Dangerous Life Ahead

By Writer_Hiya

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~ Dangerous Life Ahead ~ • Book 2 of LIFE OF PANCHALI TRILOGY • Panchali Rathore, Ex- CEO of Rathore Industri... More

• D I S C L A I M E R •
1 : || Her Unusual Behaviour ||
2 : || The Atrocious Night ||
3 : || Will She Understand ? ||
4 : || Departure For Hastinapur ||
5. || Problems And Complications ||
6 : || Arrival In Hastinapur ||
7: || Miseries Of Life ||
8 : || Sudden Panic Attack ||
9 : || Post Wedding Rituals ||
10 : || Pehli Rasoi ||
11 : || Was it a Revenge? ||
12 : || Her Abnormal Behaviour ||
13 : || Misunderstanding and Rituals ||
14 : || Her Unusual Panick ||
15 : || Imprisonment After Dispute ||
16 : || Misunderstandings And Manipulation ||
17 : || Who's More Beautiful? ||
18 : || Bhanumati's Baby Shower ||
19 : || The Harsh Realities||
• F L O O R D E C O R •
20 : || Efforts To Mend ||
21 : || Panchali Gets Shifted ||
22 : || A Budding Mystery ||
23 : || Shakuni Is Banished ||
24 : || Bhanumati's Sudden Delivery ||
25 : || Her PTSD Syndrome ||
26 : || The Next Generation ||
27 : || The Naming Ceremony ||
28 : || Guests For Navratri||
29 : || Fragments of Entangled Relationships ||
30 : || Lesson For Love ||
31 : || Panchali Meets Subhadra ||
32 : || Her Unusual Approach ||
33 : || Understanding And Knowing ||
34 : || Hunt For Past ||
35 : || Trying To Manipulate ||
36 : || Their Slow Realization ||
37 : || Realization Of Love||
38 : || Will They Remarry?||
39 : || Their Firm Resolution ||
40 : || Sense Of Divinity||
41 : || Chasing Her Bygone||
42 : || Her Slow Acceptance ||
44 : || Some Different Perspectives ||
45 : || Dusshala's Unusual Demeanor ||
46 : || Their Surprise Plans ||
47 : || The Devil's Plan ||
48 : || Lavender Haze ||
49 : || Turn Of Events ||
50 : || Terror Of Night ||
51 : || Essence Of Lives ||
52 : || Healing Her ||
53 : || To Comprehend Them ||
54 : || Accepting Them Earnestly ||
55 : || Her Changing Personality ||
56 : || Her Genuine Assertion ||
57 : || Storms And Life ||
58 : || The Sudden Combat ||
59 : || Her Punctual Nature ||
60 : || Rise Of Obsession||
61 : || Her Sadistic Personality ||
62 : || Under Intoxicated Condition ||
63 : || Changes of Circumstances ||
64 : || The Incomplete Ritual ||
65 : || An Unexpected Apology ||
66 : || Conspiracy Around Corner ||
67 : || The Unforeseen Betrayal ||

43 : || Yuvrani, A Mystery||

508 63 49
By Writer_Hiya

The atmosphere was partially illuminated by the Sun, being neither totally dark nor completely lit, giving an enthralling view of the beautiful Twilight.

The palace of Hastinapur was ready to start the Maha-Arti of Devi Kaalratri, on the seventh night of Navratri.

The maids and servants rushed with huge plates, carrying the ingredients for the offering to the Supreme Goddess. While, the hustle bustle was natural, in the process.

The sound of the door opening, resonated in his silent chamber, as Sahdev was still lost in his thoughts.

No, this time not about the little intimate moment he shared with her, but rather her words echoed in his mind.

Like a broken record.

He was trying to join the dots, but the more he did so, the more questions joined the list.

"Sahdev, you aren't ready yet." Yudhisthir questioned him, after taking a look at Arjun, Bheem and Nakul.

He flinched slightly, coming out of his reverie, and turned towards them.

"The more I am trying to find the answers, the more questions are joining, Jyest." He said, moving towards his four brothers.

"Tatparya?" Arjun asked, frowning.


"Yuvrani has set a time for us to rethink our decision." Sahdev conveyed, his voice laced with dead seriousness.

"What decision?" Bheem asked, casually.

"She said we have 48 hours. Only 2880 minutes to rethink our decision regarding our remarriage." He finally declared, as a heavy tension settled on them, as they sighed.

"Again the same topic. Now this is too much. I mean, what's the problem that all of a sudden, after almost six months of our wedding, she is hell bent on marrying us once more?" Nakul expressed his frustration.

He didn't have the habit of staying quiet, and locking his emotions like his twin.

For heaven's sake, he vowed to never marry again. He vowed to stay loyal to her, rather, loyal to his feelings for her.

He loved her, and why couldn't she understand that he would never ever marry anyone again.

It's as simple as that.

"Even if she gave us a second to think by holding a sword against our neck, our decision will remain the same." Yudhisthir declared, in a rigid voice.

There was a momentary silence before Bheem broke it, "On the contrary, I am thinking, is there even any reason that made her suggest our remarriage?"

Sahdev seemed to be in a thought hearing Bheem.

"Did Yuvrani say anything else, Sahdev?" A thoughtful Arjun asked.

"She did." Madreya started. "I mean, her words were too confusing and suspicious, as if there is something we are completely oblivious about."

"Be clear, Sahdev." Yudhisthir commanded.

"Jyest, she warned me about our decision. She said that she is burning in her own fire, and whoever tries to get close to her, they would burn eventually." He paused, for a moment, as his brothers anticipated for him to continue.

"She said, it can cost our lives, Jyest." He added, as their hearts skipped a beat as a slow fear gripped their soul.

Not because of their lives or safety, but for Yuvrani, who was still a mystery to them.

A mystery that was yet to be unfolded.

"Cost our lives?" Arjun muttured. "But why?"

"I am not getting a good feeling, Bhratashree. There is surely something that is kept well hidden from us, and it's too dangerous for sure." Nakul commented, as his heart raced fast unknowingly.

"Just a minute, Nakul. Try to think from the start." Arjun stated, as they looked at him.

"Jyest, Yuvrani gets anxiety attacks, which leads her to take daily anxiety shots, which is like a slow poison for her." He added.

"I agree with Bhrata Arjun. She thinks that she is getting well by taking anxiety medicines, but that's where she is wrong. She doesn't know that slowly her nerves are dieing." Sahdev said, as a certain restlessness settled on his heart.

"Next, Aryan confirmed that she has a past. Dark past, which is a secret within itself." Bheem pointed out next.

"Not to forget, why all of a sudden, she is continuously taking this topic of our remarriage. She clearly stated that she's burning in her own fire. Now, the question is what did she mean by that?" Arjun once again pointed.

"And primarily, why did she say that even our lives are staked, when the truth is we are completely oblivious about her past. What is the connection between her and us? Is it only because of our wedding relationship, or is there anything else, that's threatening her?" Nakul pinned, this time.

"I am telling you all, Bhrata. There is a lot more than we can even think of." Sahdev continued.

"Remember how Aryan paled on hearing our questions regarding her past? Now, just think, Jyest, it's Aryan who was so uncomfortable about Yuvrani's past, then how disturbed she herself would be." Bheem mentioned, as his soul was gripped by a certain fear.

Never in his life, Bheem ever felt so scared for anyone. Not even when his Mata Madri was practicing Sati on the burning pyre of his father.

Yudhisthir's breath turned heavy, as his ever calm personalities were trying to betray him.

He was getting scared, not for himself, not for his brothers, but for her.

He was sure in his decision about not marrying anyone else, even if for political reasons. Because, he just couldn't.

And somewhere he knew, if burning himself will ever be the reason to solve the mystery of Yuvrani, he would gladly do so.

If any day circumstances made him stand in such a position that either burn himself with her, or let her burn alone in her own fire, he knew he would choose to immolate himself along with her.

Because, if there was Yuvrani, only then there was Yuvraj.

Yes, that's how he became now. He could spend his life being hated by her, but he couldn't even come to think to spend his life without her existence.

"Whatever, it is, we know that it's better to burn with her, than let her burn alone in the mystery of her life." Yudhisthir declared, while his brothers could only agree with him.

"Sahdev, get ready, it's time for the Maha-Arti. And don't worry, nothing will happen to her, until we are alive." He added, assuring himself, rather than his brothers.


The sky turned dark with the thousands of constellations surrounding the Moon, that had the only attention of every celestial stars.

The smell of incense sticks and Sandalwood was heavy in the air, while the only sound was the loud ringing of bells and conch shells across the open area.

People swayed with their utmost devotion, as the high priests performed the Maha-Arti of Devi Kaalratri.

"Vasudev, may we once again have the honour to listen the divine story of Mata Kaalratri?" Dhritarastra requested, with a smile.

"Why not, Maharaj? Please take your respective seats." Krishna was more than glad to recite the story of His celestial sister to Her devotees.

As a brother, Himself, He felt all the happiness washed over His soul to recite the million years back moments to the mortal devotees.

"After the slaying of Mahishasur by Devi Katyayani, peace was restored in the world for several Yugs and Kalpas- until the two demon brothers Shumbh and Nishumbh, who embarked on the quest and domination, started disrupting all the harmony." Krishna started.

"As the atrocities by the two demon brothers rose, the Devtas gathered in Kailash to seek assistance from Mahadev and Devi Parvati. Devi was bathing at the time, and hearing their heartfelt plea, She decided to intervene and protect the Universe from the tyrannical rule of the Demons, and created a magnificent form known as Ambika."

"Shumbh and Nishumbh sent their most formidable generals, Chanda and Munda for the fierce battle. However, Devi Ambika summoned a fierce form known as Kaalratri or Kali, to aid her in battle. With her help, Devi Ambika annihilated Chanda and Munda, leaving the entire demon army stunned. Hence, gaining the name, 'Chamunda'.

"As their ego got dissatisfied, Shumbh and Nishumbh unleashed their full power upon Devi Chamunda. With a desperate bid to overcome Devi Chandi and Devi Kaalratri, the Demon brothers summoned their formidable warrior, Raktabeej, who had the power to multiply himself from each drop of his blood that fell over the ground."

"Devi Kaalratri fought with Raktabeej, and with each drop of blood that fell on the ground, Raktabeej's clone multiplied. However, soon Devi  Kaalratri, extended Her tongue and drank each drop of blood while slaying the clones of Raktabeej."

A smile adorned Krishna's face as he recalled the next events.

"Devi Kaalratri with her ferocity and rage was now killing anyone who came and stood in front of Her. With the passing time, there was nothing that could calm the anger of Mata, hence the Devtas went to Mahadev, requesting Him to calm down Devi, as nature and the Universe was slowly coming to an end due to the natural calamities that followed Her anger."

"Hearing the plea, Mahadev laid down beneath Devi's feet, hence calming down the rage of Devi Kaalratri in the process."

"And finally Devi Chandi engaged Shumbh and Nishumbh in a fierce battle, overpowering and slaying them with her divine strength." Krishna finished as he joined his hands, before the materialistic form of Devi.

"Jai Mata Kaalratri." The crowd too chanted the name of Devi three times, before bowing down their heads before Her, seeking blessings.


"Life is a mystery in itself. People go on finding the purpose of life, and when they have the answer, it's the end of their time." Panchali muttered, writing the same in her diary.

Sitting inside the same room covered in Darkness, just like her life, she penned down her thoughts.

"Some thoughts are born in the shadow, their origin is a mystery even to the mind that harbours them."

Panchali touched the part of her nape, that had a beautiful tattoo imprinted.

"And there remained some parts of the mystery that were better, if left untouched and unrevealed."

Her fingers came across the rough part of her skin, as she traced the tattoo she did years ago.

To hide some dirty evidence of her past.



Not knowing what could happen, Neha left her eight year old daughter under the wing of her monster husband.

To protect her unborn child, she once again committed a grave crime by leaving Panchali in that house.

While, Panchali was hell scared of staying alone with her father, not to forget that she witnessed too many horrendous events in the past three years continuously.

With her mother getting forced every night by new unknown men, and with her being beaten up by her father and locked up in the dark store room numerous times, she was scared.

But what surprised the little mind of Panchali was the six months that passed by her father behaving sweet and normal.

He would make food, and feed her with his own hands. He wouldn't be drunk late at night like previous times.

Occasionally Abhijeet would take her to her mother's apartment, and the three of them would spend time with each other.

Neha thought that he finally realized his crimes, when one day he suddenly apologized to her and Panchali to forgive him for his crimes.

Maybe the unborn child in her womb was so auspicious that even before its arrival, Abhijeet changed for good.

Oh, how wrong she was again to believe that the sadistic nature of Abhijeet would change so easily.

How wrong she was to believe the monster within her husband died.

It was calm and in its beauty sleep, which Abhijeet himself didn't know when it would come out and wreak havoc.

Oh, it was calm before the horrendous storm.

Because all of a sudden, he stopped taking Panchali to Neha's apartment for a whole month.

While, Neha called multiple times and asked Abhijeet why he wasn't bringing Panchali, he manipulated her saying their daughter was all fine and happy.

Alas, the reality was completely contradictory.

Because the monster within Abhijeet was once again awake.

One fine evening, Abhijeet called Panchali from downstairs, as she left the clothes that she was folding neatly, and rushed to the drawing room.

Only to find another man, accompanying her father.

Her heart raced fast, as the time six months back, came rushing back to her mind.

"Hey, little one. How are you?" The unknown man asked sweetly, waving his hand at her.

However, Panchali couldn't react as her breathing turned heavy.

"My only daughter, Panchali Rathore. And Panchu, he is Mr. Akhil Shekhawat, my colleague." Abhijeet introduced them.

"Greet him." Abhijeet asked, frowning, after a few good seconds of silence from Panchali.

"Hello Uncle." Panchali greeted, rather than in a soft, scared voice.

However, Akhil seemed displeased by her greetings, "Hey, I am no Uncle, dear. My age is just 25. I am a young man."

Abhijeet laughed, before saying, "Panchu, go and make some tea for our guest."

She nodded softly, and rushed towards the kitchen, with racing hearts.

Panchali didn't know but she didn't feel good vibes for the young man.

After so many men came to their house once, there was a very good number of them, who literally touched her inappropriately, she could say that this man was also no less than them.

Thoughts after thoughts revolved in her little mind, as she tried to think how to escape, if something happened to her like her Mumma.

Yes, despite her age, she had to be mature witnessing so many horrendous events in front of her eyes.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the boiling of the tea, as she immediately turned off the gas and poured the tea in two cups.

One for her father, and another for Akhil Shekhawat.

Placing the cups on a tray, she carried it to the drawing room.

However, while balancing in her little hands, Panchali majorly missed the huge amount of cash that Akhil Shekhawat handed over to Abhijeet.

The man had a sly smirk on his face, while handing 25 million rupees cash to the drug dealer, Abhijeet Rathore.

He, himself, was a mafia, having illegal business in the underworld.

But the cash of 25 million was obviously for another reason.

Panchali stood in front of Akhil, who was apparently sitting on the sofa as if he owned it.

She forwarded the tea to him, raising her ocean blue orbs, clashing with his dark eyes.

Akhil's breath hitched, looking at the little girl's mysterious captivating eyes, that had the power to bind him into a spell.

Pedophilia ran through his veins, as his eyes filled with pure lust for the girl.

A Psycho was the only thing that could describe the nature of Akhil.

"Tea." The soft voice of Panchali brought him out of the trance, while she looked down, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

However, Akhil cursed under his breath as the curtains of dark lashes fell down, stopping his view to look at her angelic eyes.

"Virgin?" Akhil asked, Abhijeet who was busy counting the money notes, who then nodded smirking.

Hell yes, that's why Akhil Shekhawat, the mafia drug dealer, bought Panchali in the cost of 25 million rupees.

While, Panchali didn't understand what the word 'virgin' meant, and hence stood quietly.

Akhil forwarded his hand, and held Panchali's palm, who immediately looked up at him, being shocked by his action.

With his another hand, he kept cups on the centre table, and held another hand of Panchali.

Her breath came in short pants, as Akhil moved his hands slowly, till her shoulders. His pedophilia disorder kicked the best within him.

"Do you know how beautiful you are, Panchali?" He whispered.

He touched the side of her neck, while the tray slipped from her hands, which was visibly shaking, and broke into pieces.

She looked at Abhijeet for help, but he was too immersed in counting the notes than trying to help her.

Panchali's eyes flashed sheer hatred for her father, who was a monster in real life.

Akhil moved his face closer to her neck, as he inhaled her body's baby odour, that drove his pedophilic nature crazy.

Her eyes spilled tears as she wiggled in his hold, trying too hard to move away from the monster.

Oh, how helpless she felt.

"No, leave me, please..." She screamed, begging her to leave but her words fell in deaf ears.

A fear slowly started crawling in her soul, as Akhil stood up and moved upstairs, to a room, carrying her in his shoulder like a potato sack.

Her mind replayed those nights when the same things used to happen to her Mumma six months ago.

"Spare me... Please, leave me." Panchali begged, as she hit Akhil on his back, with her little fists.

Only if it could make any difference.

Throwing her on the bed harshly, Akhil tilted his head, as his psycho nature gawked at her scared crawled disheveled state.

He moved closer to her, while Panchali moved back until she was stopped by the headboard of the bed.

She was scared, she couldn't move back anymore, while the predator was coming towards her.

He suddenly grabbed her and pulled her towards him, and again inhaled her baby scent, which was slowly rising his desires.

Akhil pushed her to the bed, making her lie on her stomach.

"Please, leave me, Uncle... I will be a very good girl... I won't make any mistakes... Please let me go." Panchali cried and cried more.

Only if her luck sided with her that night.

"Then, be the good girl and do as I say, baccha. You will be less punished." Akhil said, darkly.

He took out handcuffs from the inner pockets of his blazer and chained her to the bed.

"Uncle, please... No, I am sorry..." Panchali begged as she felt something gruesome was about to happen to her.

Akhil went out of the room, while Panchali tried to free herself as soon as possible.

The key word being 'tried'. But, failed.

Few moments passed, as she anticipated in the room, being chained up, while laying on her stomach, she cried.

"Mumma, why did you left me here?" She asked, crying, thinking it was the end of the torture.

Alas, only if she knew how wrong she was.

Akhil came back, with a burning candle in his hand. He sat beside her and cooed her, while Panchali felt disgusted by his touch.

"Shh, baccha. Don't move. If you don't obey me, I will punish you more." He said, while caressing her hair, as she stopped wiggling immediately, in fear.

"That's like my good girl." Akhil complimented, and touched the back chain of her frock, in an attempt to open it.

"Un-uncle -" Panchali was horrified as she felt the chain of her frock slowly getting opened.

"Shh, as I said, don't move." He said, in a soft voice. "Now, do you know how I am?"

However, she remained silent in horror.

"Well, I am your master from now onwards, baccha. I have bought you in return of 25 million rupees." He dropped the bomb on Panchali, who felt a whirlpool of emotions flowing through her veins.

Betrayal, dirty, disgust, hurt, anger, embarrassment, and what not.

A sudden scream left from her mouth, as she felt a lava burning sensation on her nape.

Because, Akhil poured the hot melting candle on her soft skin, burning the area in the process.

The scream and cry of Panchali, satisfied his sadistic nature to hundred different levels.

"See, baccha, I didn't want to do this. I simply wanted to feel you. But you being the stubborn kid, didn't let me do that. So, I did what I felt like - pouring this melting candle over your skin." Akhil said, with a smile despite the screams he heard from the little girl.

"You know why, because I bought you. You're mine and I can do whatever I want with my things." He said, removing the candle.

He rubbed his fingers over the burnt part of her skin, inflicting more pain.

Panchali, finally, notwithstanding the amount of pain all of a sudden, slipped into a state of unconsciousness.

A last thought that revolved in her mind was - her father sold her and her mother left her alone.

And yes, that's what her life turned into...

Greetings Loveliest Readers,

Nothing to say much, because I am myself traumatized a little after writing this chapter.

So tell, me your thoughts. I would love to listen to you all.


Thanking You,

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