Different World // Nayeon X r...

By WritingRey

64.4K 5.7K 1.9K

Park Y/N is a 25 year old cop. She lives with her two friends Dahyun and Tzuyu and takes her job seriously. O... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 36

1K 102 26
By WritingRey

About two weeks have passed and despite Y/N's family not being very fond of her girlfriend, they're doing well. After all the most important thing is the love that Y/N and Nayeon have for each other. If the love and mutual respect is there then they can get through anything. Besides Y/N knows that sooner or later they will accept Nayeon. Her family just needs time.

Right now Y/N is hanging out with Tzuyu and Dahyun at her apartment. Nayeon will be joining them later on. 

"So is Nayeon coming over later?" Dahyun asked.

"Yeah, she is. If you guys are okay with it."

"We're okay with it but it seems like she doesn't really like us." Tzuyu said.

"I know she's a bit different but please be patient with her. She has a hard time showing her emotions and getting close to people. i'm sure once you guys are comfortable around each other you'll get along well."

"How did it go with your family? What do they say about her?" Dahyun questioned.

"I bet they kept comparing her to Minji since Y/N unnie's mother literally loves Minji." Tzuyu chuckled but Y/N looked at her with a serious expression.

"No way? They actually did? I was just joking." Tzuyu did not expect for Mrs. Park to really do that after meeting Nayeon once.

"Unfortunately yes, mom kept saying how Minji suits me much better and that I shouldn't have broken up with her just to be with a woman like Nayeon. Of course her job, her family and her life is a problem for them. But they agreed to give it some time and get to know her better."

"Luckily they agreed. I'm sure it'll be fine." Dahyun smiled weakly.

"Oh that should be her." Y/N stood up when the doorbell rang. She went to open the door but to her surprise it wasn't Nayeon.

"Mom? Dad? What are you guys doing here?"

"Aren't you happy to see us?" Mrs. Park asked.

"No, No I am. Come inside." Y/N widened the door and she hugged the both of them when they entered. "It's just that you always call before coming."

"We wanted to surpise you for once. Besides you always prepare lots of things when we're coming over and we didn't want you to put all that effort for once." Her father explained.

"Oh Mr. and Mrs. Park! Welcome!" Dahyun approached them and hugged them. To which Tzuyu did the same thing.

"You girls were just hanging out?" Y/N's mother asked.

"Yeah, whenever we're home we just like to chill in the living room." Y/N replied and they all sat down in the living room.

"What brings you to Seoul?" Tzuyu asked. They don't come to Seoul that often.

"We got a bit bored in Gapyeong so we came here to visit our friends and we walked around in Gangnam for a bit." Mr. Park answered.

"You did a good thing. Gapyeong is so extremely boring." Y/N sighed remembering how she had to live there for two years before she could come back to Seoul.

"Yah, it isn't that bad!" Her mother scolded her.

"It literally is. I'm so happy I'm back in Seoul. I wouldn't have survived another year there." The cop shook her head.

"I miss you living with us though. You left me in Gapyeong with three men." Mrs. Park caressed her daughter's hair. "You know how hard it can get with three men in the household."

"I miss living with you too mom. But you know I hated it there."

"I know, I know. As long as you're happy here then I'm happy too. You seem happy."

"I am." Y/N nodded.

"You should thank us for letting you come back here." Mr. Park sighed. Y/N doesn't even know what it's like to be broke or to not be able to buy what she wants because her parents always made sure her pockets were filled with money. When she told them that she doesn't like to live in Gapyeong, they also gave her money to be able to rent this apartment with her friends.

"You know I'm thankful for everything you've done for me. I've said it numerous times."

"I know, I know. I'm just joking." Her father smiled sweetly at her.

"How's your girlfriend? She's not hanging out with you?" Mrs. Park asked.

"She's actually on her way. She'll be here soon."

"Did you girls meet her? What do you think about her?" She asked Tzuyu and Dahyun and they both looked at each other contemplating what to say.

"Yeah we met her. Y/N seems much happier since she's dating her." Dahyun can't lie and say that she likes Nayeon because Nayeon barely even talks to her but it is a fact that Y/N is happy and that's all that matters.

"Yeah, Y/N unnie really loves her." Tzuyu added.

"Don't you think she's a bit out of Y/N's limit? I mean they're from two different worlds." 

"Mooom." Y/N sighed.

"What? I'm just asking your friends." 

"They do have different lifestyles but if it works then I don't see any problem." Dahyun smiled. This is why these two girls are her best friends. They support Y/N no matter what.

"That should be her." Y/N stood up when the doorbell rang. "Please don't say anything to upset her, okay?" She warned her parents and went to open the door.

"Come in, love." Y/N smiled and Nayeon kissed her girlfriend's lips before entering.

"Do you guys have company?" Nayeon asked looking at the shoes near the entrance.

"My parents are here."

"W-what?" The older woman whisper yelled. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know they were coming. They came literally ten minutes ago without notice."

"Fuck... I'm not prepared for this."

"It's fine. Don't worry about it." Y/N winked and guided her girlfriend to the living room.

"Ah you're here, Nayeon-ah. How have you been?" Mrs. Park stood up and pulled Nayeon into a hug, which no one really expected.

"I'm doing great. How have you been?" She asked both Y/N's parents.

"We're doing great too. Sit down." The woman smiled and Nayeon sat down next to Y/N. "Were you working today?"

"Ah yes, I came here right after work." 

"Hopefully it doesn't take that long to get here."

"Oh no, it's about twenty minutes by bus." Nayeon replied.

"By bus? You don't have a car?" 

"Oh no, I don't have my drivers license." 

"I see. It must be difficult to go around." She nodded to herself. She's sure that Y/N keeps driving her everywhere. Y/N wouldn't let her lover go by bus all the time.

"Mom, we don't live in Gapyeong. Public transportation here is even more convenient than driving."

"Yeah exactly. By car there's always traffic." Tzuyu added.

"You should have gone to pick her up." Her father told Y/N. 

"I usually do but today she insisted that she would come herself." Y/N said and an awkward silence followed afterwards. "We didn't really cook today but how about we order something?" Y/N changed the subject.

"I'll order from our usual restaurant. It's on me today." Mr. Park smiled.

"Dad... I'll pay. You're the guest."

"Just let me pay it's been ages since I treated your friends." 

"Okay fine." Y/N gave in. He's a stubborn man so it's of no use to argue with him. They ordered food and it didn't take long for it to be delivered. They ordered some ramyeon and tteokbokki. And sat down around the table to eat.

"Y/N-ah, what cases are you working on now?" Her mother asked before she slurped her ramyeon. 

"Well it's quite busy at the station these days. There's a case of arson in a bank which we can't seem to solve. There's another case of a young boy that went missing a few days ago and unfortunately the traces are leading to murder. Kangmin sunbaenim also assigned me to help the other team on a case with some drug scandal."

"Oh you mean Minji's team?" Mrs. Park raised her eyebrows and Y/N just nodded. Maybe she shouldn't have said that because now her mother has a reason to bring up her ex-girlfriend.

"How's Minji doing? I heard she got promoted." The woman asked and Y/N just looked at her with warning eyes. This is not the right time and place to talk about that but she knows her mother is doing it on purpose. She's asking questions about Minji because Nayeon is here. She wants to show Nayeon that they approved of Minji but won't approve of her.

"She's fine." Y/N replied shortly.

"Have you met Minji, Nayeon-ah?"

"Yes, I did." Nayeon answered. She has a feeling where this is going. 

"And you're okay with the fact that Y/N has to work with someone who was an important part of her past?"

"Mom, you can't just ask things like these." Y/N is really getting annoyed.

"It's okay, Y/N. Your mom is just curious. But yes I'm okay with it. After all I know Y/N and Minji are done and I trust Y/N so I see no problem here."

"And you really believe their feelings for each other are gone after having dated for so long?"

"Stop it." Mr. Park warned her. "You're making everyone uncomfortable."

"Yes, why wouldn't I believe it?" Nayeon is really holding herself back to not be harsh to the woman. She knows what Mrs. Park is trying to do. She wants Nayeon to be insecure about her relationship but Nayeon won't fall into her trap.

"I mean to me it's clear as ice that there's still something between the two."

"Mom! That's not true! Minji and I are over. There are no more feelings involved. Yes she's still someone I care about but that's it. I don't love her like that anymore so please stop this." Y/N blurted out and both Dahyun and Tzuyu just looked at each other thinking if they should intervene to stop this mess.

Luckily Mrs. Park stopped talking but unfortunately Nayeon wasn't done speaking yet.

"is that what you want? For them to still have something going on between them? Because from the questions you're asking I feel like you'd rather have Minji be with your daughter."

"Crap." Y/N sighed to herself. This only adds oil to the fire. Nayeon is challenging her mother and this will for sure not end well.

"Minji is for sure more well behaved than you. You have a quite rude side, don't you?"

"If this is rude to you then I guess I am."

"Both of you please stop." Y/N demanded. "Can't you try to get along for my sake? I get that this is a difficult situation but please the both of you, try to be nice to each other."

"You should have chosen a girl that knows how to respect her elders, Y/N. Can't you see how rude she is?"

"Mom, stop it. I'm not going to repeat myself." Luckily the both of them stopped talking but a very awkward silence followed afterwards.

"Do you want to stay over? It's a bit late to drive back to Gapyeong." Dahyun suggested to Y/N's parents trying to get rid of the awkwardness.

"Oh no, Dahyun-ah. I think it's best if we go back. We don't seem very welcome here anyways."

"Really mom? You're always welcome here."

"It's best if we go Y/N." Her father stood up. "Come visit us soon."

"I'll show you out." Y/N nodded and went outside with them to their car.

"I can't believe your girlfriend talked to me with that tone and that you didn't even defend me!" Her mother yelled at her once they were next to their car.

"There was nothing to defend. You started it. Why would you say that about Minji when Nayeon is right next to us? Are you trying to make her insecure or something? Minji is not my girlfriend anymore, Nayeon is. Please get that in your head."

"She won't be for long because I don't approve of this relationship and if you keep dating this girl then you'll basically walk over me."

"What happened to you giving her a chance?"

"I wanted to but after today that chance is gone. Break up with her unless you want to ruin our family." Her mother warned her.

"Dad..." Y/N turned to her father.

"I don't approve of what your mother just did. It was wrong of her to bring up Minji and I will talk to her about this later on but she's right about Nayeon not suiting you. It won't work in the end Y/N-ah. She's just out of your limit. You can't bring yourself that low to date someone like her."

"You're acting as if I am the daughter of the king or something. I'm just a regular human being, dad!" This is the problem with Y/N's parents. They think very highly of their children especially Y/N since she's always been the perfect daughter to them. She was always successful in anything she tried to do. She's well behaved and very likeable. So naturally her parents want her to end up with someone who's on the same level as her. Y/N knows that her parents aren't trying to harm her by doing this on the contrary, they love her too much. But them loving her too much can be harmful at times like this.

They might see Y/N as someone who is in a very high position but Y/N doesn't feel like that. She feels like a regular human being and doesn't see someone like Nayeon underneath her.

"You're not as regular as her. We didn't raise you for you to ruin your life like this. That woman will only drag you down with her." Her father shook her head.

"Really? You too?" Y/N chuckled. "And what if I don't break up with her? Will you disown me?" She asked and both her parents kept silent.

"It's either your family or her. You make the choice." Her mother said.

"I'm not making a choice. I'm not choosing any of you. I won't break up with her but I won't let you disown me either. I will do anything I can to make Nayeon part of the family and that with your acceptance. Just like how you didn't accept Minji in the beginning but grew to love her, I will do the same thing with Nayeon. But don't you ever expect me to choose between you because I'm not doing that." Y/N said.

"You're really impressive, Y/N-ah. I'm proud of you." Her father smiled. This is the Y/N that he raised and loves. A Y/N that doesn't give up easily and will do anything that's possible to do the right thing.

"We'll see you soon." Her mother said and the two got in the car and went back to Gapyeong.

Y/N went back to her apartment and as expected Nayeon is fuming in anger. Although Nayeon couldn't hold herself in, she did a better job than Y/N expected her to do.

"Love..." Y/N approached her.

"Minji was really a great person, wasn't she? So great that your mother still wants you to be with her after having broken up ages ago!" She yelled in the living room where Dahyun and Tzuyu are also present. They tried to calm down Nayeon while Y/N was downstairs but with no success.

"Don't mind what she says. She always does this when someone new walks into my life. She's even like this when she meets my new friends."

"That's true. In the past she also didn't accept some of Y/N's friends." Dahyun added.

"Let's go talk in my room." Y/N guided her girlfriend to her room.

"I get that you're mad. What she did was completely wrong but I wish you hadn't added oil to the fire."

"Oh so now I'm in the wrong for speaking back to her?" Nayeon chuckled.

"No, it's just this is how my mom is testing you. She did the same thing with everyone I ever brought home, which isn't many but still."

"And what exactly is she testing Y/N? Did she do this with Minji as well? I don't think so."

"She did actually. She did much worse to Minji even. But Minji eventually passed the test and that's why they accepted her." The younger woman explained.

"What did she do then? To get accepted?"

"No matter what my mom said, she never got mad. She always had the right answer and despite my mom being rude to her she was always nice to her. Eventually my mom felt bad acting like that towards her. This is what she's expecting from you too. She wants to see that you really love me."

"I'm sorry Y/N. But I'm not Minji. I'm not capable of just keeping quiet and being nice to her when she treats me like shit!" Nayeon yelled. Y/N knew this was going to happen. This is indeed a huge difference between Minji and Nayeon. Minji is calm and know show to deal with people but Nayeon doesn't. She has a huge temper and can be aggressive. She doesn't know how to play Y/N's mother's game.

"And I don't expect you to. Please just give me time." Y/N approached her lover and held her arms. "They will accept you and I will make sure of that."

"How Y/N? It doesn't seem like they will accept me soon and you know what? I'm not blaming them because you are indeed way above me." Nayeon suddenly remembers the conversation she heard between Y/N's colleagues. "People will always judge you because I'm just a lowlife who achieved nothing in her life."

"Don't you ever say that again." The cop shook her head. "I don't care what people say. They can judge me as much as they want. I love you and I want to be with you. isn't that all that matters? besides it's not like you chose to be a lowlife. You went through so much and you're still standing here right in front of me as a strong, independent woman. You are capable of becoming anything you want to be. The last thing you are is a lowlife."

"It may not seem like it but ever since we started dating I've been trying to change myself. I'm trying to not attack people, not be rude to people and I'm trying to get on the good side of all your friends and family but I'm failing miserably at it." Nayeon sighed and sat down on Y/N's bed.

"You're not failing. I see a huge improvement between the Nayeon I first met and the Nayeon who's with me right now." Y/N sat down next to her. "I know for a fact that the Nayeon I first met would have walked out the moment my mom started talking about Minji but you held yourself back and to you it may seem like you're failing but I can see you trying. I know that if you didn't love me you wouldn't even try. I know you're putting effort into it. Not just with my family but also with my roommates. Although you really don't want to hang out with them, you're trying for my sake."

"You deserve better, Y/N." Nayeon looked down.

"No." Y/N held her girlfriend's chin up and looked right into her eyes. "I deserve you. You're the one I want. I don't want better."

"You're so good at talking, it's crazy." Nayeon suddenly laughed. 

"Don't be mad please. I promise you I will fix this. Can you trust me?"

"I always trust you Y/N. I love you."

"I love you princess." Y/N smiled and pulled her girlfriend into a kiss. "Stay over tonight?" Y/N asked when she pulled away.

"Sure, love." Nayeon smiled and crashed her lips onto her girlfriend's. 


A/N: Next chapter will be a very important one please look forward to it!! Any ideas on what might happen? Please comment down your guesses!

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