Choices | Kim Namjoon FF |

By MSB_2973

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Everything is fine until Kim Namjoon and Min Chae-rin decide to have a little pact of their own. Chae-rin jus... More

Author's Note
Chapter One: Chae-rin
Chapter Two: Namjoon
Chapter Three: Chae-rin
Chapter Four: Namjoon
Chapter Five: Chae-rin
Chapter Six: Namjoon
Chapter Seven: Chae-rin
Chapter Eight: Namjoon
Chapter Nine: Chae-rin
Chapter Ten: Namjoon
Chapter Eleven: Chae-rin
Chapter Twelve: Namjoon
Chapter Thirteen: Chae-rin
Chapter Fourteen: Author's POV
Chapter Fifteen: Namjoon
Chapter Sixteen: Chae-rin
Chapter Seventeen: Namjoon
Chapter Eighteen: Chae-rin
Chapter Nineteen: Namjoon
Chapter Twenty: Chae-rin
Chapter Twenty-One: Namjoon
Chapter Twenty Two: Chae-rin
Chapter Twenty-Three: Namjoon
Chapter Twenty-Four: Chae-rin
Chapter Twenty-Five: Namjoon
Chapter Twenty-Six: Chae-rin
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Namjoon
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Author's POV
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Chae-rin
Chapter Thirty: Namjoon
Chapter Thirty-One: Chae-rin
Chapter Thirty-Two: Namjoon
Chapter Thirty-Four: Namjoon
Chapter Thirty-Five: Author's POV
Chapter Thirty-Six: Chae-rin
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Namjoon
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Chae-rin
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Namjoon
Chapter Forty: Chae-rin
Chapter Forty-One: Namjoon
Chapter Forty-Two: Chae-rin
Chapter Forty-Three: Namjoon
Chapter Forty-Four: Chae-rin
Chapter Forty-Five: Author's POV
Chapter Forty-Six: Namjoon
Chapter Forty-Seven: Chae-rin
Chapter Forty-Eight: Jungkook

Chapter Thirty-Three: Chae-rin

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By MSB_2973

All day today I put up a front like I wasn't bothered by our stupid fight. I wanted him to think that I was going to be a cold bitch. I wanted to be indifferent because he hates that the most. But look at me now. I don't want to fight anymore and the fact that I'm going to cry about it is making me feel like an idiot.

Namjoon hears me sniffle and he turns around immediately. He rushes over to me, not like there was much space between us anyway, and asks what's wrong. The tears gush down my cheek and he eventually pulls me in for a hug. I've missed him all day today. I get what he meant earlier when he said he misses me. Even though we were together, we really weren't. We were so busy being petty that we didn't even enjoy each other's company.

"Listen, we need to talk. I want to clear the air from yesterday, okay?" Namjoon says to me while he holds me in his arms.

I nod against his chest and he moves us to the sofa. He lets me go and continues to wipe my face with his thumb. He's so caring and loving. I am lucky to have him as my best friend... I know that yesterday he meant well with what he said. It's just...I was sensitive and it didn't sit well with me.

"I'm sorry," he says to me. "I didn't mean to make what you experience yesterday insignificant. I was just...I guess, well Jungkook says I was jealous, but I think it was more me being protective. I don't want you to get hurt again by him... I saw how sad you were and I don't ever want to see you like that again. So, I went overboard and jumped to conclusions, which I shouldn't have done." He rubs the back of my hand with his thumb. "I'm sorry, Chae-rin."

Jealous? Was he? "I'm sorry too," I mumble through my sobs. "I shouldn't have thrown what Ae-ra did at you like that. I was just so mad because I thought you, of all people, would understand where I was coming from. I realized how low that was and a shitty thing to do. I didn't mean to hurt you."

He lets out a long sigh and then gazes into my eyes softly. For a few seconds, we just sit like this, reading each other. "Does this mean we're done fighting?" There's a small smile on his lips as he says this. "Because I hate when we fight. I feel so distant and I've missed you all day today."

It's like he read my mind because I've missed him too. I nod and wipe my eyes. "Yes."

Before I can say anything more, he pulls me in and wraps his arms around me. I let out a small laugh as he gently pushes me down so that he is laying on top of me. He rests his head against my chest, his arms wrapped around me, one leg on the other side of mine and another nestled in between my thighs. I run my fingers through his hair and I can feel him smiling.

"Today," he says, "all I could think about was how I hated the distance between us. And, of course, how beautiful you looked." He lifts his head from my chest to smile down at me.

"What?" I raise my brow at him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I want to kiss you," he tells me.

My heart does flips in my chest and I'm glad he's not pressed against me anymore. He'd definitely hear how my heartbeat picked up.

"Can I kiss you?" His eyes are big and round filled with an emotion that I can't quite read. Then, I see his dimples appear as his smile widens.

"You've never asked before," I say to him.

"I know, but I figured-"

"You can kiss me," I cut him off.

He shows me his teethy smile, the one that I love, before he leans down to kiss me softly. His lips meet mine and I melt into him. His hand caresses my arm before he lightly strokes my chin with his thumb. I pull him closer to me until our bodies are pressed against one another again and his tongue lightly plays with mine as he explores my mouth. He pulls away and the routine kisses come. The forehead, the tip of my nose and a peck on the lips before he pulls me up, sitting.

He cuddles me, pulling me into his chest, pulling my legs over his thighs and holds me like this. "I need a nap," he mumbles, resting his head against mine.

"A nap? Right now?"

"Mm," he hums. "Let's change out of these fancy clothes. I need to be in sweatpants."

I laugh because we are probably the homiest homebodies I know. Rarely do we like to wear dress up clothes. "Okay, let's change."

Rather than letting go of me, he lifts me up with him, carrying me to his room. I begin to protest but he just shrugs. "It was easier and faster." He places me down on the ground and I roll my eyes.

When I pull open the dresser, I realize I have no clean clothes here! "Uh, when was the last time you did laundry?"

"I don't know," he answers. "Maybe a while ago? Why?"

"Because I don't have any clothes in here!" I dig through the drawer and literally, everything and anything I've left here is gone.

"Just wear mine," he tells me, tossing off his jacket and undoing his tie. "I'll do laundry today."

"Okay," I nod. I pull out one of my favorite shirts of his. It's a black shirt with a print of a large koi fish. Simple in design, but it always catches my eye when he wears it. "You know, I think-" I turn around and my eyes drop to his bare chest. "Uh, sorry," I turn around.

He laughs and says, "Why are you being shy for? You've seen me plenty of times naked by now."

That's true...but still... "I don't-"

"That's my shirt," his lips are right by my ear and I jump at how quickly he moved to me. His arms snake around and he plucks the shirt in my hand away. "Thanks."

I turn to face him and he's grinning at me in such a teasing way. "That was my shirt."

"Well, you can always take it off of me," he tells me after slipping it on. He begins to unbuckle his belt and I can tell he's taunting me.

Oh Namjoon, you want to play like that? Two can definitely play. I watch as he tugs his belt from the loops and then he pushes his pants down. I keep my face as straight as possible, almost looking bored as I watch him. I let out a yawn and then walk over to him when he's just in his boxer briefs. He looks at me with wary eyes as I stop in front of him.

"Can you unzip me, please?" I turn around slowly, moving my hair out of the way. He's about to lose at his own game.

His fingers lightly brush my shoulders before he pulls the zipper down. I hear him catch his breath and I know it's because he doesn't see a bra. "You know, we never finished our little rendezvous the last time." His breath fans my neck and I feel goosebumps forming.

I smirk and reply, "Thanks." I take a few steps away before I turn to face him. His eyes are trying so hard to stay above my chest.

He pulls up his sweatpants and sits on the bed, leaning back, his eyes still focused on mine. "You didn't wear a bra today?"

"I don't need to," I tell him while looking for another shirt. I opt for a white one because well, it's slightly see-through. "The dress has cups built in." I shrug and slowly slip the straps off my shoulders. His eyes go wide. Just when the neckline reaches my start of my nipples, I pull my shirt over, covering everything. I shove my head through and I laugh when I see his disappointed face. "What? Why the face?" I let the dress slip completely off me now that his shirt is covering me completely.

"Just tired," he lies.

"Ah, right," I nod. "Because you need a nap, right?" I turn back to the dresser and look for some boxers. God, this guy has so many boxer briefs! I just want normal boxers. Does he even have any? I dig deeper in his dresser before sighing. "Joon, do you-" I yelp when I feel him trapping me with his arms on either side of me. "W-what are you doing?"

"Let's not pretend like you weren't just asking for me," he murmurs.

"I wasn't! I was teasing you like how you were teasing me!" I turn and his eyes are dark with lust. "You started it."

"I started it because I want you," he says, leaning into me. "I wasn't kidding when I said we didn't get to finish the last time." His lips hover above mine and I close my eyes from the intense hunger I have for him.

His hand wraps around my waist and he pulls me in for a kiss. A fast, hard, deep kiss with his tongue entering forcefully. I don't have much time before he is hoisting me up and sitting me on his dresser. He grips my ass as our kiss grows more and his lips move down my jaw to my neck. I move my hand to run my fingers down his chest to his stomach. He groans as my fingers dangerously play with the hem of his pants.

"Shirt off," he tugs at the one I'm wearing. "I can see those pretty little nipples all hard and ready for me in that white shirt."

"Nuh-uh-uh," I smile, wagging my finger. "We're going to play a game today."

"A game?" He raises his eyebrow and slightly tilts his head.

"Mhm," I kiss him softly on his sensitive spot under his jaw. "It's going to be fun." I begin to lick and nip the area and I feel him tense in his spot as he groans, squeezing my ass tighter.

"Fuck," he breathes raggedly already. "What game are we playing?"

After I finish marking his neck, I release the skin with a loud pop and smile at my work. I rub the reddish mark with my thumb before returning my gaze at him. "We are going to play Who's the Boss."


"Who is going to be the boss this time? Me or you? I think I should be the boss."

"Why should you be the boss?"

"Because you're always the boss. Let me play with you, please?" I give him a sweet, innocent smile, hoping it'll win him over.

"Did you bring your handcuffs with you or something?" he snorts.

"No, but," I hop of the dresser and move so that I can open up his drawer again. Ah, perfect. "Look what I found in here. Is this your dirty little drawer?"

His eyes grow wide and he actually chokes on his own spit. "What the fuck? Where was that?!" He looks genuinely surprised that he even owns it.

"In your dresser. You're telling me you didn't know you own a cock ring?"

"Does it look like I knew?!"

"Well, it's yours since it's in your drawer. I want to use it... Can we?" I wiggle my brows. "I won't tie you up if you promise to let me take control."

He snorts and replies, "What makes you think I'd let you tie me up?"

"You let me use the handcuffs last time," I shrug.

"That was a mistake. I don't like not being able to grope you," he answers. "That was torture for me."

"You enjoyed it," I say. "You said you liked it!"

"I said I that I came," he corrects me.

"Well, regardless, can we try the cock ring? I just...want to know how it works. And look," I press a button and it starts buzzing, "this one vibrates!"

"Chae-rin," he says, not convinced.

"Namjoon, please?" My free hand quickly grabs his bulge and squeezes softly. He groans and the suddenness, but I feel him getting harder in my hand. "See? You want me." I move the cock ring down and press it against him. His eyes close and my hand continues to rub his covered dick. "See? It feels good." When I pull away, his eyes snap open I stare at him curiously. "Please?"

"Fuck! I hate when you beg like that," he growls. "I can't refuse you like this." I laugh and pull him into a long, deep, messy kiss. My tongue enters his mouth and I hop up, wrapping my legs around his waist. He immediately holds me up as we continue our sloppy kissing and he makes his way to the bed. He places me down and hovers above me. "Okay, we can use it."

I sit on my knees and then strip the shirt off. "You can have a little fun first. I'll reward you for being such a good boy."

He laughs at my word choice and says, "Where did you learn these words?"

"What? I read smut books. Now, strip that shirt off." I point at him and he grins. "You have five seconds or else no more nipples."

I have never seen him move so quickly in my life. He throws the shirt off and hops onto the bed, pinning me down on the bed. His lips move down to my chest instantly and his impatient hands move to my breast to squeeze and massage. His fingers roll my nipple and I moan. I am sensitive there. His mouth moves down to my free nipple and he takes it in, swirling his tongue around it before sucking and lightly grazing it with his teeth.

"God," I mumble, pulling the tips of his hair. He moves his attention to the other breast and does the same thing. But this time, his grazing is a little rougher and in response, I pull his hair harder. I didn't mean to, but damn he bit me kind of hard!

He snickers but then presses soft kisses where he nipped me. "I'm not sorry." His lips travel south and I feel his fingers lightly tracing my folds over my underwear. He's doing this on purpose! It's so faint, but I can feel the heat of his fingertips there. When I move myself so that I can feel his fingers, he murmurs, "Someone is impatient."

He is so going to get it. "Namjoon," I whine. "Please."

I feel him tug my underwear down and he takes in a sharp breath. "I love seeing this glorious pussy. Always so ready for me." I feel his finger slide inside of me as he slowly thrusts, his thumb moving in circular motions in the most sluggish way. "You always need to be stretched first."

"More," I ask.

He begins to thrust his finger faster and his thumb moves quicker against my clit. "Someone really likes it fast and hard, huh?" Without warning, he inserts another finger inside of me and I moan as he spreads them apart inside. "So tight."

"O-oh s-shit!" I feel that tight feeling in my lower stomach forming. "Oh, right there. God!" I can't contain myself when he adds that third finger inside.

"You want me to make you cum?" I am having a hard time putting words together from the pleasure. How can just his fingers do this to me? "Yes or no?" He begins to slow his movements and I don't want this to end!

"Yes! Yes!" I shamelessly agree. "Please, make me cum."

He moves his fingers out of me completely but before I can complain, I feel his tongue lick a long strip before entering inside of me. Oh god. His tongue thrusts inside of me and I feel his finger play with my clit again. He lifts my legs on his shoulder as he raises me slightly higher and closer to his face. The feeling of my orgasm is approaching again. My back arches and I grip the sheets tightly.

"I'm gonna cum," I moan, my eyes shut.

All it takes is his hum in response against me and the tightness in my stomach snaps. I release and I feel the rush take over me. Namjoon continues to thrust his tongue, lapping me up as I orgasm. He finally releases me when he feels my walls are no longer contracting and crawls up beside me. Slowly, I open my eyes and he grins down at me.

"Thought you said you wanted to be in control," he tells me.

"I do," I says. "I just wanted you to have your fun first." I reach out for him and he pulls me up into his chest. I give him small kisses on his chest, still trying to regroup. I need to stay focused if I want to be the boss. "Namjoon," I whisper against him.


"I hope you enjoyed being in charge for the last twenty minutes," I tell him.

He chuckles and his chest rumbles. "I sure did."

"You remember the rest of our game?" I stroke his hard dick that's pressed against me and he tenses up.

"Unfortunately, yes, I do," he mumbles.

I grin and push him down onto the bed. He lays underneath me as I straddle him, kissing him softly all over his neck and chest. I move my lips to his nipple and lick it. To my surprise, he groans and so I lightly graze it with my teeth and his eyes shut close. So, he also likes nipple play done on him. Hm, I would have never thought. I move down his chest to his stomach and sprinkle butterfly kisses there while my hand slowly moves to remove his pants. I have the ring in my hand and as I lightly tug his pants, I feel him sit up.

"What's wrong?" I say, watching him.

"I just want to watch," he tells me. I laugh and continue. I palm his dick and he clenches his jaw when my thumb runs over the tip of his head. I stroke him ever so slowly and he lets out a breathy moan. "F-fuck."

"Condom," I say.

"Dresser," he breathes as I continue to stroke him.

I should have grabbed the condom before we started all of this, but I was a little too eager. At least I remembered this time. The last two times we were raw and while I enjoyed it, we can't keep doing that. I quickly return back to him and roll the condom on. His eyes stare into mine and I wink at him, causing him to laugh.

"You ready for me?" I ask him, crawling forward.

"Baby, I've been ready for you," he tells me. "You ready to cum on my cock over and over again?" He has this cockiness, no pun intended, laced in his voice.

"Oh Namjoon," I smirk. I push him down before I work the cock ring around his stiff member. Nice and snug. I'm not going to lie, I only remember because of when Eun-ha showed me that one time. I hope that this is right... The elastic ring constricts him and he groans softly. Slowly, I hover above his throbbing cock and slowly I sink myself onto him. He grunts when my walls swallow him and I let out a breathy sigh.

"Oh shit," he says, grabbing my waist.

I raise myself up and sink down again, moaning. I will never be tired of this feeling of him filling me up. I sink completely onto him and let out a loud gasp as I feel my walls stretch around him. At the same time I gasp, he groans, digging his fingers into my waist. He lets me adjust and then I begin to rock my hips back and forth, tugging him in and out of me. My clit brushes against the ribbed ring and I resist the urge to moan already.

"Ah god, baby," he moans. "You're so fucking tight."

I reach behind me, to the cock ring and press the button, turning it on. The pulsating ring stimulates both of us and we both moan loudly at the same time. "Oh fuck," I say, rolling my hips faster, resting my hands on his chest. I stare down at him and I see a thin film of sweat forming on his forehead. I continue to roll my hips until I feel him become impatient, so, I begin to bounce.

"Oh, shit, yes," he groans. "Like that baby."

His hard member brushes inside me, hitting my spot and I toss my head back. The orgasm is approaching. The vibrating ring is stimulating my clit, his dick is hitting the right area and his finger rolling my nipple is going to send me overboard. My hand reaches for his balls and I begin to massage him and he grunts.

"You like when I play with you like that?" I give him the same attitude that he gives me. "You like me bouncing like this?" He doesn't say anything, so I say, "Yes or no?" I slow myself down and his eyes grow frantic.

He nods, unable to speak. I lean down and kiss him slowly, licking his jaw. He groans and I snicker before I shove my tongue into his mouth. He wraps his arms around me as he begins to pound into me instead. I moan into his mouth as he rams into me, holding my arms tightly against my body.

"I'm gonna cum," he grunts. "Fuck, fuck!"

I can't even tell him I'm about to finish because the knot in me snaps quickly. I moan and my legs shiver, my walls contract around him, and I release all over his hard dick inside of me. He squeezes me closer and I feel his dick twitching in me. He's about to finish too. As I chase my high, he continues to move in and out of me quickly.

"N-Namjoon," I groan, kissing his neck.

"Fuck!" He twitches, but he doesn't release. The vibrating ring is causing overstimulation for me and I whine. "Wait for me. Fuck! Why can't I-"

I lift off of him and pull him out of me. I turn off the ring and laugh. "It's this."

"What the fuck?!"

"I told you I wanted to be in charge," I say, still catching my breath.

"I'm taking this-"

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