Colors and Life / Soviet x Re...

By Wolveeye44_2

312 1 0

The king Reich the Second or also called the Second Reich has two sons, Weimar and his successor of the thron... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 10

7 0 0
By Wolveeye44_2

"Hello Reich!" I hear Soviet say. I look around and see that I am in my family's palace. I take a few steps down the hall. "Come to me Reich!", calls out Soviet after me. I call: "Where are you Soviet?" "I'm here.", he calls out and I run to my room because my feeling tells me he's there. I open the door and take a few steps into my room. A dark figure stands in front of the window with its back to me. I slowly go to the figure. "Soviet?", I ask uncertainly when I want to put my hand on his shoulder. "Du hast hier nichts zu suchen. (You shouldn't be here.)", says the figure, in a different voice than that of Soviet and in German.

"Du hättest in dem Feuer verbrennen sollen! (You should have burned in the fire!)", yells the figure, who turns around to me. It's my father's Second Reich. I flinch and look at him, scared. Suddenly I can no longer move my hands and noticed that they are tied together. When I look up again, I'm back at the stake, from back then. I tried to bite myself free, but this time it was metal chains. The fire is getting closer and closer to me and more fear and panic is coming over me. I pull and pull, but I can't get the chains down. This is my end! Soviet please come and save me!

The monstrous heat of the fire is terrible. I suddenly see someone with golden wings above me. I need the one with the golden wings! He will save me! But I could already feel the fire burning my trousers. The fire is closer than ever before. "Soviet!", I shout in fear. I need him! He is my last hope! The one with the golden wings reaches out a hand to me. I am about to take it when my body starts to burn. I cry out from the pain. Everything is on fire! It's over! Nobody can help me anymore! I suddenly wake up. Was that just a nightmare? Why did it feel so real?

What is the meaning of the dream and who is the one with the golden wings? I'll worry about it later. I need breakfast first. I get up and check if I have something to eat here. I only find moldy berries. I will probably have to steal again. I take a strong potion with me and make myself invisible before I get out of my hiding place and fly away. I'm flying over the mountains and to the city in front of the castle. After I land, I drink the potion, make myself visible in a corner and walk out of the little hiding place. I look around. Some people, especially women, stare at me. What do they want? Some wagons of goods are pulled through the streets by horses.

A woman comes up to me and asks me: "What's your name?" I find it very strange, but she doesn't ask anything bad. "My name is Nick.", I answer her. "My name is Susanne. It is an honor to meet you Nick. Do you live here?" Why does she have to ask so many questions? I reply: "No, I just wanted to see the city once." "How long do you need to come here?", she asks me. She annoys me with all her questions. "Several hours because I live near the border," I tell her. She suggests: "If it takes that long, you could stay with me for a night~" I don't like the emphasis she uses. I'm sure she's up to something and I don't like that at all.

"No thanks, I already have a place to stay for tonight." I say quickly to shake her off. You should leave me alone! "Really? That's a shame. Maybe we could go for an ice cream.", she suggests. "No thanks, I didn't come to this town to have ice cream with anyone.", I tell her irritably. She seems angry, but I quickly turn the corner to finally shake her off. I'm going around a bit. I'm already very close to the castle. There are some food stalls on the streets. This is what I was looking for. I don't see any guards or anything like that.

I mix in with the crowd and steal some fruit and vegetables. At some point you notice me: "Thief! Food thief!" Now I have to run! I run into a corner and make myself invisible before I drink the reconversion potion and fly away. People are still looking for me. I am flying back successfully. Once in the cave, I eat some of the delicious fruit. I'll steal something again later so that I can get more attention. I remember the day Soviet and I were separated.

"Hello Soviet!", I shouted as I hugged him from behind and looked up at him. "Good morning Reich! How are you, my little prince?", he asked me kindly as he pulled me over to him and hugged me. His warmth felt so wonderful. "Fantastic! And how is it with you?", I asked. He replied: "Fantastic too, because you are with me!" I kissed his cheek before he put his lips on mine. We kissed for a while before he sat down on a stone, I sat on his lap and kissed every inch of his face as he stroked my back. Life was so good with him. "Reich we only need a few more days until we can live together.", He informed me.

I said: "Great news!" "I know!", he agreed, "Then we can stay together forever. Maybe we could adopt children too." "We still have to talk about children.", I said, as I was still unsure. "You decide!", he said. He always gave me every decision. I always thought that was really cute of him. I'm not ready to look after children yet. Children are cute, but a lot of work that I'm not ready for yet. "Can we get a dog?", I asked him. He said: "Anytime!" I would love to have a dog. I could take care of a dog, but I stick to the fact that children are too much work.

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