Time Again

By pknelson1

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Adelle Montgomery has been completely ordinary her whole life. She lives in a small collage town and can't sa... More

Chapter 1: My Love
Chapter 2: Not that I was thinking of him shirtless
Chapter 3: An almost kiss
Chapter 4: His dark chariot
Chapter 5: Seeing through your eyes
Chapter 6: Take a deep breath
Chapter 7: True to my heart
Chapter 8 : Hospital rooms, Star Wars, and Soulmates oh my!
Chapter 9: Revelation
Chapter 10: Missing Pieces
Chapter 12: This Love can Heal
Chapter 13: Midnight Confessions and 2 AM Fears
Chapter 14: Two types of Wicked
Chapter 15: A Need To Know Basis
Chapter 16: Goodbyes Were Never Meant To Be Happy
Chapter 17: The Levels of Pain
Chapter 18: Blood Bond
Chapter 19: All Hail the King
Chapter 20: My Heart and My Soul
Chapter 21: Doubt
Chapter 22: Take My Soul and Set Me Free
Chapter 23: Shatter
Chapter 24: Shot in the Light
Chapter 25: The Beginning

Chapter 11: It Wasn't my Heart Breaking, but my Soul

93 4 2
By pknelson1

Chapter 11: It Wasn't my Heart that was Breaking, but my Soul

"He's more of myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same."

- Emily Bronte


Watching Adelle in pain was one of the hardest things I've ever experienced.

I knew she was going to be okay but I also knew I couldn't do anything to lessen the pain. The first travel is always the hardest but as Adelle travels more the pain will go away. I couldn't wait for that to happen.

After traveling back to that morning, I left Adelle to wake up again and went home to my apartment that didn't even really feel like a home, I yearned for Ireland and I yearned for Adelle and I found myself pacing, again. My eyes flitting to the clock every couple of minutes, waiting for when I could go pick Adelle up for the second time. Now that I knew the Cumacht were in the area and hunting Adelle I couldn't risk making the same mistake and instead of taking her back up the mountain I was just going to bring her back to the apartment.

I debated about what to tell her. I didn't know if I should tell her what happened or if I should tell her about soulmates, or if I should just act like nothing happened.

"Ugh!" I ran both hands through my already disheveled hair, tugging at the roots. I didn't know what to do! She was bound to remember something so maybe I should have asked her? I groaned in frustration. Then my already wild thoughts spiraled down another road: my brother.

The leader of the Cumacht, Caine Knightly, said he was alive and had turned to their side. Kyle was dead I saw him... no I didn't. I never saw him die! I never stayed watching through the end. For a moment I was exuberant, then dark thoughts crowded my mind. If he was alive then that meant he was either prisoner or Kyle really did turn to the Cumacht. Both situations were grim and I knew there was only one way to find out the answer. I had to travel back to the moment my parents were killed and watch the whole thing to see if Kyle met the same fate.

Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes and let my mind envision the Corridor, preparing to travel when my phone blared to life, ringing loudly in my silent apartment. Jumping I ran to the counter where my phone sat and saw Adelle's name across the screen. I quickly answered and put my phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I was cautious.

"Do you want to explain what the hell happened?" Came her screaming reply.

"I'm sorry," I answered automatically.

"I don't want you to be sorry, I want you to answer my question!" Adelle was mad. I could practically feel her emotions through the phone.

"Come to my apartment and I'll explain everything," I guess I was telling her everything. "I'll pick you up in five."

"No, I'll drive myself. I need to think," Adelle replied, the anger draining from her voice.

I couldn't let her do that. The Cumacht were in the area and were probably watching her. I needed to be with her so I could protect her.

"I'm sorry but the Cumacht are in the area, and I'm assuming you remember what happened on our date. I need you to be safe so I'm coming to pick you up, see you in five and please don't leave the house," I knew how stubborn she could be.

"Fine. But just because I know you'll flip out."

I sagged in relief. "Okay, I'll see you soon."

With a heavy sigh I grabbed my truck keys off the counter and jogged down the stairs and out to my car, my eyes darting every direction, assessing and making sure there wasn't any Cumacht hiding. I couldn't afford to be lax. Looking around one more time I slipped into the truck and pulled out of the parking lot, anticipation weighing heavy on my shoulders. As I drove I scanned the road looking for threats while keeping my mind open so I could feel Adelle in case she was in any trouble.

Finally I pulled up infront of Adelle's house. Getting out I left the truck unlocked for a quick get away and walked up to her front door but right before I could knock the door opened revealing Adelle dressed in black leggings, an oversized maroon sweater and white high top converse. I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped.

"Wes," Adelle's arms were folded.

"Sorry," I turned a sheepish grin her way.

"Mhm," Adelle brushed past me and started down her driveway.

I hurried to catch up to her, "Not so fast!" I leapt in front of Adelle and placed my hands on her upper arms to stop her.

"Let go."

If looks could kill; I'd be dead.

"Sorry but, again, the Cumacht are in the area and want to either kill you or kidnap you so please just let me protect you," I pleaded with her.

"No I'm sorry, I'm just angry and scared and taking it out on you when I shouldn't," Adelle tucked her chin to her chest and her shoulders drooped, looking so fragile I couldn't help but put my arms around her and tuck her against me.

"It's going to be okay. I promise I'll protect you with my life, no one is going to hurt you. Not while I'm here." I felt her nod against my chest. "Okay lets go back to my apartment and I'll tell you everything."


I opened Adelles' door then ran around to my side. Getting the car started I pulled out of her neighborhood and got onto the freeway leading up to my apartment. Checking my mirror I saw a black SUV pull on behind us, pressing lightly on the accelerator the truck surged forward, the SUV did the same. I switched lanes. So did the SUV. That confirmed my suspicions.

"I don't want you to be scared but someone is tailing us," I spoke without taking my eyes off the road.

"Okay," Adelle's voice sounded breathy and I felt her fear spike. I reached over and took her hand in mine, gently squeezing and sending calming waves into her body. Her fear leveled.

Checking my rearview mirror I saw the SUV still following.


"What do we do?"

"Try to get him off our tail," I swerved into the other lane and pressed the gas to the floor. Adelles' grip on my hand tightened.


"Yeah," I grunted, trying to lose the SUV but looking behind me he was still hot on our tail. "We're gonna have to do a little off roading." I was glad I decided to take the truck today.

"Yay," Adelle squeaked sarcastically.

Checking behind me I took a hard right and turned onto a dirt road that led up into the trees. Splashing through puddles of melted snow the SUV kept pace. It was impossible to lose this guy! Forking left I gunned it up a hill then let off the gas as the terrain became perilous.

"Wes!" Adelle shrieked as I dodged a tree.

"Sorry!" I dared a glance behind me to see no one was following. Good. Turning back around I breathed a sigh of relief and turned right to weave our way back to the apartment, never lessening the fast pace to keep our lead.

"Did we lose them?" Adelle asked.

"I think so," I glanced back one more time to make sure then continued driving until my apartment came into view. The Cumacht shouldn't have backed off that easily so I was thinking it was just a scare attempt. It sure worked.

I unlocked the door and Adelle brushed past me and into my living room. I shut the door and locked it tight before taking a deep breath and following Adelle.

"I need answers Wes. All of them. What happened just then was scary and I need to know who is after me," Adelle suddenly collapsed on my couch with her hands gripping her hair. "Gosh that sounds crazy," she mumbled.

Our connection was getting stronger and I was able to sense her emotions more clearly. Adelle wouldn't admit to me but her fear was through the roof and she hadn't slept at all last night. Slowly I crossed the room and knelt in front of her. I gently pried her hands away from her face and held them in both of mine.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you everything, I was scared to tell you because I didn't want you to be upset. I know now that I should have just told you and I'm sorry," I felt so guilty for holding in all of the secrets.

"I forgive you on one condition,"

"And that is?"

"You have to tell me everything," Adelle's eyes were bright and determined.

"Okay," I got up and sat beside her. "Ask me any question," I was ready to Adelle about my world, excited even.

Adelle was silent for a moment, collecting her thoughts before surprising me by blurting out the thing I least expected,

"Why did you call me your soulmate?" There was no beating around the bush with her. I honestly didn't know what to say so I said exactly what I was thinking,

"Because you are," I knew there was no turning back.

"Wes that makes no sense, soulmates aren't real," Adelle was shaking her head and I realized that I was going wrong about this whole thing.

"Let me start over," I took a deep breath and dove in, "So before we came to earth we lived in heaven, and in heaven we fell in love. We were as close as two people could be without having a body. We lived in blissful ignorance for thousands of years before a war broke out. Each of us fought on the side of the light and eventually the light won. But with the victory came a day of departure. All Soulmates who fought on the side of the light were to be sent down to earth to receive a mortal body and have free agency," I paused to gauge Adelle's reaction; her eyes opened wide and she gripped my hands. I continued, "Once down on earth the Soulmates were torn apart and all memories of each other and heaven were erased. Eventually the Soulmates would grow up and fate would would bring them back together to fall in love all over again. Adelle I know it sounds crazy, and must be a huge shock but please believe me when I say this; you are my Soulmate," I searched her eyes.

"So you're saying that we knew each other in heaven and fell in love," I nodded. "And then we were born and forgot every memory of each other, but then 'fate'," Adelle made air quotations, "came into the picture and brought us back together?"

I could feel a pressure building and I knew Adelle was getting upset, "Yes," I was cautious.

"And you expect me to believe that?!" Adelle cried and stood up and started gathering her things.

"No I wasn't," I stood as well. "But think Adelle, this intense attraction between us, that's real! I know you feel it because I do too. I know you didn't grow up with the knowledge of Soulmates and Time Travel like I did but you have to believe me because if Time Travel is possible why can't Soulmates be possible too?" I was breathing heavy and I prayed Adelle would believe me. The thought of her not believing and turning away made me gasp for air and blink back tears. "Please believe me," I whispered.

"Take me home," Adelle's voice was deathly calm and I knew she was barely keeping it under control.

"Adelle-" I started.

"I said take me home!" I flinched as her voice shook and her blue eyes sparkled with barely contained tears.

My heart stuttered in my chest and it was painful to breathe. "Okay," I whispered. I grabbed my keys once again and I held the door as Adelle walked out. The car ride to her house was tense and strained as Adelle sat staring out the window with silent tears streaking down her cheeks.

When I pulled up in front I tried to speak to her again and again she shut me down,
"No Wes," She shook her head, causing more tears to slip free and then opened the car door, walked up the driveway, and into her house, leaving me hunched over the steering wheel as pain ripped through my body at the sight of her retreating back.


My phone rang again.

I turned it off again without even looking at the screen. I knew it was Him. Even his name hurt to think. I pulled in a ragged breath that turned into a hacking cough, doubled over I coughed until my eyes smarted with tears and I blindly swept my hand out for the water that sat on the windowsill next to me. Finally my fingers closed around the cup and greedily I gulped down the cool water.

I sat on the window seat wrapped in a soft blanket looking out at the orange and red leaves swirling outside and single tear ran from my eye, followed by another, soon turning into a river as I wept. My whole body ached and my mind played back the words He had told me on Saturday. It was like I was mourning the loss of a loved one. The pain in my chest was constant and the tears weren't drying. I hadn't left my room since He dropped me off. I hadn't eaten since He dropped me off. I hadn't talked since He dropped me off. Now it's Tuesday and I felt like crap. On Monday I couldn't even get out of bed to go to school.

The creaking of my door pulled me out of my mournful thoughts and I turned my head slowly to see who it was. I looked back to the window, seeing that it was only my mom with worried lines between her eyebrows.

"I brought you some food," my mom sat it down on my desk.

"Thanks," my voice was hollow.

"Honey you need to eat," mom walked over and laid her hand on my forehead, "Gosh you're burning up!"

My mom ran out of my room to the hall closet and grabbed the thermometer before coming back and popping it under my tongue. It sat there for a minute before she pulled it out and read it, "102 degrees, that's high!" My mom ran out again and returned with a cold rag, placing on my forehead she then smoothed my hair. I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the cold window.

"What's going on with you? You never get sick," my mom frowned.

I just shrugged.

"Well I need to get to work soon but I can take a sick day and stay home with you if you want?"

"No it's okay," I murmured.

"Okay but call me if you start to feel worse or if you need me. Dad's plane flies in later tonight so if I'm still not home you can call him," She leaned forward and kissed my forehead, "I love you."

"Love you too."

"Oh and eat the soup I brought up, it'll make you feel better," and with that she softly closed my door and I was once again left to my own sorrow filled thoughts.

I reached over and picked up the bowl of soup and started taking small sips even though I wasn't hungry. I finished it and resumed my gaze out the window. I missed Him. So much that I felt empty. My heart beated sluggishly. As I stared out at the world my eyes grew heavy and drifted off to sleep, my only reprieve from heartache and pain.

I floated in the darkness of sleep and soon the darkness morphed into a dream. I was laying on a cement floor. My head was pounding and it felt as though my heart was being ripped from my chest. There was white-hot pain everywhere in my body and I was writhing in it. Then as the pain became almost unbearable I heard footsteps. They came closer and with every step the pain dulled, then as the person crouched down beside my curled up form and placed their hand on my arm the pain disappeared all together and I was left panting and covered in sweat. I looked up to the stranger's face and saw Wes smiling down at me.

"Wes," I whispered and reached up with a trembling hand to touch his face. As soon as my hand made contact with his skin the pain returned with a fury of a thousand flames. I screamed and arched up, my vision going black. Screams ripped from my throat and I clenched my hands into fists.

"Shh, it's alright my dear," I felt someone place their fingers under my chin and turn my face up. Then my vision returned and I looked up to find myself face to face with Caine Knightly who was grinning, revealing rows of sharp pointed, bloody teeth. This time my scream wasn't from pain, but from panic and fear. I fought to be free from his grasp and he laughed maniacally at my hopeless struggle.

"Wes!" I cried as tears coursed down my cheeks.

"Oh hush. He's not coming," Caine crooned into my ear. I sobbed hysterically. "Time to go meet your fate," Caine stood up and started to drag me towards a blood red door but before I could pass through the threshold I woke.

I shot up and wildly looked around my room as I tried to regulate my frantic heart and slow my hectic breathing. My hair was plastered to my neck from sweat that covered my whole body. Tasting bile in my mouth I quickly stumbled to the bathroom and retched into the toilet, losing the full contents of my stomach. Dragging my hand across my mouth I shook and trembled as I slumped back against the tub. What was wrong with me? Was this all because I ran away from Wes? I winced as sharp pain pierced my heart. His name hurt.

Slowly I dragged myself to my feet and lumbered into my room before collapsing onto my bed. Staring at the ceiling I sat there for a moment before my phone rang. I dared a glance to see it was Him. I declined the call and pushed my phone off my bed.

Breathing and staring off into space became my entertainment for the night. Every time my eyes would start to close I would snap them open, too scared of my dreams to fall asleep. I fell into a listless stupor and listened to the slow beating of my heart. Hot tears trickled from the corner of my eyes and fell into my hair. One after another, they kept falling as literal objects of my pain. My heart was breaking in half and seeping heartache. I couldn't keep it in as my silent tears turned to heart wrenching sobs and the bed shook with every cry and His name pulsed through my thoughts and I felt the ghost of His touch on my body and His scent invaded my senses and I released every ounce of my pain into the silent room with no one to hear it. It wasn't my heart breaking, but my soul.

Soon, when night had softly fallen and I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, exhaustion took me and sleep pulled me into its dark arms. I slept without dreaming but woke to a pounding.

I struggled to pull myself out of the clinging arms of sleep and when I opened my eyes I saw that it was morning. My whole body ached and I had lines of salt from the dried tears on my face. My head pounded and I shook. It was just then when I heard a voice,

"Adelle," it was a male voice that was broken and you could tell it had done a great deal of crying. "Please let me in," He broke off in a sob.

Wes. It was Wes. And he was right outside my door and he was crying. I felt his pain hit me and I gasped.

"Adelle, please," he sounded so broken and lost and I finally found my voice.

"Wes," I was on my knees now, willing that stupid door to open.

It swung open and I first saw a shoe, then jean clad legs, then strong hands, then a black shirt stretched over a broad chest, then his face. His beautiful face and eyes filled with tears and lips and nose and cheeks and finally his voice.

"Adelle," his voice cracked.

"Wes," a tear plopped onto my knee. I reached out a hand, stretching, reaching for Wes.

And he leapt across the room and was pulling me into his arms and I breathed in his scent of sweet mint and musk that I knew so well.

"Wes," I was crying, in relief that he was actually here and was finally holding me. And then I finally knew, I was his Soulmate, that was why I've been so sick, I rejected him therefore making my body reject me until we were together again. "Wes, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I cried repeatedly and clung to him like he was a piece of driftwood in the middle of the Pacific ocean. "I know now," my voice barely a ragged whisper. "I'm your Soulmate."

Wes hugged me tighter before speaking, "Oh, Mo shiorghra, my eternal love, you are. You're mine." He whispered into my ear, his voice full of emotion. Then he pulled back before capturing my face in his strong hands and staring into my eyes. My heart swelled and I felt whole and complete and not heart sick and everything in the world was right because he was mine. Wes then lowered his mouth to mine and claimed my lips. This kiss was cosmic and I felt it all the way down to my toes. I sighed and melted as Wes caressed my face before weaving his hands into my hair and angling my head. His lips were so soft and I wound my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, breathing him in.

Pulling back Wes smiled and I wiped away remaining tears on his cheeks.

"I'm never letting you go."

"I won't let you," I whispered and took his face in my hands and pressed my lips to his.


"So you're saying that we have the ability to feel each others emotions and eventually send each other thoughts and images telepathically?" Wes and I were laying in my bed wrapped up in each others arms, recovering from the past three days of being apart, and he was telling me about what being Soulmates entailed.

"Yeah, it's quite amazing," I was tucked under Wes's arm and he was rubbing lazy circles on my upper arm, thoroughly distracting me from what he was saying.

"Can we send each other thoughts now?" I rolled onto my side and propped my head up in my hand, gazing at Wes.

"Not yet, but when the bonding is fully complete we can," Wes ran his fingertips down the side of my face and neck, making me shiver.

"What bonding?" I quizzed.

"Once Soulmates meet they will go through three steps until they are fully bonded to each other for eternity, the first step is true love's kiss which seals fate and if the Soulmates are apart for an extended amount of time it will cause severe pain. The second is the first declaration of love said aloud. The soul craves those words so if they are not said within a couple weeks of the kiss, both Soulmates will become weak and fatigued with fainting spells. The third and last step is the ancient vows. Once those are said the two souls are merged and the Soulmates are basically one with another and can telepathically send thoughts and better feel each others emotions," Wes finished with a look at me and I had a thousand questions burning holes in my skull. But I was suddenly so shy that I could barely voice my most important question, looking down I asked what I was wondering from his first words,

"Have we completed any of those steps?" I glanced up at Wes with blushing cheeks.

"Well remember when I came barging into your room earlier and I was crying like a baby and you finally believed me about us being Soulmates?" I nodded. "Then do you remember when I placed my hands on either side of your face like this?" He placed both his hands on my face like he had done several hours prior. "Then I looked into your gorgeous blue eyes that I could just drown in," Wes stared into my eyes with such an intensity I couldn't help but blush. "Then I lowered my mouth to your sinful lips and claimed them as mine," my eyes slipped shut as Wes slowly lowered his lips to mine, tipping my head back, a sigh escaped my lips. "Then I kissed you," Wes softly pressed his lips to mine and kissed me with all the tenderness and seductiveness in the world. It left me breathless and dizzy.

My eyes were still closed when Wes pulled away and I felt my cheeks burn with a scarlet blush.

"That, my love, was the first step to being completely bonded," my eyes were open by the end of his words and I found Wes with an arrogant smirk on his face.

"Weston Payne, you smug jerk," I laughed and playfully shoved his shoulder.

"You don't really mean that," Wes leaned in and nuzzled my neck. I giggled and pushed him away. "Stop, my mom could walk in any moment."

"No she couldn't."

"Oh really?" I arched one eyebrow.

"Yep, she left an hour ago to pick up your dad from the airport and go get groceries for dinner that I will be staying for," Wes rolled off the bed, stood up and stretched his arms over his head.

"Oh," Dang my mom must love Wes to just leave and let him stay home alone with me.

"Yeah 'oh', now get up and get dressed 'cause I'm bored and feel like doing something," Wes started to walk backwards out my door.

"What about the Cumacht?" I tried to sound nonchalant and walked over to my closet to start looking for something to wear.

I felt Wes walk up behind me and wrap his arms around my waist and lay his chin on my shoulder. "They aren't in the area anymore."

"Really? How do you know?"

"Yes really and I have my resources," He answered cryptically.

"Oh wow, that's so reassuring," I answered dryly.

"Yes it is, now get dressed," Wes then turned and walked out of my room, quietly shutting my door behind him.

I dressed in a pair of dark skinny jeans, tall brown boots, and a white lace tank top with a maroon sweater and printed scarf. I finished the look with keeping my auburn hair loose. I grabbed my purse then jogged down the stairs to find Wes sitting at the kitchen table on the phone. I walked past him to get my car keys before I felt him grab my wrist and shake his head no. Guess he was driving. Wes hung up then grabbed his coat.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"It was Ronan, my best friend who lives in Ireland. I asked him and his Soulmate, Grace, to fly in this weekend for the dance and he was just confirming their plans for Friday."

I locked the door behind us and followed Wes out to the Camaro.

"That sounds fun! I can't wait to meet them," Wes opened my door and I slid in, the smell of him permeating the interior of the car.

"Yeah I can't wait to see them," Wes reached over and laced his fingers through mine like he had done so many times before.

"So where are we going?" I inquired while looking out the window at the gray clouds gathering above.

"To go walk down main street," Wes flashed me a devastating smile before turning into a small parking lot next to the old record store at the top of main street.

Wes opened my door then grabbed my hand and we began walking down the tree and store lined sidewalk. The trees were all changing color and the world was swirling with vibrant orange, red, and yellow leaves. I smiled as I breathed in the crisp fall air and took in the beautiful landscape against the gray sky. These were my favorite kind of days. When the clouds hung low in the sky and you just knew it was going to rain.

I spotted the book store up ahead and tugged Wes in so I could browse through rows and rows of books. Finding an old copy of 'Great Expectations' by Charles Dickinson I picked it up and flipped through the pages, breathing in the musty scent of old ink and paper. I looked over to Wes to see him holding in a laugh.

"What?" I asked defensively.

"Did you just smell that book?" Wes was unable to hold in his laughter.

"Yep," I nodded my head then turned and started to walk down the bookshelf lined aisle.

"It's cute," Wes trailed behind me.

"You probably think everything I do is cute," I shot over my shoulder as I turned the corner to go pay for my book. I collected classics and sadly I didn't have this one yet.

"Not when you cry," Wes grabbed my wrist, pulling us back into the shadows of the tall bookshelves.

"Wow thanks," I replied sarcastically while rolling my eyes.

"No I didn't mean it like that. I meant that I don't like seeing you cry, it makes me feel helpless," Wes leaned in, towering over me. But it didn't feel imposing, it felt safe.

"Oh," I stated as Wes leaned in, dipping his head closer.

"In fact it makes me feel so helpless I wish I could take you away from everything that makes you cry and tuck you against me and kiss away every single one of your tears until there is no more," Wes spoke those words with his lips whispering against my ear and his warm breath making my hair float and my body shiver.

I was lost for words and Wes seemed proud in that because he chuckled then sweetly kissed my forehead.

"Come on, let's go get some lunch," he trailed his fingers down my arm then bent and picked up the book I had dropped. When did that happen?

We made our way to the register and despite my protests Wes bought the book.

"You didn't have to do that," I remarked as we walked towards the door.

"Well since I am your boyfriend I wanted too."

"Oh you're my boyfriend?" I arched an eyebrow.

"If that is okay with you," he quickly added.

"Of course it is," I laughed. "But I don't know if 'boyfriend' covers everything."

"It doesn't but it feels good to know that you're mine," Wes winked at me.

I didn't even notice as Wes opened the door and I walked into a downpour. I jumped as icy water instantly started to soak my hair and coat. But when I looked at Wes I couldn't care less because he was soaking wet as well and water was dripping from the tips of his hair and into his eyes. A laugh bubbled from my throat and before I knew it I was laughing hysterically and so was Wes. He grabbed my hand and together we ran down the street and burst through the door of the cafe that sold my favorite hot chocolate.

"Oh, this is my favorite place!" I exclaimed while water dripped onto the floor from my hair. I blinked my eyes, trying to blink off the beads of water that collected on my long eyelashes.

"Good," Wes shook his head, water flying everywhere. I laughed and stilled his head with my hands on either side of his face.

"Sorry," he said sheepishly.

"It's alright," I smiled then walked over to the counter and ordered two hot chocolates and two turkey sandwiches. "I hope you like hot chocolate and turkey sandwiches," I said as we sat down at a table that looked out the window at the rain soaked street.

"Who doesn't?"

"Good point," I laughed then reached across the table and brushed Wes's unruly hair out of his eyes.

"Thanks," Wes smiled softly and took my hand in his.

"So tonight for dinner..." I trailed off, thinking.


"Don't be intimidated by my dad, he doesn't really mean what he says. He just wants to scare you," I was pretty sure I was more nervous about having Wes over for dinner than he was.

"I won't be and it's alright cause if I had a daughter anywhere as gorgeous as you I would be very protective too."

"Thank you," I felt myself blush and tried to hide it by bringing my mug of hot chocolate to my lips.

"Your blush is beautiful, don't hide it," Wes stated softly.

That only made me blush harder. Wes laughed. We sat in companionable silence until a thought popped into my head.

"Wes why are the Cumacht after me?" I couldn't understand it, I was a nobody. Sure I could Time Travel but really I was just one person.

"Well they see you as a really powerful Time Traveler because of your heritage but Ronan was able to find something," Wes looked thoughtful for a moment before pushing it away.

"Well I guess that's a good reason to want to either kill or kidnap a person," I tried to sound like his words didn't affect me but actually I just wanted to go hide under my bed.

"Adelle, I don't want you to worry about this. I will keep you safe and I will keep you safe for forever. No one will ever hurt you," Wes searched my eyes and I knew he would keep me safe.

"I know you will," I smiled to show him that I was alright.


Dinner that night went well and there were only a few moments where my dad threatened Wes but Wes took it like a pro and by the end of the night he was talking sports with my dad.

"Wes seems like a good kid," My mom commented as we were doing the dishes.

"Yeah he's pretty amazing," I dried a plate and set it on top of the pile .

"Do you like him?" She asked knowingly.

"Yeah I do," I blushed and took the last of the plates.

"Well I can tell that he cares a lot about you."

"He does," I looked over my shoulder to see Wes talking animatedly with my dad.

"This morning before he went up to see if you were okay he asked if it was alright if he could date you as your boyfriend."

"Oh really?" I asked, completely astonished.

"Yep," mom turned and walked into the living room, leaving me to my own thoughts. Learning about Time Travel was insane but I still was able to comprehend it. It explained all the crazy visions and odd feelings. Soulmates in the other hand, was so farfetched that I basically made myself sick to finally believe. I knew what being Soulmates entitled but I don't think I was fully prepared to believe that I would fall in love at sixteen. It was scary and so grown up but I knew that I couldn't have a life without Wes. I needed him like air, and without him I would parish. Glancing back at my parents and Wes in the living room my heart swelled with emotion. This was what I wanted and Wes was who I wanted.

My dad had busted out an old deck of cards and was making fun of Wes for not knowing how to play Go Fish. I watched on from the kitchen and laughed at Wes's confused expression, Wes glanced over at me and his sweet smile, that was just for me, warmed my insides and I knew without a doubt that I loved him and I would continue to love him until the end of time. Wes must have felt my change of heart through our connection and his smile got bigger and brighter and his gray-blue eyes reflected the love that was pulsing out of me.


The rest of the week flew by and my absent work wasn't even that bad, no teacher gave work on the week of the Fall Formal. Finally it was Friday and we all made it to another weekend and the formal. Normally I hated school but having Wes there made life better as a whole. Wes became a regular at our table and even though I could feel the contention between he and Jaymes, Abby and I chose to ignore it. Abby's nonstop chatter about the dance helped ease the awkwardness and I couldn't help get excited right along side her.

"Adelle," Abby snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"What? Sorry," I quickly pulled out of my day dreaming.

"I know you haven't been here the whole week and that you're probably consumed by Wes but we have work to do," she sounded like a drill sergeant.

"I'm not consumed by him," I said defensively while my cheeks turned pink.

"Sure, Whatever," Abby flicked her hand like she was flicking away the conversation. "Where should we get our hair done? Our nails?" Her questions were rapid fire.

Sighing I glanced over at Wes.

"Don't look at me love," he raised his hands up.

"Some Soulmate you are," I muttered for only Wes to hear.

"What was that Adelle? Would you like to repeat it?" Wes mocked as his arms wound around my waist, his fingers tickling my ribs, making me double over in laughter.

"Wes," I gasped.

"Yes?" He teased.


"Stop what, dear?" Now he was laughing.

"Stop tickling me!" I managed to get out as I tried to push away his hands.

"Oh, I'm sorry A chroi are you ticklish?" Wes whispered huskily into my ear.

"Maybe," I answered breathlessly.

"Oh you two are just too cute," Abby squealed.

"Thanks," Wes smiled cockily.

Abby opened her mouth to carry on her monologue about hair and nails but thankfully the bell rang, signalling the end of lunch.

"See ya after school Abbs!" I called down the hall.

"Don't forget about our nail appointment!" She hollered back before getting caught up in the stampede of students.

"Nail appointment?" Wes inquired.

"Don't ask," I replied and grabbed his hand to pull him down the hall to class.

"Do we have to go?" He whined.

"Do you want to learn?" I retorted.

"No," he flashed a wicked grin.

"Stop being so hot, it's distracting."

"Oh really?" Wes pulled me close and backed us up against the lockers, his eyes focusing on my lips, the teasing mood gone.

Wes brought his hands up to cup my cheeks and I brought my hands up to rest on his chest. My heart pounded and my breath rushed from my lungs and I caught glimpses of his desire through our bond and I felt his heart pound beneath my fingers as he leaned closer, closer, close-

"Mr. Payne, Ms. Montgomery, get to class before I send you to the dean's," Ms. Roberts, the teacher across the hall, scolded.

"Sorry Ms. Roberts, won't happen again," Wes apologized while deftly pushing me behind him and backing up towards the classroom.

Ms. Roberts narrowed her eyes at me before nodding and walked away.

"That was weird," I commented as we sat down right before the last bell. "Why did you push me behind you?"

"I got a strange feeling from her. She was too interested in you."

"Oh," I twisted the ring on my middle finger, a nervous habit. "Do you think she's one of the Cumacht?"

"I'm not sure," I could tell Wes was apprehensive from the way he bounced his knee up and down. "How long has she worked here?"

"Um, since my sophomore year I think," I placed my hand on top of his knee to stop the bouncing. Wes didn't even notice, he was so consumed in his thoughts.

"Hm, I'll have Roan run a background check on her and Jaymes," Wes spoke mostly to himself.

"Why Jaymes?" I knew he didn't like him but I didn't think a background check was necessary.

"I think he may be apart of the Cumacht."

"What?!" I was not expecting that.

"He looks familiar and I think he was there on the night my family was killed. I also get the same feeling from him as I got from Ms. Roberts."

"He's been dating Abby on and off since sophomore year..." Then a light went off, "Wes!"

"Yeah I know, I think they're connected too." It was crazy how we could basically read each other's thoughts.

Fifth hour drew to a close and sixth period started and ended and I got zero work done. thankfully it went by fast and I was walking beside Wes out to the Camaro in no time.

"So I'll pick you up tonight at 6:00 for dinner and then we'll head over to the dance," Wes told me as we pulled out of the crowded school parking lot.

"Sweet, I'll be ready."

"Roan and Grace will be with me so you'll get to meet them then."

I was genuinely excited to meet them. They seemed like really important people in Wes's life.

"You'll love Grace, she's amazing. And Roan, well he's an acquired taste," Wes laughed and looked over at me, looking so happy it made my heart sing.

"You're just saying that, I bet he's awesome."

"Sure," Wes laughed.

Wes dropped me off and I barely had time to eat a granola bar before Abby was whisking me off to our nail appointment.

Later as I changed into my little black dress I mulled over what had happened at lunch earlier that day. I had been wondering where Wes was and then suddenly I got a glimpse- much like when I saw his family die- of where he was. Then while we were eating he reached down to hold my hand and when our skin touched I had a brief flash of his emotions. It was crazy. When I looked at Wes for an explanation he was already looking at me like he had felt it too.

"Abby!" I yelled, needing someone to lace up the corset back of my dress.

"What?" Came her distracted reply.

"Can you lace up my dress?" I sat on my bathroom counter applying dark, smokey makeup to my eyes, my vivid red masquerade mask sitting next to me.

"Dang girl!" Abby whistled. "You're gonna knock Wes right off his shamrock!" Abby loved to make digs at Wes's Irish heritage.

"Thanks," I grinned.

"Aren't you so glad I made you buy this dress?" She added as she tightly laced up the back.

"Oh heck yeah," I couldn't wait to see Wes's reaction.

"There, all done. Now help me with me with my makeup."

I laughed and started applying eyeliner to her lash-line. "So are you and Jaymes driving with Wes and I or are you guys going in Jaymes's car?"

"Jaymes is coming to pick me up and we'll meet you over at the restaurant."

"Okay cool."

I finished Abby's makeup and I glanced down and the time shown on my phone.

"Crap! They'll be here in fifteen minutes!" I quickly ran to my room and began the finishing touches to my costume. I slipped on my pair of scarlet stilettos and grabbed my matching red clutch before running over to the mirror and smearing on bright red lipstick.

"Adelle, the mask!" Abby ran over from where she was putting on her silver high heels.

"Oh right, thanks!" I grabbed the red velvet mask and slipped it into my clutch.

"All ready?" Abby asked.


As Abby and I toddled down the stairs in our heels my mom jumped out from the kitchen and started snapping pictures. "Okay girls, strike a pose!" We both struck dramatic poses, laughing as my mom acted like a professional photographer.

Then the doorbell rang.

"They're here!" Abby shrieked.

Of course I already knew that. I felt Wes when he pulled up. My mom walked to the front door and let everyone in. As I finished my decent down the stairs, my eyes caught on Wes, my heart pounding like it did every time I saw him. He looked like he just stepped off the page of GQ. My breathing got easier and my world settled as my heart found it's missing piece.

"You are beautiful, A ghra," Wes whispered almost reverently.

"Thank you," I ducked my head as my cheeks flushed, just like every time he complimented me. I felt Wes's fingers under my chin as he tilted my head up. Our eyes met and everyone else faded away and it was only us. His piercing eyes said things words could not. I felt the new found feeling of love surge through me and my lips pulled up in a smile that mirrored his. I don't know how long we stood staring at each other but the spell was broken when someone cleared their throat,

"Okay we get it, Adelle looks gorgeous, you love it, blah blah blah," Abby giggled as Jaymes walked in. Wes stiffened and looked over my head at Jaymes. Wes took one step towards him before my mom came running in with her camera. "Pictures!"

Abby and I stood next to each other with Wes and Jaymes behind us. Wes's hands found my waist and I leaned back.

"Shouldn't we get Ronan and Grace?"

"Oh yeah," Wes quickly excused himself and ran outside to grab Ronan and Grace. Before I even had time to tell my mom to take her finger off the lense, Wes was back with Ronan and Grace in tow.

"Adelle I would like you to meet my partner in crime, Ronan, and his lovely soul- er, girlfriend, Grace."

I briefly glanced at my mom to see if she caught his slip up but I just saw a smile on her face, looking back to Wes and his friends I hurried forward to introduce myself, "Hi! It's so good to finally meet you guys! Wes has told me so much about you!"

"All good things I hope," Ronan winked at me.

"Oh course," I laughed.

"Oh, Adelle you don't have to lie for me," Wes joked.

"It's okay babe, I don't mind," I teased back.

"Sorry to break up this sweet reunion but we have to be at the restaurant in five minutes," Abby reminded us.

"Oh yeah."

"Hurry pictures!" My mom corralled us into a pose and then finally set us free after taking thousands of shots.


Ronan was hilarious and Grace was so sweet.

Over the course of dinner Ronan kept us all entertained with stories of when he and Wes were little, Grace just rolled her eyes at his silly antics.

"So Adelle, how did you and Wes meet?" She asked.

"Well it's not much of a story but he sat next to me in our history class, insulted what we were learning, then things basically flew from there," I laughed, remembering our insane meeting and how my world changed forever when he walked into that classroom. "How did you and Ronan meet?"

"Well I was living in Edenbrook, Scotland at the time, although I'm from West Yorkshire, England, and I was having tea at a small cafe, it was raining, when all of a sudden Ronan came out of no where and spilled hot tea all over my blouse. I was furious but when I saw those sweet eyes of his, I knew I was a gonner," Grace finished with a reminiscent smile and gazed over at Ronan with such obvious love.

"Aww! That's adorable!" Abby sighed.

"Not when you had hot tea spilled all over your new blouse but I guess he's grown on me," she teased.

"Ah, you love me Cumann," Ronan placed a kiss on Grace's cheek.

"You Irishman and your nicknames," I laughed.


"Wes calls me stuff all the time but I have no idea what it means," I gave Wes a pointed look, earning a gauff of laughter from Ronan.

"Wes ol' boy, you gotta tell her before her fiery attitude gets the best of you!" Ronan easily joked with Wes.

"All in due time my friend," Wes told him as he took my hand beneath the table and caressed the back of it.

"So, Jaymes where are you from?" Ronan asked.

"Um, here and there, haven't really been in one place too long."


"Yeah oh well."

Jaymes was really evasive in his answers and I could tell why Wes was weary of him.

"Where are your parents?" I directly asked him.

"Dad left when I was a kid and mom drunk away her worries and the money," Jaymes threw an arm around Abby's shoulders and slouched down in his seat.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," I was surprised to see actual pain on his otherwise arrogant expression.

"Well I took off when I was fifteen, glad to be rid of her."

"Yeah," I was trying to figure him out.

"So where are you living now?" Wes inquired, sounding nonchalant but I knew better.

"A ways off main street," another evasive answer.

"That area is nice," Wes countered.

"Well, who's ready to go to the dance?" I quickly changed the subject.

"I sure am," Grace said.

"Let's get this party started!" Abby cheered.

The boys paid the bill and we were off.

Authors Note

Finally!! Another update! So I decided that since it takes me so long to update I'm going to start making the updates longer. Chapter 11 has been my longest chapter so far and oh my gosh this chapter has been so much fun to write!! At one point while writing it I was almost in tears! I feel like I'm actually getting a feel for my writing and characters. This chapter is my favorite so far and I couldn't wait to share it with you guys! And hello to my readers from the Philippines!! Thank you soooo much for reading Time Again! I kinda went over board with the songs for this chapter so just bear with me ha ha but these songs are the songs I listened to as I wrote chapter 11 and I feel like they really embody how Wes and Adelle are feeling. The songs are 'The Words' by Christina Perri, 'Over The Love' by Florence and the Machines, 'Thistle and Weeds' by Mumford and Sons, 'Little Do You Know', by Alex and Sierra, 'Sad Song' by We the Kings, 'More than life', by Whitley, 'This', by Ed Sheeran, (Almost done!!) 'Need You Now' by Lady Antebellum, 'Sigh No More' by Mumford and Sons, and finally the last one, 'This Love' by Taylor swift. Chapter 11 is really important to me so that is why I included so many songs, it won't always be like that I promise! I can't wait to see where Time Again goes and we're finally getting to the good parts! Lots of drama in chapter 12 so get your feels ready!! I am so happy with how well Time Again is turning out so thank you, thank you, thank you sooooo much for reading! Once again you are making my dream come true! Love you all and until next time!

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