𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱...

By icykk444

33.8K 1.2K 585

The final book to the "bad boy" series !! Moved out into their own together and engaged to be married soon. J... More

authors note
8. (X)
thank you :)


325 14 7
By icykk444

a/n: i was editing this the other day when i accidentally posted it LMAO sorry if u for a repeat notif

                                                * * *

"I said I wasn't gonna get up here and cry, but," Kai wipes under her eyes for the millionth time that night. They were currently at the reception, Jaxon and Shawn sitting at their table, downing glasses of champagne and laughing along with friends and family.

As a surprise to them, all their friends and family had decided to write their own speeches.

"For those of you who don't know, Jaxon has been my best friend since...forever...and seeing him go from this a very shy person who was too afraid to approach his crush," She gestures towards Shawn, "to marrying him...has been beautiful to see."

Kai clears her throat, looking at Shawn. "And for you, Shawn...to be so vulnerable and trust Jaxon with your all has been...amazing to see. I just love you and your relationship so much, and I can't wait to keep seeing you guys grow together."

Jaxon smiles at her, rising from his seat to reach out and hug her. "I love you so much, Kai."

Kai smiles back, wrapping her arms around him. "Love you, too. Congratulations, love."

"Okay...okay, step away from my husband," Shawn jokes, holding his arms out for a hug.

Kai pulls away, a smile on her face. "You've been waiting to say that, huh?" she asks as she leans in to hug him. "Love you."

"Love you too, Kai."

After pulling away from the hug, it was AJ's turn. He held the microphone and looked around the room. He knew almost everyone there, and although he wouldn't classify himself as shy, he was nervous about speaking in front of everyone.

"Um...Hi," AJ smiles before looking at Shawn and Jaxon. "I'm not gonna be up here long, but...We all got close during college, but...You guys have really become a second family to me and...I'm just really proud of where you guys are and where you're going. I just hope you guys understand how important and impactful you've been in my life. Congratulations, guys."

He walked over to the table, hugging them and earning their thanks. Next, Chantel, Gavin, and Kirstin stood up. Kirstin and Chantel, holding hands, grabbed the microphone from AJ.

Kirstin smiles, speaking first. "Congratulations, you two! I am super happy you guys have finally experienced your moment. I am so proud of you both, and I'm so excited to see your life as husbands."

Chantel nods her head, leaning into the mic. "I would also like to say congrats," she jokes. "You two are the definition of soulmates. You bring out the best in each other and...I remember when Shawn was planning the whole proposal, and I could just tell how much you guys mean to each other, so...Keep loving each other and, seriously, congratulations, you love birds."

Chantel smiles and passes the mic to Gavin. Gavin takes a deep breath, shaking his head. "Fuckin' Christ," he starts. "I really don't wanna get up here and cry, but...looking at my best fuckin' friend since I was like... twelve marrying the love of his life...it's hard not to."

Shawn chuckles from where he was sitting. Gavin looks over at Jaxon. "I don't know if he ever told you, but...He fell in love with you after your first date, and...even though I was quite skeptical, he really did. And trust me when I say I've been by both of yall through all the shit you've been through and," Gavin's voice cracks a little. "I'm happy to see that it paid off. I love you guys."

There were a few more speeches; Jaxon's mom and sisters spoke openly about how they'd restored their relationship with one another. Jackie, Jaxon's mom, talked about watching how bright her son became after meeting Shawn. She spoke about how she saw a change in Shawn throughout the years and how they bring out the best in each other.

Crystal spoke about how much motivation she gets from seeing the couple thrive. She thanked her brother for teaching her what courage and pride is. She thanked Shawn for being a great support system, for treating her brother with respect, and for how happy she was that he'd found a family. She even mentioned the time they came to rescue her from a party after smoking weed for the first time; it made them laugh; however, Jackie was confused.

Jessica spoke about coming to love and accept them and how she is proud that they can be out and proud of each other. She talked about forgiveness, recognizing her faults, and apologizing to both of them.

Gavin's mother, Elizabeth, stands up next, smiling. "Hi everybody. I am Gavin's mother, but...I have another son, Shawn. I met Shawn when he was just a little baby, and...everyone who knows him knows that he was a bit of a loose cannon. I noticed very early into his... sophomore year, I wanna say, where he became such...at peace. Of course, he wasn't completely healed, but...something had healed within him,"

She smiles as she looks at Jaxon. "I remember that first time he brought you home. Although his situation wasn't great, he was still so soft and calm with you. I had an inkling you two would become inseparable...and you did. Shawn, my son, I am so so proud of the man you've become. I am so deeply proud of you, and I am over the moon that you two have sealed your love through marriage. I love you both so much."

                                                * * *

Shawn sat at one of the tables, sipping on a glass of whiskey. Gavin walks around, sitting by him. "Feeling good?"

"Feeling real fuckin good," Shawn says, smiling as he watches Jaxon, who was across the room, talking to his sisters.

"Did you know she'd be here?" Gavin asks, looking across the room.

Shawn matches his eye contact, looking at his grandmother. It was his mom's mom, and for those who don't know, they had on-and-off contact while he was in high school. However, she never allowed Shawn to come live with her.

"I sent an invitation. Didn't expect her to show up." Shawn brings his cup up to his lips.

"When's the last time you spoke to her?" Gavin asks.

"Uh...Dad's funeral. She reached out to talk to me. But...I haven't heard much since then." Shawn clears his throat as he watches her begin to walk over. "Guess this is the inevitable."

"Want me to stay?" He asks.

Shawn shakes his head. "I'll be alright. Promise."

His grandmother walks over, a soft smile on her face. "Can I steal the groom?"

"Sure," Gavin says and stands. He looks at Shawn and says, "Let me know if you need me."

Shawn's grandmother takes Gavin's seat and lets out a sigh. "This was a very beautiful ceremony," she says, looking around, her eyes landing on Jaxon. "I can tell how much you mean to each other. I am very happy for you."

"Thank you." Shawn raises his glass again, taking a long sip as he keeps his eye on Jaxon. He was now laughing alongside Kai and AJ, a glass of champagne in his hands. "I appreciate you making the trip."

"I can't help but feel guilty sitting here with your family," she starts. "I wish I could've been in your life more, and...I am taking all the responsibility. I should have been around when you were a child...when you were a teenager. I...I judged too quickly and...I labeled you as something you weren't when you needed family most."

She sighs. "I was grieving my daughter and...I should've been more cautious about realizing you were also grieving your mother. I missed out on so much of your life, and I am so sorry, Shawn."

Shawn licks his lips, his eyes burning with tears. "It's fine, Grandma. I turned out okay."

"It's still no excuse. I really hope we can try...build some sort of relationship."

Shawn brings his cup back up to his lips, downing the rest of it. "Okay."

Jaxon walks over with a wide smile on his face. "Can I steal my husband for a second?"

Shawn nods his head, sets his glass down on the table, and stands up. He grabs Jaxon's hand before turning back to his grandma. "We can try." He says before walking away.

Jaxon smiles, turning to face Shawn. "Everything okay?" he asks.

"Yeah. We can talk about it later," Shawn watches as Jaxon turns back around, making his way through the venue and taking him through a hallway. "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere private," Jaxon says as he opens the door to a supply closet. He pulls Shawn inside and shuts the door behind himself.

"Ooh. Are we escaping our own reception party to make out?" He asks, leaning in to kiss Jaxon's neck.

"No," Jaxon laughs as he reaches behind the shelf to grab a gift bag. He had Chantel bring it to the reception and hide it to give to Shawn. He backs up enough to hold the gift out to Shawn. "I got you this."

Shawn furrows his brows as he looks down. "What the fuck? Where did this even come from?"

"I have my ways," Jaxon smiles. "Now open it, please?"

"Okay, okay," Shawn dips his hand into the bag, pulling out an empty scrapbook. He smiles a little as he looks up at Jaxon. "Wha-."

"Remember how I told you we're gonna heal your inner child and make new memories? This way, we can," Jaxon smiles. "I know how much your mom's scrapbook means to you, so...I'm thinking making your own would be nice."

Shawn smiles, shaking his head. "You're gonna fucking kill me, baby."

"Oh," Jaxon reached down into his pockets, pulling out a picture. It was a Polaroid of the two at the altar an hour ago while they were reading their vows. "I already have our first picture."

Shawn smiles at him and grabs the picture. He slips it into the sleeve of the front of the scrapbook. "I love it," he says, looking up at Jaxon. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Jaxon smiles, leaning in to kiss Shawn. Shawn pulls away from the kiss, setting the scrapbook on one of the shelves before leaning back in to connect their lips.

Jaxon brings his arms up, wrapping around his neck, stepping closer. He feels Shawn's hands rest on his hips. Jaxon pulls away, feeling Shawn's lip connect to his neck. "Shawn, we can't."

"Says who," Shawn says, whispering against his neck. "It's our wedding."

"And our friends and family are out there." Jaxon's eyes slip shut, bringing his lips in between his teeth.

"Yo! Where are you two at?" Gavin yells before shoving the door open. His eyes widen, and he closes his eyes, bringing his hands to cover them. "Fuck...Not this shit again. Are you guys serious?"

"Talk about a cockblock." Shawn says as he pulls away. "We're decent, asshole."

Gavin peaks through his fingers before removing his hands. He takes a deep breath. "Guests are starting to leave. I think it's time to start wrapping up."


"Did you find them?" They all hear as Kai approaches. "Oh. Closet party?"

"Just these two proving once again that they can't spend more than five minutes without their hands on each other," Gavin jokes.

Kai laughs and nods her head. "Right. Well, Jax, your mom is looking for you, and Shawn, some of your tattoo friends, are about to head out. Oh, and are we still hanging out at the AirBnB? Armonn and Timothy were asking to tag along."

AJ appears in the doorway with Chantel and Kirstin behind him. "They weren't in either of the bathrooms. Have you found-...Oh."

Chantel peaks her head over AJ's shoulder, raising her eyebrows. "Oh wow. Did we interrupt?" Kirstin laughs from behind AJ.

"Okay...okay, can we get out of this fucking supply closet?" Shawn asks, grabbing Jaxon's hand to walk out. "Nobody say a fuckin' thing."

                                                * * *

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