TMF Oneshots

By EmpatheticEowyn

2.1K 47 204

☆ - Feel Free To Request !! ☆ - I Do All Ships Except for Drew/Liam/Zander x Any Girl or Zoey/Sadie x Any Boy... More

!!Send Requests!! (ON HOLD UNTIL I CATCH UP)
' Chart Searching -- Joey ~
' Chart Searching II -- Joey/Jander/Jamilly Beef, Concerned Hailey ~
' Anything for Her Mother -- Dracy Angst, Drew x ??? ~
' What Happens When You're Toxic? -- Drelliot Angst, Dead Drew ~
' Flames And Hospitality -- Jamilly ~
' There's A Sound in Our Distance -- Jaisy ~
' Nobody Is Perfect -- Drake ~
' When Everything Feels Wrong, It's Right -- Drake ~
' Rumors -- Jean ~
' In Days of Yore -- Haisy , Henriam Lime, Implied Drake ~
' Party At Jake's House! -- Jander, Drenriam ~
' 2021-2022 Frenzy -- Drake, Henriam ~
' Citrus -- Jailey Slow-Burn/Fluff, Drake Angst ~
' A Question Sparking Society Today -- Drenry Slow-burn/Lime, Jiam Lime/Angst ~

"Your Life is The Reason I'm Still Here Today" -- Jaisy, Henriam ~

94 4 5
By EmpatheticEowyn




  Jake threw his music journal away, then Daisy found it and gave it back to him. Despite everything she told him, Jake still didn't understand why Daisy would remind him that he's unstoppable. He's been wondering since the day they met. Now that he and Daisy were getting closer, he plans on asking her for reasons to why she stopped him from giving up.

He didn't know how to say it, so he kept it classified until further notice. All he appreciated at the moment was that his crush was the only one by his side. He couldn't thank her enough for being so sweet to him. 

Sometimes, Jake will often ask himself how be got into such a convenience with Daisy. I mean, a sweet angel confronting a suicidal boy to teach him how to live his moment was like a dream being a reality to the guy himself.

Some days, he ponders of what would happen if he never met Daisy. Would he be not be alive right now? Would he have committed suicide? He wouldn't be friends with Drew, and he certainly would have never bullied Hailey and Zander.

Milo's perspective too, that would ruin his little brother's life. Imagine Milo having to think of his big brother to only know that he left him.

Whenever Jake feels like surrendering his life, he immediately thinks of Daisy. Her saddened expression ruins the whole ideal of his death. 

Jake has always done his best to pull his life together, if he began dreaming for only one second he'll most likely pass away. Jake likes to evoke himself because of Daisy sometimes, knowing her that she loves seeing his accomplishments come true. 

There was more to it than Daisy's kindness, in which Jake is easily attracted to, her voice and behavior made it better for Jake to understand the meaning of life.

Jake grew up with hardly any parents, his mom and dad don't care about him at all. He never felt the meaning of love until he discovered music. Yet again, Daisy made the concept of music an improvement to him. 

Everything. Just about everything had to do with Daisy. Daisy, Daisy, Daisy. Daisy is the reason Jake is still breathing. Daisy is the reason Jake doesn't hate himself. She's the reason Jake started singing outside his room. She's also the reason Jake knows how to snap himself out of his fantasies. Daisy is the reason to everything! Jake never meant to get so obsessive, it's just this girl made everything unchallenging. 

Come to think of it, Jake may now ask Daisy tomorrow. Why did Daisy stop Jake from doing something stupid?


    The next day awoke, Jake slipped out his bed before rubbing his eyes. He checks his phone and noticed a popped-up message from "🐻Drew".

 "Hey Jake, I have A Question For You? It's About Liam and Henry.."

Jake replied, "Sure, what's the big hook?"

A few seconds later, Drew replied back, "I Noticed Something Odd Between The Two. Despite You Were Busy And Couldn't Hang Out The Other Night, I Left My Room And Quickly Heard Thumping. I Decided To Check What It Was And I Saw The Two Grasping Hands And One Was Pinning The Other To The Wall. Do You Think They're Dating?"

Jake was trying to process what the hell his best friend just sent him. He dizzily typed back, "I- What?????"

"I Know, That's Random. They Were Flustered Too When I Caught Them." Drew texted.

Jake texted, "I don't know what you want me to say, they're prolly clueless. I'll suspect it later, I have other things going on my mind rn." Jake thought of Daisy again, oh how his heart skipped beat after beat. 

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Drew replied.

"I'll tell you when we meet at school, quite frank, I don't think you would want to hear it rn."

"Okay? I'll see you at school then?"

"Yeah, bye-bye-!"


  Jake slipped his phone into his pocket. He sighed, thinking about Daisy once more. The blonde reddened darkly at the thought of the white head, she felt like light clouds to him; as light as his soul leaving his body. It's painful to anticipate the fact he wishes an angel picked him up by now and let himself endure the suffering, but Jake needed to know why Daisy is involved in his gloomy life. Jake needed answers, he needed to know if her aspirations were worthy of him. Any detail is necessary, anything...


   The peach boy made it to school. Drew, Liam, and Henry stood in front of the building, as always, they goof off and play around. 

Drew was secretly analyzing the anime fanboys, watching their every move. Drew never laid an eye off them since the sleepover. He found himself now ignoring them, he then saw Jake heading his way.

"Hey, Jake!" The magenta-haired guy yelped across his friend. "Over here!"

"I know...I know.." Jake was aware, marching towards the Jomies.

"Good morning, Jakey~" Henry beamed. Jake smiled at him. "Morning, Henry. You too, Liam."

"Yup. Mornin'!" The freckled-boy excites. Liam and Henry eventually went back to flirting with one another. 

"I really hope to god they're playing around.." Drew covered his face in embarrassment. 

"Again, I think they're clueless." Jake tittered.

"You can say that again." Drew annoyed, "Oh, and also.."

"Yes?" Jake said.

"What was up with you on text?" Drew wondered. "What's on your mind?"

"Do you really want to know?" Jake saddened, a little shade of black appeared on his face.

"Yes," Drew was sure, stepping up to his friend. "I care about you." He whispered.

Jake took a deep breath and went up to Drew's ear.

-After explaining his suicidal mess-

  His wealthy friend was stunned, the magenta head's pupils shrunk thinking about what Jake had told him. Drew covered his mouth, preventing his jaw from dropping. Tears began to damage his sight, he blinked a couple times. He glanced at the guy with piercings, a sign of dejection was shown in his optics. 

"Jake..." Drew's voice was hoarse, a few sobs came out of his throat. "....Why...?" He bawled.  

"I'm so sorry..." Jake cried,

Drew wiped his tears, he took a little breather before looking at the other guy. 

 "Drew..." Jake spoke, "I promise your not apart of it-" 

Drew paused him, "Listen, I'm sorry I couldn't be a great friend. If only I were nicer you'd maybe then tell me how you truly felt. You don't deserve to live the way you currently are, Jake. It's destroying your chances with the whole world. It's decaying your reputation, you hear me? You belong here, with me! Those music freaks! Daisy even, she brought you to them, Jake. And if you ever seem unsatisfied with anything, please depend on me to save you. I love you, Jake, in every way possible, I will be here for you when Daisy isn't..." A river flowed from the boy's eyes. 

"Drew....?" Jake was shocked, he had no idea Drew imagined him like that. He suddenly twinkled at him. "Okay...I will."

"Okay, cool." Drew sniffed. "Go ask her, man."

"I will." Jake said. "Talk at lunch?"

"You bet my savings." Drew ridiculed,

"Okay, bye." Jake walked off. Drew happily waved at him, another tear dripped down his face. 


  Jake stopped in the middle of the hallway, he stood by Daisy's locker waiting for her presence.

"Jake?" Daisy's voice had been heard from close. Jake turned his head and saw his crush.

"Hey, Daisy." Jake said, the girl opened her locker and took out her math notebook.

"What's up?" She grilled.

"Do you think we have some time to talk?" The boy asked, hiding his hands behind his back.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Jake." Daisy saddened. "I have to do some organizing with Sadie and Miss Jones, which is why I need my notebook." She chuckled nervously. 

"Oh okay." Jake disappointed. "I figured anyway, since you're so busy."

"I never intended it to happen, but yes." Daisy added.

"After school then? Or do you have dance class today?" Jake suggested.

"Actually no, I was supposed to have cooking class but it got cancelled." Daisy said.

"Perfect, after school then?" Jake quizzed.

"Yep, surely." Daisy replied. "Later," She smirked, strolling away from the blonde. Jake tinted a slight shade of pink.

"Y-Yeah...later..." He stuttered, he wasn't sure if he could hold the sorrow much longer.


 Time flew by very quickly, Jake had the same sorrow all day. Eventually, Liam and Henry found out from Drew and they attempted to make Jake feel better, but nothing could hurt more than Daisy's unknown opinion. From every break between periods, Drew told Jake very nice things to him, he embraced him as well as giving him platonic kisses to make his day.

Finally the day was over, Jake was now going to meet up with Daisy. He got a message from her saying that she wanted to meet by the fountain. He texted her back, "Be there in a moment, let me say goodbye to my friends."


Jake ran up to the Jomies outside the school building, "You guys...I'm going to tell Daisy now, I'm about to meet her at the fountain."

They gasped, "Really?" Henry awed.

Liam jumped, "Are you serious, like now?!"

"Oh, brother..." Drew worried, his hands skid inside his hoodie.

"Guys, don't sweat it!" Jake was guilty, trying to brush off the stress.

"But it is a big deal, Jake!" Henry corrected him, Liam nodded. 

"You're about to tell Daisy you're suicidal, do you possibly think she'll be alright with that?" Drew crossed his arms. "Because sure as hell we aren't."

"Be careful, Jake." Liam warned him. "Confessing something as drastic like suicide can quickly change someone's perspective." 

"Yeah." Henry sighed, "It may even change the specific person's opinion about you."

Drew rustled, "Any who, remember what I said, Jake. If anything does wrong, you come to me. Or Liam or Henry." 

"You have my word, I will." Jake accepted; he left the group. 

Drew, Liam, and Henry watched their best friend as he left their sight.

"I'm terrified for him.." Liam said with tears welling up in his eyes. Henry shivered in fear.

"It will be okay, he'll come to us afterwards. I know it." Drew believed in him.


  Daisy sat on the side of the fountain, expecting Jake to arrive any second. There he was, the peach boy ran towards her and shouted, "I'm here!"

The flower girl sighed in relief, "Thank goodness, I thought something bad happened!"

"Oh, no. Definitely not!" Jake chuckled, he hopped onto the fountain right beside Daisy. The white head looked up and him and grinned. 

"So what did you want to talk about? How personal is it?" Daisy was super curious, Jake wasn't too sure how to summon his confession anymore. 

His mood changed very fast, he took a deep breath and examined Daisy. "It's....extremely personal. Promise me you won't tell anyone about this..?" 

The galaxy-eyed lady held out her pinky finger, "I swear on my life, I won't say a peep!" Jake went off-guard when he heard 'I Swear On My Life'. Other than that, he also held his pinky finger and intertwined his with Daisy's. They broke a couple seconds later.

Jake struggled to prepare his confession, he can already imagine the disgust on Daisy's face when he tells her the truth. The full and honest truth.


"....Jake...?" Daisy began to question the boy, observing the look on his expression. Jake lifted his head across Daisy's.

"What I'm about to tell you is tragic." He said, fiddling with his fingers.

"What do you mean?" Daisy asked, she was puzzled.

"Remember when we first met? You found my music book in the trash and decided to give it back to me, you said it was too precious and that whatever I believe in should shift and turn into goals?" Jake questioned the girl.

"Of course I do, that is one of my most treasured memories!" Daisy was being very thoughtful, Jake couldn't help but blush and tense up. But he had to focus, he's been waiting to tell her.

"As I was saying, the day we met I was about to give up on myself. Which is what you saw in me, but not in the way you witnessed it. You see..." Jake inhaled. "Before you found me, I was planning to end my life the same day."

Daisy gasped, Jake was scared as hell. He didn't bother looking at the girl's reaction, he knew it was awful.

"I was still going to do it, despite your convincing on me. In which, it made me wonder since the moment we met." Jake spoke while he turned his head to his crush. "Why did you save me, Daisy? Why? Did you see something in me that I didn't?" 

Daisy was speechless, she had no comment. She sat there knocked out from his disclosure.


 Jake continued confessing, "Whatever the reason it may be, it immediately changed my whole personality. It got to the point where I felt I had a reason to live. Your words mean everything to me, Daisy. They changed me as a person from the past five years. The way you talk with your voice kept me alive, you're also the most kindest person on the planet. All those dreams I've had only came to life because I got so used to your voice evoking me everyday. I'm able to pull myself together because of you, my life is so much better with you to share it with. Normally, you're supposed to share your passion with your family yet my mother and father never loved me in the first place. I think you were to first one to see me as a real person. But my little brother, Milo, had tried to be there the most. I can't for one second imagine his life without me in it if I ended myself. My dog Oreo too. And The Jomies, they've done so much for me. Not to mention, the music club too. I would have never accomplished that goal if it weren't for your kindness, I wouldn't be Drew, Henry, or Liam's best friend if it wasn't for you, everything that was been done for the past five years is all due to you, Daisy. Everything would be a challenge for me if it weren't for you."

The blonde darted at the white head. "I'm sorry if it seems like I'm obessed, that's not the case. I mean every word."

"Oh?" The blue-eyed girl had a huge grin on her face, her optics got watery.

Jake gave her a bright and shiny smile, crying "Daisy, your life is the reason I'm here today!" 

Daisy's voice cracked,  "Oh, Jake, come here!" She pulled him in for a tight hug. Both the boy and girl found themselves hugging and sobbing in each other's arms. 

Jake sniffed, "I love you so much, Daisy.." He wailed while his face turned pink.

"I love you, too, Jake." 


  Jake and Daisy shed so much tears it's no joke. In the end, they stopped bawling their asses off and calmed down. Daisy thanked Jake for being honest with him, she gave Jake her opinion and it didn't turn out was bad as expected. They hugged one last time before they went separate ways. Jake decided to go to Drew's house to spill the news. 

Jake rang the doorbell, Drew's father answered the door. "Oh, why hello, Jake!"

"Hi, Mr. Blight!" Jake twinkled,

"Drew is in his room, Henry and Liam are here as well." Mr. L/N said.

"Alright." Jake noted, he stepped in the house and took off his shoes by the shoe shelf. He hastily ran up the stairs to Drew's room.


   He kicked the door open and jumped on Drew while he was playing video games.

"AAH- Wait- JAKE?!" Drew jumped, the peach boy was in his arms now.  

"JAKE!!" Henriam jinxed, plopping down on the beanbag with him and the magenta head. "-oof!" Drew winced in pain.

"What happened with Daisy?" Liam questioned.

"She understood me, and she still accepts me!" Jake yelled.

"YES! LET'S GOOOOO!" Henry was so hyped, Liam squealed.

"What?!" Drew shot his optics. "That's amazing, Jake!" He felt such content for him. The boys then got into a group hug and squeezed the living shit out of one another on the beanbag

"My ass is gonna be numb!" Henry shouted. Liam and Jake laugh.

"Oh my god, I feel limbless with you guys pushing my guts! Ewww!" Drew shouted, being dramatic. 




.  For the rest of eternity, Jake had never felt so alive!

'The End. --

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