84th floor.

By loveforloveandfood

338 68 2

Welcome to the residence of 84th floor. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 19

11 2 0
By loveforloveandfood


Maybe I should have more of an interest in Roman's life? Zara sure seemed to care and so did the rest. I loved my brother and all but I wasnt sure about wanting to medal in his life like the rest are doing. Julian was doing it to divert Rosie from Samantha. When Roman and Samantha were dating, Rosie was not involved much apart from that one night. This friendship group just lacked boundaries usually.

We sat in the club upstairs and Zara was taking shots with Kai as they laughed and giggled.

"Whats your plan?" I ask Julian. Roman was at someone else's table hanging with some of his friends. I am surprised Kai wasnt over there too, he was friends with them too.

"Okay I found out where Samantha was going to be tonight through logging into Rosie's instagram. Watched her story."

"We need to talk to her about Roman." He says pointing at Samantha who was sat her friends downstairs.

"Kai." I say. "You wanna go keep Roman distracted?"

"Sure... where is he?" He says. "Hes at the table with Omar and Toby and the rest.

He gets up and nods. Samantha and her friends came upstairs and sat by a table, as she scanned the room. Her eyes land on Roman who was laughing having a good time. Her eyes then land on us and Julian waves her over. I could see why Roman and Rosie were obsessed with her. She was a beautiful girl and this weird innocent look about her. She was way too nice basically.

"Hey..." She says

"Hi Samantha. Join us." Julian says.

"Okay? Thought we had a silent beef. Especially since Rosie's icloud was hacked."

"Yes, I mean stay away from my girlfriend." Julian says smiling at her. "Were cool."

"Okay..." Samantha says.

"You guys are terrible at helping." Zara says seeing Samantha uncomfortable.

"Hi. Im Zara, not sure if we have met?" She says sticking her hand out. "Yeah we have but not been introduced. Nice to meet you." She smiles at Zara.

"We feel like Roman and you have this tension and were always around each other. He is miserable and still hung up on you." Julian says.

"I dont think so? He seems happy without me... and happier with the girl who left me drunk in a hotel room with some random guy." She says

"Amelia?" Zara asks.

"Yep. If I didn't hit him over the head with a bottle, I would have been in a horrible situation." She says.

"I don't think he knows?" I say. His moral compass was usually our guide in this group. "Look Roman's a good guy and this is making him become the bad guy. Do you want to squash your issues?"

"Ofcourse I do? I  would love to... for two years ive been nothing but apologetic.. nothing. I acted on anger when he cheated on me first?"

"2 years ago you were stupid kids. The love is there..." Julian says. "Besides he was much much more tolerable when you were around." I tell her.

"Just talk to him?"

"I would love to?" She says

I have seen the stupid kid cry even after their break up. I get up and take Zara's hand walking over to Roman with Julian.

"Hey whats up guys." Toby says as he greets us with a hand shake followed by Omar. I didnt know the rest or have any type of connection to them. "Whats up Toby." He was a year younger than Roman and Kai. We went to school together. When I was a Senior, he was a sophomore but took over the school with a fear and surprisingly a big liking. He was nice fun guy always of high spirits. He came from a drug family and shit however himself and all his siblings and cousins had nothing to do with it. You would just think theyre rich spoiled trust fund kids.

"Rome, let me talk to you." Julian says and Rome gets up and walks away with Julian. I sit down where Roman got up and pull Zara onto my lap. Kai looks at me and I just nod which he understood and smiled. Kai had the biggest soft spot for Roman. Roman happy made him happy.

"Whats up Kain?" Storm says as she was sat next to her cousin Toby.

"Hey Storm." I say. "Didnt see you there glued to Omar." Omar laughs and flips me off. He had his arm around her as she had her arms folded and rolled her eyes. Toby laughs and points at us. "Take a shot.." He says handing me one and Zara. "Youre too pretty for Kain by the way." He says to her making me roll my eyes.

"Too pretty for the model?" Zara says and Storm chuckles. "So is Storm your actual name?"

"Noooo. Its Adrienne." Toby says laughing. "Shes a fucking nutjob thats why we call her Storm."

"I was? Not anymore." She says as I take the shot.

"Yeah sure." Toby says. "My uncle had to pull her out of a burning building she set on fire."

"Jesus Christ." Kai says as I laugh at them. "Hows your summer?" Storm asks. "You dont go to college everyday is summer for you." She then adds and I nod. "Fair enough."

"Hows Yale going Storm?" Kai asks. If Storm wasnt obsessed with Omar forever, Kai would have gone there. He talks about her often and has this crush on jer. Unfortunately, Storm none the wiser doesn't know anything but Omar.

"Yeah great." She smiles. "Kind of miss my new friends."

"Shut up. When youre there you miss us?" Omar says.

"So what? Youre friends now?" Kai asks smirking. "She only likes to be in a relationship when shes back home in New York." Omar says rolling his eyes making me laugh. "Or when Im winning games." He says looking at Kai catching on.

Julian walks over and greets everyone quickly. "My jobs here is done... I am going to find my girlfriend." He says to us. "What do you mean done?" I ask him.

"Done..." He smirks. Kai had found some girl who he was talking to and I nod. "You wanna get out of here?" I ask Zara who nods at me. She kisses my lips and looks at me. "I am tired as fuck."

"I know you are." I tell her and she pushes my face away giggling. We end up leaving and I head home with Zara.

"Whats this?" I say confused pointing at the guest room door where I could literally hear Roman fucking Samantha. Wasnt my first time funny enough and it was still fucking disgusting.

"Shhhhh." Zara says laughing as she pulls me away into our bedroom. "Why doesnt he fucking move out the house? And move into his own place where he can fuck whoever he likes?"

"Is that why you moved out?" Zara asks and I nod

"Yep." I say. The minute I finished high school I moved the fuck out. I was tired of sneaking girls in and out, my mom's screams and her having a fit everytime. Having sex and a girl in the house was like the end of the world.

"You sleeezebag!" She says laughing making me roll my eyes as I pull her onto the bed as she screams tickling her. It just felt right with Zara. Her smile and her laughter made me feel like I was floating. I just wanted to hold her all day and listen to her stupid sarcastic jokes.

The next morning, I had a screaming Rosie in my room was jumping up and down. I frown and sit up looking at her as Zara had just come out the shower standing there confused. Rosie gets on top of my bed.

"Get up get up. Its Oscar's weekend!"  She says. "Rosie I am 3 seconds away from kicking you and you will be going hospital instead of the oscar's."

"Wait youre invited to the Oscar's?" Zara asks confused.

"Yes but thats not what she is talking about." I tell her as I rub my eyes.

"Oscar Valentro." Rosie says and Zara just stares at her. "Sorry am I supposed to know him?" She asks and I laugh.

"He is a singer? Won grammy's. His parents are actors." She says. "Alexa play Oscar Valentro." She says and the speakers blast Last Night.

"Oh my God that song is everywhere. And you know him?" Zara says and I continue laughing at Zara's lack of care. I ask Alexa to stop and Rosie sighs.

"Yes. Kain and I know him through the fashion world and events." She says. "Kain dated his sister who is a model."

"Oh I see." Zara says. "Yeah when I was 17." I add. "Anyway, every year he throws this big party in New York for his friends and that. Its a whole big deal. Red carpet. Lots of drama always someone with online beef bumping into each other. Models doing coke in the bathrooms." Rosie was extra excited about this.

"I forgot?"

"Well I bought over some outfit choices. Its black tie themed this year."

"Thanks stylist."

"Honestly I do not even know why you have a stylist."

"Well she would be able to do her job if you didnt tell her everytime to stop bringing stuff on every event." I tell her.

"Anyway, Zara I got you so many outfits to choose from. I am wearing a gold dress. Julian is my plus one. Unfortunately Roman and Kai arent invited."

"Why not?"

"Roman and Kai got in a fight with these basketball players outside and damaged about 7 cars. One guy ended up in hospital with a serious injury. Theyre all banned."

"Thats crazy."

"We should not go in solidarity for Roman and Kai." I say but Rosie just looks at me.

"Or not." I mumble. "Anyway, were getting our nails done. Hair done. Make up done. So get ready were leaving. You need a hair cut." She tells me and I roll my eyes running my fingers through my hair.

Zara looks at me and I shrug. "This seems a little bit excessive and putting me into the limelight. I am not sure if I want all that attention."

"People literally would commit murder to get into this party." Rosie says. "Also there are lots of pretty models and singers and actresses who have a fat crush on Kain."

Zara looks at me as if I had answers to this. "And his ex girlfriend Harriette will be there."

Zara folds her arms as she looks at Rosie. "Am I keeping the outfits?"

"You can even keep the diamonds." Rosie smiles and Zara laughs. "Sold."

I shower, get a hair cut and hang out with Roman who was apparently now living in my penthouse.

"How did it go?" I ask him sitting down on the sofa watching a soccer game. I was all ready to go to this party and was waiting for Rosie and Zara.

"Suddenly you have an interest in my life?" He asks.

"You are living here and fucking girls in my penthouse."

"Well you know mom has a fucking heart attack when a girls in the house. Its like she doesnt know we have sex?" He says confused. "Then Hailey will always find a way to be there when I am trying to exit the situation."

"So extra."

"But I spoke with Samantha. We squashed it. Apologized. Just taking it slow, I didnt know Amelia did that fucked up thing..."

"Yeah. Crazy." I say.

"Taking her on a date tonight." He smiles. He looked like me when I talked about Zara. "Jesus Christ two years later you still love her?"

"Yeah I do..." He says. I hear the door opening and Julian comes in first followed by Rosie and Zara. He was just like me in a black suit.

"Marc Jacobs." He says pointing at my suit. "She dressed us the same. Jesus Rosie?"

"You have different suits. Just same season." Rosie says. Roman lets out a whistle and Rosie smacks him as she hated the sound.

"You guys look amazing." Roman says. I look at Zara who was too busy looking at me. She had on a black that was off the shoulder and hugged her body tightly showing her beautiful figure. She looked amazing. Her hair pulled back in a ponytail with curls falling over her face.

"You look beautiful." I tell her and she smiles hugging me. She had on red lipstick distracting me as I watched her lips.

"I do not want to go anymore." I say and Rosie smacks my arms separating me from Zara. "Shut up shut up. Were late already lets go. Fuck in the bathroom if you must."

"Thats excessive." Roman says. "Have fun..."

We head out and in get in the car. Zara wasnt really used to the flashes going off as we arrived getting out the car. She held my hand tightly as we walked in. "Im not doing a red carpet." She says to me making me laugh. She stays out of the shot and takes her own picture of me on her iphone making me laugh. Rosie and Julian join me for the pictures before I get out and drag Zara inside. 

The party was loud, music blaring. Pictures being taken everywhere. It always started off so classy and turned to fucking shit.

I greet people from the industry as they stopped and chatted. I introduced Zara who held my hand through out. I was surprised she agreed to come along. These public kind of events she stayed far far away from. Yet, it was just so comforting that she was here. I loved showing Zara off. I got the girl that everyone wants. I wasnt stupid, I see even now holding her hand how guys are stopping and watching her.

I catch up with Julian and Rosie who were talking to the man himself Oscar.

"Kain Kattan." He says as he put his arms around me. He was a nut job but he was great guy. I featured in one of his music videos but it was his sister when I was dating her. It was us chilling around and being a 'cute couple'.

"Hey man." I say. "This is my girlfriend Zara." I tell him and he looks at Zara. "Nice to meet you." He says taking her hand kissing it. "Kain is one lucky guy."

"I like him." Zara says and I chuckle.

"Maybe I should get you both in my next video. My most watched music video is featuring him." He says and Zara looks at me.  "Thats very awkward." Rosie says

"Money isn't awkward?" Oscar says and I roll my eyes and he laughs.

"Lets get fucking hammered." He says as a girl comes by hands us all shots. Whatever was in that shot was crazy because it went straight to my head. Overall had a great time, Zara drunk was fun. She was dancing around grinding on me or her lips were glued on me.

Rosie was dancing on a table and I sat down next to Julian as he was smoking a cigar. "Shes going to break a leg.." Hariette says sliding on the seat next to me. Rosie gets down as she dances around with Zara and other girls.

Julian looks at Hariette and raises his eyebrows. "Hey Harry." He says

"Hey Julian." She smiles. I dated Harriette for about 6 months. She was a model and I met her through work. We broke up because I wasn't really great as a boyfriend at 17 and my priorities were having fun, disappointing my parents and being an arrogant spoiled asshole.

"How are you?" I ask as she kisses my cheek. "Good good. How are you?" She says. "Hows everyone?"

"Theyre all good." I say

"I dont see you much anymore." She says.

"Thought you moved to London?" I ask her. "Yeah for a while. I am back though. I am kind of just living out of my suitcase."

"You look like you just been in the sun?"

"Yeah came back from Jamaica." She says. "Had the best fucking time."

"Looks like it." I say. "You look good Harry."

"So do you Kain." She says nudging me putting her head on my shoulder. She was always very touchy over familiar. Zara walked over and looked at Harriette sitting next to me.

"Whats this?" Zara says. I move away from Harriette who looks at me.

"Another girlfriend that doesnt like me?" She asks me. Funny enough my other ex couldnt seem to get over Harriette's behaviour towards me.

"Youre not coming across as very likeable." Zara says to her.

"Calm down." I tell her and I pull Zara on my lap. "This is Harriette." I say.

"So how long have you been dating?"

"About two years." Zara says.

"Oh. Weird." Hariette says as she looks at me. "What?" Zara says frowning. I didnt even care to understand what she was talking about.

"Cara over there, she is a model from Paris. She was just telling me you two had a great time during Paris Fashion Week." She says smiling at Zara.  Zara reached over grabbing her hair pulling her down as she starts smacking the shit out of her. I get up trying to pull her off. "Shit. Zara let go please." I say and she turns to me and shoves me off.

"Let fucking go of me you fucking bastard." She says and I refuse pulling her back. "Can you calm down... fuck you. Fuck you..." She screams at me. Heads were turning and Julian got in between us.

"Lets get out of here." He says as he pushes Zara. "Get Rosie." He says.

"Sorry she annoyed me?" Harriette says. "What the fuck." She says as she touched her lip. Her mouth was bleeding.

"Fuck you Harriette..." I snap at her. She throws her blonde hair behind her shoulder. I didnt even feel bad that Zara beat her up.

I grab Rosie and get the hell out of here. I get in the car and Julian just looks at me shaking his head.

"Zara." I say

"Dont fucking talk to me." Zara says as she looked out the window. "I swear to God.."

I sigh and sit back as my head was spinning. I even forgot about that as that happened weeks ago.

"I think Im gonna throw up..." Rosie says as she sat on Julian's lap who sat in between Zara and I.

"Rosie you better not fucking throw up on me. Aim it that way." Zara says. She was drunk as shit.

As we get home and out of the car, I pull Zara back who takes her heels off. "Get off me get off me." She screams.

"Let me explain."

"Explain? What is there to explain? How you had me come to a fucking party where everyone knew you fucked a girl there? How your ex girlfriend had to tell me?" She screams as tears now started to fall down her cheeks. "You make me sick. Came home all happy and have been fucking me. You disgusting bastard. Were so fucking done."

"It wasnt like that. I got hammered and didnt even remember." I say. "Oh really?" She says. "That makes it all better." She says before throwing her heels at me. It was the middle of the night and it did not seem like much people were around. Zara closes her eyes for a second. "Im gonna be sick." She says as she turns around and starts throwing up.

"Fuck." I say trying to pull her hair back. She pushes me off as she walks into the building. "Find somewhere else to fucking sleep." She says

"I fucking live there Zara." I say but she ignored me. "Just come with us." Julian says pulling me back.

"Fuck." I say as I crutch down on the floor watching everything just slip through my fingers.

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