Sokeefe Forever

By SilvenySlays

2.8K 80 99

In this version, Sophie and Keefe meet when they're children and don't realize they want to spend the rest of... More

~Chapter One~
~Chapter Two~
~Chapter Three~
~Chapter Four~
~Chapter Five~
~Chapter Six~
~Chapter Seven~
~Chapter Eight~
~Chapter Nine~
~Chapter Ten~
~Chapter Eleven~
~Chapter Twelve~
~Chapter Thirteen~
~Chapter Fourteen~
~Chapter Fifteen~
~Chapter Sixteen~
~Chapter Seventeen~
~Chapter Eighteen~
~Chapter Nineteen~
~Chapter Twenty~
~Chapter Twenty-One~
~Chapter Twenty-Two~
~Chapter Twenty-Three~
~Chapter Twenty-Four~
~Chapter Twenty-Five~
~Chapter Twenty-Six~
~Chapter Twenty-Seven~
~Chapter Twenty-Nine~
~Chapter Thirty~
~Chapter Thirty-One~
~Chapter Thirty-Two~

~Chapter Twenty-Eight~

59 1 2
By SilvenySlays

(I am so sorry I didn't write the special chapter yesterday!! I was super busy. But that's no excuse! I will never break a promise again, I promise! Okay, here's the special chapter!!)

(Biana's POV)

I haven't seen Keefe or Sophie in a LONG time. So I decided to check on them. I went to Sophie's house first... And it was completely empty. Keefe's house was empty, too. Something weird is going on...

I even found the pink gulon laying in the middle of Keefe's room. (Not that I snuck in there and snooped around...)

Then I texted them, and I ended up getting a response from Edaline: Sophie was shot by Lady Gisela, and now she's recovering. Keefe ran away. We don't know where he is. I'm so sorry, sweetie, we haven't seen you in a while. Hope you have a great rest of your day!

Yeah, right. Today was probably gonna be even worse than the news she just dropped on me. I sprinted to the hospital to check on my friend. But then, on the way up, something strange happened.

My breath seemed to catch in my throat as my eyes locked with a cute boy. His black and silver hair made my heart flutter, and his eyes were so cold, but they seemed to cool me off, like I was the sun and he was the moon.

"I'm Biana." I said, my voice trembling. Darn it. I'm usually so good at talking to boys. But this time, I'm actually interested in him.

"Tam." He said, his voice deep. "Do you, um... Do you have a phone number?" I gave him a blank stare before snapping out of it.

"Oh, right! Sure." I wrote down my number and he told me to call him!! OMG!! I've never had a boyfriend before! Oh, wait... Dex likes me, doesn't he? Darn it, now I have to choose! Is this what Sophie always feels like?

Oh. Speaking of Sophie, I forgot about her. Oops. (Don't tell her)

I sprinted up to Sophie's hospital room and found them all huddled around her. I broke through the group of people to find her sobbing.

"Sophie?" I asked quietly, trying to comfort her. Sophie's head snapped up at the sound of my voice.

"Biana?" Sophie whispered, tears still rolling down her cheeks. I pulled her into a hug. "Have you seen Keefe? Please, I need to talk to him."

"Why do you need to talk to him?" I asked curiously. Sophie sucked in a breath before she cleared her throat and said:

"I only have 24 hours left to live."


(Keefe's POV)

"So, um... Mom, your hideout skills are super bad." I shouted when I found the front of the building. It literally said: The Neverseen HQ.

"Um... Yeah, I should've thought that through." Lady Gisela admitted. "Anyway, why are you here, son?"

"I'm here because I know you filled that bullet with poison. And I know you're the only one who has the antidote for that. And there's no way I'm letting you kill the love of my life." Keefe demanded. "I'll do anything. Please."

"Anything?" Lady Gisela repeated. Keefe nodded, even though it hurt him to. Sophie was worth anything, so that was the bargain he was going to strike.

"I promise." Keefe added when she hesitated. Lady Gisela tapped her chin.

"You would follow the rest of your legacy? Willingly?" Lady Gisela asked. Keefe swallowed before nodding slowly.

"Okay... Give me a piece of your hair." She ordered.

"What? No!" Keefe complained. Lady Gisela raised an eyebrow, and then Keefe sighed heavily, pulling hair out of his head before reluctantly handing it to his mother.

"Perfect... Now, you are going to wake up one of these days, and you're going to have Elvin ablities, like you were supposed to have. Before the Council took them away..." Lady Gisela shook her head. "That was a grave mistake. Anyway, when your powers change, embrace them, don't fight them. Understand?"

"I guess." Keefe mumbled.

"Good. Now, here's the antidote." Lady Gisela handed him a vial. "When you get there, pour it in her mouth without letting her speak. Otherwise, it won't work."

Keefe nodded.

"Time to go save Foster."

(Sorry you guys, I know it wasn't that special, but it was something! Thanks for all the views, once again!)

By the way, I got grounded, so there might be days where I promise to write a chapter and then I'm grounded so I'm not able to... Anyway, hope you guys keep reading my stuff! It's really important to me.

Question of the day:

How do you think KOTLC is going to end? (Like, the actual book series?)

Okay, that's all for today, folks!

Team Foster-Keefe for the win!!! :)


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