84th floor.

By loveforloveandfood

353 69 2

Welcome to the residence of 84th floor. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 14

5 2 0
By loveforloveandfood


I thought about torturing Kain probably more than anything else before I fell asleep. He provided me with a good distraction thats for sure. Sometime, Kain would cut me deep and I have quickly realized how to do the same.

The next morning, I woke up and got myself ready for the day. Kain had come back from the gym, I get myself into green cargos and a black cropped top. He took off his shirt and dropped it into the laundry basket as I walked out of the closet.

"Good morning." Kain says and I ignore him. Kain stops me by blocking my path.

"Yes?" I say.

"You're still mad?"

"Im taking a page out of your book." I tell him. Maybe he was fucking right, I was the idiot in this. Letting him hurt me over and over again. He tries to search for my eyes but I give him nothing.

"Im going to Paris for 3 nights." He says which does make me look at him. Kain usually was all over the place, but it still felt sad when he left. Especially when were on bad terms, but I needed to fight it because if I wasnt such a fucking idiot, maybe he would treat me better.

"I fly out after Roman and Kai's game." He says. I completely forgot about that game. Ive been a terrible friend too. Ice Hockey meant the world to Roman.

"Ill be at the game." I say and I see that annoyed him from his face. "So cute how you come through for Roman." He says before he walks off into the bathroom.

I head out to the hospital that I have now learnt like the back of my hand. Ever seemed like a freaking familiar face. I had gone and bought some stuff for Zade which meant I was now fucking broke.

"Hey." I say seeing Zade sat up on the bed. "Hey sis." He says. "I bought you some stuff." I tell him as I put the bag down and start unpacking some clothes and stuff.

"Youre the best." He says. "I got you my old iPhone since yours is smashed up." I tell him and he just nods a little. Kain had upgraded my iphone twice since I have been with him. A new one comes out, he gets one and got one for me. So I had my old one still as a back up in case mine breaks.

"I dont want you spending money on me." He says and I just roll my eyes. "Too late because I am not going to the crime scene and gathering your new stuff." I say and he just chuckles.

"You want to go for a walk?" He asks. "Whitney told me off yesterday and said I need to move more."

"Ofcourse she did." I chuckle.

"I had pyshio therapy." He says. "It went well. I showered and feel so much better."

"Thats good." I say picking the navy blue sweats and white tshirt. "Here you go." I say as he gets up. I hand him socks and the nike slides I bought him. He was moving faster and it was good to see. He heads into the bathroom as I clean around the place and throw away the trash. I open the windows and look outside. There was a nice little park and the sun was shining.

"Its nice to be outside." Zade says as we walked around the place taking in the sun. He was so much paler than he used to be which was crazy. We both had a slight tan and when exposed to the sun, I became proper tanned.

I had my arm hooked around his as we walked around. "You okay?" He asks me. "Youre very quiet."

"Yeah. Im good..." I say. "Im just glad youre okay." I say. We take a break and sit on the bench. He was setting up his phone as he talked to me.

"Thanks for being here." He says.

"Zade youre my brother..." I say sighing. "When I was being beat up and bullied in those foster homes you used to pull up and beat them up for me." I say and he chuckles.

"Those were great times. We was in some fucking shitholes of places." He says sighing.

"I am genuinely sorry Zara." He sighs. "I had no limits and Veronica and I were just amping each other up. Pumped full of drugs and pills."

"I forgive you." I tell him. This was my old Zade and I would never want to lose him again. "So do you wanna tell me what happened?"

"Vee was out of control." He sighs. "About a few weeks ago, I decided that the drugs and shit wasnt for me. I got a job after a friend put me on. I paid off all my debts and invested my money wisely." He says and I look at him. "Flipped it. I wanted to show up with a sincere apology and show you I had my shit together..." He says.

"Vee just wasnt getting off the drugs. She was losing it slowly and she started to steal money from me to buy drugs. We had an argument about her crashing the car on drugs and then she tried to sell the car without me knowing... she came into the house high as fuck. We had this big fight and she started smashing the place up and as I tried to stop her I pushed her and she hit her head against the counter. She literally grabbed the knife and just jammed it into me."

"So what is happening with her case?"

"I have no fucking idea. I do not want her to be in prison thats what I do know." He says rubbing his eyes. "Its fucking horrible in there Zee."

"So would you get back with her?"

"No thats done. I need to close that chapter in my life." He says. "Im still stuck in the past. I need to be like you and start fresh and move on." He says and I chuckle.

"Are you referring to Benji?" I ask him and he chuckles. "Yeah... I have seen the other week actually."

"I havent seen him since the day we broke up." I say "when I was 18."

"Thats crazy." He says and I shrug. I met this other guy straight after who was a great rebound and that was it. A few months after that ended, my life changed by Kain laying his eyes on mine.

"How is the boyfriend?" He asks me. He seemed to have signed into his icloud and opened up his bank to show me. I go through it and see he was having a job and had hundreds of thousands in his bank. It all looked legitimate.

"Im proud of you Zade.." I say.

"So you avoiding the question?" He asks.

"He is fine." I say sighing. I pull my feet on the bench and put my head on Zade's shoulder. "Hes mad at me at the moment."

"Why?" He asks.

"He thinks Im too forgiving." I say and he chuckles. "You are." He says.

"Do not side with him?"

"One thing I am certain off, that kid loves you." He sighs. "And he doesnt want you hurt."

"Hmm." I say trying not to think of Kain because when we were on bad terms it made me sad. "Lets go get some food." I say. "I am starving. Since you have money now." He laughs as he slowly gets up.

The food was trash at the cafeteria so I head out and get us some food. Hannah comes and visits. She has been such a good friend it was unreal.

"Hey... the girl that beat me up." Zade says as Hannah walks in.

"Hey welcome back to the world of the living." She says as she throws her bag on the chair. "Outside this room, there is the hottest doctor on planet Earth." She says. We always spoke about Hannah having ADHD for sure. I laugh getting up as Hannah was holding the door open for me to see. He was pretty hot as fuck and looked at us a little confused as we was just staring at him.

"Okay." I say dragging Hannah back into the room laughing.

"You guys are ridiculous." Zade says laughing.

"Hi Zade." Hannah says. "Im Hannah. Sorry about that time we tried to beat you up."

"All forgiven." He says smiling at her. Hannah appeared to suddenly be very conscious of herself. Zade had that effect on girls. He was a charmer. Hannah sits down crosses her legs and runs her fingers through her curls.

"What are you guys eating?"

"A burrito." I say seeing my phone ringing. I hand my burrito to Hannah who takes a bite. It was Rosie who checked in on me daily. I take the call walking out the room.

"Hey." I say

"Zara." Rosie says. "How are you?"

"Im fine Rosie you?"

"Yeah good. How is your brother?"

"Much much better." I say. "Thats good." She says. "Im so glad."

"Sorry about dinner yesterday..."

"Its fine." She says. "Dont worry about it."

"Im coming to the game." I say. "Oh my God are you?" She says. "Im just about to start getting ready. Come to mine. We can go together, Julian and Kain are going before me. I think theyre already there causing distractions for Kai and Roman.

"Yeah, I will be there soon." I say.

"Okay bye babe." She sings as I hang up. The nurses were gossiping about the hot doctor Hannah was in an uproar about... "Whats his name..."

"Hes married."

"But hes so young..."

"Hes only here for a special case to perform surgery. He got roped into helping out for the day." The other one whispers.

"Ladies." He says as he walked over and they stood up straight and made him smile. He was indeed gorgeous.

"Im Mckenzie D'amelio." He says. I saw the wedding band as he held the clipboard. He wore blue scrubs and it suited him well.

"Hi Dr D'amelio. What can we help with?"

"Could I have some blood tests done for Mr White." He says. "And can I have the blood test results for Mr Hamilton."

"Yes. Here you go." She says handing him a clipboard. "How long you with us doctor?" Another one asks smiling.

"For the week." He says smiling. He looks up at me who seemed to be just watching this like a TV show. I walk back into the room and see Zade and Hannah in a debate about random food items.

"The hot doctor is married sorry Hannah." I say. "Anyway, I have to go. My friend Roman has a really important game." I say trying to get out of here before the doctor comes in. "Ill be be back. Call me when you need me okay?"

"I kind of finished your burrito?" Hannah says which Zade laughs at. "Its fine." I chuckle as Hannah gets up.

"Stay. Keep him company to make me feel less bad." I say and Hannah just looks at me. The doctor walks into the room.

"Im not a child Zara?" Zade says. "Oh please." I say and he just rolled his eyes.

"You seem really young." Hannah says to the doctor.

"I finished College and Med school quicker than others." He says. He must get this all the time. He didnt really seem bothered. "Anyway, I am Dr D'amelio." He says. "I am just covering for the doctor due to short staffing today."

"Youre related to Chanel right?" Zade asks him. Leave him to know the whole of fucking New York.

"Depends." He says. "On if its a good or bad."  He chuckles.

"No, its good. I used to live on the same street as her and her mom from when I was 14-16. We just to hang out all the time. I havent seen her for like a few years."

"Yeah, she's my dads little sister, so yeah were related.. Im Mckenzie" He says nodding, he was so friendly and nice. I have met Chanel a few times actually, she used to hang out with Zade and Veronica a lot when I came to live with him when he turned 18. "Shes currently laying on my sofa eating all my food." He says and Zade laughs. "Sounds like her. She used to eat my girlfriends food and lay around all day." He says

Zade referring to Veronica as his girlfriend stung. Was he lying to me? Getting my hopes up?

"Look, shes calling me right now." He says. Mckenzie answers the FaceTime call.

"Kenz, my great niece just woke up. The mushed up fruits and veggies is nasty. You sure you wanna give her that? I tasted it. It taste like the colour green."

"Yeah Chanel, I am sure." He says rolling his eyes. "Look who I just met." He says handing his phone to Zade. I look at the screen and see Zade smiling. I was glad he was getting back in touch with his normal friends I guess. Chanel screams and Zade laughs at her reaction.

"As soon as I am done babysitting I'll come to visit you later." She promises as they caught up.

"Well what a lovely reunion." I say. "Is there an update on his health?"  I ask.

"Zara." Zade says and I roll my eyes. The girlfriend thing sat heavily on my mind annoyed me further. "Sorry my sister is very overprotective." He says and I look at him giving him evils.

"I have a few of those." The doctor smiles.

"So yes, he is doing well on the recovery. Were gonna run few more tests which are scheduled in later this evening. When those results come back and look good, were going to look into your discharge." He says. He leaves and Hannah had focused on building a tower out of card games.

"Thanks. See you guys later."  I say leaving. I head home and get myself ready. Going to these games was a fucking show and a half. Everyone dressed to impress if you was some kind of important. Pictures was taken constantly of Kain and his friends.

I dress in a light baby blue dress colour to support the team. I had one white heels and done my hair in a sleek back ponytail. I know dinner was happening after wards and I felt a little sad about Kain and I being so distant. Zade was right, he did love me... I know that.

I did my make up and sprayed myself with perfume before fixing my lipgloss. I head down to 45 and knock on Rosie's door. I forgot her code funny enough, I havent been here a while.

"Hey." She says answering. "Jesus christ you look hot."

"So do you." I say as she was wearing a similar small baby blue two piece. "We came matching on purpose." I say and she laughs. Her blonde long hair was falling down her shoulders as she put on her the black heels and did the strap.

"Wait." She says running up the stairs to her room. She hands me a white YSL purse. "Here this matches better." She says before I take everything out my purse and put it in this one.

Rosie barely drove herself. She had a driver on standby and I wasnt mad at it. We got to the place and a security led us through into the front where Kain and Julian sat. Julian sees us and whistles.

"Show stoppers." He says and I roll my eyes laughing. Kain looked at me as he held his hand out guiding me to my seat. We were all the way at the front where the glass was just separating us from the game.

"Hey." He says as he looks at me.

"Hey boyfriend." I say. "You look nice." I tell him. He had on black ripped jeans and Roman's jersey. As much as he dogged Roman out, I know he loved that guy and was so proud of him. I think Kain would have lost it if I was wearing it. Roman joked about it before and he said 'over my dead body' to be precise.

"So do you." He says. I pull him in closer and kiss his lips. "I think I am ready to be that forgiving idiot." I say and he smiles.

"I don't deserve you..." He says before he presses his lips on mine kissing me like he missed me. His tongue slips in and we forgot where we were for a second.

"Hi Mr Kattan." I hear Julian say next to us. I break the kiss wiping my gloss off of Kain.

"Hey everyone." He says. Behind him was his not soon to be ex-wife, Hailey and Charlie. Then I watch Mrs and Mr Reynolds join us as well.

"Hi." Kain says to his parents clearing his throat before he sat down. That was a nice start? They seemed surprised at Kain acknowledging them.

"Hey son." Mr Kattan says smiling brightly.

They all take a seat and I sit between Kain and his sisters. Julian sat next to Kain and Rosie was at the end next to the parents.

We watched the teams come out as they announced their names one by one. Roman and Kai skated by and said their hello waving us Roman pointed proudly at his jersey. The noise that came from Rosie, Julian and Kain was insane. It was honestly so nice to see. I took pictures of Roman and Kai as they skated past.

The whole game Kain watched anxiously and with so much emotion. Julian and him would jump up every few seconds as they grabbed each other. Roman got into a fight and was sent to the bench for a few minutes. "Oh my God oh my God I cant watch this..." Mrs Kattan anxiously said. "Is his face bleeding?" Roman had taken off the helmet and was sat angry in the box.

"Calm down mom Jesus." Kain said rolling his eyes. He seemed to have forgotten and even his mother looked at him and almost smiled. I just smiled at her as she caught my eye seeing the interaction.

The cheers and Kain jumping up alerted me to the fact that they just won. Everyone cheered and got up and I watched Kai and Roman jumping on each other and their other teammates.

My favourite thing to see at games was how many girls were here and were trying their best to get the players attention. Roman and Kai in particular I have seen flocks of girls around them and it was hilarious to see.

"Go Roman!" Charlie screams next to me as he came over, followed by Kai shortly after and everyone congratulated him.

"We should definitely go out for a celebratory dinner." Mrs Reynolds says.

"That would be lovely." Kain's dad smiles.

"Yes. I am hungry." Rosie says. "Lets gooooo." They all just look at Kain and I. Kain had his arm around me as he was looking at his phone. I nudge him and he looks up.

"Sorry, I am heading out to Paris literally now." He says. "Zara you coming?" Kain's mom - well not mom- but mom, asks me.

"I would love to but I have to get back to my brother at the hospital." I say and they just nod slowly.

"What you got going on in Paris?" Mr Kattan asks Kain.

"Its Paris fashion week." Kain says. "Rosie youre not going?" Hailey asks her.

"I am going but tomorrow night." She says smiling. "Hes going a day early because of his contract with Tommy Hilfiger."

"I see why you were Tommy Hilfiger so much now..." Hailey says to Kain. "Youre a marketing tool."

"Oh look who pays attention in school." Kain says as she rolled her eyes. "Anyway... Im out." Kain says as he guides me out through the crowd as I said bye to everyone.

"What time are you leaving?" I ask Kain as we walked outside. "I wish you could come with me. You would love Paris." He says and I chuckle.

"The car is taking me to the jet, I'll drop you home first?" He says. "I need to grab my passport."

"Okay." I say as he opens the car door for me. I get in and he gets in after me. He talks to the driver for a bit and then pulls me in closer kissing my lips. "I love you." He tells me as he looks at me. His hand on the back of my neck before he pulled me in kissing me again. I part my lips as his fingers now trail up my dress. I do not even stop him as his touch is sending shocks through me.

We didnt even realize the car came to a stop as our lips connected and sore, Kain breaks the kiss as the driver clears his throat. "Fuck." He mumbles as he gets out the car and I follow him out. I follow Kain into the building as he pressed the button for the lift as he pulled me back in kissing me again.

"Do you not need to be anywhere?" I giggle as he now drags me into the penthouse where I can barely keep up.

"Thats fine." He says as he pushed me onto the sofa pulling off the jersey and kicking off his shoes. "This is more important. I think I might actually explode if I leave without fucking you." He mumbles as he hovers over me mumbling into my neck as he pressed down sloppy kisses.

He pushes my dress up and looks at me. "No underwear?"

"I wanted to torture you." I smile at him. He parts my legs as he slides his fingers across my opening making me gasp out. "Youre going to regret that." He says. "Look how wet you are for me."

"Fuck me already." I say pulling him back kissing his lips as he slides into me making me moan out digging my nails into his skin making me forget anything that existed in the world except from Kain Kattan.

"Kain... your phone is ringing." I say as I was laying on top of him. His fingers in my hair as he pressed soft kisses against my lips.

"Fuck..." He mumbles as I get off of him pulling my dress straight. He gets dressed and runs upstairs. Minutes later, he returns and I hand him his phone.

"Here you go." I say as he pulls me in. "See you soon babygirl." He says and I kiss his lips. "Love you." I tell him. "Have a safe flight."

I watch him leave and get myself back in my heels and head back to the hospital as I fixed myself as I looked like I had just been fucked...

I ordered dinner from downstairs, it was like an endless service living at this place. I take it with me to the hospital. I push the door open and find Zade stood in the room infront of Hannah, holding her close with his lips glued to hers.

"Eh? Get off of my friend?" I say confused. Oh God what have I done...

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