The HalfBlood- FourthWing Fan...

By Quietdreamer52

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Freya Sorrengail. The halfblood. Born different than her siblings she always stood out. Whether it was appea... More

1- Conscription Day
2- The Parapet
3-The Crossing
4- Official Cadet
5-Fourth Wing
6- The Sparring
7- The Journal
8-The Woods
9- Admiring Your Work
10- The Kill
11-Traitors Side
12-Not Your Mother
13- The Gauntlet
14- The Burning Pile
15-Presentation Day
16- Presentation Day 2
17- The Gold Dragon
19- The Drefected One
21- A Rider
22- Protection
23- The Attempt
24- I Heard Him!
25- Body Guard
26- Severed
27- Liam Mairi
28- The Scroll
30- The Feelings Through The Bond
31- The kiss
32- The Fight
33- Mistake
34- Authors Note/ Training
35- Preparation
36- The Flight
37- Squad Battle
38- Squad Challenges
39- The Final Task
40- The Task
41- After the Task
42- The Front Lines
43- Front Lines 2
45- The Attack / Authors Note
47- The Confession
48- Getting to know you
49- Why'd you want to know me?
50- Reveal me/ Authors Note
51- Chaos
52- Reveal me pt.2
53- Revealed to me
55- Feelings
56- Love Triangle
57- 2 sides
59- The Party
60- 1 Love
61- Everything is yours
62- The Final
63- The Final pt. 2
64- The Betrayal
65- The Betrayers
66- Dead Anyways
67- Die a traitor
68- The Wyvern
69- The Battle of Althybene
70- The Battle of Athybene PT.2
72- Is To Sacrifice Life
73- Finale pt.1
73- Finale pt.2
75- Finale pt.3
76- Life for a Life
77- The End
Book 2

71- To Bend Death

639 37 16
By Quietdreamer52

To hear the screams makes my body shake all over again, to hear it's from Liam, Hetta, Deigh or even Managda makes my body want to destroy everything in it's path. The feeling I felt when Jack attacked Liam rises at such speed I needed to refrain so I didn't accident't electrucate Rhys.

" Control halfblood." He warns, " To much to fast will kill you before they even touch you. Know when to ground and when to let the storm of chaos reign."

We weave around some cliffs until there was a narrow valley and above it... Was Liam and Hetta.

And the biggest Gryphon I've seen yet... Way beiiger then the other ones-

When it turns it was...

" Xaden!"

I see Segyl fly right next to us, Xaden's eyes widen, this is the first expression I see that's genuine shock from him. " They can combine?!"

What we're looking at is something, a reborn? Half dragon half gryphon?! Deigh and Managda were still slightly bigger, but it's holding it's own against two dragons.... Two..

Xaden was the first to dive in, Segyl put her claws out to grab it, take out it's spine, somethign along those lines when it pivots, narrowly avoiding her. How did it know they were coming?! It's in constant battle with the other two?!

" Come on!" I urge to Rhys and we take right for it.

Again it's like it saw us because it pivots once more throwing flames at us... this mutt..thoriwng flames like a damn dragon. Rhys rolls and I hold for dear life, my head spinning for a few seconds as I force myself to regain composure.

I growl, looking back over to the beast now going at Hetta and Managda, trying to slice her neck open. I feel the fire dance on my arms, the white peach flames about to aim when Rhys pulls me back.

" You'll scorch them all! We need to get it away from them!" He yells.


Again Segyl tries going for it, and again it turns throwing out a talon, slicing her leg. She roars in pain, I see Xaden yell out as well as it hurts him too. Rhys roars in anguish for his mate and I feel his burning rage.

" It's like someone is telling it-"

Like someone is telling it, controlling it, toying it. I look around wildly, it needed to be close, the one that commanded Solei... it had on the blue robe. I see a venin watching us from below with a sinister look as I see her hands moving, it's like a puppet.

" On that flat!" I yell to Rhys. " Xaden it's being controlled by a venin! It's getting told or-"

Segyl circles snatching it's beak before it could plunge through Deigh's throat.

" Keep it distracted! I got the venin!" I barked through the bond.

Xaden gives a nod and we plummet downward.

Come on chaos.... give me something to kill this bitch...

Camly, the venin snaps his eyes towards us with a furious look. He does somethign with his hands creating almost like a ball of black crackling energy letting grow until it hurls it at us.

Rhys lets out fire and banks, the venin doges and rolls with such speed it was unnerving. HE does another motion and before we knew it there was the muted shriek of what I'm guessing is the mutt.

" FREYA!" I hear Xaden, we hit impact with the beast, before everything goes spiraling I see the

Rhys manages to flip about to flame it when it's beak clashes over his mouth keeping it shut. That was one second, in the next there was a flash of red and the creature gets ripped off, only confirming the venin was telling it what was happening.

Now we have the advantage.

Deigh now was fighting it again with Liam holding for dear life, but that wasn't enough, with the rolling, even the strongest rider couldn't stay seated like that..

" LIAM!" Hetta screams and she dives for him, they plummet at record speed climbing after him. I hear more shrilling and a whole new group of reborns and wyvern come from the city.

Coming for us...

Where is Imogen and Garrick?! Xaden told them to stay there along with the other third years... Are they.. Are they in the hoard?!

I hear anothr shriek, my head snaps back to see a bigger reborn knocked Hetta out of the way Managda defwnding themselves while Liam still falls, Hetta screaming for him.

My eyes widen, " Rhys go!" I look at Xaden " Cover me!"

In the next second Rhys is plummeting right after him, Xaden right on our tail. I see Deigh falling still fighting with the mutt, I see them tear eachother apart. I know it's not a reborn... they made that thing special..

Liam and Deigh were falling in almost perfect unison... Then I get hit with another Idea...

" Rhys faster!" I yell.

Rhys's fully tucks his wings free falling, the wind burns my eyes but I don't care... THis needs to work.

" Xaden!"

" You almost have him Freya... Focus."

" I'm about to do something...really stupid.."

And just like that... It's last this last year flashed before my eyes, how many times everyone... Dain, Mira, Hetta, Rhys, Andarna, Segyl...Xaden... told me not to do something stupid. How hard I've tried not to, to not mess up, to behave or be normal or whatever the hell they wanted to be to do.

To keep my ideas and impulses in check.

But I knew better, I knew what I did normally worked...normally..

I also know it's Liam or Deigh. We won't be able to catch them both.

" You need to catch him Rhys..."

" Freya?!" Rhys questions, his own fear raking through me, I crash my shield down to avoid his emotions for what I'm about to do..

" FURY!!" Xaden roars in horror knowing what exactly I'm going to do.

But a rider without it's dragon is dead. A strongly bonded dragon without it's rider is almost dead.

I've heard Liam talk about Deigh. The admiration in his eyes, his tone, the small smile with the dimple every time he talked about him. I've seen how well they work with eachother, how I know they would literally die for eachother.

One without the other is dead.

And I refuse to live in a world without Liam Mairi.

I grab the sword made to kill venin in one quick motion, and I jump.

I go plummeting towards Deigh and the mutt, landing on the rough cracked skin of the monster right between his shoulder blades.... please Deigh hold out.... Don't bite me...

The beast knows I'm on it and tries to flip, " Die you son of a bitch!" I growl plummeting my sword into the bird, It shrills in pain, I see it's blue lightened eyes dim.

Yet it still holds strong on Deigh. I see it's talon locked. Even if it tried to let go.... it couldn't.


Deigh steadies when we fall, his eyes filled with fear as we plummet, I see Rhys catch Liam, I also hear the broken cried from Liam, Xaden and Hetta.

No... I refuse to die today.

" Keep us steady!" I yell.

I need to work damn fast. I grip onto diegh holding his claw for dear life as I let the fire reign through me, trying to burn the damn bird off of us. I grab the ankle of the beast letting the fire run through me.

Don't burn Deigh... Don't burn Deigh..

We still plummet, the ground arriving below us.

Come faster......

I need more.... I lift my shield once more and rhys already was pushing a vast amount of power on me and Iet it explode like an inferno melting the rest of the bird off making it fall....

Making me fall with it.

" Freya!" I hear Xaden scream once more.

Deigh levels, his head shooting he was the one plummeting for me... He snatches me, throwing me slightly in the air...catching me on his back.

I land flopping on his back with a mild thud knocking the air out of me slightly. " I can see why they call you reckless Whiteblood."

I blink a few times... was that..Rhys... no that sounded nothing like him... he sounds like an old man this one sounded...younger...teenage like...

I see Deigh slightly turn his head looking at me.

Was that....

Another dragon was talking to me? One besides our bonded pair or Andarna?

" I can see why he likes you so much." Deigh... says again. " You were willing to sacrifice you life... I'm truly indebted Whiteblood."

" Your speaking to me...."

" Because you just saved us."

He flies smoothly down in the valley landing, I just not notice how hard he's breathing, how much blood he's much on an impact that thing had on him.

I quickly get off, almost falling. " Deigh.."

" I'll be alright." He assures.

Rhys lands with Liam on his back, Xaden and Hetta behind him. Liam jumps off sprinting to us. " Freya!" He grabs me wrapping me in a hug " Your alright... You.. You dumbass! Why? Why would you do that?"

" Because.... You protected me. And that's what people who are supposed to be your friends do."

He sighs, " You've always been my friend dammit...."

" And you just saved me again, after I gave clear instructions before not to save me... Save Hetta because you have your sister you idiot.."

This makes him smirk a little. " Well, it's embedded to be your body guard."

Liam looks over at Deigh... " Deigh.."

I see him cock his head as Liam goes to him, I know he's assuring him.

" Your a dumbass." Xaden sighs looking me over.

" Now is not the time for-"

There was an earth shattering roar. One that made the ground shake...

Imogen and Garrick all of the sudden dive in the valley. " We need to go!" Garrick demands.

" No we stay-" Xaden begins to protest.

" They have Tairn!" Imogen begs. " We lost Heaton and Sillia. He just appeared.... he ate them almost whole Xaden... we need to get out of here. He knows, he knows Rhys is here and Freya. Temny is riding him-"

There was another roar. The biggest damn dragon I've seen flies over head, all I smell is rot, dead rot. He pivots sending down blue fire, I hear the screams knowing there might be no survivors.

All this might've been for nothing....

Rhys growls. Not one of of a animal in a corner.

A growl of fear.

( Oh shit huh? ;) I told you guys to put faith in me....)



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