Little Maxie

By Anki_Carrington

135K 2.7K 457

Max Verstappen was a little. He never really did actively try to hide it, but he knew his dad hated other peo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73

Chapter 66

1.1K 43 4
By Anki_Carrington

Lando was big when he woke up, blinking a little and frowning when he seemed to be alone in the crib. Patting his hand near him, he didn't feel anyone else, just blankets and pillows.

Not as panicked as he was in his headspace, but still a little afraid, he opened his eyes and sat upright, and he was immediately relieved when he saw Max, snuggled up between the two caregivers.

It did look rather cozy, the three of them tangled in each other. Lando had to hide a snigger. Charles would be more than embarrassed if he knew that he had his leg slung not only over Max's legs, but also part of Brad's.

Lowering the side of the crib, Lando got out, Lando grimaced a bit when he noticed that the pull-up was wet and resolved to quickly shower and get dressed without informing anyone about that fact. He was big now, so he would be more than capable to handle it on his own.

Charles snuggled a little more against the pillows, his arm grasping something, and it took him a moment before he realised that that something was Max, tightly curled up against Brad.

"Why are you on top of the sheets?" Charles said out loud when he noticed the little just dressed in his sleeper and not snuggled underneath the blankets. The weather wasn't cold, but even so, he'd rather have Max nice and tucked in.

Shifting a little, he moved away from Max, thinking about how he could get the little underneath the blankets without waking him up.

Of course, the moment that Charles had moved away from Maxie, the little made a small moaning sound immediately, trying to bury himself against Brad while he made some small whimpering sounds. The heat that had disappeared from his back was enough to disturb his sleep.

Charles immediately plastered himself back to Max's side, who calmed down again. Frowning, Charles thought further about the problem and then slowly pulled the blankets down from his side, tugging them until they got out from underneath Max.

It was difficult to do without waking the little up, but Charles was patient, and managed to get it out from under his stomach and just started on teasing the blanket out from under Max's legs.

"Wha?" Brad asked, looking confused when cold air suddenly hit him.

"Shh, you'll wake up Maxie," Charles said in a whisper, and it was only then that Brad noticed the little lying against him.

"What are you trying to do?" the man asked back in a whisper, looking confused, "and why is Maxie here?"

"I think he got out of the crib to sleep with us," Charles said, looking affectionately at Max, "but he didn't go under the blankets."

"Is he been lying here for a long time?" Brad asked, now helping Charles in his quest to get the blankets over Max.

"Don't know," Charles said, finally happy when they managed to get the blanket on Max, who gave a sigh, and even uncurled a little, revealing bunny who was nestled in his arms.

Brad took one of his hands in his and frowned.

"Ice cold," the caregiver whispered with a frown, curling up as much as he could around Maxie.

"I hope he won't get a cold," Charles said, full of concern, "there's still a race before summer break."

"Let's just snuggle close to him and keep him warm, and then we'll see how he feels," Brad said, glancing at the crib, "you think we need to go search for Lando?"

"I think he's big. The side is lowered from the crib," Charles said, and Brad nodded. It was very unlikely Lando would have managed that while he was in headspace.

"Let's rest for a little longer," Brad said with a yawn, purposely grazing his fingers against Charles his arm, who moved closer, and hugged Max from behind, letting his fingers touch Brad's stomach.

Maxie was waking up, feeling pleasantly warm and wrapped up at all sides, making him feel safe. Moaning a little, he gave a small snuffling sound and started to suck his paci a little quicker while he contemplated opening his eyes.

Feeling a hand stroke his back, he heard Brad talking to him, but he couldn't make up the exact words.

"Braddy?" Maxie asked, hearing a chuckle when the paci fell from his mouth. Turning to his back, he finally managed to open his eyes, and he not only saw Braddy leaning above him, but Charlie as well.

That was right. Charlie was here too!

Making a happy gurgling sound, Maxie couldn't contain his happiness at the presence of the other and shook his legs while he snuggled into Charlie.

"Yes, yes I stayed," Charles said, hearing Maxie start to babble, but not understanding a word of it.

"He is as happy as I am that you were here," Brad said with a grin, making Charles blush while he looked at the trainer.

"Of course you were. I'm just that great," the Ferrari driver said, pretending bravado to cover his shyness.

A few fingers in his face and he looked back down at Maxie, who smiled and gurgled again, holding up his arms for a hug.

"Of course, little one. At your service," Charles said, leaning in for a hug and liking the laughter he heard from Maxie.

"Little one indeed," Brad said, stroking a soft finger on the side of Maxie's face, "I'm guessing someone landed really young right now."

"Yes, he did," Charles said, getting out of the hug and looking at Maxie who had tucked a finger in his mouth and was watching the two caregivers curiously.

"Let's see if the diaper needs a change, and perhaps then we can go look for Lando and eat breakfast," Brad said, tickling Maxie's stomach a little while he spoke, his voice going to a baby voice, "yes we will, little guy. Get you some yummy food."

Maxie, in his current headspace, seemed to be delighted with the attention, giggling and wiggling happily while he relished the contact and the attention he was getting.

The two caregivers moved from the bed, making Maxie frown and whine a little bit, while he turned to his stomach and tried to follow Brad clumsily, but it was difficult to try and make his limbs listen to what he wanted to do.

"Careful there," Brad said, only just managing to catch Maxie before he fell from the side of the bed.

"Braddy," Maxie said with a grin, glad that the caregiver had returned to him and even happier when he was being lifted by the man.

"Yes, it's your Braddy," Brad said bouncing the little a bit, "and it feels like you are in need of a dry diaper. Could you spread the towel on the bed, Charles?"

"I can, and I will," Charles said, spreading the towel on the bed and staying seated on it while Brad laid Maxie back down.

The little immediately put his finger back in his mouth and looked upwards at Charles, who smiled at him. Grabbing the bunny, Charles dangled it above Maxie while Brad opened the sleeper.

"Bunny!" Maxie exclaimed, reaching out towards the stuffy, which Charles immediately handed to him. Hugging the bunny close, he barely noticed the diaper being changed, and before he knew it, Maxie was picked up again when they got out of the room.

"There you guys are," Lando said, looking up from the couch, where he was busy playing a game, "I thought you guys would never wake up."

"Hi Lando," Charles said, "you're big?"

"Yes, of course I am," Lando said with a snort, turning to look at the trio, "but I guess not all of us are big. Hiya, Maxie."

Maxie stared at Lando with a small frown, not quite understanding what to do with the other little. Yesterday he had gotten a lot of attention from the caregivers, and Maxie had felt jealous about it, but now Lando didn't look as little.

"Braddy is Maxie," Maxie said, looking at Lando and hugging the caregiver to make the point. Brad looked surprised, but Lando smiled.

"Yes, your Braddy," Lando said with a grin.

"Charlie is Maxie," Maxie said trying to reach out for Charles, and nearly falling from Brad's arms in the movement.

"Better move closer Charles," Lando said in amusement, trying to hold in his laugh while Charles awkwardly stood close to Brad and Maxie and let the little hug him tightly.

"Well, now we have that out of the way, how about some breakfast," Brad said, trying to will the blush on his face away.

"Is Max going to be able to sit on a normal chair?" Lando asked, looking concerned at the little. He approached as well, and put his hand on Maxie's leg, looking up in his face, "aren't you absolutely a baby now. Got to the smaller end of your spectrum, right?"

"I think so," Brad said, seeing Maxie loo confused at Lando, "don't think he really understands us."

"Probably not," Lando said, "I never get this tiny, but when I reach the younger end of my spectrum, it is a lot more difficult to follow conversations."

"Well, let's just go with the flow. Maxie being this small is nothing bad," Charles said, going to the table and seeing breakfast already set, "and it seems like we're in time for food."

"I was bored," Land explained, sitting at the table, "I'll probably go after breakfast anyway. I think Maxie is due to some alone time with the two of you."

"I think so too," Brad admitted, going to sit at the table and letting Max sit on his lap. It was true, like Lando had said, that he didn't think Maxie was going to be safe sitting on a normal chair.

"Can I feed him?" Lando asked, looking at the little. He rarely was with littles who were younger then him, and it was indeed a fascinating sight.

"Uhm, if Maxie doesn't mind," Braddy said, looking at the little who was looking suspiciously at Lando.

"If he does, I'll back off. Don't worry, I understand," Lando said, knowing that it must be difficult for the caregivers to see Maxie be so hostie against him.

If he had been in his headspace, it would have been difficult to realise that the little was probably only wanting the complete attention of his caregivers, and he would probably get angry at Maxie.

But in his big headspace, Lando could rationalise a lot better. So, holding up a spoonful of yoghurt in front of Maxie, he waited patiently while the little studied him, before finally opening his mouth.

"Yes, good boy," Lando said, grinning at Max and patting his head.

At first, the little looked at him surprised, but then a smile broke out on his face, and he happily clapped his hands.

"Maxie good!" the little said cheerfully.

"Yeah, you are good!" Lando said, not even realising that he had stood up while he held out another spoon for Maxie to eat, glad that he was able to feed the baby.

Charles smiled at the scene, a warmth growing in his chest. It was amazing how much better he was already feeling, even after just a day of exposure to a little.

His headache was almost completely gone, and his body didn't feel too hot or cold anymore.

Glancing at Brad, he saw the man look in affection at the two littles, sometimes trying to curb Lando's loud enthusiasm.

It was not only Maxie here that made him feel better.

Brad was really someone special.

The trainer noticed him staring, and after glancing at Lando, winked at him, making Charles smile and blush, which he quickly hid behind a cup of coffee.

He liked Lando, and the little had been excellent, but somehow, he was looking forward to having him go home and have some alone time with just him, Maxie and Brad.

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