouldn't dignify Rita Skeeter with a greeting.

"Elijah Alphard Lupin-Black, you'll be coming into custody with us," Fudge said coldly.

Any colour that was left in his current shell of a body drained, his heart thudding in his chest he was surprised it didn't burst out of his hoodie.

"I'm sorry?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper, and for the first time in his life, he was relieved to see Dumbledore, who was now stepping in front of him.

"What is the meaning of this, Minister?" Dumbledore questioned, resting a hand on the boy's shoulder.

The two Aurors that were behind Fudge were now slipping cuffs onto Elijah and taking his wand.

"Albus, please, this is precaution, we have a dead boy and reason to believe that Mr Lupin-Black is responsible," Fudge said flatly.

"Cedric Diggory. The dead boy's name was Cedric Diggory." Dumbledore responded, "And Elijah here was not responsible for the death of him."

"Then it won't be a problem for him to the Ministry to answer some questions, will it?"

"Minister, this is a young boy's life you are playing with."

"If he winds up being found innocent then he'll be fine, Albus, I assure you."

"I've told you who is responsible. Harry Potter has told you who is responsible. If you hadn't let the Dementors kiss another key piece to the puzzle then you'd have more evidence. I can show you the boy's memories."

"Albus, we can't know that he hadn't meddled with the memory now, can we? Regardless, it is my duty to see that he is brought in for questioning."

Now with him in cuffs and the two wizards assisting him out of the castle, students and teachers alike gathered in the halls.

Rita Skeeter's camera floats in front of him to get the perfect shot. He spotted his friends, Lucas and Nik... Then Harry, his parents, and his godparents.

"Care to answer any questions now, dear, or shall I wait for your case?" Rita sneered.

Elijah didn't comment, clenching his jaw tightly as he was guided through the growing crowd. He ducked his head down, avoiding the stares and the camera lens. Lights, camera, action.


He was taken to the Ministry, was sat in a room waiting to be spoken to. They'd put him in cuffs that stopped his magic from leaving his hands. Much like Wormtail had with bonds in the graveyard. He was pacing the small room, very aware he was being watched somehow. But it wasn't like the muggle movies where they watch from a mirrored window, probably just looked straight through.

How was he supposed to act here? How was he supposed to keep out of prison and still be a Death Eater?

His anxiety was on overdrive. He felt cornered, his usual tactic in this situation was to attack, either verbally or physically, but that wouldn't help right now. No, he had to be clever. He had to act like he was innocent but not too innocent. Smart but not too smart. This was too hard.

The door swung open and in stepped someone in to guide him through to the courtroom. Entering the hall he recognized a lot of faces. A lot of Death Eaters. Sirius and Remus. His parents. But they were all in seats in the stands, whilst he was down in the center. The entertainment.

"Thank you for joining us today, Mr Lupin-Black. I'm aware that you've refused to speak to anyone until you have a lawyer present?" Fudge asked, looking over some papers.

"That is correct, Minister." He said softly.

"But you know what you are being charged with?"

"I know what I am being accused of, Minister, yes."

"Care to tell our jury?"

They just want a snippet for the Daily Prophet. That's all. Nothing major. Just breathe. Just breathe.

"I'm being accused of murdering fellow student and Triwizard Champion, Cedric Diggory, Minister."

"And you plea?"

"Not guilty."

"Very well, Mr Lupin-Black. You'll have a chance to meet with your lawyer tonight and we will start the case in a few days. In the meantime, you will be held in custody in Azkaban."

If this were a movie then everything would start moving in slow motion, and perhaps if it was an artistic movie they may even use a fisheye lens to show how Elijah felt in that very moment, then the loud beating of his heart would fade in to show the rapid rate of his heartbeat. But this wasn't a movie, it was reality, and so it was down to him to play out the rest of the scene in normal time, whilst trying to maintain his composure for the audience of spectators and Ministers.

If Sirius could do twelve years he could do a few nights. A week? Maybe two? He could do it. He had to.

He saw in the corner of his eyes Sirius stiffened at the mention of Azkaban, Remus putting a hand on his shoulder to calm him. But he didn't let his eyes linger. He simply nodded in response to the Minister, letting one of the guards take hold of him.

He did need to meet his lawyer, he needed her here now. He was taken back to his holding room, pacing back and forth, never dropping the act of being brave. Not even for a second. He had to keep it together.

Eventually, the door opened, and in stepped his lawyer. He knew her well, she was the one who helped him with the paperwork with his parents, and she was Alix and Jay's cousin.

"Lysander." He greeted, looking at her softly.

She was the first person outside of Ministry personnel he'd been able to talk to. He didn't know the way this worked, any of it. He just had to trust in the others.. Which really wasn't his strong suit, especially right now.

"Elijah, what happened?" The woman asked, shaking her head to him as if to answer the question before it even slipped through his head.

Are they watching us?

He sighed, "I didn't do it, I promise. I was in the tournament and then... Cedric, Harry, and I were all taken via Portkey to a graveyard. A Death Eater killed Cedric Diggory on Voldemort's orders."

"Yeah, my uncle came to visit my father to tell him about the Dark Lord's return. So, we are going to have to tread carefully, because the last thing the Ministry will admit is the Dark Lord's reappearance."

He nodded, slumping into one of the seats in the room. He was exhausted, but he knew the second the conversation ended they'd be dragging him away to Azkaban, and he'd be alone with the Dementors and other Prisoners.

"How are you holding up?" She asked softly, moving to crouch in front of the boy. "Alix told me about the graveyard and that you're now.. You can't let them know during the case, Elijah. It's not illegal to be a Death Eater, but it won't help your case."

"I'm fine." He lied, closing his eyes. "I won't let them know." He murmured.

"Do you want me to get you, Remus, and Sirius? So you can see them before you go?"

He shook his head.

"You sure?"

He nodded, "I-"

"I'm sending them in, and I'll make sure no one is watching you, ok? You can speak freely with them." She said softly, getting to her feet and leaving the room.

She was only gone for a few moments before returning with Sirius and Remus, both stepping inside slowly. None of them made a move to get close to each other. The last twenty-four hours had been a steep spiral of events that were now crashing to the ground, not quite at rock bottom yet, but give it time.

"I didn't-"

"We know," Remus assured him.

Elijah looked at them helplessly. He didn't know what to do anymore. He didn't know what to say. Days ago he'd been so thankful to have these two in his life, but a string of events and hard truths were tearing at the last fibers of his being. It felt like a frayed piece of string that was slowly breaking apart.

"Elijah, you'll be ok. Dumbledore has a plan. He will get you out. You're innocent, that's all that matters." Remus murmured.

Sirius's silence didn't go unnoticed, but he knew that he couldn't say a thing to comfort him when thirteen years ago he was being framed for the very same crime and both the system and Dumbledore did nothing. He felt sorry for Sirius, honestly, he was holding together as much as he could even though out of everyone all these events would be triggering him the most.

The boy tore away his gaze, shaking his head. "Can you tell Alix to fill in Nik, please?" He asked quietly.

Remus nodded, trying to put a hand on the boy's shoulder, but he pulled away. He still didn't know if he trusted Remus had his best interest at heart, or if he was simply following Dumbledore's orders. He didn't know what Dumbledore knew and what he didn't. He didn't know what had been asked of Remus either. But yet, the headmaster had confirmed he'd asked him to step in for his parents.

He could have asked, but he wasn't sure he wanted to sit with the answer alone in a cell, stewing over every minor detail. 

He stood back, one arm coming up to wrap around himself, rubbing his other slowly. Self-soothing. He felt like a child again, he felt lost and as if he had nowhere to turn to for comfort. 

"You should- You should go," he murmured, biting his bottom lip. "I'll talk to you when I get out." 

Sirius looked up to Remus, "Give us a minute, love." 

Remus looked down at Sirius for a moment before nodding, leaving the two alone. 

Sirius waited until he heard Remus walk away from the door before turning back to Elijah, "Sit down, Fluffy." he instructed with a gentle smile.

Elijah let out an amused puff of air, doing as he was told, seeing Sirius take the seat beside him with his body twisted so he was looking at his godson. 

They sat in the uncomfortable silence for a minute, Sirius' eyes not leaving Elijah for a second. It felt like he was trying to study for an exam he was unprepared for instead of just talking to his godson.

"Did you talk to Dumbledore today?" Sirius finally asked.

"Yes.." The boy replied, going to fiddle with the rings that weren't there. They'd taken everything from him other than the clothes on his back.

"Did he happen to say anything about this?"


Sirius let out a heavy sigh, it was like trying to get blood from a stone, but he'd be exactly the same if he were in the boy's shoes right now. 

"You don't have to be scared about going in there, you'll be fine, they can't do anything until you're proven guilty."

"I'm not scared about Azkaban." It was a lie, he was scared, but his main concern was what happened when he got out. 

"Then what? Voldemort?" Sirius questioned, tilting his head, "Dumbledore wouldn't have got you to do this if he didn't think you were capable."

"I got that memo." Elijah replied, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Dumbledore asks a lot of people to do a lot of things, huh?"

Sirius rose a brow. "I suppose, but if it helps us win the war-"

"Did he ask you to help Remus?" Elijah rushed out his words, he couldn't have stopped them from falling out his mouth if he tried.

"Help Remus?"

"With me. Did he ask you to take over caring for me with Remus?" Elijah asked tiredly, "Please, don't lie to me, Sirius. I just need to know."

There was a long pause.

"He didn't," Sirius said firmly.

And for a minute Elijah felt a wave of relief wash over him.

"Remus asked. He told me everything. But that's not why-"

"No, it is why." The boy said calmly, though inside he could feel his heart shattering. "Don't you worry about me when I get out, ok? I'm good. I'll be good. I know this is way more than either of you signed up for."

"Elijah, listen to me, I would have done it regardless. I promise you that." Sirius pleaded, looking to the door as if he wanted to call Remus back in to help him. 

"But you didn't you did it because Remus asked you. Because Dumbledore ordered him to. Because all anyone wants to do is win this war. What does it matter if it emotionally hurts people as long as they are still able to fight the battle."

"I spoke with you about taking you in long before I spoke to Remus. On Dumbledore's order or not I would have done it. None of this was to hurt you, Elijah. You have to believe me." 

"I don't know what or who to believe anymore, Sirius. Everything I thought I had a good grasp on is unraveling into a mess and all I can do is sit back and watch it happen. I can't sleep, I can't eat... I feel like everyone wants to pull at stray strings and it's slowly pulling me apart. I can't stop it. I don't know how."

The more he spoke on it the more he felt himself unwinding and he had to stop. He had to pull himself together. He made a lot of big promises over the last forty-eight hours to be strong, and right now he felt far from that. He had to do better. It wasn't a choice.

Sirius put a hand on the boy's shoulder, "Just breathe. Deep breaths."

Elijah did as he was told, closing his eyes. 

It was then that the door opened and an Auror came in to collect the boy. He couldn't bring himself to turn to look at Sirius as he left, he didn't want that to be the last image he had of him right now, so he hung his head and let the Auror take him away. 

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