The Phoenix's Doctor ( Marco...

By NJH33_

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"Are you sure? You realize this is going to be quite the hassle, right Y/N-ya? Why go through all this for so... More

Chapter 1 : An Angel
Chapter 2 : I Proposed
Chapter 3 : Dr Y/N
Chapter 4 : I Can't
Chapter 5 : You, Of Course
Chapter 6 : Quickly!
Chapter 7 : Goofball
Chapter 8 : Hunting
Chapter 9 : Legally
Chapter 10 : The Devil
Chapter 11 : Dr Phoenix
Chapter 12 : Can't Wait
Chapter 13 : Threat
Chapter 15 : Erm- Hi?
Chapter 16 : More
Chapter 17 : 4
Chapter 18 : Medic

Chapter 14 : First Day

121 7 15
By NJH33_

Chapter 14 : First Day

Three days had passed since your brother's last call, a conversation that ended with the promise of an upcoming visit.

Anticipation hung in the air, mingling with the daily hustle of scheduling surgeries and managing documentation.

The addition of Marco to your team was an exciting prospect, his reputation and skills making him an ideal candidate to meet, if not exceed, your expectations.

In the midst of this, thoughts of the pending meeting with Mr. Whitebeard loomed in the back of your mind.

No date had been set yet, leaving you in a state of readiness, waiting for confirmation.

Amid these considerations, you found yourself engrossed in work, fingers flying over your computer's keyboard, orchestrating the rhythm of your day.

However, this focused serenity was abruptly shattered by the insistent ring of your office phone, the sound startling you into spilling your coffee across the desk in a chaotic splash.

"Ah! Fuck, Shit, Balls," you blurted out, a mixture of surprise and annoyance coloring your words as you scrambled to salvage what you could from the caffeinated disaster.

The persistent ringing of the phone became a distant concern as you focused on containing the mess.

Then, amidst the turmoil, a knock at the door signaled a pause in the chaos.

The door creaked open, revealing a familiar face, one that instantly shifted the atmosphere of the room.


His expression was a complex tapestry of emotions, guilt being the most prominent.

The sight of him, coupled with the unexpected interruption, added layers of complexity to an already eventful morning.

"Heyyyyyy Nee-chan~" Ace attempted to exude an air of nonchalance, but the nervous undercurrent in his voice betrayed him.

His eyes darted around the room, scanning for potential pranks or traps you might have laid out for him, a testament to his anticipatory dread of the forthcoming conversation.

Standing up from your desk with a smirk, you greeted him warmly yet teasingly, "Look who it is~ If it isn't my knucklehead baby brother."

Your tone, lighthearted and mocking, served to ease some of the tension that had built up the moment Ace appeared at your door.

Inviting him to take a seat across from you, you watched, amused, as Ace tiptoed towards the chair, his eyes wide and alert for any sign of your notorious pranks.

The sight of your brother being so cautious in your presence brought a chuckle to your lips, highlighting the playful yet profound bond you shared.

Finally deeming it safe, Ace settled into the chair, his posture slightly tense as he began to rub the back of his neck — a clear sign of his nervousness.

He offered a nervous chuckle, an attempt to lighten the mood, "Soooooooo..I heard that you found out. What's that like..?"

His attempt at humor was cautious, a veiled effort to gauge your reaction to the news of his injury.

Your gaze, however, was drawn to the arm sling he sported, a vivid reminder of the severity of his recent ordeal.

The sight of it served as a silent testament to the battles he had faced, and the protective instincts it stirred within you were palpable.

"What's that like? Imagine my surprise and horror, Ace, when I discovered you were SHOT!"

You emphasized each word with a growing intensity, your hands planted firmly on your hips and your foot tapping in unmistakable irritation.

Ace's reaction was immediate and reflexive.

He sprang to his feet, bowing deeply in an earnest apology, "I-I'M SORRY!"

The guilt was palpable in his voice, his posture one of deep remorse.

You, however, were not ready to let the moment pass so easily.

With a hand resting against your temple, you exhaled a heavy sigh, a mixture of frustration and concern lacing your voice.

"You know the rules, right?" you prompted, the rhetorical nature of your question hanging in the air between you.

" 'Don't let you find out about my injuries no matter what'," Ace recited the well-known rule from his still-bowed position, his voice laced with the realization of his misstep.


Your words burst forth, a torrent of frustration and fear for his well-being breaking through your usually composed exterior.

Ace flinched under the weight of your words, a clear sign that your message hit home.

Ace's reaction was swift and dramatic as he dropped to his knees, pressing his forehead to the floor in a gesture of deep remorse and submission.

"I'M SORRY, NEE-CHAN! IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN!" His voice, muffled by his position, was fervent with the promise of reform.

You crossed your arms and let out a growl, your frustration palpable in the air.

"You're bloody damn right it won't happen again!"

Your voice was a mix of anger and an underlying worry that he might not fully grasp the gravity of his actions.

As Ace dared to lift his head, the corners of his eyes glistened with unshed tears, a testament to his genuine fear and regret.

The sight of him so vulnerable and terrified tugged at your heartstrings, despite your anger.

"W-what do you mean..?"

His voice trembled, fear lacing each word.

In your mind's eye, you could almost see cartoonish puppy dog ears sprouting from his head, enhancing his look of pitiable fear, which paradoxically added to your irritation yet also softened your heart slightly.

The image of his whimpering form only served to increase your exasperation, marked by the metaphorical ticks popping around your head.

Despite the humor in the mental image, it underscored the seriousness of the situation.

You sank back into your chair with a thud, leveling a piercing gaze at Ace and commanded him to remain where he was.

The seriousness in your voice was unmistakable as you delivered a demand that would change the course of his professional life.

"I want you to resign as Head of Security," you declared, the intensity of your glare underscoring the gravity of your words.

Ace, taken aback by the suddenness and severity of your request, sprang to his feet, his expression a mixture of disbelief and desperation.

"W-what?! I can't just do that, Nee-chan! I love my job!" he protested, his voice laden with a mix of panic and incredulity.

"Do I look like I'm willing to negotiate?" The coldness in your voice sliced through the air, a clear indication that there was no room for discussion.

Silenced by your uncompromising stance, Ace clenched his jaw, recognizing the familiar steely resolve in your eyes.

It was a look that conveyed your unwavering dedication, a reminder of the sacrifices you had made to ensure a better life for him and his brothers.

Against such resolute determination, he found himself powerless to argue.

Gazing into your eyes — those same silver orbs that mirrored his own — he understood that your decision was final.

The shared determination and stubbornness that ran through your family made it clear : you were immovable on this matter.

With a heavy heart, he acquiesced, the weight of the moment pressing down on him.

"I'll put in my notice later on today to exit Whitebeard Corporation.." his voice trailed off, laden with resignation.

Your eyebrow arched in response, a silent question hanging in the air.

"What are you talking about?"

The confusion in your voice hinted at a deeper conversation to come, as you sought clarity on his understanding of your initial demand.

Ace's misunderstanding elicited a mix of frustration and disbelief from you.

His question, "Huh? You wanted me to leave the company right?" was met with a deep sigh on your part.

Leaning back, you supported your head with your hand, your expression one of exasperation.

"I said resign from Head of Security. Not LEAVE Whitebeard Corporation, you idiot!" you clarified, emphasizing the distinction you intended from the start.

"What's the difference?" Ace's confusion persisted, his head tilting in genuine puzzlement, illustrating the gap in his understanding of your directive.

At that moment, a fresh perspective was introduced to the conversation, "It means, Nee-san wants you to change departments. Not leave a good company," Sabo's voice, calm and clear, cut through the tension in the room.

Both you and Ace turned towards the new speaker in unison.

"Sabo!" Ace's voice mixed with surprise and relief at seeing his brother.

Your attention briefly shifted to the access card in Sabo's hand, sparking a thought, 'Maybe I should just confiscate all their access cards,' considering the confusion their unrestricted access seemed to cause.

Then, dismissing the thought for the moment, your focus returned to the brothers as Ace approached Sabo, and they embraced warmly, a moment of sibling solidarity in the midst of the confusion.

The warmth of their embrace lingered in the air as Ace, curiosity piqued, queried, "When did you get back from Grandline State?"

Sabo, with a light chuckle, responded, "Ah, just landed a few days back. I've come to assist Nee-san with a couple of hospital events. Though, it appears she hasn't finished lecturing you," he remarked, subtly indicating your direction with a nod.

At that moment, your presence dominated the room, an almost palpable fiery aura emanating from you, signaling your readiness to continue the discussion.

This aura was so vivid and potent that Ace could sense the heat of your frustration without needing to face you directly, prompting a nervous sweat to break out on his brow.

"Ah-ahahahaha, so, what were you saying, Nee-chan?" Ace, trying to deflect the intensity with a nervous chuckle, slowly pivoted to meet your gaze.

Both brothers seated themselves across from you, a tangible tension hanging between you all.

However, as moments passed, the sharp edges of your frustration began to soften, allowing the atmosphere to gradually ease into a more composed state.

You elaborated on your suggestion, emphasizing the wealth of opportunities within the expansive enterprise that is Whitebeard Corporation.

"I believe Mr. Whitebeard would welcome your expertise in another role within his conglomerate," you stated confidently, your proposal floating in the air between you.

However, Ace's reaction was one of reluctance, his expression clouded with uncertainty.

"But...I don't think I want to go back to modeling," he confessed, the very thought seemingly unnerving him.

Sensing his discomfort, Sabo offered his support, his hand resting reassuringly on Ace's shoulder.

"There's a whole spectrum of opportunities beyond modeling within the Whitebeard Corporation. They're always on the lookout for fresh talent across their diverse sectors," he reminded him gently.

You, seizing the moment to guide the conversation towards a constructive resolution, proposed a specific direction.

"Given your academic background in Business Management, why not consider stepping into Marco's shoes as the COO, at least temporarily?" you suggested, presenting a tangible option for Ace to ponder.

This proposition, however, seemed to take both your brothers by surprise, eliciting identical expressions of astonishment from them.

"Huh?" they exclaimed in unison, their synchrony highlighting their shock.

Sabo, always quick to gather his wits, voiced his surprise aloud, "Wait, Marco's a COO?"

Ace, on the other hand, seemed more startled by the implication of your words, "He's leaving his position?" he blurted out, clearly unaware of this development.

The revelation stirred a mix of surprise and contemplation within the room as both brothers processed the information, weighing the implications of your proposal and the unexpected news about Marco's career path.

You turned your gaze towards Sabo, expressing your surprise at his lack of knowledge regarding Marco's position.

"Yes, Sabo, Marco-san is indeed more than just Ace's employer; he holds the position of Chief Operating Officer. Considering your profession as a lawyer, I'm rather surprised this news escaped you," you said, arching an eyebrow in mild disbelief before shifting your attention to Ace.

Focusing on Ace, who appeared bewildered by the unfolding revelations, you sought to clarify the situation regarding Marco.

"And as for you, Ace, Marco-san is not leaving permanently. He's merely taking a temporary leave of absence for three months. During this period, he'll be joining my department as a fellow, primarily to take charge of Thatch's spinal surgery. His fellowship begins this upcoming Monday," you detailed, aiming to alleviate any concerns Ace might have about Marco's temporary departure from his executive role.

Ace absorbed the information, the initial shock gradually giving way to understanding as he processed your explanation about Marco's temporary career shift and the motivations behind it.

Ace's revelation about Marco's unwavering dedication to Whitebeard Corporation piqued your interest further.

"Wow.. How did you manage that, Nee-chan? Marco practically lives for the company... He seldom, if ever, takes vacations," Ace said, his words painting a picture of Marco's deep commitment to his work. This insight into Marco's professional life only served to heighten your admiration for his work ethic.

However, you simply shrugged off the inquiry, choosing instead to steer the conversation back to the pressing issue at hand.

"Let's focus on the immediate matter," you said, adopting a serious tone.

"I expect you to resign from your current position by the end of today. Have a discussion with Mr. Whitebeard about it. And just so we're clear, if I discover you haven't complied with my directive, I'll ensure you're left with no option but to resign due to incapacitation."

Your gaze hardened as you posed the rhetorical question, "Understood?"

Ace sensed the severity of your warning, visibly gulping as he nodded vigorously, his agreement conveyed through anxious gestures rather than words.

Your smile widened, pleased that Ace was still adhering to your directives.

"Excellent! Now, how about I order us some-" you began, your suggestion hanging in the air as Ace abruptly raised his hand, signaling for a pause.

"A-actually, Nee-chan... There's something I want to ask for your blessing on!" he interjected, his tone earnest, capturing your full attention.

You stopped, your curiosity piqued, and you tilted your head, intrigued.

"Blessing? What's the occasion? You're not about to announce you're getting married, are you?" you teased, only half-joking.

"NO! THAT'S NOT IT—AGH!" Ace protested loudly, his face turning a shade of red, embarrassed by the misunderstanding.

For a fleeting moment, the thought of Sanji, with his signature smile, flashed through his mind, causing Ace to hastily cover his face with his functional hand in an attempt to hide his flustered state.

Sabo couldn't help but let out a chuckle at his brother's discomfort, choosing to steer the conversation forward amidst Ace's fluster.

"What's on your mind, Ace? Come on, we're all grown-ups here. There's hardly anything left that would require Nee-san's formal blessing," he said, his words laced with a teasing smirk, encouraging Ace to share what was truly bothering him.

"Can I... Can I officially join Whitebeard's family?" Ace hesitantly queried, his eyes flitting between you and Sabo.

The question seemed to catch Sabo off guard, his surprise momentarily visible.

"You're considering formally severing your adoption ties with Gramps?" Sabo clarified, the weight of Ace's request settling in.

Ace nodded firmly, his gaze returning to you, searching for any hint of your thoughts or feelings on the matter.

For a moment, your expression remained unchanged, betraying no immediate reaction, leading your brothers to understand that you were deeply contemplating the question.

The room fell into a hushed silence, the air thick with anticipation for your response.

After a thoughtful pause, you finally voiced your answer, simple yet profound.


Sabo's concern was palpable as he broached the subject delicately, "Nee-san...are you truly alright with this decision? Remember, it was your birthday gift to us," he said, his eyes searching yours for any sign of hesitation.

You paused for a moment, then closed your eyes and offered a smile that didn't quite reach your eyes, signaling a deeper contemplation beneath your composed surface.

"I presented that gift to you boys many years ago... Now, as adults, there are certain decisions you can make on your own. Sure there will be times you might need my permission on some things but I won't stand in the way of you boys seeking another family..."

Your voice trailed off, barely a whisper, yet laden with a heavy truth.

"Especially when I choose to relinquish mine..."

Sabo and Ace looked down, their hearts stilled at the reminder.

They spoke at the same time.

"Nee-san/Nee-chan.. Why did you do it?"

You smiled towards them and got up to leave.

While Ace and Sabo knew it was fruitless to ask as you had always and forever given them the same answer.

"One day."


"You're actually gonna do it?!"

Thatch's voice was laced with disbelief as he processed the unexpected news.

Marco, having carved out some rare downtime from his demanding schedule, had come to visit Thatch in the hospital, sharing his recent decision.

"I've signed the contract and will be working under Dr. Y/N yoi," Marco confirmed, his smile offering reassurance.

The notion seemed to astound Thatch, who gazed back at him, grappling with the revelation.

"I can't wrap my head around this... You, of all people, stepping away from the company..."

"Just temporarily," Marco interjected, his laughter lightening the mood.

"Think of it as me going on a three-month holiday yoi."

Thatch, still baffled, propped himself up slightly, emphasizing his point with a gesture.

"But that's what's so bizarre! You're the last person I'd expect to take a vacation. And to top it off, your idea of a break is to dive into work at another company?"

Marco's decision to embark on this new path with Dr. Y/N, leaving his routine and responsibilities within the Whitebeard Corporation, albeit briefly, stirred a mix of confusion and intrigue in Thatch.

It was an unconventional choice for someone who seldom strayed from his commitments, sparking a conversation filled with astonishment and curiosity about the journey ahead.

"It's all good, Thatch. This arrangement benefits us both. I'll have the chance to perform your operation, and Dr. Y/N gets an extra pair of hands to lighten her load yoi," Marco said, offering a reassuring smile. Thatch let out a resigned sigh.

"You know, Marco, you really don't have to go to all this trouble for me. I'd manage just fine without the surgery," Thatch tried to assuage Marco's concerns.

However, Marco was unwavering, "Ignoring a chance to help family just isn't in me, Thatch. Plus, I'm looking forward to seeing my brother tear up at his wedding."

This elicited a hearty laugh from Thatch, who retorted, "Wheelchair or not, I'm marrying Izo, even if it means doing it right here in the hospital. There's no way I'm letting her slip through my fingers."

"Quite the romantic, aren't you yoi?" Marco said with a playful roll of his eyes.

Shifting the topic, Thatch inquired, "How's Ace doing?"

Marco paused, choosing not to delve into the complexities of your and Ace's relationship. "He's doing well, was just discharged today yoi," he opted to say instead.

Thatch, always one for a bit of intrigue, leaned in. "I heard from Izo that Sanji stopped by to see him? It's about time those two started talking again."

Marco, surprised, responded, "They weren't speaking yoi?"

Thatch leaned in, his curiosity piqued by the past dynamics between Ace and Sanji.

"You weren't aware? Ace stepped back from modeling right after Sanji left the fashion scene. No heads up or anything. It was quite the talk back then," Thatch mused, trying to piece together the past events.

The revelation from Thatch left Marco grappling with a newfound layer of complexity surrounding Ace and Sanji's relationship.

"You're telling me, Ace quit modeling because Sanji exited the fashion scene, just like that yoi?" Marco queried, his voice laden with disbelief.

He struggled to piece together this aspect of Ace's past he was previously oblivious to.

Thatch leaned back, an expression of mock-seriousness on his face as he pondered the gossip he'd pieced together over time.

"You'd be surprised. There was a time, I swear, those two must've been an item," he mused, a speculative tone coloring his words.

Marco, taken aback, could only muster, "They were involved with each other yoi?"

Observing Marco's genuine shock, Thatch's jaw dropped slightly.

"Wait, you really didn't catch on? Honestly, the way those two were around each other, you'd think it was obvious. The tension was palpable, practically screaming from the rooftops," Thatch remarked, somewhat amused by Marco's naivety.

"I genuinely had no idea. I always assumed they shared a strong friendship. But, it looks like they're mending whatever rift was between them; Sanji's been a constant presence at Ace's side during his hospital stay yoi," Marco offered, hoping to steer the conversation towards a less speculative path.

Thatch, however, wasn't done teasing.

"Marco, my man, you really need to get out more. And here's an idea—use your fellowship hiatus to dive into the dating pool yourself!" he suggested, half in jest and half in earnest hope for his friend's personal growth.

For a fleeting moment, amidst the light-hearted banter and revelations about Ace and Sanji, Marco found his thoughts inadvertently drifting towards you.

The brief consideration was unexpected, your image surfacing in his mind with a clarity that took him by surprise.

It was a momentary pause in the flow of conversation, a silent acknowledgment of your increasingly significant presence in his life.

The thought of you, with your distinctive personality and compelling nature, momentarily filled his thoughts, hinting at the depth of the impression you'd left on him.

Marco's thoughts wandered back to a curious incident involving Kidd and Bellmere, where they had mistakenly referred to him as your boyfriend.

Normally, he would have quickly corrected such an error, but this time, a part of him hesitated, surprisingly reluctant to do so.

The memory of your voice protesting in response to the misconception lingered, "Wait! He's not my boyfriend! KIDD!"

It echoed in his mind, a reminder of the boundaries still in place.

However, another memory surfaced, complicating his reflections.

He recalled the terms of endearment you had used towards the masked hunter who had rescued Ace: Mi Amor and Mi Cielito.

Even with his limited Spanish, Marco understood these were terms of affection, suggesting that you two were a couple.

This realization brought him back to his conversation with Thatch, specifically to Thatch's suggestion that he should use the upcoming three months not just for work but for personal exploration as well.

"Pass yoi, I'm taking these 3 months to work with Dr Y/N remember? Not to have fun," he responded, firmly anchoring himself back to the present.

Thatch playfully nudged the conversation in a new direction, suggesting a balance between work and personal life.

"Why not work and date then? Dr. Y/N seems like she'd be your type!" he teased, only for Marco to dismiss the notion with a shake of his head.

"She's already taken yoi," Marco stated matter-of-factly, prompting a gleeful reaction from Thatch.

"OH! So my brother IS interested in her to actually know her relationship status, huh?~" Thatch teased, pushing for a reaction, and Marco exhaled a tired sigh.

"Listen, Thatch, I've been around long enough to know my feelings and where they stand. But even if I were interested, I wouldn't encroach on someone else's relationship yoi," Marco declared, putting an end to the conversation with a tone of finality.

His statement was clear: regardless of any potential interest, he respected boundaries and the commitments of others, effectively closing the door on further speculation about his feelings towards you.

Marco, battling a mix of frustration and disappointment over the realization that he couldn't pursue a relationship with you, abruptly left Thatch's side.

His emotions led him to forcefully push open the door, only to come face-to-face with the very person at the center of his turmoil.

"Dr. Y/N yoi..." Marco uttered, shock registering in his widened eyes as he recognized you immediately.

You stood there, caught in a moment of hesitation, with your hand frozen in mid-air, poised to knock on the door.

Dressed in your standard yoga attire and chunky heels, complete with your mask and doctor's coat, you presented an image of the composed and capable individual Marco had come to admire, yet under circumstances he hadn't anticipated.

Thatch desperately clasped his hands over his mouth, fighting the urge to erupt into laughter at the serendipitous timing of your arrival, juxtaposed with Marco's previous confessions.

The ambiguity of your expression left them guessing; had you caught a snippet of their conversation, or were you blissfully unaware?

Anticipation hung in the air, as they half-expected you to display some sign of embarrassment or to inquire if there was any truth to Marco's supposed affection for you.

Instead, to Marco's immense relief, you greeted him with a cheerful disposition.

"Ohya! If it isn't my soon-to-be fellow! Great timing Dr Phoenix! I was just about to inform Thatch about the operation date for his surgery!" you announced, the warmth of your smile radiating through your mask, dispelling the tension in the room.

Marco's anxiety dissipated, replaced by a sense of gratitude for the normalcy and focus of your conversation.

Marco graciously stepped aside, granting you entry into the room, and you approached Thatch's bedside with a sense of purpose.

"Well, Thatch! I gather from your interactions that Dr. Phoenix has already briefed you about his temporary role here at the hospital, particularly being under my department," you announced with a hint of excitement in your voice.

Thatch couldn't resist the opportunity for a jest, his grin wide as he murmured under his breath, "Bet that's not the only thing he wishes to be 'under'..."

His comment, though barely audible, didn't escape Marco, who promptly reprimanded him with a light smack, signaling his annoyance.

Your head tilted in mild confusion, caught off guard by the undercurrent of their banter.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" you inquired, genuinely puzzled by the muffled exchange.

Marco, eager to steer the conversation back to professional matters, intervened.

"Ah, please, just disregard his remark, Dr. Y/N. Might I ask when we are planning to schedule the surgery, yoi?"

His question redirected the focus back to the matter at hand, and you promptly responded.


Marco sweatdropped at your answer, "You don't mean on.."

"Yup! On your first day as a fellow!"



Introduction to your new Co-writer! Teal Jannah!

**Ps; this was the best i could draw the comic with a busted hand and arm. Teehee

Artwork link : Instagram N.J.Hairi

Teal Jannah here.

As previously informed, I will be helping out our stupid and lovable idiot out on her artworks/editing/writing.

I will be helping her handle this IG account as well.

I am not used to interacting with others but I hope everyone can help me out by being patient and kind.

I will be starting the works on 1st May 2024. 

The scheduling will be updated once Red Jannah approves it.

Red Jannah really wants to finish her other 2 series before jumping into the second book for The Swordsman's Cat.

Her ideas tend to overflow and she will forget if she doesn't write it down.

So here I am

To do her bidding.


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