Passion In The Game

By AlexxRazzay

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Anthony and Rayna have been happy for a while. However, things start to stir up when things go a little haywi... More

In Due Time
Just A Gift
Author's Note *IMPORTANT*
Prized Possession
Temptation's A Bitch
Right Here
Next Question
Author's Note
Too Beautiful
Author's Note
History Pt. 1
History Pt. 2
History Pt. 3
History Pt. 4
History Pt. 5
History Pt. 6
Hurt Feelings
Be At Peace
All That Remains
Making Plans
What The Queen Wants
Getting Involved
The Matrimony
The Last Hurrah
This Is It
Everything I Have To Offer
Taking Off The Training Wheels
Happy Home
Not In The Plan
Come Home
Baby Talk
Trial and Error
Drifting Apart
Something New
Enchanted In Seattle
Get Rid Of Her
The Ultimatum
It's Been A While
Decisions, Decisions
Leave Quietly
The Alternate Story

They're Adults

96 5 1
By AlexxRazzay

Anthony and Rayna invited Terry and Alexis over to enjoy their backyard space. They were very private about their lives and their two closest friends were really the only ones who were welcome to come over.

Rayna looked at herself in the mirror making sure her outfit met her standards. Anthony crept up on her and rub on her thighs. Rayna giggled.

"You're terrible." Rayna teased.

"You make me this way." Anthony huffed as he kissed her neck. "You wanna go a round before they get here."

"A round? That's not enough for you." Rayna giggled.

"Then we go until the doorbell rings." Anthony said turning her around. He backed her into the corner and French kissed her. Just when he began to take off her shirt the doorbell rang. Anthony pulled away and groaned. "Can we just ignore them and make them wait?"

"We'll have all of tonight, baby." Rayna said.

Rayna gave him a quick peck on the lips and exited their closet. She went to the door and opened it to see Alexis hugging on Terry.

"Hello!" Rayna said a little surprised.

"Hey!" Alexis said peeling off of Terry. Rayna let them in. "Wasn't sure if you'd answered the door in a timely fashion.

"And why was that?" Rayna said closing the door.

"Eh. We'd just figured you guys would be too busy humping." Terry joked as he hugged Rayna and kissed her cheek.

Rayna laughed as she hugged Alexis. As she pulled away, she couldn't help but, noticed the marks on her neck that looked a lot like hickies.

"Hey, hey, hey. What's going on?" Anthony said coming into the room. Terry hugged him but Anthony took note of the makeup smudges on his shirt. He pulled away from him and looked at him, curiously.

"What?" Terry said.

"Man, who did you hug?" Anthony said. "You got all this makeup on you, man."

"Let me see." Rayna said tugging on the collar of the t shirt.

"Hey, guys. Can we please get outside before the sun goes down?" Alexis said.

"Yeah, come on. We came to have fun not talk about makeup." Terry said.

Rayna shrugged as they walked off towards the back of the house.

"So, you really aren't going to say hi to me, Anthony?" Alexis said.

Anthony turned to her and waved. Alexis rolled her eyes and dismissed Anthony's behavior.

"So who's the grill master today?" Terry asked.

"Well, Rayna has seasoned all on the meat. It's up to me to make sure it's cooked." Anthony said.

"Hmm. Nah. Anthony you better let Rayna handle the pit today." Terry said.

"Why?" Anthony said slightly offended as he opened the door to the backyard.

"I mean come on. Rayna's from Texas. I know she can throw down on the pit." Terry said.

"Look, Anthony knows what is doing. I just make sure he has what he needs and is ready to go." Rayna said.

"Thank you, baby." Anthony said kissing her cheek. "Besides she's better at the meat than I am anyway."

"Yeah, we're pretty sure she handles your meat just fine." Alexis said. Anthony's head snapped in her direction. Rayna struggled to keep herself from laughing but, Terry refused to hold back his roar. Anthony frowned at the fact that he was the subject of ridicule this afternoon.

"Alexis, come inside with me so you can make these margaritas." Rayna said still struggling. "Baby, I'll get the meat. Why don't you start the grill, ok?" Rayna wrapped her arms around Anthony's neck.

"See, this is why I don't like her." he whispered. Rayna shushed him and kissed him.

"Calm down." Rayna whispered. "I'll make you feel better tonight." She kissed him one more time before going inside with Alexis in tow.

Anthony turned to Terry who was still laughing his lungs away. "That wasn't funny" Anthony said walking towards the grill.

"Aye, man! Cut the girl some slack." Terry said following him.

"Since, I met her in college I've never really liked her." Anthony said starting the pit up.

"Anthony, look. The girl is just out for some fun. Relax." Terry said.

"Why are you always taking her side?" Anthony asked annoyed.

"Because, she's a cool person. Same type of person I used to hang around back in the day." Terry said.

"You used to hang around women who slept around?" Anthony asked.

"Hey! Don't say that about her." Terry growled.

Anthony hadn't seen Terry so defensive before. This was something new that Anthony couldn't quite wrap his head around it.

Rayna was putting out the alcohol for the night on the isle.

"Will Anthony ever like me?" Alexis said.

"I don't know." Rayna said. "Look, don't worry about it. He'll get over it."

"Rayna, I mean I know take shots at him every now and again but, it is important to me that we get along." Alexis said.

"Why? You guys don't have to get along." Rayna said. "It's not like it's going to stop us from being friends."

"It has nothing to do with you." Alexis said pouring herself a drink. Rayna noticed her friend was sad which was unusual for Alexis. She had never seen her upset, ever.

"What's wrong, Alexis?" Rayna said concerned.

"Don't worry about it." she said taking a shot.

"Are you sure?" Rayna said.

"Yeah. Get that meat out there. I think that pit is ready." Alexis said getting some glasses. Rayna went and brought the meat and the other things Anthony was going to need out to him. Alexis was behind her with two margaritas, a beer for Terry and a water bottle for Anthony on a tray. Alexis handed Rayna her drink then tossed Anthony his bottle of water as he gave her a cold stare. She handed Terry his beer and smiled. Terry winked back at her.

Anthony caught wind of it and shot a look at Rayna. She shrugged and walked with Alexis over to the pool. They put their feet in and sipped their margaritas. Rayna couldn't help but notice Alexis staring at Terry and Terry kept looking back at her.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Rayna said.

"No. Why?" Alexis said not taking her eyes off Terry.

"Well, there is something that I see. You got a thing for Terry?" Rayna said.

Alexis turned her head towards to Rayna and smiled.

"Uh huh! So he's the one that left all this hickies on your neck?" Rayna said poking her neck.

"Girl, stop." she said holding her hand.

"So, give me the details." Rayna squealed.

Anthony turned over the burgers, closed the pit and sat down with Terry.

He caught Terry glancing at Alexis and the smirk that was glued on his face.

"You like her, don't you?" Anthony said.

"What?" Terry said.

"What?" Anthony mocked. "That's her makeup on her shirt, isn't it?"

"Alright fine. She spent the night." Terry said.

"What? Please don't tell me y'all..." Anthony started. He saw the look on Terry's face and knew. "You're kidding."

"Nope." Terry said.

"For how long?" Anthony said shocked.

"Well...I first saw her when you brought Rayna over that one day and then we saw each other a club later that week. Alcohol got to going and I took her home and things got hot. We both didn't really think much of it so we never really talked about it. 2 weeks later, saw each other again and again I took her home. We've been in contact and having little meet ups here and there. While you guys were on your honeymoon, we'd go out everyday and we released we actually had a thing for each other. So, we've dating ever since." Terry said taking a sip of his beer.

"No man!" Anthony said. "Alexis sleeps around! She's not...clean."

"Neither am I. I've slept around too. Me and her ain't no different. It's not like she's cheated on anybody." Terry said.

"Terry, no. I'm telling you this isn't the girl for you man." Anthony said.

"Look, I don't expect you to understand. I don't care who she has been with and Alexis don't care about either." Terry said.

"You're making a mistake." Anthony said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"No. I'm not. I got feelings for her and ain't nothing wrong with that." Terry said.

"Terry, she is just like those girls they tell guys like us to watch out for. It looks good now but, you're going to end up hurt man and I don't want that for you." Anthony said.

"Anthony, look. You got yours. It's time to let me get mine, okay? We click. The same way you and Rayna did. Can you just be happy I've picked some to stick with?" Terry said.

Anthony backed off but he still couldn't stomach the fact of Alexis latching on to his best friend. He got up and headed towards the door. Rayna saw him, got up and went inside behind him.

"So, did Terry tell you?" Rayna said all excited.

"Yes. I'm not happy this, Rayna." Anthony said.

"What? Are you kidding me? This is great!" she said going in the refrigerator.

"No. This isn't. I don't like them together." he said.

"Anthony, they are perfect for each other!" Rayna said. "I personally think it's time for Alexis to find somebody."

"And that someone isn't Terry." Anthony said. Rayna turned to Anthony with a look of shock. "I don't want them together."

"Why? All because you don't like Alexis?" Rayna said.

"She isn't right for him. I'm sorry but, a woman like her just..." Anthony started.

"All because she has had sex with different men." Rayna said.

"Yes." Anthony said. "I mean just spreading herself around, giving it away all the time."

"Terry isn't most wholesome either, Anthony. You shouldn't judge. You've had sex out of wedlock, much less a loving relationship." Rayna said going back in the fridge. "Everyone does things that makes them a little less wholesome. I used to smoke weed."

"What?!" Anthony said choking on his water.

"That's not the point." Rayna said dismissing her comment. "The point is it doesn't matter what Alexis has down. If they want to be together, let them."

"Rayna, I don't trust her."Anthony said pointing outside.

"You haven't even had a full conversation with her to see what she is really like." she said pulling on the vegetables.

"That's because everytime she's around something smart or sexually comes out of her mouth. Look, this isn't about me." Anthony said.

"Oh, I think it is. You judge her on your first impression and didn't give her a second chance. So, based on your analysis you think you got her figured out. And by you being protective of your friend, you want him to make the right decision and you think Alexis isn't it. All based on what you think. So this is kinda about you." Rayna said.

"Don't psycho analyze me." Anthony said.

"Just saying it." Rayna said. "Look at them." Anthony and Rayna looked over at Terry and Alexis who were cuddled up on the lounge chair.

Anthony cringed when they kissed. "They love each other. They are in love. Terry's not worried about her past and Alexis isn't worried about his past. So, chill out." Rayna said.

"Rayna, I'm serious. I don't her with him." Anthony said.

"Damn it, Anthony!" Rayna said slamming her hands on the counter. "They're adults. Grown ass people. They are living their grown ass lives doing grown ass things. And if one of those grown things is having sex then, let them have sex. If they want to be in a relationship, there is nothing we can do about it! All we can do is be friends and support them."

Anthony groaned. Rayna went up to him and kissed him. "Now stop being a grouch. Be good and I'll give you a treat later on tonight." Rayna brought the vegetables outside to the grill. As she pasted she winked at Terry and Alexis. Anthony came out and stood beside Rayna taking the burgers off and tending to the ribs.

Later on the evening, everyone did their best to get along despite Anthony's sour mood. Rayna would whisper in his ear sweet, seductive things to get make him a little happier. Terry would stroke Alexis's thighs in between conversation.

Anthony watched Terry and Alexis. It was just like when he and Rayna first fell in love, the way they looked at each other. What they had wasn't lust, it was pure love. Anthony had to accept that. He may not have liked Alexis but, if Terry was happy he couldn't really object.

It came time for them to leave and they were saying their goodbyes. Anthony stood in front of Alexis. Terry and Rayna watched in suspense. Anthony held his hand out for Alexis to shake it. Alexis obliged and shook it.

"See you next time, Anthony." Alexis said leaving with Terry.

"Bye." Rayna said closing the door. She turned, faced Anthony and smiled.

"I guess Alexis isn't all that bad" Anthony said shrugging. Rayna walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"See? It wasn't that hard." Rayna said. She pulled away from him and started for the backyard. "I'm going to get in the hot tub. Thought I'd break it in."

"You don't have a bathing suit on, though." Anthony said confused.

"I know." Rayna said seductively.

Anthony smiled and followed her as he began to shed his clothes. "And we still need to talk about you and smoking weed."

Rayna laughed as she shed her clothes making her way outside.

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