Different World // Nayeon X r...

By WritingRey

64.2K 5.7K 1.9K

Park Y/N is a 25 year old cop. She lives with her two friends Dahyun and Tzuyu and takes her job seriously. O... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 42

786 83 53
By WritingRey

Four months have passed since Y/N got shot. Nayeon has changed a bit since then. She's putting more effort on getting along with Y/N's friends and family and Y/N is very glad about that. Her family and friends are now also accepting Nayeon little by little. Her parents even told her that Nayeon isn't as bad as they thought. Y/N is very hopeful that soon everyone around them will accept this relationship. 

As for Minji... Y/N hasn't seen her for almost four months now. Minji transferred to Itaewon station and she heard that Minji is doing well there. Apparently she came to the station a few times to visit her friends but Y/N wasn't present at the station at the time so she couldn't see her.

Nayeon called Y/N and informed her that she will be coming to her apartment today. Tzuyu and Dahyun aren't home so Y/N and Nayeon can spend some time alone.

"Hey love. Come in." Y/N smiled as she opened the front door for her lover. Nayeon walked in and Y/N pulled her into a short kiss before they sat down on the couch.

"You know our one year anniversary is coming soon right? I was thinking for us to go travel somewhere. We've been dating for a year now but never really travelled together." Y/N smiled.

"I don't really have the money for that right now..." Nayeon looked down.

"Why are you worrying about that? I have money. See it as my gift for you for our anniversary. I was thinking maybe we can go to Thailand? Or maybe Taiwan? How does that sound?"

"Y/N..." Nayeon's expression totally changed and it seems like she's not liking the idea.

"What? You don't like the idea? We can go anywhere you like, I don't mind. As long as we're together." The cop caressed her girlfriend's arm. "If you want we can even go to Australia or South Africa. I'll take off of work and I'll convince your boss to let you take off as well. He won't say no if I ask." Ever since the incident at the convenience store about a year ago, Nayeon's boss has been nice to Y/N.

"It's not that... it's just...."

"Hmm you don't want to travel? Then we can stay here as well. If you want something simple like dinner then we can do that too."

"Y/N, I need to talk to you about something." Nayeon suddenly looked her deadly in the eyes.

"What's going on? You don't seem excited about this."

"I don't really know how to say this. I've been thinking of doing this for a while now and I think it's best if I do this before our anniversary instead of waiting. I... I want to break up with you..." Nayeon said and Y/N couldn't believe her ears. Is she hearing this right? Nayeon can't be saying this.

'This is a joke right?" Y/N chuckled. "This must be a joke."

"It's not. I want to end things with you."

"Where does that suddenly come from?" Y/N furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head not understanding this at all. "We're doing so well right now. My family and friends are finally accepting you and we haven't even argued in the past like three months."

"This isn't about you but about me. I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry. It's best for us to break up." The older woman said.

"Can you at least tell me why? There must be a reason. I don't think you would just wake up one day and decide to break up with me." Y/N asked but Nayeon just sat there in silence. "Do you not love me anymore?"

"No, no, I do love you Y/N."

"Then what is it? Is there someone else?" The cop asked and Nayeon shook her head.

"There isn't anyone else either."

"The issue can't be my family because they aren't giving you a hard time and it can't be Minji either since I haven't seen her in four months. So what is it, Im Nayeon?"

"Like I said it's me. Being with you is too much of a burden for me. I don't want to talk about this please just accept it and let's end things here."

"Being with me is a burden for you?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I need to head to work now. Please don't contact me. Let's end thing here." And while Y/N was trying to progress everything Nayeon just said her girlfriend suddenly left. Nayeon wants to break up with her? But why? Everything has been going very well between them for the past few months. Nayeon wans't showing any signs of wanting to break up either. She's sure that Nayeon still loves her so there must be something else and of course as always Y/N will figure it out.

Y/N couldn't fall asleep all night because of what her girlfriend told her. The only thing she said is that being with her is a burden for Nayeon. But why would it be a burden for her? Y/N wishes for Nayeon to have at least explained everything before leaving.

The next day Y/N had to go to work early in the morning but she kept texting and calling Nayeon so they can meet up afterwards. Unfortunately Nayeon isn't answering her calls or her texts. So Y/N had no choice but to go to the convenience store after work.

"Why are you here?" Nayeon asked when she finally completed her shift and left the store just to see Y/N waiting for her outside.

"We need to talk. You can't just ignore me after what you told me yesterday. Don't you think I deserve at least an explanation?"

"We broke up. There isn't much to talk about." Nayeon sighed and attempted to walk away but Y/N blocked her by standing in front of her.

"We didn't break up. You told me you want to break up with me and then just left. That's not how you break up with someone."

"Y/N... Please don't do this. Why are you making things hard for me? Just accept it."

"Look I just want to know why you want to end things with me and I won't leave you alone until you tell me. Remember when we first met? You told me that you hated me and didn't want to see me but I showed up here every single day in order to change your mind and eventually I did. What makes you think that I would accept this so easily now? If I have to I will show up every single day right now as well just like I did back then."

"I don't even know how to explain myself to you. It's complicated." Nayeon looked down.

"Please try. I will be understanding, I promise. Please just talk to me. Don't walk away like this." Y/N held her hands and looked her in the eyes.

"Fine, let's go to a nearby cafe." The older woman nodded and the two went to a nearby cafe. They sat down and ordered coffee.

"So are you going to tell me what's wrong now?" Y/N asked once they got their coffees.

"This isn't something that I decided in a short span of time. I've been thinking about this for a while and it breaks me to have to make this decision but it's better for the both of us. Everyone around us was right, Y/N." Nayeon looked her in the eyes. "It doesn't matter how much we love each other. We just don't suit each other. Like your parents said we are from two different worlds. In the beginning I didn't really feel that but as time passes by, I can see how people from entirely two different worlds will only bring each other down."

"You're not bringing me down in any way." The cop shook her head. "I told you a thousand times I don't care what your job is, how much you earn, how your family lives and all. All I care about is you."

"I am bringing you down Y/N. You're not noticing it now but you eventually will. You earn so much more than me, you're wealthy, you have a decent job, you're polite and charismatic on top of that. You have a huge apartment, a nice expensive car, you have friends and family that care about you. You deserve so much more than me. In the long run the only thing I will do is bring you down with me. I've had a difficult life, Y/N. As much as I want to change the way I live, it isn't that easy. It's mentally too hard for me to be with you. I can't handle it anymore."

"Am I doing something wrong? If you tell me what it is, I can change that." Y/N asked.

"No, you're not doing anything wrong. In fact you're doing everything right. You treat me extremely well and you never made me feel like I wasn't enough or like you were above me. But the truth is you are above me and I am not enough. I will never be good enough for you and that's why it feels like a burden to be with you. I feel the pressure to become better, earn more and live a life like you but I just can't do any of those things." Nayeon explained.

"But you don't have to. You don't have to become better, earn more or live a life like me. I like you the way you are and I fell in love with you knowing all of these."

"I know you do. Like I said yesterday, it's all on me. I'm the one that's burdening myself with this and it's getting too much. You're perfect Y/N and I love you a lot and that's why I need to let you go. I can't let you be with someone like me. I will only stand in the way of your success." 

"What are you talking about? I've been with you for almost a year now and I'm still successful. Nothing has changed about my job or the money I earn since I met you. In what way are you bringing me down?" The cop fuffowed her eyebrows.

"I burdened you with many things in the past, Y/N. I embarrased you at work multiple times, I made you find my sister and deal with my mom. And don't tell me you don't feel embarrassed of my job and family because I know you do. The other day when we came across that old friend of yours you immediately changed the subject when they asked you what my occupation was. You didn't mind what people think before but as time passes by, you will. I will always keep embarrassing you and you will always want to hide me from people."

"I admit that I didn't want to tell them about your job but that's because that old friend is a very judgy person and will use it against me not because I'm embarassed about it." The cop shook her head. 

"That's the thing Y/N... People will always use me against you because I'm your weak link. I noticed all of this when you got shot. I finally managed to open my eyes that day. You deserve someone like Minji, not someone like me."

"Why are you bringing Minji into this? Minji and I are completely done." The cop sighed. Nayeon is still insecure about Minji when Minji has been completely out of sight for four months now?

"Because your family is right. She's the right person for you. She looks at you with love in her eyes. She won't bring you down in any way and from what I heard she only helped you up and you did the same thing for her. But as for us, we're not like that. We're bringing each other down, Y/N. I have issues and insecurities. Being with you doesn't make me happy, it's actually suffocating... My whole life I've had to deal with my family and other people and never once was I happy. But then I met you and you showed me what happiness was. It was all rainbows and butterflies in the beginning but now... it's not. I need to find my own happiness Y/N. I can't keep relying on you to make me happy. I need to learn how to make myself happy and I can only do that when I'm apart from you." Nayeon's eyes got teary.

"Is it really that bad?"

"It is. I know I didn't show it before but it is. So please I'm asking you to let me go."

"Your happiness is all that matters to me and if being with me doesn't make you happy then I guess I have no choice but to let you go." Y/N looked down holding herself back from not bursting out crying.

"Please don't think of this the wrong way." Nayeon held her hands. "I love you and you haven't done anything wrong. You've been the perfect girlfriend to me and you're someone that many people would want as their partner. Please always remember that it's on me and not on you. I need to focus on myself and get better. I finally found my sister and my relationship with my mom is getting better and that's all thanks to you. I will be forever thankful to you for finding my sister and bringing my family together but I need to focus on fixing my past first before I let someone in. It's too hard for me to have to deal both with my past and our surroundings that don't think I suit you."

"I understand." Y/N nodded. "Are you sure about this?"

"I'm a 100% sure. I thought about this for a very long time. This is the right thing to do. We'll be better off without each other."

"I don't want to do this." Y/N shook her head and Nayeon's tears started to fall.

"I'm so sorry." Nayeon cried. "The last thing I want to do is hurt you."

"It's fine." Y/N's tears fell as well wiping them away immediately but failing because the tears are just streaming down. Her heart is breaking.

"I hope you find someone that can give you everything that you deserve. I'm sorry I failed to do so." Nayeon cried looking at her soon to be ex-girlfriend.

"I'm sorry too. If I knew it was such a burden for you to be with me, I maybe would have done things differently. I'm sorry..."

"Don't be sorry, Y/N. You did nothing wrong. You're a perfect human being and I will always love you no matter what and maybe one day if I get better and I am finally confident enough to be with you, we can continue from where we left off but I can't promise you that will happen." Nayeon held Y/N's hands tightly on top of the table. "I fear that I have lots of things to work on about myself and it might take a long time."

"It's okay... If our paths ever cross again and you want to be with me again, I'll be there waiting for you." 

"I love you, Park Y/N. I really do." Nayeon looked her deeply in the eyes.

"I love you too, Im Nayeon." Y/N smiled weakly trying to hide her emotions. "If you ever need me, doesn't matter what it is then know that you can always find me. I will always be available to help you out."

"Me too... although I don't think you will need me."

"I need you more than you think I do. I might not need you when it comes to job related things but I need you emotionally. You really did make me happy." Hearing this Nayeon only cried more. She really hates to let Y/N go but she has to. 

"I think we should say goodbye now." Nayeon said wiping her tears away to which Y/N nodded. Both of them stood up and looked at each other with tears in their eyes. Luckily there aren't many people in the cafe so no one really noticed that both of them are a crying mess.

"I will miss you." Y/N said looking at her lover.

"I will miss you too, Y/N." Nayeon said and pulled Y/N into a tight hug. This was probably their longest and tightest hug ever. Both of them are crying silently and touching each other for probably the last time.

"Goodbye Y/N..." Nayeon said and placed a short kiss on Y/N's lips before leaving the cafe. Once Nayeon was out of sight, Y/N sat back down and hid her face with her hands as she let it all out. Her heart is completely shattered right now and she hates to break up with Nayeon but there isn't much that she can do. If Nayeon is really feeling like a burden in their relationship and she's unhappy then it would be selfish of her to try holding on to Nayeon. If this is what Nayeon wants then she needs to respect it.


For two weeks Y/N could barely eat or sleep because of the break up. She feels like she has no energy at all and she doesn't even want to go to work. Her friends and family are worried about her. She was also like this when Minji broke up with her and it lasted like this for months. They're scared that it will last a long time now as well.

To take her mind off of things for a bit, she decided to go to Gapyeong for the weekend to visit her family. it did take her mind off of it for a bit because her family didn't mention Nayeon at all which Y/N was glad about. Of course they're all sad for Y/N. They might not like Nayeon that much but they hate to see Y/N broken like this. Truth is that Y/N was happy with Nayeon so that made her family happy as well. But now seeing Y/N like this, they know they were right from the beginning. Even if both of them didn't mind in the beginning that they're from different worlds, eventually one of them would start seeing the disadvantages and difficulties of it and Nayeon was the first one to do so.

"Y/N... I know we didn't mention anything about Nayeon for the whole weekend but seeing you like this I feel the need to ask you this." Yuri approached Y/N when they were alone. "I know to some extent why she broke up with you but can you tell me when this happened? You guys seemed so happy the last time I saw you."

"Apparently she's been feeling like this ever since I got shot but just hid it from me. She had these thoughts ever since back then. She started to feel like a burden to me the day I got shot." 

"Oh maybe her conversation with mom had an effect on it." Yuri guessed and Y/N looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"What conversation?"

"Oh you don't know?" Yuri is panicking right now. She thought that Y/N knew. "Nothing important." She tried to shrug it off but of course Y/N won't let her.

"What conversation are you talking about? Did mom talk to Nayeon?"

"Yeah but it's nothing important."

"Unnie please tell me what they talked about or I will go to mom myself right now and ask her to explain it. Please. I need to know." Y/N pleaded.

"I think it was the day after you got shot. Mom told her to let you go if she truly loves you. She said that you deserve better and that she will only bring you down in the long run."

"I can't believe this." Y/N sighed in frustration. "And here I thought mom was finally accepting."

"She was after a while. But not back then. I doubt mom's words had any effect though. They talked about this four months ago."

"Still she shouldn't have said those things to her." The cop shook her head. "I need to talk to mom." Y/N stood up and went to the living room where her parents were.

"Y/N, wait!" Yuri went after her but was too late.

"Why didn't you tell me you talked to Nayeon at the hospital when I got shot? What did you tell her for her to break up with me like this?" 

"Y/N-ah... sit down and stay calm." Her father told her.

"How can I stay calm? I can't believe you told her to let me go. It seems like you told her the exact same things that she told me when she broke up with me. I can't believe you would do something like this."

"Y/N, I get that you're mad at me but this was eventually going to happen even if I didn't talk to her about this. Even if we had accepted her from the very beginning, all of this would still have happened. One of you would sooner or later start having a hard time because it is a fact that you two have completely different lifestyles and in some cases it works but in your case, like you're seeing yourself right now, it doesn't work."

"Maybe if you hadn't talked to her about it, she wouldn't have started to have these thoughts." Y/N sat down next to her.

"I know it hurts now but eventually you'll realise that you made the right decision. Nayeon isn't someone that would listen to what others say. If she made this decision then it's a 100% on her. You know her better than I do." Her mother held her hand and Y/N knows she's right. Nayeon isn't someone that would make decisions based on other people's words but Y/N will still go and talk to her about this in the hope that maybe she can convince her to not break up. Maybe just maybe the reason why Nayeon broke up is because her mom asked her to do so.

"It hurts so bad." Y/N said looking down and her mother pulled her into a hug as she let it all out.

"I'm sorry, honey. I know it hurts." Her mom caressed Y/N's hair and her eyes got teary as well. She hates to see her daughter like this.


A/N: Sad chapter, yes. Do you think Y/N will manage to convince her to not break up or will Nayeon be persistent on the decision she made? Comment down your thoughts and don't forget to vote! Also this story will slowly be coming to an end. I don't know exactly how many chapters there are left but not many so please keep reading until the end!

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