The HalfBlood- FourthWing Fan...

By Quietdreamer52

147K 6K 1.1K

Freya Sorrengail. The halfblood. Born different than her siblings she always stood out. Whether it was appea... More

1- Conscription Day
2- The Parapet
3-The Crossing
4- Official Cadet
5-Fourth Wing
6- The Sparring
7- The Journal
8-The Woods
9- Admiring Your Work
10- The Kill
11-Traitors Side
12-Not Your Mother
13- The Gauntlet
14- The Burning Pile
15-Presentation Day
16- Presentation Day 2
17- The Gold Dragon
19- The Drefected One
21- A Rider
22- Protection
23- The Attempt
24- I Heard Him!
25- Body Guard
26- Severed
27- Liam Mairi
28- The Scroll
30- The Feelings Through The Bond
31- The kiss
32- The Fight
33- Mistake
34- Authors Note/ Training
35- Preparation
36- The Flight
37- Squad Battle
38- Squad Challenges
39- The Final Task
40- The Task
41- After the Task
42- The Front Lines
43- Front Lines 2
45- The Attack / Authors Note
47- The Confession
48- Getting to know you
49- Why'd you want to know me?
50- Reveal me/ Authors Note
51- Chaos
52- Reveal me pt.2
53- Revealed to me
55- Feelings
56- Love Triangle
57- 2 sides
59- The Party
60- 1 Love
61- Everything is yours
62- The Final
63- The Final pt. 2
64- The Betrayal
65- The Betrayers
66- Dead Anyways
67- Die a traitor
68- The Wyvern
69- The Battle of Althybene
70- The Battle of Athybene PT.2
71- To Bend Death
72- Is To Sacrifice Life
73- Finale pt.1
73- Finale pt.2
75- Finale pt.3
76- Life for a Life
Book 2

77- The End

1.2K 60 27
By Quietdreamer52

Guys this is the FINAL Chapter of HalfBlood! Thanks for all of the support, comments and LOVE!

And... for you.... I made a playlist that's still being updated!

As soon as I got on Rhys we were off.

Racing towards Temny and Tairn, the fire in me was raging I felt the stream of lightning running down my arms, I lift them into the air aiming for the two of them. I hear the cloud thunder and crack above us, my lightning dancing across the sky.

I aim, it strikes.... But they dodge. Again and Again.

" Focus." Rhys urges as we fly faster, flying faster then we've ever flown before catching up. I look back briefly to see everyone else barely keeping up before I look back at the pair infront of us. I try to calm down, try to focus but all I could think about was the life draining our of his eyes.

" Breathe Freya." I hear Segyl scold, " Use that focus, aim and breathe."

I try again, this time getting closer... my frustration getting the best of me...normally I'm pretty good at hitting my targets and now I look like a novice.

I aim again, this time I hit the top of some of the rock, sending it flying towards them, hitting Tairn wing. It throws him off a bit making him sweep into the canyons where we were before. I could help but smile. " How about we give them a bit of their own medicine?" I question aloud.

I feel the slight satisfaction of the dragons knowing that's our next move, we fly just above losing them for just a second before I see them again, Temny looking up at us with a fearful expression...good.

I use all the anger and fury sending down my own blanket of fire, Rhys does the same as it nears... and nears... closing in. But they never look back at it, they keep their eyes straight. It was just about to hit them when she...

Disappeared. They both disappeared.

" What the hell?!" I spit as everyone stops near us.

" Illusion.." Rhys snorts.


I see both of them come up from another way, Temny looking at me with that sinister smile as they round a mountain. " She's over there!"

Rhsy was the first to take off once more, the Segyl, the others following as we race towards them, Tairn weaves through the pillars before banking another hard left, We bank the same closing in.. I send fire knowing they were real see Temny looked back throwing up almost like a shield as she scowls gripping the chains that were securing her tight.

They just crossed through another opening, through part of a...waterfall? Tarin throws fire burning a hole through it as they pass, Rhys does the same, I expected Segyl and the others right behind us but instead I hear almost like a thump.

I look behind once more to see like a... force field. Segyl clawing to get in, I see Xaden try to break through with his shadows, I see the fear on his face once more, I can feel their panic. I see the others trying to do the same.

Then I hear her laugh.

Then claws as Tairn charges for us, Rhys flips catching his claws with his own, they growl trying to bite at eachother, Tairn throws flames, Rhys counters it with his own. I hold on tight as Temny does the same before Tarin bites yet another chunk from Rhy's wing before releasing us.

I can hear the cry from Segyl just outside of whatever the hell she put can she?!

Rhys lands harshly growling as Tarin does the same looking non blinking at us, Temny sit there with a smile, " Your really that dumb aren't you? Just to follow... Because your just so sad aren't you."

I throw lightning at them but it goes right through... What the hell? We were just fighting them?!

" Well that wasn't very nice." She mocks I only hear her voice in the dark cavern as I spin around sending another flash of lightning.

Nothing was there.

" You brought me here just to play some damn magic tricks?! Are you scared of a girl!" I yell.

I hear her low chuckle sounding like it was right behind me. " Hardly."

I grab my sword swinging it, only for it to connect with nothing.

" Get out here and prove it then!"

" Are you really that eager to visit your friend Liam so soon, he just dies a half hour ago." She rang out making me yell in anger as I scorched everything around us, making sure to stay close to Rhys. Where are they?!

" You really are a murderous little thing aren't you?"

I look up to finally see the both of them perched watching us. Rhys curls around me growling.

I send another bolt of lightning at them, with a flick of her hand she stops it with a force field making me pause. " How about you come down here and say it to my face." I grit.

She smiles, " Don't be so cocky Ms. Freya, I can tear you apart if I really, truly wanted."

" Why aren't you?" I question.

" Because I want to talk to you, I've waited...years." She remarked still holding her grin. " And now we have all the time in the world and privacy. Isn't this place cozy?"

I clench my fist, sending a force at the rocks above her, again she blocks it with a sigh that appears to be bored. " I must warn you. This mountain isn't very sturdy. I don't think you want to bury yourself after all the hard fighting you did. Plus... if you bury yourself you boyfriend will die.. And since you just had your second one die.. Do you really want to take out the other one."

I throw another force at her and again it bounced off hitting the wall.

" Tairn said it's true." Rhys whispers in my head.

" You can still talk?"

" It was more of an insult then talking. She doesn't care, she's reckless and if she can kill you..."

Right. Control. The thing I lack the most.

" You know.. those two were like Day and Night. Literally. Liam was adorable, Xaden is just..." She sighs. " I would continue but I have a feeling that's a touchy subject?"

" Why did you want to talk to me?" I snap eyeing her. " You waited years? How did you know who I was?"

She chuckles, " Everyone knows of the bastard daughter in Navarre. That's one disadvantage your egotistical mother had. And out here... Your the Chaos's daughter." She smiles, " Twins!"

I furrow my brow, " Twins? You have..."

She nods, " Chaos yes. Well all do, well...different types. What do you think we wield?"

" It's power from the land."

She laughs, " Yes, but power is never just..power... theres billions of powers my naive Freya. And we have the best."

" You still haven't answered my question."

" I'm hinting. Your just not catching on." She states smartly.

" Then you must suck at it."

Again she laughs like this whole situation is funny. She pulls off her hood and her robe, her clothes were similar to a riders, though different... a different kind of style as it'a like armor but still everyday...

She looks to be around our age, her wilted looking white hair is messily tied back, her skin grayish though she's not as veiny as the other venin were, she looks more ' Normal' then the others did. Though he has almost like a purplish hue throughout her veins.

She jumps down from the small pillar they were perched on stalking towards us, Rhys growls again, Tairn climbs down as well going the same, though the merely glances in her reborns direction holding up her hand.

" You both act the same." She jests. " Brothers... Am I right?"

I stay silent, gripping the hilt of my sword a little tighter, watching. " I take it your little pet there didn't tell you?"

" He told me enough."

She hums, " No. I don't think he did. Because IF he did... I think you'd be treating me with some more respect."

" No. I don't think I would."

She gives a faint nod, " I see." She looks at Rhys, " Does she know about your little rescue mission, how you helped out Mommy? To save your own ass from being hunted? I think that was a little to perfect to be planned out."

" You know NOTHING Temny! Besides the poison he fed to you." Rhys says aloud. He's...talking to her?

" It's not poison if it's facts." She says sharply. " You were angry with him doesn't mean you still weren't loyal-"

" He turned me into this!" Rhys roars snapping at her, she took several steps back glaring. " But he somehow only took one of us? Even when you were guarding?"

My eyes snap to her then to Rhys. " What is she talking about?"

Temny looks at me, " Come on Freya! Isn't it obvious or are you really that stupid? Don't you see the family resemblance?"

I feel my heart nearly stop.

" What?"

That's when I realize... her eyes... were like mine. Except...void..though they were two different colors, more venin like...though hers were grey like my one, the other more of a pearl white almost looking like she had no pupil though it'd drained... almost visable.

" Ask me how." She urges.

I shake my head. " You lying."

" We're twins." She answers. " Venin came and attacked our mother, Rhys tried to protect us, though somehow they got me."

" Your lying! I'm not one of you! I'm not!"

She laughs even more, " No shit your not venin. Though your..." She tilts her head, " Aftermath. Of.. what happens when nature is unbalanced. I was at one point as well." She takes another step towards me, " What we are... are little vessels, power banks."

Temny lets opens her palms wide letting out a small little black ball of energy, I quickly do the same with my fire and lightning..mixing.. it never did that before..

She examines it, before looking at me seeming to not be affected that she was only 3 feet away from me with the power in my hands. " I was taught...we.. are mutations. Chaos is the balance of power. I personally have force weilding and illusions and you..." She trails off again " Ofcourse need to be so damn special."

She looks me in the eye. " Has your little instructors ever talked to you about that? Threats maybe? Maybe you feel like your being watched?"

My mind instantly flashes back to that day, when we talked with Aetos and Carr. When Xaden thought they were actually going to kill me.. Maybe they were.

" I assume you know now..That they all know about this..about us.. and about you? I was honestly shocked when a little crow told me they kept you alive after your...episode during your war games."

" How do you know about that?!"

She shrugs, " Unimportant. What is important... is that it's different. Your different, your chaos is different. And that sparked his interest."

" Who's?"

Her eyes flare sarcastically, " Our creators. What people here call their dads..though let me tell you.. he's not very fatherly." She smiles, " Did Rhys ever tell you why we were made? How he did it."

" I think I know how reproducing works."

" It was your mothers greatest downfall, letting go for one night though he did a damn good job maskign himself..or so I heard. Then he came back to get us, to raise us, to slaughter us once the time is right. He found a way to get more power from them just harnessing it or taking it from people because they.... only have a portion..of what we possess Freya."

She leans in closer, " Theres more of us you know... Though most aren't smart. I..on the other hand am.." She grins, " No way I'm going to let him take me. That's why I needed to find you.."

" Your insane if you think I'd join you." I scoff now laughing at her expense.

She grins " Oh I know. I plan to kill you, all of you actually. Then pay a visit to father dearest and take him down to. You know Freya... Your one thing that could kill us both of you actually, and if I had that... Unstoppable. I guess you don't need a weapon when your born one huh? A unknown chaos... One that can take down armies. One I plan to do the same with, the Chaos of chaos."

The fear and anger rise in me once again as I throw my power at her. She hold up a type of shield " I think it's humorous you think you could beat me! You've had your power for less then a year and I've had mine since I could walk!"

She pushes her shield toward us making us lose ground.

I could see the flames of the others still trying to get in... how could she be holding us and them at the same time.

" Because He trained her."

I merely glance at Rhys before looking back at her, I can do force.. Some sort of it... Please don't let me down...

I throw my own at her making her stumble back now with a glare, she moves her hands in irregular motions making weapons right in front my my eyes, it was like a long bladed spear she gave me one more look before lunging at me.

Rhys lunges at her as well, almost flaming her until she held up another sheild, Tairn taking over tackling Rhys to the ground.

" Rhys!" I yell.

" Rhys.." Temny mocks behind me, about to severe my head. I duck kicking her legs out from under her. As she falls she swings her blade once more, needing to avoid it I roll back, her blabe burying just a foot from me.

I quickly swing back to look at the dragons, sending a force of my own towards Tairn hitting his wing with an ear splitting crack, part of it dislocating. He howls looking back at me, giving Rhys enough time to bite at his neck.

She grins " Quick thinking, this will be more fun then I thought." She jumps up splitting her spear now into two jagged parts mimicking swords. With unnatural speed she sends them my way, I try to parry both, but her being to quick she sends one slicing through my chest, well attempting.

Mira's armor gets in the way though I know it dug through quite a bit.. I can feel that much. I pull out the other sword- Liam's sword- smirking. " Dragon Scales bitch."

She lets out the closest thing I can identify as a war cry connecting her weapons with mine as we battle it out. As she pulls back she does another twitch of her hand sending a ball of energy at me, I only had enough time to parry it with my original sword...

Causing it to snap the blade.

I look wide eyed at the blade then Temny who looks amused. Well, if she can use her powers I can use mine... hopefully not melting the only venin blade I have left.

With my free hand I hold it letting everything I got go through, again she stumbles back, I keep pushing, and pushing.

And she keeps backing..and backing..

" Tairn!" She yells, and again in a flash he leaves the fight coming to her aide, Jumping infront of us, infront of me, he sends me everything he's got.

Through my other hand I let out the same fire attempting to hold his back... And I am though it was depleting.

I feel Rhys coming beside me, using his fire to help.

All that's left is who's will is stronger.

The urge to kill.. Or the urge to survive.

" Keep...letting go...Freya..." Rhys grits in my head though it sounds faded.

He's still hurt from the bite, he's still infected.

" I'm trying!" I yell back. " Rhys he's to-"

" I know... Keep..trying..for.."

" Freya! Rhys!"

Her voice rings out, her perfect voice... Am I already dying? Are we dead!

I feel...

No.. I see...

The flash of gold was real.

She was real.

Andarna was now at our side.

Why is she here?!

" Andarna?!"

" A gold dragon?!" Temny shrills in delight. Shit...

Andarna growls at her eyeing Tairn, who has a... defeated look on his face seeming to push harder against us, now really giving everything he's had.

" Andarna GO!"

" No! I came to save you!" She urges, " We're not dying!" She adds her own fire.. Her own beautiful... blood red almost maroon tinged fire. Again I feel a new energy surge as we push... we push Temny and we push Tairn.

He roars, banking out one way, temny the other looking at Andarna.

" He's scared." Segyl says.

And he..runs.

He takes off. Going through the way we came, pushign past the others... I didn't notice the shield was down. Everyone is here... Everyone is safe.

" Tairn! TAIRN!" Temny screams before looking at me... panting..

" Look at you.. Your almost out." I coo gripping the hilt of liam's blade.

She takes a few steps back, " Freya please..."

" To late for that." I say sharply.

" Freya please! I'm begging!"

I cock my head to the side, " Are you?"

She pauses slowly bending a knee as I get closer, tears welling in her eyes.

I chuckle " Tears... seriously."

I take a step closer ready to drive this through her throat. Another step.

I'm right next to her as she pants, " They're not for me."

Then we're enclosed in one of her shields again. She grabs me by the throat laughing " You think you can kill me?"

She lifts me up with inhuman strength strangling me. " Your going to die... and everyone is going to see you as a traitor.. a monster."

" I don't think so.." I rasp.

" Yea? What then."

" A halfblood that's killing your ass."

I drop the sword cocking it just perfectly sending my force to drive it all the way through her stomach.

She gasps falling to the floor looking at me wide eyed before smiling with white-silverish coated blood running out of her mouth. " Futile attempt."

She pulls me closer with the last bit of strength she had left.. with her jagged made weapon..slitting my throat.

I fall side my side with her, her eyes fading, that smile still stuck on her lifeless wilted body.


End of Book 1

Please look out for Book 2

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