My Beginning After the End Fo...

By Slowcky

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(Could have spoilers from Light Novel) (Some things are changed for the purpose of the story) This is Novel 3... More

Start of Pt. III
Saviors Pt. I
Saviors Pt. II
Saviors Pt. III
Saviors Pt. IV
Saviors Pt. V
Saviors Pt. VI
Saviors Pt. VII
Saviors Pt. VIII
Saviors Pt. IX
Saviors Pt. X
God Killers Pt. I
God Killers Pt. II
Back to It
The Fallen
Fallen Lances
Rosa Leywin Character Designs
Retake Vildorial
Home for Now
My First Son?
New Asset
Attack on Vildorial Pt. I
Attack on Vildorial Pt. II
Attack on Vildorial Pt. III
Attack on Vildorial Pt. IV
Attack on Vildorial Pt. V
Attack on Vildorial Pt. VI
Attack on Vildorial Pt. VII
Attack on Vildorial Pt. VIII
Attack on Vildorial Pt. IX
Our own Rebellion
Sovereign Orlaeth
The Shield Array
For the Holidays
Great Eight
Move on?
Limitations Broken
A Long Conversation
Meeting with Aid
Blood Army - Generals
Civil War
Selena Eccleiah Character Designs
Hellhounds Character Designs
Father, Son, Bonding
Reclaiming Xyrus Pt. I
Reclaiming Xyrus Pt. II
Reclaiming Xyrus Pt. III
Reclaiming Xyrus Pt. IV
Reclaiming Xyrus Pt. V
Reclaiming Xyrus Pt. VI
Reclaiming Xyrus Pt. VII
Reclaiming Xyrus Pt. VIII
Nithe verse Cecilia
Forcing a Retreat
Caera verse Nico
Dicathen is Ours
The Truth
Call to Battle
Defeated by Vritra
Meeting my Bride
Ivy Leywin Character Designs
Sparring with the Fish People
Breaking the News
Split Up their Troops
Unexpected Arrival
Morning Plans
The Beginning of the Conquest
The Unit
With the Rebels
Married Pt. I
Married Pt. II
Back to the Relictombs
Etril Pt. I
A Game
Kiss me
Etril Pt. II
Trying to Heal the Devil
Maze Pt. I
New Partner
Maze Pt. II
He's Here
Slight Change of Plans
Showing my Face
Maze Pt. III
Etril Pt. III
A Short Trip
Getting my Bait
Brother's Secret
Devil verse Aldir Pt. I
Devil verse Aldir Pt. II
Ivy verse Chul
Devil verse Aldir Pt. III
Laying the Plan Out
New Ability
Our new Camp
Vechor Pt. I
Vechor Pt. II
What have you Done?
The Effects
Time is my Ally
Etril Pt. IV
Other Dangers
Aramoor is Ours
Not Part of the Plan
Out of Harm's Way?
Etril is our Dominion
Truacia Pt. I
Stopping a Massacre
Enslaved Army
Truacia Pt. II
Time Works in Mysterious Ways
You Have Traitors
I would Prepare for Battle
Truacia Pt. III
Getting the Scythe
Taking in Refugees
Truacia Pt. IV
It's Time
Brotherly Battle Pt. I
Brotherly Battle Pt. II
Battle For Etril Pt. I
Battle For Etril Pt. II
The Battle for Etril Pt. III
Battle for Sehz-Clar Pt. I
Battle for Sehz-Clar Pt. II
Truacia Pt. V
Battle for Sehz-Clar Pt. III
The Battle for Etril Pt. IV
The Battle for Etril Pt. V
The Battle for Etril Pt. VI
Battle for Sehz-Clar Pt. IV
Second Invasion
Sending you Home
Ordering the Last Assault
The Start of the End
Old Friends
The Blood Army?
Distractions Around the Continent
Filling In
The Relictombs
Your Husband is Dead
Within Taegrin Caelum
Her Return
Put in Place
I'm Sorry
Author's Note
What comes Next
My New Home
Make your Decision
My Audience is Ready
My New Army
Choose your Ruler
You need to Know the Truth
Welcome Back, Sylv?
I'm Home
Abolish the Clan Pt. I
Abolish the Clan Pt. II
Abolish the Clan Pt. III
My End of the Promise
Scythe Viessa's Return
He's Freed Them
The Last Keystone
A Promised Upgrade
War with the Gods
My Retainers
To Epheotus, To Battle
End of Pt. III

Filling In Lost Time

245 22 15
By Slowcky

"We all die." I told her, shrugging, lifting my hand up with the flames in it, looking her in the eyes, controlling the blood in her so she ingested the flames. "But tonight, the Vritra clan will fall, and its existence will die with you and me."

I watched as the dark red flames entered her body, her eyes drifted shut, and for a second, she fell unconscious. I just stood there, waiting, wanting to see the girl open her eyes and look at me like she cared.

It only took a short moment for her eyes to reopen, and when they did, tears streamed down her face. "Veer?" Sylvie said, and my eyes widened as I released my control over her body. "What, what happened?"

I jumped onto her, tackling her onto the bed. "Sylv." I said, holding her in my embrace, hugging her tightly, and as we just laid there, I felt her arms wrap around my back and pull me closer to her. "I'm sorry, I truly am, I never wanted it to be like this, but it was the only way."

"It's fine, Veer, I'm back." Sylvie said, her head in my chest. "But, but where are we?" As she spoke, I considered what I should do in this moment, I mean, I knew what I had to do, but I had just gotten her back, couldn't I just stay in this moment for a second longer. "Veer?"

"Yeah, about that." I said, releasing her, sitting up. "So, you've been, well, I don't really know how to say it without alarming you too much." I made it so she forgot the last couple months, the months she spent serving Agrona as his little pet.

Sylvie sat up with me, staring into my eyes with affection, caring, it was obvious she was looking for answers, but was happy to see me. "Just tell me Veer, I need to know." I could feel Nico moving in his room, he was still in it, so it didn't matter, it was when he left that it did.

"We are currently in Taegrin Caelum, Sylv." Her eyes widened even further than before. "To get you back after Dragoth killed you, I needed to regrow your body, but I didn't have the ability to place your soul back into it, however, Agrona did, so we made a deal."

"Veer, you didn't?" She asked questioningly, and as I nodded, she shook her head. "That's what I've been doing then, all this missing time, the reason I feel older, but not the last couple months, it, it's because Agrona mind controlled me?"

"Yes, after I brought you back, well, before I brought you back, Agrona and I worked together, for a short time." I paused, gathering my thoughts, just happy to be here right now. "Then eventually he brought you back, but I didn't know that it wasn't really you, it was just him using you as a puppet to obtain your abilities."

"Oh my." Sylvie said, shaking her head once again, trying to understand what was going on. "You've been fighting me then this whole time?" I nodded at her words, she was getting it, which was good because I was going to have to leave her soon. "I'm sorry you had to deal with that, Veer."

"It's fine, Sylv." I said, getting up from the bed, turning around though so I was still staring into her eyes. "Nothing really happened while you were out, or replaced, I don't really know what to describe it as, well, actually, a lot happened, but there will be time to fill you in."

"Alright, but how do you plan on getting us out of here?" She asked, and I shook my head. "What? You don't have a plan to get out of here?" I did, but I wasn't going to tell her what I was about to do, didn't involve her, and she couldn't be awake for it.

"Sylvie, I am going to go kill Agrona." I told her, and I could see and sense the surprise in her face. "I can't have you with me when I do, but there is something I need to ask you, and whatever your answer is, you need to know that I'll always love you."

"Wait, wait, Veer, you are going to kill Agrona, and you don't want me to go with you, why?" She asked, but I really didn't have the time for this, so I wasn't going to argue with her. "I want to see him dead as well, he might be my real father, but he wasn't the one who raised me, it was Arthur."

"Sylvie, that's not why, I just wanted to do it alone, there are things I need to talk to him about." I told her the truth, but before she could answer, I added. "Again, Sylvie, I need to ask you something else, and when do, you need to know that I love you."

"Fine." Sylvie said, rolling her eyes at me, causing me to smile slightly. "What is it? What do you need to ask me that needs a warning before you do?"

"Do you want to see Kezess and the rest of the dragons fall, or would you rather go back to Dicathen and live there?" I asked, and I could see the confused expression appear clearly on her face. "After this, I plan on taking out your bloodline, the dragons, the asuras, all of them, if you don't want to help, that's fine with me, but I need to know."

"You are crazy!" She exclaimed. "That would be suicide Veer, that, no, you can't do that." She told me, not upset about the idea, but that I would die if I did it, I think at least. "Taking them out, no, don't even suggest that."

"Is that your answer?" I asked, shrugging. "Because I am going to attempt it, and I'll tell you right now, Arthur ain't having it, he's kind of against me right now." I still had to tell her that he was currently dead downstairs.

"I won't fight you, Veer, not again, but going after this, attempting that, no, it's impossible, and it's genocide, that's what your planning?" I nodded slowly; it was technically what I was planning. "Just stop it, if Agrona is dead, and you do it today, we can live peacefully again in Dicathen."

"Can we?" I asked, speaking with a calm tone. "Can we honestly do that?" I didn't believe it, and neither should she. "You don't know what has gone down, Sylv, not everything, Arthur has an aether core."

"A what?" She said, her eyes widening. "An aether core?"

"He's also a full-blooded dragon." Her eyes widened even more, and it was a very cute sight. "But Kezess knows this, and what's Arthur knowledge so he can create or learn more, I don't really know, he just wants to get stronger, you know Kezess. If we moved back, and Arthur didn't want to do that, Kezess would kill us, and if Arthur did do it, Kezess would kill us when he was done with him."

She went silent, knowing that I was right, I know what Kezess is, so does she, he's a bitch and a tyrant. "Fair." Sylvie said, then added. "But you still can do this, there's no outcome where you come out alive, it's impossible."

"We'll see." I said, but then I got closer to her. "I'm assuming you aren't with me?" I said in a questionable tone, looking her in her eyes, her wheat colored hair swayed around her shoulders.

"I'm not against you, I'll never be again." She told me. "But, but I can't let do that alone, Veer, that would just, I don't know, like I said, you will die." Wow, I was not expecting her to have the most common sense out of everybody. "I'll need to talk to Arthur, but if you want to know the truth, I don't think you should do it, it's genocide, and suicide, you'll never stand a chance."

"That's fair." I said, nodding my head, then as the room grew silent, there was one more thing I needed to tell her right now, there was two, but I was not going to bring up Selena right now, I couldn't, that was, yeah, no, not right now. "Sylvie, there is one more thing, Arthur and Tess, they are married."

"What?!" She said, changing her tone to one of joy, which is obvious, I don't see a reason why she would be upset from this information. "They are married now?" I smiled at Sylvie; she smiled back. "That's amazing."

"It is." I said, but that wasn't it, or at least that wasn't what I was going to tell her. "Tess, Tess is pregnant with their child." Sylvie's jaw dropped, and I laughed at the sight of it. "Hahaha, yeah, that's pretty much how I felt."

"That's awesome!" She exclaimed. "I can't wait to see them, when will we go back, after this is all done?" I knew that question was going to be asked, I just didn't want her to leave me, not again. "I want to see her, Arthur, everyone so badly already."

"I can't." I told her, and she shot a weird look at me. "When you died, I went down a dark path, Sylv, I took matters into my own hands, and I waged war on Agrona myself." I nodded to myself, doing it while I talked. "I did fight with Arthur and them for a while, reclaiming the continent from Agrona, but after that was done, I came to Alacrya, and I waged war on them all, by myself."

"So, you lost yourself because I was gone, that's fine, Veer, I'm back, and if we go back together, we can talk to them, it'll be fine." She assured me, but it wouldn't be, not after what I did to Arthur, not after everything, she had no idea. "I'll bring you back to your senses."

"Hahaha." I laughed at her, backing up slightly, she stood up and grabbed my hand. "Sylvie, if you heard what I did, you would probably be upset with me as well." I met her eyes, and as I did, she just held my hand, waiting to hear it. "To get here, I needed a portal, and the only portal that would work was an aetheric one, so I killed Arthur in a sense, and with aether, I opened a portal that connected us."

"You what?" She said, releasing my hand, I smiled as I waved my hand. "Is he actually dead?" I shook my head no. "So, but, oh my, so you killed him in a sense you say, meaning what, he's partially dead?"

"Yeah." I answered. "He's downstairs, laying on a table, technically dead, I have to regrow his heart, but he'll be fine." I told her, but I could still see that she was trying to wrap her mind around me killing my brother. "Sylvie, everyone hates me, or in a way dislike me right now."

"I doubt that." She said. "They don't hate you, Veer, they would never, maybe dislike you for something you did, but it would never be permanent, if you came back with me, after killing Agrona, they would all find a way to take you back in with some time."

"Maybe." I said, nodding my head. "But I can't, not yet, if that is what you want, it's fine, I'll gladly send you back, but I want to see this through, I want to kill Kezess." She didn't seem happy with this comment. "Sylv, I want to, and maybe I do comeback with you, but in the end, I have things lined up, I need to do it."

"Comeback with me, just for a little, that's all I am asking." She said, and I nodded my head, looking into her golden eyes. "Even if it is for a month, I'll gladly spend that time with you, I've missed so much."

"That's good to know, Sylvie, but I'm sorry it has to be this way." I dug into her mind, and I started to manipulate her blood, and as she stubbled backwards, fighting to stay conscious, I caught her. "I love you; I've always loved you, but I will not stop what I have planned because of it, don't fight me, fight me, join me, it doesn't matter, I love you, and I will make this world safer for you."

"Stop it." She said, but I dropped her onto the bed, letting her fall unconscious, I heard what I needed, she was okay with Agrona dying by my hand. I stood up, looking at Sylvie laying there peacefully, it was good to see her like this, back, normal, it made me happy, something I haven't said in a while.

"Now." I said, spinning away from her and towards the door. "I think it's time I have a nice long chat with the big man himself."

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