Stolen from me

By LanijahsWorld

34.2K 1.4K 1.4K

Beyoncé Knowles-Carter and Shawn Carter daughter was kidnapped form their home when she was's been 11 y... More

Stolen from me
Come back to me
Runaway child
Open eyes
Can we talk
The right way
Hidding the truth
Get comfortable
My own eyes
The truth will set you free
The blame game
Take some time
I wanna go home
Heal mentally
Just hold on
For the love of my child
Heart to heart
Girls day out
Can you keep a secret
In my eye sight
Tinas truth
The visits
The recollection
The set up
The pass over
The besties
Let the summer began
On the run but still for fun
Family matters
I keep my promises
Stolen from me. AGAIN!!
Find my baby
The remedy of a stolen child
So close
Trying to escape
Think smart
Not my sister
Danger zone
I'm coming my babies.
Help me Beybey!
The past.
A Fed Up Bey.
Cry me a river.
Let it all out.
A new start.
First day.
Fake therapist
A phone call away.
Wheres Auntie Solo?
A new life.
Lets try this again.
Birthday traits
Home Before You Know It
15 Candles.
A Bad Day
2 truths but no lies.
Picture This
The Truth Is In The Journal
It's All Over
So Far Gone
Scared of what?
What is it?

Tinas Secret Phone Call.

347 18 19
By LanijahsWorld

August 7th

"Matthew?" The woman spoke into the phone.

"Y-yeah it's m-me" the man struggled out. Tina became worried with his heavy breathy and struggles of words.

"What's wrong are you alright?" He began to cough making her gasped.

"M-my time is coming" he breathe out . Tina began to cry.

"W-what no" she cried.

"I do-nt want you to tell t-the girls" Tina scrunched her face. "Not y-et, I know b-Beyonce's b-irth-day is coming and I- don't want her to be sad or hu-rt on her day" he spoke.

"Mattew what's going to happen?" Tina cried. By now Richard knew what he was telling her and he only could comfort her.

"Just k-now I-i love you and m-my girls so much" he rasp out making Tina sob. She couldn't help him talking like that so she moved the phone from her ear and stuffed her face in Richard's neck. Richard took the phone and out it to his ear.

"Man what's going on?" Richard whispered.

"I-I'm losing my time" Mattew responded. Richard sigh holding a crying Tina.

"Man you can't leave them like this you can't" Richard spoke seriously. He knew it would hurt Tina but them girls was gonna have a fit especially Beyoncé.

"I-I'm doing as many -chem-os as I can." He said before coughing wildly. "Tell Tina and My G-irls I-i love -them so much." Richard was almost in tears himself but he need to be a man for his wife. "Please take -care-of them Richard" Richard sigh.

"I will" he said.

"Ok. I- have to-go now thank you" the line went dead and Richard dropped his arm with the phone still in his hand.

"H-he's dying" his wife sobbed. He pulled her closet into his chest and kissed her beard whispering soft sweet things in her ear for her to calm down.

How was Tina gonna tell her daughters their father is dying.


August 8th


"Hey" i whispered to Nicki as me and Shawn walked in the door.

"Hey you guys did amazing" she told us. I smiled.

"Thank you. So how did things go?" I asked I already knew they had people over because I saw Mirah instagram og mini twerking on Ashley's Niece Amya.

"It was good we was bored but we made some adjustments and had fun" she smiled nodded.

"Mmh" I hummed nodding. "Was one of those adjustments my daughter twerking on another girls lap?" I raised my brow with a playfully smirk.

"Oh you saw" she fiddle with her fingers. I laughed.

"Yes I did just be glad it wasn't a boy" she nodded. "They all still sleep?"

"Yeah Mari went to bed early and woke up so she was just late and the others was just up late period" she explained I nodded.

"Well I'm tired I'm gonna go get a few hours of sleep in." She nodded. "You coming baby?" I turned to Jay.

"Yeah I'll be up in a minute" I nodded and trailed myself upstairs. I peeked in All the kids room and they were knocked out cold. I went to my room and took a quick shower putting on sweats and a T shirt. I put my hair up in a bun and I cleaned up before going to lay down. I sigh softly and got comfortable before dozing off.


I heard a lot of noise and racket from downstairs I got up slowly adjusting my body while stretching and yawning. I threw my cover don off of my lower half and got up putting my slippers on. I left out the room seeing all the kids doors was opened and they're beds were empty. I went downstairs before I stoped in my tracks on the steps hearing Amariana's voice.

"See she's not here" I heard her saw I awes in my head and touched my chest feeling my heart glow.

"Baby she'll be here" I heard Nicki say. I heard a fork being slammed down and I knew it was her. My poor baby had her moments when she feels like she's been lied to.

"I'm mad at her and she better not talk to me ever and I don't even feel good " she said dramatically. I kinda hurt to hear her say that but I know she's just upset. I walked down the stairs.

"Not talking to who?" I raised my brow she turned around with a stunned look with her eyes widen. She smiled making me do the same.

"Beybey" she squealed running to me I squatted down and opened my arms for her to hug me. Which she did. I kissed her cheeks repeatedly.

"Hi baby" I smiled putting her down she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the islander.

"Hi mama" Chris spoke I kissed his head and said hey to the rest of them.

"So how were things while we were gone?" I asked looking at them. The all looked down and cleared there throats.

"It was good" Mirah spoke cheesing I hummed and nodded.

"Where's daddy?" Blue asked.

"Right here baby" we turned and he was coming in the house.

"Daddy" the girls said running to Shawn hugging him.

"Hey how are you my princesses?" He kissed their heads.

"Good" blue yelled making us laugh. Shane came by me and kissed my head as well all began to make conversation.

"Baby what do you mean you don't feel good?" I asked Amariana.

"My head is killing me for some reason didn't get much sleep last night" a wave of worries hit me.

"Are you okay do you need any medicine?" I asked feeling her head. She shook her head

"No no. I'm fine" I nodded unsurely

"Well if you ever need anything we're here to help" Shawn kissed her head

"Im sad" I pouted

"Why baby?" Jay asked kissing my hand.

"Because mini said I better not talk to her and she's mad at me" I pouted I just wanted her to feel bad and come love me I did miss her.

"But your here now so I'm not mad at you" she hugged me I smiled and kissed her head.

"You're such a baby" Shawn spoke in my ear I shrugged with a chuckle.

"Hey have any do you heard from mama I called her a few times before we landed and got no answer" I hit my lip. I called mama a few times and she didn't answer not even my messages. I was getting kinda of worried because not only was she not answering her cell phone but her house phone as well.

"Uhh we talked to Kelly and solo they came by but no nothing about Mama T" Nicki responded I just nodded. I'll call the girls later on today.

"So what the plan for today?" Mirah smiled.

"Well firstly i need to go check on mama so whoever want to come-" I began

"Me" mini yelled. I smiled clingy I tell you.

"Ok" I nodded.

"Well why you guys to that I have to go to the studio to practice something" Nicki cleared her throat in widen my eyes.

"Your rapping again?" I asked gettin excited.

No I'm helping a new person start" my smile faded into a snap smiled and I nodded. She used to be amazing traveling all over the world just for one verse that's how amazing she was. Her last time rapping was with meek but after what happened she stopped and became a teacher.

"Well I'm gonna meet up with Benny and I'd rather for all the girls to stay with you" he spoke i nodded. I'll kill whoever it is that's over there if it wan to happend again.

"Ok well when everyone done eating we can get dressed. I spoke they nodded.

30 minutes later

Me and the kids were pulling into mamas house after a ride of song playing and dancing. We got out the car and walked up to mamas porch.

"Why are all the lights off?" Chris asked. I shook my head

"I-I don't know" I stuttered. Mama never had All of her lights off she need at least one on to let it be known she's home whenever she's needed for a visit especially since she does let's talk about it with Mama Tina. We knocked on her door and got no answer.

"They have to be here her car is here" Mini said. I knocked again and we waited before we heard footsteps the door slowly opened and it was Richard.

"Hey" he spoke smiling softly letting us in.

"Hey" we all said back.

"Where is mama?" I asked.

"Oh she u-upstairs" I nodded worried.

"Is everything okay?" He looked down and nodded slowly. Lie. I nodded brushing it off and I went upstairs to Mamas room.

"Mama?" I called out walking in her room not seeing her in her bed. I heard her toilet flush and the bathroom door song over making me look.

"Mama are you ok?" I saw her wiping her mouth and sniffed and went to the sink brushing her teeth.

"Mama what's wrong?" She looked at me through the mirror and look back down to spit out the tooth paste.

"I'm fine Beyoncé" she continued to brush her teeth.

"Mama I-"

"Beyoncé." She snapped making me jump. She sigh and finished what she was doing before cleaning herself up. I looked down biting my lip. I saw her feet come across mine and I looked up at her before she hugged me.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you" she whispered in my ear kissing my temple.

"It's alright." I muttered. "I just want to know what's wrong" she let me go and looked at me.

"I'm just a little stressed and sick" she spoke my heart fell. At one point mama had breast cancer but beat it so that word sick for her scares us.

"Mama a-are you alright I- what can I do?" I panicked. She chuckled.

"Baby it's just a little stomach bug I will never go through that again I'm ok." She kissed my head I let out a few breathe and nodded.

"Are you sure?" She nodded.

"I'm positive" I smiled and nodded.


"So what's been up with y'all man everything good?" Benny asked as we walked down the street from a food truck.

"We've been good we got Mirah and Chris back for the rest of the summer. Nickis back as well"

"Really where did she go anyway?" He asked taking a bite of his burrito.

"Her and Bey had some type of argument and she just stop coming but they had a talk" I drunk my lemonade.  "Plus she's here for Amariana birthday tomorrow."

"Oh man y'all's first birthday with her in 11 years gotta be exciting huh?" I nodded

"Yeah. And bey went all out just like Amariana is going all out for her birthday." He looked at me with his brows raised.

"She planning her party with no help?" I nodded my head.

"Yup. She got it all handle don't tell Bey but I have to say She went all out more than Bey did. She doing a tribute to Beyoncé." I widen his eyes.

"The first to do a tribute I see" I nodded.

"Yeah I'm happy for the both of them" I smiled thinking about them. "Showing each other love"

"HE HAS A GUN!!" We heard a woman yell before gunshots followed. Everyone screamed and I looked back seeing a man with a gun I looked closely and I knew who it was.

"Come on we gotta go" I spoke to Benny before running to the car where we parked we hopped in the car.

"Did you know who that was?" Benny asked me. "I saw the way you looked." I shook my head and pulled off.

"That's Kelly's ex" I glanced at him.

"Kelly Kelly?" He asked shockingly. I nodded. "Sexy dark skin Barbie Kelly? Destinys child Kelly?" I nodded

"Yes." I spoke. "And back off my sister" I spoke stern making him surrender.

"Does Kelly know he's here?" I nod.

"Yeah Michelle seen him first so she told Kelly and now we all know."

"But why would he shoot up the city?" I shrugged.

"I honestly don't know. But as long as he stays away from Kelly then everything will be fine." He nodded.

"Y'all just can't catch a break can you" he chuckled bitterly making me laugh some.

"Tell me about it." I shook my head. After me and Benny talked some more I took him home I got a call from Beyoncé saying something was wrong with lefty. So I rushed home.

I got to the house and opened the door rushing.

"Baby?" I called out running in the house.

"Upstairs" I heard her yell. I rushed upstairs and I heard loud gagging coming from Amariana room. I walked in and went to the bathroom. Amariana was leaned over vomiting while Beyoncé was behind her rubbing her back as she cried.

"What's going on?" I asked worried I looked on the toilet and I saw red. Fresh cold red of blood.

"She been vomiting up blood" bey said in a sob.

"What the hell happened?" I snapped getting down on the ground to help her.

"I-I don't know. We were at mamas and I was talking to mama then Chris came and told me she was vomiting and it was blood so we left."

"Why didn't you take her tot he hospital Beyoncé you act like you still don't care about her" I snapped picking up lefty once she stopped.

"How dare you say that you know I care I did then and I do now so don't use that against me." She yelled. I wasn't even listening to her I was just helping Amariana get dressed.

"Daddy no I don't want to go to the hospital" she cried.

"Baby girl if I don't take you tot he hospital something could happen and it gonna hurt me to know I didn't help you so please." She looked down and let me put her shoes on. I grab her hand and she hopped off of her bed. We gathered a of the kids and took her to the hospital.

"Hold on lefty we're almost there you here me?" I said to her as I glanced through the review mirror.

"Mini baby you hear us?" Beyoncé said. No answer.

"Mari" Mirah shook her. "Mama what's wrong with her?" She cited to Beyoncé. Amarianas body stiffens in her seat and she shook wildly.

"Oh my g-god" Beyoncé cried I parked the car and we all got out immediately. I grabbed Amariana and rushed I tot he hospital doors.

"Help my daughter needs help." I yelled three nurses came with a bed, I laid her down and she was still shaking.

"She's seizing" a nurse said. Her eyes rolled tot he back of her head and the foam came out her mouth.

"AHHHHHH" Beyoncé screamed. "My Babyyy" she sobbed covering her mouth with her hand.

"Did she take anything. Pill or anything?" I shook my head.

"No she been off of her medication for a while now" he nodded.

"Ok I need you all to wait in the waiting room where gonna take care of her" a nurse. As much as I didn't want to I did it anyway.

"Please help my baby man" I said sincerely.

"We'll do everything that we can do" he nodded. They rolled her away and I looked until she was out of sight before is at down next to Beyoncé.


I didn't know how to feel and what to feel. I just watched my baby have a seizure and throw up blood in my face. Actually I can tell you how I feel. I feel angry. With my self more so. What kind of mother doesn't know when her child isn't in a good state i keep messing up with that. I try to give her space when she yelled me she's fine or to leave her alone but it only leads to things like this. A hospital. I bit my lip holding back my tears looking out the window. I felt my hand being grabbed and I blinked hardly leaving my gaze.

"I'm sorry for what I said to you" Shawn looked me in my eyes. I shook my head.

"No you were right I should've brought her to the hospital and maybe the seizure wouldn't have happened."

"No baby it's not your fault." He kissed my hands tenderly. "You didn't know."

"But that's the thing I should've known she said she didn't feel good early and I should've pressed about it" I explained. "But I been trying to be on her hood side and be a friend more than a mother to her I need to learn to be the mother and not that friend" I cried. "But I'm just scared because I don't want us to go backwards to how we were." I shook my head.

"Bey" Shawn kissed my head. "You're doing an amazing job Beyoncé you have been through hell with both of your children and you still play your part to show for them." I began to calm down listening to his words.
"Now I get that you try to give her space because she is a teenager and will be 15 tomorrow. But you still have to make sure she don the right track with things and life it self. You know have little check ins with her, here and there"

I took in his words wisely. He was right it's ok for her to have her moments alone but I can't keep letting her just freely not talk to me. And I have to stop trying to be her friend to make her happy or else it could be worse. I sat up from off his chest and wiped my eyes.

"Ok" I spoke finally he smiled and kissed my lips. "I'm gonna go call mama and the girls." He nodded and I got up.

"Mommy?" Blue called I looked back and she had a hard pout.

"Yeah baby?" I asked going back to her.

"Is sissy gonna be ok?" I tucked my lips not sure how to answer that I looked at Shawn and he shook his head.

"She will be baby I'm gonna make sure of it." I spoke she nodded and I kissed her head. "Hey why don't you three go to the Vinny machine and get some snacks yeah?" They nodded and got up form they're seats with me doing the same.

"I'll be back" I told Shawn. I watched the kids go to the Vinny machine and I dialed mamas number.

"Hello" she answered.

"Hey mama" i spoke in a soft rasp.

"How is she?" I chewed the corner of my lip.

"She had a seizure" I cried out. I heard her gasp. I removed the phone from my ear putting my head against the wall while I stood there a cried before bringing the phone back up.

"How did this happen?" I shook my head.

"I don't know. She was doing fine more than fine and now her birthday is tomorrow and I don't know if she even gonna be alright"

"Beyoncé don't talk like that she's gonna be fine I'm sure there's a reason she can't just be okay and fine one day and have something like this happen out of nowhere." She spoke

"Mama it's my fault" I cried

"How so?"

"Because she yelled me she doesn't feel well and when she says she is fine I brush it off respecting her wishes so she doesn't get mad at me or so we don't argue I don't want to go back to the beginning with her and us always fighting. I'm too busy trying to be her friend instead of her mother" I spoke. I heard her take a deep breathe.

"Beyoncé that child loves you she tells you it all the time cant you see it. Your the only one who scared of the last Beyonce she not gonna be mad at you or hate you for being her mother. If anything she's gonna see she finally has done after all the woman did" I nodded my head tucking my lips. "It's okay to have a friendly bond with her and have those talks with her. But don't let it all take over me her mother when things serious it needed and be her friend when she needs a talk."

"Thank you mama" I spoke wiping my eyes.

"Of course. Now call me when they let you know I love you baby." I smiled

"I will I love you too mama." We hung up and rested my head back on the wall looking at the ceiling closing my eyes letting out a sigh.

"Mrs. Carter" I looked and saw a doctor.

"Hi is my daughter okay?" I rushed out.

"We have some good news" i smiled and he did as well before it faded making mine do the same.

"And we have some bad news"


Matthew dying?

Kelly's ex?

Tina keeping the secret until after Beyoncé birthday.

Amariana being sick?

This seems all over the place to me so let me know what y'all think.

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