TMF Oneshots

By EmpatheticEowyn

2.1K 47 204

☆ - Feel Free To Request !! ☆ - I Do All Ships Except for Drew/Liam/Zander x Any Girl or Zoey/Sadie x Any Boy... More

!!Send Requests!! (ON HOLD UNTIL I CATCH UP)
' Chart Searching -- Joey ~
' Chart Searching II -- Joey/Jander/Jamilly Beef, Concerned Hailey ~
' Anything for Her Mother -- Dracy Angst, Drew x ??? ~
' What Happens When You're Toxic? -- Drelliot Angst, Dead Drew ~
' Flames And Hospitality -- Jamilly ~
' There's A Sound in Our Distance -- Jaisy ~
' Nobody Is Perfect -- Drake ~
' Rumors -- Jean ~
' In Days of Yore -- Haisy , Henriam Lime, Implied Drake ~
' Party At Jake's House! -- Jander, Drenriam ~
' 2021-2022 Frenzy -- Drake, Henriam ~
"Your Life is The Reason I'm Still Here Today" -- Jaisy, Henriam ~
' Citrus -- Jailey Slow-Burn/Fluff, Drake Angst ~
' A Question Sparking Society Today -- Drenry Slow-burn/Lime, Jiam Lime/Angst ~

' When Everything Feels Wrong, It's Right -- Drake ~

109 2 20
By EmpatheticEowyn


I Litterally Had To Drink To Get This Through-

💕- 🍑💸 - 💛

Four years of worth knowing each other, Drew and Jake finally found the courage to hook up one another. Drew had always imagined the worst case scenario, but he was happier than ever. At the end of the day, Jake chose him. And he did too.

It was quite nerve-wrecking for the wealthy kid. He has overcome anxiety from Jake's perspective, he felt like he was making things worse in his life. Little did he know he was completely wrong. The demon sucked his soul and Jake saved him from the inevitable excommunication.

After the events with the 'audio', Drew was so stuck-up with everyone. He missed Jake to pieces, he loved him for as long as he can recall. 

When Liam convinced him to forget about Jake, he felt unhinged. Liam wanted to get Jake out of his hair, even it if meant being brutally honest. Liam was willing to do anything to make Drew feel better about himself. But Jake was the main reason Drew caused all of this insanity, he was destined to make it right.

Drew found himself in the bathroom one day, he asked his teacher to dismiss him. He needed to clear his mind. He was so desperate to cry, it only appeared worse once Jake stumbled into the room.

The boy standing beside the mirror turned his temple towards the singer, he wanted to apologize so bad! Instead of immediately showing affection, he starts to insult him.

The older boy suddenly argued back, throwing hands at Drew. 

While they brimmed some blood, Drew couldn't help yet picture him and Jake standing together underground.

In conclusion, this made him create a stunning move, he grabbed Jake by the collar of his shirt and pulled him in for a firm kiss.

No regrets, no remarks. Just an enticing message. 

It didn't take a while for Jake to physically respond, he tightly gripped his lips on his. 

All the hate and misbehaving, the two began making love with their mouths. They settled in the back of the bathroom. This was their way of moving to acquaintances.

Weeks passed by after the incident in the bathroom. In whatever way, they strived to repeat the same stunts over and over again. But one day, Drew decided to say something about it. Jake knew it was coming one way or the other, he also chose to point out the obvious. They were in love with each other, and there should not be a reason.

Words can't describe how Drew and Jake are very fond of endurance, only their minds can speak for themselves. Because of that, Drew had bid Jake to go on a date with him. Of course the guy accepted his blameless resignation, he's got a tad of self-blaming for himself too.

💕- 🍑💸 - 💛

Drew was struggling so bad, he was digging through his closet. 

"I litterally have nothing to wear!" He complained, he had piles of clothes on the floor from tossing and throwing them. He took a quick look in he mirror and began checking himself.

"God dammit!" Drew huffed, "I'm not good enough for him..."

Drew was still guilty about everything. It was all his fault, at least that's what he thought. No matter what he wore, he didn't feel angelic enough for Jake. He was the devil's son, his eyes were like the devil's water (Guess The Song).

He stepped away from the mirror, he didn't want to weep once more. Thinking of himself more negative only led himself to plunging his own lungs. While creating another pile of clothes, he recalled a dream of his from last night.

Drew was laying down in a hospital bed, a nurse with a chainsaw walked in and smirked at the boy. Drew shrieked, he wasn't very pleased.

"What are you...doing with that?!" He freaked out,

"Oh, I'm getting rid of some pieces of you asked." The women replied.

Drew thought for a moment, "Wait...We're doing this now?!"

"Of course we are!" The nurse tittered, "Don't fret, I already gave you your numbing shot. Feel free to test it."

Drew did so, he tapped on his wrist. He didn't feel anything. He tried his chest, not a single tingle (Hey, that rhymes!). As well as his legs and feet, nothing! His arms? Nah! Hips? Naur!

"Woah..!" The magenta-head awed, "That's so cool!" 

"Are you ready, Mr. Andrew?" The nurse asked, 

"I'm ready." Drew smiled, lying back down on the bed. A few other staff came in the room with other objects. Needle and thread, knives, hammers, scissors, etc.

Drew gulped, shutting his eyes tightly. He felt a chainsaw go through his chest, a knife was impaled in his brain, and the sides of his waist was being cut open with scissors. Drew passed out from blood loss.

When he woke up, the nurses weren't there anymore. Neither were the weapons. Drew sat up and winced, rubbing his lower back. But when he did, he felt some stiches. Drew got out of the bed and saw stiches all over him. His legs, hips, arms, waist, everywhere! He went to nearest mirror, he got so excited when he saw his new reflection. His perspective changed too, he had a whole new personality. He felt nice on the inside and outside.

"I see you like the way you look!" The same nurse came in, a grin formed on her face.

"Yes!" Drew twinkled, "I love it! I'm not a bully anymore! I'm not a manipulator, I'm not deranged, I'm not a bad friend, and I'm no longer a bimbo!"

The women shed a tear, quickly wiping it off. "All of your stiches will be gone in eighteen days, wear something that will cover it up for now."

"I have the perfect clothes for that." Drew said. "And....thank you. You have no idea how thankful I am for this..."

"Not a problem!" The nurse spoke, "It's best you be going now. Your dad is waiting for you."

"Right.." Drew muttered, stepping out of the room.

Before going to school, he wore his usual outfit and rolled down his sleeves. When he got to school, everyone started admiring him. Drew became nicer to them, now everybody thought of him positively. 

Jake was his new partner, Zoey got what she deserved, Henry and Liam were officially dating, and the Jomies and The Music Club reunited.

"Man..." Drew mumbled under his breath...."I wish that was me right now. Maybe I'd find something to wear instead of spending my ass being a manwhore cunt."

Suddenly, Jake was calling him. Drew immediately answered.

"J-Jake hey!" Drew stuttered, 

"Are you alright?" Jake wondered, 

"Uhm...yeah. I'm okay!" The wealthy boy lied, he didn't want to mess anything up.

"Okay. Does thirty minutes sound good?" The blonde asked.

"Oh, Absolutely!" The magenta-head spoke,

"Eager, I see?" Jake teased him, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Shut up!" Drew tinted a few shades of pink. 

Jake laughed, "Okay...okay. My bad."

"I'll catch you later, Jake." Drew said.

Jake agreed, "Yeah, Cya! Love you." 

Drew went off-guard. "Uh...come again?" He gasped.

"Uhm..." Jake went silent.

"It's fine.....I love you, too." Drew hung up. He threw his phone across the room, his brian was as spiral as a tomato.


"I still need to get ready." Drew muttered to himself, he grabbed the closest outfit to him. He sorted out half his clothes. It took ten minutes of his time, so he decided to sort the rest later.

He went to his vanity in the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and washed out his throat. He took a knife and eyeliner, some foundation (to cover his eyebags), and a curling iron. PS, Drew is using the knife so he doesn't mess up his eyeliner, because he fucking can.

Drew put on his outfit, tightening up a little. He noticed his waist was thicker than normal, he rolled his eyes.

He glanced away at his reflection, he left the bathroom and grabbed the car keys by his drawer. He exits the room, sliding on the rail of the stairs.

He walked into the living room, his father was sitting here on his computer.

"Designing ideas?" Drew anticipated, he's really impressed of his dad's job. He could have anything he wanted in his hands. Just like the dream Drew had recently.

His father gave a long sigh, darting at the ceiling. "Stressful as hell!"

"I feel you." Drew replied, walking towards the front door.

Dad glanced back at his computer, but he heard his son take a few footsteps toward the door. "Where are you going?"

Drew looked at his father, "Didn't I tell you?"

"No, no you didn't. What are you doing?" The man questioned.

"I'm going on a date with.....Jake." Drew hesitated.

"Oh!" Dad gasped, "Now?! I thought it was tomorrow?"

"So I did tell you!" Drew laughed,

"I didn't know what you meant." Dad chuckled. "Go have fun."

"Okay." Drew smiled, he made his way out the door and ran to the car. Once he sat in the driver's seat, he checked the time from his phone. He shot his optics.

"Holy shit!" He yelled. "I got five minutes! Fuck!" He punctured the key into the starting engine. He started backing out of the driveway, he then drove away from his house. 

"I swear to god if there's a traffic jam..." Drew spoke, he was tensing up horribly. He took a deep breath and focused on the road. 

💕- 🍑💸 - 💛

"Jake, I'm telling you! You'll have enough time!" Milo was shouting at his older brother beside his bedroom door. Jake was worried about not being ready.

"Five minutes, Milo! Five minutes!" Jake hollard from his room.

"Did you ever think of the time Drew had?!" Milo quizzed him, "He lives thirty minutes away from us, Jake! He could've saved some time for himself. You're not the only one condinmenting!"

"This isn't about impression!" Jake screamed, clearly he was lying.

"I'm not a dumbass," Milo said. "I know what you're sweating about."

"Milo, you're not the one about to go out. Drew....he-"

"Is rich, funny, adorable, handsome, cute, charming, pretty, and precisely sexy." Milo interrupted him.  "Yes, I heard you call him sexy."

"Fuck you." Jake said,

"Just where do you think we are? Alabama?" Milo chortled,

"You have five seconds to run." Jake spoke. Milo took his signal and scrammed.

The peachy boy huffed, "What will I ever do?" Staring at himself in the mirror.

"Dude, chill. Take your time." Milo came back.

"Go away!" Jake shouted,

"Fine." Milo groaned, strolling away from the door.

💕- 🍑💸 - 💛

After a while, Drew rang the doorbell to Jake's house. When the door opened, Milo appeared.

"Hey, Drew~" The twelve-year-old crooned.

"Hey man." Drew giggled, "I guess Jake told you, then..."

"I overheard and helped him." Milo beamed,

"No you weren't!" Jake shouted from across the kitchen. "You were just making things difficult!"

"As if you didn't put yourself into peer pressure!" The emerald-eyed boy remarked, earning a glare from his older brother. Drew awkwardly stood there.

"Did I....pressure him?" The magenta-head worried, "I really didn't mean to do that."

"He thought you were going to be here before the dead line." Milo said.

"I can tell," Drew sighed, "I'm really sorry.

Milo smugged, "Oh, it's alright, Drew! You rushed too, I presume."

"I sure as hell did." Drew chuckled nervously, "I was uh....struggling to get here."

"Yeah....must be tough." Milo annexed, Jake marched behind him.

"You two behave, okay?" Milo narrowed an eyebrow at the future couple.

Jake scoffed, "Okay, dad." 

Drew giggled, "We will."

 He held the older boy's hand and took him to the car, Milo watches them as they leave.

Jake stared up and down at Drew while he drove away from the subdivision, his heart hastened as it pumped speedily.

Drew caught him glancing, he snapped his fingers.

Jake flinched, "Hmm?" He blinked twice.

"Were you checking me out?" The chocolate-eyed boy rose an eyebrow, he chortled.

"Uhm...yes." The peachy boy smugged, "You're so pretty today."

"I don't know 'bout that." Drew said, admiring Jake. "You're rather handsome yourself."

"Mhm, sureeeee!" Jake laid back in his seat, Drew couldn't help but laugh at him. 

💕- 🍑💸 - 💛

They went to a restaurant they were dreaming of going. Shake Shack. 

Drew earlier asked all his friends recommendations for restaurants he could go to. Henry tipped him to Shake Shack. Liam advised him In-N-Out. Henriam debated for countless hours about it, Drew annoyed whilst scrolling through their argument. He picked a random place and headed there, which was Shake Shack.

Drew and Jake got out of the car, they made their way inside the building.

The younger one ordered while the older went find a seat for the both of them.

After the order, Drew sat next to Jake in the booth. The ear-pierced boy galvanized their surroundings. 

"What're you doing?" The wealthy kid pondered, tapping on his shoulder.

"Making sure nobody's looking." Jake replied.

"And why is that?" Drew grilled

Jake leaned in and brushed his lips on his, Drew jumped a little. He repeated him.

Jake once again teased his crush, "That's why~"

"I hate you so much..." Drew crossed his arms, he turned his head away from Jake.

Jake used his hand to turn Drew back toward him, holding him by the cheek. "I love you."

Drew cringed, "Really? Where everyone can hear you?" Jake cackled at his comment.

The waiter came by and lend them their food. When they placed down the milkshakes, they accidently knocked over one of them onto the blonde. Drew shot his optics, Jake shrieked.

"Oh, my God!" The waitress jawed, " I am so sorry! I didn't mean to do that!"

"Shit, it's cold!" Jake groaned, Drew quickly grabbed all the napkins and covered Jake's lap with them.

"Here, I'll help." He said, attempting to wipe it off.

"It's fine, it's fine..." Jake huffed, "I'm going to the bathroom." He got up and left the booth, Drew glared at the waitress in disbelief.

He left his seat and went after Jake, strolling into the bathroom.

"This is not happening right now.." Jake mumbled under his breath, Drew ripped a role of paper towels and started rubbing the liquid off Jake's clothes.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you." Drew spoke, 

"Accidents happen." Jake said, he took the paper towels from Drew, he smeared the milkshake right off him.

Jake got pissed, "Great. Now there's stains!" 

"Well...." Drew examined the stains. "You can hardly see them, regarding your black pants."

"Touché," The taller guy ridiculed. 

"Do you want to leave?" The magenta-head asked.

"What about the food?" The blonde wondered.

"We'll take it and go." Drew beamed, "Let's get out of this hell hole."

"What do you mean?" Jake grilled.

"The smell here is kind of...foul, y'know?" Drew said.

Jake nodded, he intertwined his fingers with his crush. They exit together.

"Excuse me?" Jake went up to the waitress who was still cleaning up the pigsty. "Mind if we take and go? I'm sorry about the mess."

"Err- yes. Of course! Follow me." The staff got off the ground. They walked off from the table, Jake follows behind them. 

Drew patiently waited for Jake to come back. He checked his phone and noticed that Henry, Liam, and Lia were spamming the group chat.

He slightly whined, "Jesus Christ, what did y'all do now?"

When he checked, he saw Liam and Lia fighting in the chat. Henry was trying to stop them. Drew started typing in the keyboard, "EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP! WHATEVER Y'ALL ARE FUSSING ABT DO IT ELSEWHERE!" He sent it to them.

"Well gee, sorry dad!" Lia commented,

"Why are you here anyway? Aren't you out having it with Jake?" Liam added.

Drew reddened, angrily typing on his phone. "WTF?! I'M NOT HAVING S3X WITH THAT BASTARD!"

"Bastard?! Is that Jake's new pet name?????" Henry replied.

"God dammit, fuck all of y'all." Drew texted.

"I're not cuffed yet." Henry added,

Liam noted, "I'll join! Wanna have a threesome, Drew?"

"I'm blocking all of you." Drew replied, shutting off the device.

"Drew....?!" A high-pitched voice called out for him. The guy directly pointed his view at the person shouting his name. Zoey...

💕- 🍑💸 - 💛

Jake had a couple of take-out boxes in his hands. "Thank you, ma'am/sir!"

"Of course! I'll deal with the mess later, I have another person ordering." The employee said, escorting from the counter.

Jake went back to he booth, only to find out Zoey was there nagging with Drew.

The dirty ho-bag gripped her touch on Drew's hips, "Oh c'mon Drewy-bear! Just admit you miss me!"

"Never in a million decades!" The tanned-boy shoved her away, "You skanky, cock-sucking harlot! Why would I ever miss you?! You used me for my load! I will never forgive you for it!" 

"Oh, please!" Zoey jabbed a finger into the boy's chest. "Just observe your attitude, Drewy-bear! No one will love you as different as I did! You're still the most pathetic, sadistic manipulator the Earth has ever seen! No wonder your mom hung herself! I almost feel as bad as your dead sister too, she had look out for your sorry ass-"

"DO NOT SPEAK OF MY MOTHER AND SISTER THAT WAY!" Drew spat in the girl's face, elbowing her in the nose.

"Ahh! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Zoey screamed, swinging her purse at Drew. He luckily dodged and threw her onto the floor; where the mess was still leaking.

That's when Jake went into action, he put the boxes down and held Drew by the arms. 

"DREW! Stop this nonsense! You're making a scene for everyone to watch!" The peachy boy exclaimed, dragging his crush a few feet away from the gold digger. 

Zoey lifted herself up, the sticky milkshake was all over her dirty blonde locks. The milkshake was spread all over the back of her outfit as well.


"You did that to yourself, miss!" Jake snickered, Drew began giggling at her.

"Screw you bitches, I'm Audi!" Zoey skedaddled from the two,

Drew flipped her off, "See you never, fuckface!"

"Don't slip your way out the door, cunt!" Jake added. 

💕- 🍑💸 - 💛

Jake and Drew went back into the car once they packaged their food. Drew's thoughts were sinking in while he started the car.

"Drew? Are you okay?" The blonde concerned, glancing at the other guy.

"No, not really." Drew said,

"Want to talk about it?" Jake humbled, placing a hand on his crush's shoulder.

Drew laid back in his spot, he let out a big sigh. "The thing is....I wanted everything to be perfect. Instead of what I granted for, we're both in this stupid chaos." Tears were sinking in, his voice was hoarse. "Plus, when you left to get the stuff, Zoey caught me and she..." He paused, wiping his tears away.

"She what?" Jake worried, rubbing the boy's back in small circles. 

"She tried to hypnotize me into thinking I still like her, yet I pushed her away. She obviously wasn't satisfied, so she said some pretty negative things to me." Drew sobbed,  "She also mentioned how my mother killed herself because of my sorry ass! And how my sister can finally rest in piece because I put peer pressure onto her! That's not fucking true!" 

"Oh, Drew!" Jake noted, he pressed a few kisses on he wailing boy. "Zoey is a filthy liar. She deserves all the bad things life has created."

"You can blame positivity for that, they were the ones who created this monster." Drew annexed, Jake shook his head in disagreement.

"Zoey is much worse than those so-called monsters." He argued.

Drew calmed down, staring down at his feet. "I guess you can say that..."

"What are you talking about?" The older guy questioned, he rose an eyebrow.

"Zoey may have also been taking her frustration out on me, I've done NOTHING to her! Not a single thing!" The magenta-head yelled.

"She took out her frustration on you? How so?" Jake grilled.

"Her brother, Bronson, passed away a while back. He committed suicide from swallowing twenty Tylenol, three Fentanyl, and drank a whole thing of bleach." Drew had the biggest urge to cry from saying all of that. Jake was absolutely speechless, he jawed.

Drew sniffed, "Her mother is in rehab from taking so much drugs, she almost got a disease in her brain, it could have killed her!"

"Wow..... That is way too much to take in...." Jake was very dismayed, he refused to believe something like that would occur.

"I used to think Zoey was a good person, as in: she's bawling for help. Despite her bratty personality, I imagined I could succor us both into the right path. Since we both lost half our family, I thought she could understand that side of me too, I was crying for help as well." Drew confessed, "But holy shit was I wrong about her...."

"Damn." Jake frowned.

"Can we forget this ever happened?" Drew darted at Jake, "I didn't mean to bring up our baggage." 

"It's alright, Drew." Jake muttered. "You and Zoey shouldn't be going through any of that, especially at such a young age."

"Yeah..." Drew spoke, he drove away from the restaurant

Jake opened his take-out box and began eating a mouthful of his burger, Drew only ate a couple of fries since he was driving on the highway.

"Do you wanna try the mall?" The tanned-boy suggested,

"Sure!" The singer spoke, "Can we have some music on?"

"Do you care what I play?" The magenta-head narrowed at the blonde.

"Nope. I'm sure you have great taste." The ear-pierced guy beamed,

Drew lightly flushed from his comment, "If you say so."

Drew and Jake were jamming to every song, singing their lungs out. Everyone outside the car could hear them. Drew probably broke his vocal cords, Jake possibly did too (Hailey is going to kill him).

💕- 🍑💸 - 💛

The duo hopped out the car once they were at mall, but when they got closer to the entrance a sign read that they were closed. Drew shot his eyes, Jake scratched the back of his head,

"Uhh....maybe a different mall?" He quizzed, 

"Sure, why not?" Drew shrugged, he took his hand and walked away from the building. As they were walking, the two felt some raindrops hit them.

"What was that?" Drew concerned, darting up at the sky. More raindrops fell from the clouds. Drew and Jake quickly marched back to the vehicle. 

"You have got to be kidding me!" Drew was irritated, 

"Hey! No worries! It's only rain." Jake grinned, "I like the rain!"

"...You do?" Drew asked, "Why have you never told me?"

"I thought you knew." Jake said,

"Nope." The younger guy shook his head, he sparkled at him. He began admiring Jake. "How about we go to my place? It's too heavy to be anywhere else right now, my house is five blocks from here."

"Okay! As long as I don't have to watch you play video games." The blonde said, the magenta-head playfully rolled his eyes. "Fine, fine. Movie then? I know one we can watch."

"Sounds great!" Jake twinkled, Drew reddened from his shiny smile.

💕- 🍑💸 - 💛

Before the duo left the car, Drew put his jacket over Jake, "Make sure that covers you."

"Awww! Is Drew-Boo scared I'm gonna get wet from the rain~?" Jake teased him, the magenta-head tinted a few shades of pink.

"Oh, c'mon, I don't want you to get ruined even more! The stain on your pants is enough." Drew spoke.

"What about you? You worked so hard on your eyeliner!" Jake complained, "You used the knife again, didn't you?"

"...Maybe." Drew muttered,

"I knew it." Jake chortled.

The tanned-boy tittered, "Let's just get inside." Drew and Jake made their way inside the shelter.

"Dad?" Drew called. His father stepped into the living room, noticing a blonde guy behind his son.

"Hey, kiddos!" He waved, "Do whatever y'all want, I'll be in my room.....working." He marched away.

"Geez..." Drew sighed, "Poor dad."

"Must be hard being a people pleaser." Jake added.

"You said it." Drew replied.

💕- 🍑💸 - 💛

They went into the bedroom, Jake plopped on the bed and grabbed the TV remote. "What's the film you want to watch?"

"Purple Hearts." Drew answered, sitting aside Jake. 

"Interesting choice." Jake complemented.

Drew smirked, "Thanks, it's one of my favorites right now."

The film began to play, Jake laid his head on Drew's shoulder.

💕- 🍑💸 - 💛

"Hey, Jake?" The younger boy spoke, he gently strokes his waist.

"Mm?" The older boy hummed,

Drew softly caressed his golden locks, "I'm sorry about everything, the date, school issues, all of it."

Jake sealed his optics, being fond of Drew's touch. "It's not your fault, Drew. It's going to be okay, don't worry about me."

 "However, need to classify our feelings. All we do is kiss and touch. We've been doing it for countless weeks and we don't even have a certain label."

"What the hell does that mean?" Drew pulled away from Jake, looking at him in the eye.

"Are we.....friends? Or are we boyfriends?" Jake crossed his arms, glancing at the TV.

Drew slanted towards Jake, "Come here," The wealthy kid tugged him into his lap. "Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

"Yes." The singer replied, bending closer to Drew's opening.

"Good." Drew gave his boyfriend the widest grin, they soon locked lips. Jake wrapped his arms around Drew's neck; Drew started rubbing his thighs. The kiss eventually became a big mess.

They broke apart a moment later, they pressed their forehead together.

"I love you, Jake." Drew mumbled,

Jake pecked him, "I love you too, Drew."

The End

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