84th floor.

By loveforloveandfood

341 68 2

Welcome to the residence of 84th floor. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 28

6 1 0
By loveforloveandfood


Zara had ran after her brother as he walked out putting his hands in his pockets unbothered.

"Dont bring that fucking loser around me ever again." Julian says to me making Zade turn around as he smirks.

"Well this loser was flipping your bitch in the air." Zade says now pissing me off. Julian flipped the chair over and charged towards Zade but Roman and Kai had grabbed him. Zade just laughs but I could see he was fucking pissed. He looks at Zara who was now standing infront of him pushing him out

I walk over as Zade tells Zara to get off of him before he jogs down the stairs. "Your brother is an asshole."

"Your friend is a fucking asshole." Zara says as she looked at me frowning.

Julian and Rosie scream at each other for most part of my birthday dinner. It was a whole ordeal. Kai was stressed in between the two and I tried to get Julian to leave with me to calm down but they just kept going at it and kept going lower and lower like I have never seen before. Things were being said that I would really struggle to come back from if Zara said to me and I know shed never speak to me again if I said it.

I look at Zara defeated as she just drank the cocktail pissed off. She just wanted to plan a nice dinner I guess. I told her I have never had a surprise birthday party maybe when I met her when we were randomly talking about birthdays. She remembered and even though I knew it was happening... I still acted surprised for her.

"Maybe lets go to the club?" Younes says to me as Jemeriah had now gotten involved trying to stop them.

"Maybe we need some loud music we cant hear this shit. I swear I do not get why you guys bother with girlfriends." He says. "Shut up." I tell him hoping Zara didnt hear him.

"Were going to have to separate them.." Roman says as he picks up Rosie throwing her over his shoulder as she screamed and kicked. He took her away and Julian rubbed his eyes as he leaned back.

"Everyone just needs to calm down..." Kai says as he looks at Julian.

"Fuck this." He breathes out as if he was calming himself. Julian rarely came out of his character and the only time he did was due to Rosie.

"Fuck this and fuck that." Julian says getting up walking to the edge of the roof. The sun had set now. I hand him a cigarette following him over and he lights it up.

"Maybe Rosie and I shouldnt hang out anymore." He tells me and I just nod. "Its getting a bit toxic, I have never seen you two like this."

"Its the end of an era." He sighs. "I cant believe she would do that."

"Be honest Jules, you havent fucked other girls?"

"Not anyone at the dinner table Jesus Christ." He says. "And I havent actually no. Just Rosie which I wouldnt have fucking done knowing she was sleeping with your fucking brother in law."

"You really ready to let Rosie go?" I ask him. They have been building Rosie and Julian up since Kindergarten to be this powerful couple. They had plans of marriage and kids.

"She already let go..." He says staring into the distance. It sucked, it really sucked feeling like the person you loved couldnt be with you and it was almost like they were dead but alive so even worse.

"I am sorry about your birthday." He says and I roll my eyes. "Yeah you got big big sorry's to give out to Zara." I tell him. "She'll forgive me." He says.

I watch Rosie and Roman reappear and both sit down and she looked calm as fuck.

"I got you the craziest birthday gift." Julian says. "And then I am out of here."

"Dont go."

"Im sorry man.." He says and his sad eyes make me nod. "Its fine. It better be good." I say. "Walk with me." He says and I follow him down.

There was a bright green lamborghini parked with a black bow on it.

"Jesus Christ. Where did you even find it?" I say and he just grins. "Lets go see it." He says. "Only 5 in the world and now one belongs to you."

I had already seen the gifts from my friends, Rolex', diamond chains, customized sneakers etc but this topped everything. Sometimes, we bought the stupidest craziest things just because we can I guess. Especially since we have been capped as kids with credit cards. Our trust funds have opened only recently and even that I dont use. Our credit cards had no limits - just financial advisors that reported back on huge spendings.

"Am I dreaming?" I ask Julian who had a big grin on his face. we loved cars and we dreamed about cars together for so many years... Our collections have been growing since we turned 16.

"I cant believe this." I yell at him as he hands me the key. I grab him and hug him as I stare at the car. Ive been wanting this for so long.

"Jesus Christ." Roman says appearing with Kai, Younes and Jeremiah. "Look at that smile."

"No fucking way." Younes says as he inspects the car. "I need to hear the engine." He says and I get in the car.

About nearly an hour of car talk, I watch Rosie and Zara appear down. I nearly forgot about the whole party upstairs. Zara looks at the car and looks at me. "Nice ride." She says. She didnt seem very happy. "Who did this?"

"Jules." I say who gets out the car. The valet pulled round my car which Julian takes. "Hes all yours now sorry Zara." He says before he gets in and drives off.

"Okay whose taking me home?" Rosie says as she hugs me. "Happy birthday enjoy the birthday sex." She tells me as she winks at Zara.

"Dont even start." Roman says to Jeremiah who had smiled at Rosie's request. "Lets go." He tells Rosie. "Happy Birthday bro." Younes says to me as he put his arm around me. "Dont forget tomorrow... laters Zara." He says before dragging Jeremiah with him.

"So you wanna go for a ride?" I ask Zara who nods as I open the passenger door for her. She had on a pink lattex dress on that was small and I saw the guys peaking at Zara at the table every once and again annoying me slightly but not too much because I loved showing off mu girlfriend? Zade was shooting daggers at anyone who looked at his sister but Zade and I had a different bone to pick.. Zara looked like cotton candy tonight. Her hair in a high ponytail, pink heels. She looked stunning and watching her get in the car I felt like the luckiest man alive.

"Have I told you youre the best girlfriend ever?" I ask her. "You look fucking stunning." I tell her as I lean into her kissing her lips. She kisses me putting her hand on my cheek. "This car is insane. Do not kill me." She says putting her seatbelt on. She knew the speed went to 100 in less than 3 seconds I think? I spoke about this car forever. I would never put Zara at danger though?

"I love you too much to let that happen." I tell her and she just looks at me and sighs. "Cant believe Julian's overshadowing me trying to give you the best birthday ever. Youre not going to look back in 50 years on this night and think my girlfriend planned a surprise dinner? Youre gonna say that birthday Julian bought me a rare brand new sports car." She says and I see thats why she was annoyed when she saw the car. "Whatever I do, I cant compete with your friends."

"Im going to look back when I am old on how much I lucked out with my girlfriend and at that point wife and mother of my kids. How amazing and thoughtful you have been and added pure light into my life." I tell her. Zara looks at me and remains quiet. "I love you." She says as her eyes fill with tears making me chuckle. She cried at everything.

"You ready?"

"Kain dont play with me." She says as I laugh at her. I drive off the street and we go for a drive around the city as she plays her favourite songs.

I let Zara drive us home and she was enjoying it more than she thought she would. Her laughs and smiles were even more important than the car itself.

Back home, I drag Zara into the lifts and pull her in kissing her lips. The lift stops half way through and a man and a woman get in making me break the kiss. "Were going up." I tell them and he nods. "Its fine." He says clearing his throat. Zara turns around and presses herself against me hiding my excitement. I roll my eyes at the two idiots and get out the lift on 84th floor.

"I have a surprise for you." Zara says and I look at her as she drags me in. "You have to find it on me." She smiles as she takes my hand leading me up the stairs. The room was filled with candles and had roses everywhere. I loved how girls thought we cared about this but I love it because she did it. "You went all out." I say seeing the bucket of champagne and my favourite snacks etc.

"Yep." She says as she takes off my shirt. I kick off my shoes and glue my lips back onto her soft lips. She tasted like pornstar martini's. I sit her down and kneel infront of her and take off her heels as she watches me. I pull her back up and zip off the dress revealing pink lace lingerie driving me crazy. "Jesus.." I say as my fingers trace her. As if I wasnt obsessed enough with her already.

"I love you." I tell her. "It fucking hurts sometimes."

I press my lips against her and pick her up pushing her onto the bed. She giggles as I hover over her. "Find your surprise." She says as I take off the bra. I kiss her everywhere as her fingers run through my hair. I head down and slide her panties off and my eye catches onto her thigh where there was now ink.

I look at her and see her smiling. "Kain." It said in arabic. It was about three inches. "In Arabic too." I say looking at her. "Fuck. Thats sexy. I cant believe you have my name tattooed on your body forever." I say and she chuckles. "Does it even say Kain? It could be anything I dont know arabic."

"It says Kain alright." I say and she chuckles. "Your name is on me forever now. All yours." She says and I look at her. "You can never fuck up again and we can never break up. Cover up tattoos are tacky."

"Most of my tattoos are dedicated to you?" I say and she chuckles. "Thats true." She says. "I think ZARA is next dont you think?"

"I think an engagement ring is next." I tell her and she laughs out loud as I press my lips against hers.

"I love you." I say in between the kisses. "I love that my name is burnt into your skin. Everytime I open your legs greeting me of whats mine." I tell her.

The next morning, the sun had come up as we had dozed to sleep drunk of Champage. I wake up by the annoying sound of banging on my door a few hours later

"Make it stop." Zara groans out as she sat up looking at me. She had on just my shirt. I pull my sweats over my boxers and head downstairs.

"What the fuck Younes?" I say opening the door. "Eh? Hello its time for your surprise." He says. "Jesus the hickeys on you. So birthday sex with your girlfriend got you amnesia?"

He walks in as he plops down on the sofa.

"Right and what does my surprise involve?"

"Pack a bag. Were going to Miami a few nights." He says. "Like we did on your 18th birthday." He smiles. That was a crazy time. Our parents were fuming.

"Did you forget I have a girlfriend?" I ask

"Do you need to ask permission?" He says laughing making me roll my eyes.

"When are we leaving?"

"Now." He says. "And no girlfriend allowed. Dude I barely see you anymore? You cannot decline my birthday gift. The jet is ready."

"You idiot." I say sighing. Fuck, Zara was going to kill me.

"Come on. Pack a bag or buy shit there." He says. "Lets go."

"Where you going?" Zara asks as she comes down and walks into the room.

"Im taking Kain on a surprise trip to Miami for three days." Younes says. "Can you tell him to hurry it along? The jet awaits." He says smirking. He looks at Zara who raised her arms confused.

"Nice ink." Younes says to Zara who puts her arm down. "Your name and everything? Your girls is a keeper." He says and Zara looks at me before turning around walking back up the stairs.

"Great job." I tell him and he shrugs. I follow Zara up and she got back into bed.

"Dont be mad?"

"Im not mad just tired of competing with your friends and the high levels they take it to."

"Hes my cousin." I say and she looks at me. "Not the point." I add. "Anyway... I told you yesterday.. you are not in a competition Zara... your in your league of its own."

"Youre going away for three days. To Miami with parties and girls and everything."

"Could you trust me for once?" I ask her. "Thats the issue Kain... I am struggling when youre going to Miami to party with your single cousin."

"I told you stop holding my fuck up over my head... I have told you I am never going fuck up again."

"You going is a fuck up." She says

"Zara you cant control everything I do?"

"Im not controlling you. You know what just go." She says as she shuts her eyes turning around. "Fuck all the bitches you want."

I get changed annoyed as Zara liked throwing my fuck ups back in my face. I pack some stuff quickly and leave as Zara pretends to be asleep.

I stay on my best fucking behaviour through out the whole time I am in Miami. I watch Younes take home different girls and I have to say this partying thing sucks when your girlfriend is ignoring your calls and texts.

I had a good time for Younes who was trying his best to capture our old times. I see what he meant, I have been a terrible best friend since I got in a relationship. I could see what he meant.

Our last night Younes tells me he needs to do a detour to meet some friends and we go to some house party before we go back to our hotel.

"Younes." I say walking in. He was up to no fucking good and I could see what party this was. Younes greets some people and introduced me. Younes has friends fucking everywhere. His rich kid famous status got him involved with the big drug dealers and gang lords. He had a thing for dangerous lifestyles and often I was dragged into it.

Younes does a line of coke and fuck it since its my last night before Zara and I continue fighting tomorrow, I do too and a few more as we party away.

I wake up in a random bedroom and look around my head banging and my mind racing. "Fuck." I say trying to find my chain and watch. Even my wallet was fucking gone. I sigh and look around.

I walk out the room and see that the huge house has a million doors. I stop a guy walking past me. "Have you seen Younes?"

"No..." He says shrugging. I start looking in random rooms some where people were sleeping some where people were fucking.

"Younes." I yell out. I checked the whole fucking place. I find my phone luckily still in my pocket and call him. No answer. I call Julian who can maybe locate his phone for me. No answer. I call Roman knowing he was gonna give me shit.

"Yoo." He says

"Have you seen Julian? I need him for something?"

"Are you not in Miami?"

"Yeah and I cant find Younes. I need him to track his phone?"

"What do you mean? I knew you two would get into some shit."I watch Younes walk up the stairs. "There you are." He says as there was another guy behind him. "Found him." I say hanging up.

"Wheres your chain?" He asks and I shrug. "Lets just fucking go. I am hungover as shit."

"Were not going anywhere." He says. The party even though it was 6am was still on going. He jogs downstairs and I follow him with the guy he was being followed by.

Younes grabs the host and takes a gun out. Didnt even know he had it on him. Here we fucking go. Younes shoves him into the wall and holds the gun against his neck.

"Your party has some thiefs here. Cough up the shit missing or your brain will be splattered on your white wall." He says

"Dude calm down man."

"Hurry up." Younes says as she clicks the safety off. "Jack go find out where Stevie is. I bet its her the fucker." He says. "Look we do not want trouble man? I thought we was cool."

"Until someone took something. Now were not." Some girl comes in and the guy shoves her on the floor.

"Fuck you Jack." She says

"Where is the shit you took. I told you leave our guests alone." He says and Younes looks at her. "Hurry up then?"

She takes the stuff out of her bra and throws them my way. "Sorry?" She says with a fake smile.

"Lame." Younes says as he puts his gun back. "Lets fucking get out of here now." I take my shit and the guy sighs before kicking the girl in the stomach as she screams out.

"Thats fucked up."

"Not my problem." Younes says. "Now lets get you home in one peace?" He chuckles but someone grabs me and punches me in the face. I recover and tackle the guy down.

"You think youre the shit?" The guy says. "Thats my girl you just ratted out."

Younes sighs taking his gun out again. "Move back. Yeah thats what I thought. If I talk to you again its a bullet in your head."

I wipe the blood off my mouth and look at Younes who was apologetic. Now how am I explaining this to Zara.

"Exactly like old times." I tell Younes getting into the car.

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