Nyx's Descendant

By jacob_harrison4

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This is a story about eight primordial gods and goddesses representing the different elements and forces of t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
(Part 2 )
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 21

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By jacob_harrison4

The snake slithered around me. I crouched next to Raz, trying to see if he was okay. I could feel a pulse, and I sighed in relief. "He won't last much longer. Once I defeat you. he will fall to my poisonous bite," the snake hissed with glee. I didn't care much for myself, but I wasn't about to let Raz suffer because of me. Somehow, I angered this vile, undead reptile, and he wanted to punish me and kill Raz, that angered me to no end. "I don't know what I did to anger you. I won't stand for you threatening him," I replied curtly. "You have a crush on him?" The snake hissed mockingly. "Foolish, you can flee now and save yourself. Or you can choose to die with him," the snake commented.

"I won't leave," I said, trying to sound brave, and confident. The snake laughed, rattling and hissing, sounding like sandpaper, quickly rubbing together. I shook Raz's arm. "Hey, come on. I need you to get up," I pleaded with him. He didn't move. He was out cold. "Raz!" I shouted loudly. He turned over but didn't respond. "He's not going to react for a couple hours. You're on your own. Now, choose. Flee or die," he said again, giving me the choice. I couldn't walk away. I stood defiantly, waiting my death. Trust in yourself. Dwell within your soul and unleash your power! A powerful feminine voice echoed in my mind.

The speaker wasn't controlling or commanding. But, guiding. I didn't know how to do what she was telling me. How do I access these powers that she's suggesting? I thought back to the moment during the school trial. When fighting against the necromancer. I didn't even know how I managed to conjure the sword and fight against Yamaka. I don't know how I was to call these so-called powers. I doubt I even had them to begin with. The snake circled around me, moving closer to me. I tried to concentrate and call upon the sword from before, but nothing happened. The snake closed in on me, tightening around me.

"I'm going to squeeze the life out of you," the giant snake promised. The rancid breath knocked the wind out of me and caused me to choke and gasp. "Why are you doing this?" I gasped, screaming. "You may not remember me from the past. From a different timeline. I know you. You Zeke, son of the gods, and that cursed arachnid, defeated me and sent me back to Apep a failure. He cursed me to become a shadow walker under Nyx's realm. He now has given me the opportunity to correct my failure. So, here I am. Seeking your death. I promise to make yours quick, but I can't promise the same for him, the snake replied. "Who the fuck are you?" I snapped.

"Najash, I was once the guardian to Apep's realm. Now, fallen. I'm seeking retribution. I'm going to appease him and make amends. Now, die!" he hissed. He began squeezing tightly. At first, there was just discomfort, but soon it became unbearable. I could feel my ribs straining, my breathing became labored. The nasty rotting breath made me choke and threatened to overwhelm me. "You are going to die," Najash promised. I believed him. Fight back! You have the strength to call forth a powerful warrior. A personal guardian. One that volunteered and one I have chosen! The children can only do so much! Summon Mikai!

The voice returned to my mind, telling me what I needed to do. How!? I screamed out. Call his name. Focus on the bloodline within you. Focus on yourself! You have immortal blood within you. You just need to tap into it. One rib cracked then. I closed my eyes, steeled my lungs and focused on the name the woman told me. 'Mikai, come forth. Please help me! I beseech thee. I need thy help in this fight!' Another rib cracked. I opened my eyes, tears falling fiercely. I didn't think I would last much longer. I tightened my eyes and called Mikai again. 'Please!' I screamed out with my mind. Another rib, and I felt myself losing consciousness. Then a flash of silver appeared off to the side of Najash. The knight from before stepped forward. "I have answered the call. Release him!" The night demanded. Najash snarled and hissed violently.

"Who are you to interfere with the will of the gods?" the snake demanded. "A warrior of a god stronger than yours. One who does not tolerate this blasphemy. This slight against them," the knight replied. From his back, he conjured two giant swords that had to be seven-feet tall each and heavy. He held them with ease. I would not want to get into a fight with this warrior. You wouldn't have to. He's honor bound to you and can't harm you. under no circumstances. I blinked through the tears, as Najash released me and slithered towards Mikai. "You will pay for this interruption!" the snake promised. "I doubt that. Nyx grants me her ultimate blessing," Mikai charged, both swords held high.

The snake coiled in on itself, and then sprung. The speed at which Najash moved scared and amazed me. I didn't think Mikai could deflect it. The swords swung high and low and in a spinning arc in a blur that created a vortex of wind that blasted out, slowing the snake down. "Foolish snake. You lost the last time threatening Zeke, and now you're going to falter again!" Makai shouted over the roar of the wind. "I will not fail again!" Najash hissed, spraying acidic spittle. I saw the smoke from the poisonous spray as it dissipated in the air.

The swords spun like an industrial fan in a factory. The column of air that bellowed and almost flattened the flowers, and bushes. Bent the trees. Najash then coiled back up and spun himself like a frisbee in the opposite direction of the wind current. He pushed against himself over and over again. He ended up cutting through the wind. He managed to push himself through the wind current and clashed with Mikai. The knight stumbled back, almost dropping his swords. He managed to hold onto them, bringing them up, as Najash's tail slammed into him. He stumbled back.

"Foolish knight. You don't have the strength to oppose me. You think you're powerful, but you are linked to a weak mortal. He doesn't have the strength to stand against me," Najash hissed laughing. "You're wrong," Makai replied calmly. I closed my eyes to focus on Makai and his position. I could see everything through his eyes. I didn't have to directly look at what was happening. I could see it through Makai's eyes. I focused on the fight, and on the knight. I thought hard about his speed, reflexes, strength being enhanced.

I felt something snap within me. I opened my eyes, and saw Mikai's swords flashing, downward thrusts, upward cuts, arcing in opposite directions. Najash's tail whipped around, trying to strike. The blades were moving too fast and slicing too fast for the tail to make contact. Mikai managed to keep Najash away from him. I doubt he could defeat him. The snake didn't seem to be alive. A loud groan next to me brought me out of focus with the fight. "Raz?" I called. I looked down, and he blinked. "What's going on?" He asked. I didn't know how to answer this.

"I'm not sure how to answer that question," I confessed. He went to stand up, with me helping him. He almost lost his balance, but I managed to catch him. "I'm not being a good guard, am I," he muttered. "You have saved me plenty of times. It's my turn," I told him firmly. He sighed. "Is that knight from you?" Raz asked. "Yes," I told him. "He won't be able to defeat him, unless he gets regen magic enhancements," Raz told me. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I'll show you. It'll be easier. He must accept it though. Considering he's from the shadow realm. What I'm proposing may hurt him," Raz warned. 'Makai? Would you accept Raz's regen enhancement? He told that' the only way to really beat Najash.' I mentally said.

Makai glanced in our direction. He gave me a slight nod. "Go ahead," I told Raz. He took a deep breath. He closed his eyes, and the next moment, both huge swords were encased in a brilliant, molten pure white shimmering light, like flame. Najash hissed in pain and rage. "How dare you cheat! How dare you go against your goddess!" the snake roared. "HE GOES AGAINST ME NOT! YOU HAVE FORSAKEN THE OATH THAT ALL IMMORTAL HAVE AGREED UPON. NOW YOU PAY!" the female voice from earlier announced through the night. I saw movement all around us. At first, I thought they were more minions.

I soon realized that there were people coming to check to see what was going on. They all came when the voice boomed through the night. Could that actually be Nyx? Why would she speak out now? I wondered. "NO!" Najash screeched. I felt Makai's discomfort from the brilliant light, but he fought against it. "He can't resist the light for long. He needs to make this quick," Raz told me. I heard worry in his voice. I also heard pain. Makai's blades swung and sliced up and down Najash's body. I never heard a snake make a sound like screeching metal before.

Whatever enchantment was on the swords, it really hurt him. I usually don't stand for violence, but I know in this case. There's no choice in the matter. Najash smacked hard into Makai's armor hard, and I heard it dent a little. The knight stumbled and stood with a hunched back. "Is he okay?!" I demanded. "He'll be fine. He's linked to you. The only way to truly hurt him..." Raz didn't finish. He just looked at me. Oh. I would have to be harmed or killed. "Why would I have that kind of power to summon him anyways?" I asked. The pained expression didn't leave his face. "That's not my place to say," he finally responded.

I turned my attention back to the fight. Najash coiled himself around Makai and began squeezing hard. I heard the sound of metal creaking and groaning against the strain of the compaction. He dropped his left sword, because Najash's body pressed too hard against him, and he couldn't hold it. The right sword held against Makai's side, useless. The snake seemed to ignore the pain from the light. He knew that if he destroyed Makai, then the light wouldn't be able to hurt him anymore. "Foolish knight," the snake replied. I had to do something. I couldn't let Makai be destroyed, even if he would just return after a time.

We didn't have the time for that. Plus, I wasn't about to allow someone to perish because of me. Even if it wasn't for long. I hated people hurting. More than myself, more than my own suffering. I didn't like another person in pain. I ran towards them. Raz tried to get me to stop. He screamed after me. I grabbed the sword from the ground and stabbed straight up into Najash's scales. At first, the scales offered resistance and protection. Then they broke away, sword slipping into flesh. Najash howled and hissed in rage, pain and fear. His gaze snapped towards me, seething.

"You are foolish to have saved this one. Now, you're going to die," he replied and in a lightning strike motion, he snapped at me. At first, I didn't even see him bite me or feel it. Then after a couple seconds, the pain sank in. I collapsed on the ground, writhing in pain. I screamed, blood pooling around me. Makai broke free and sliced through Najash's neck with both swords. He had sliced off the tail and was now dissecting the snake. Raz was by my side, trying to figure out a way to stop the bleeding. "Makai, can you break off one of the fangs? They are going to need it to create an antidote," Raz said to him. My vision spun and saw Makai nod.

I heard the sound of something snapping. I heard a clink sound. The pain was too much, and it became numb. I was pretty sure my body was overloaded. Right before I blacked out, I saw Najash's hacked up body lying on the street, and the lights came back on for the street. I heard the sound of familiar voices, even though I couldn't pinpoint who they belonged to. Everything became too hazy, blurred and I couldn't see anymore. The poison from Najash spread quickly. Everything went dark then, and dreams and vivid visions washed over me.

I saw myself walking on a dirt path, lighting the way. I walked alongside a pale woman with pure black hair. Guard towers, cottages and large farms spread out. "Where are we going?" I heard myself ask in the dream. The woman turned to regard me curiously. "Has your memory escaped you?" She asked. "I'm sorry, nothing seems familiar anymore," I told her. "We are going to the city of the dead. I told you that I would guide you. Razut is with. Surely you remember him," she told me. felt my heart race and my breath catch. "Y-yes, of course. Raven, I don't know why I am having problems remembering anything. I recall names here, but not the why," I told her.

Raven? How did I know that. She nodded. "That's because you were torn out of this timeline from a wish to protect your people. You couldn't let your family die. Your friends, or your people. You used the power from the primordial gods, sacrificing yourself. They saved your life, and your family and nation lived on with a sense of normalcy. Now, you were thrusted in a different time, having to fight the war you were supposed to have fought thousands of years before," Raven told me. I didn't respond. "Nothing makes sense! That doesn't make sense!" I shouted.

The dream began to fade and become fuzzy. "It doesn't? Surely with everything happening currently, this image of your past isn't too farfetched," she said casually. I didn't have a rebuttal to that. I couldn't think of anything. How could have been in this past, in this timeline, and be in the future? Why would the gods have given me some token to alter my life, saving the nation. How would I have access to that kind of power, and why would the gods want me to have it? I thought. Nothing made sense. "Oh, Zeke? When you have woken up, you'll see a familiar face, don't question it too hard. You'll end up driving yourself insane," Raven replied.

I woke up screaming. "Zeke, easy!" flopped around on a small, uncomfortable bed. I kicked out and punched. Raz was the one I hit. He stumbled back, choking and gasping for breath. Once I realized who I hit, and where I was, I instantly calmed down. I don't know why I freaked out like that. "Restrain him! Now!" A deep voice commanded. "Delay that!" Raz shouted back. "He just assaulted you," the man replied. "I deserved it! Besides, he didn't know what he was doing. Look at him now! He's calm," Raz told him, approaching my side once again. I tried to sit up but couldn't. "Don't Zeke. We managed to slow the poison down and weaken it. It's still in you, until we can create the antidote," he told me.

"Is there going to be one? Or should I prepare my last few hours?" I asked curiously. Raz gave me a dark, droll look and said, "Don't be foolish. They are preparing it now. The only issue isn't something you have to worry about with it working. It's something we are dealing with," he said, glancing at the large man who spoke earlier. This man was large, muscled, broad shouldered, military cut gray and dark red hair. "He's orkta! He isn't meant to have access to this sort of medical service," the man bellowed. "For a general, tasked to the safety of the nation and its citizens. You aren't being very supportive in your role," Raz said coolly. "He's an orphan. He doesn't have family or friends! Or any guardian. He doesn't fit in the rules of the decree," the man countered.

"I knew my father was a pompous ass. I didn't think the general was as well. I should have known better," Raz spat. "Boy, I would watch out. Don't try to push me. I'll have him ordered out the window," the man threatened. "Yeah, see that's not going to be an option for you," a familiar voice said behind them. I instantly recognized it from my dream. There's no way I should have known it. I shouldn't have been able to recognize it. "Raven?" I croaked out. Raz and the man separated, allowing Raven to enter. "Glad you're awake. You weren't very focused with everything," she replied. "Nothing made sense. Nothing makes sense now," I confessed.

"It will. Once you have the antidote. Once you're feeling better. It'll work out, I promise. You'll soon come to terms with everything that has happened, and it'll all make sense," she promised. I gave her a crossed look. "People keep telling me that. As of now, it all just gets more confusing," I replied. She laughed. "I know. You just have to be patient, and trust in those around you. We are all fighting to protect you. We are close to allowing you knowledge about your past. We want and need you to know. At the right time though," she said.

"Even you commander, don't have the authority to allow an orkta the resources for the citizens," the man said calmly this time. Raven laughed hysterically. "No?" she asked. "Father," Raz said in warning. "You think I don't have the resources, pull or authority? Does she?" Raven asked, pointing. Another woman stepped into the room. Shining black hair, with starlight flashing softly in her headband. A satin dress with no shoulder straps. It rested firmly around her shoulders. The dress has swirling stars, dancing around a full moon. The dress itself radiated a soft light. Gentle, alluring. Her black dress shoes softly touched the ground.

"My lady," everyone said bowing and kneeling. I felt that I should too, but I couldn't move from the bed. "Someone get the orkta on the ground," Raz's father demanded. "That won't be necessary," the woman said softly, but firmly. "My lady. It's disrespectful if he doesn't show leniency towards you," the man countered. The woman's eyes turned bitch black. Like the void of night. "I said it was fine. Why don't you, instead of telling me what's disrespectful, or what someone should do, go check on that antidote. It should be done by now, yes?" she asked.

Her tone clearly said, 'hurry up, or I'll make you suffer endlessly, eternally.' The man ran out of the room without glancing back. "Raz?" she called his name. He bowed and stood up, looking at the floor. "I see that you tried to protect him, and I would just like to know what happened?" she asked in a calm tone. I feared what his answer would be and what she would do to him. "He did his best! He tried!" I tried to say in his defense. The woman regarded me curiously. "Zeke, it's okay. I failed, and I'll take responsibility for that," he told me with a soft smile.

"I didn't say you failed. Clearly, he's trying to help you. I would just like your own personal opinion without emotion or personal thoughts being involved," she told him. Raz told her what happened. He tried to get the blessing from Apollo, to help guide us. To get me back to the orphanage, but either something stronger than the blessing interfered, or the blessing was weakened, or wasn't allowed to have the full effect. It faltered and he got knocked out. "I see," she said after a moment. "Please, don't hurt him," I begged. I didn't want to see Raz punished because of what happened to me.

Raz eyed me strangely. The woman sighed. "Why do you think I would punish him?" she asked. "You're a goddess. You think he failed," I began. She raised her hand to stop me. "I never claimed he failed. I don't think that's the case. I do, however, think that I should have been made aware that a blessing of Apollo was being used in my domain. I could have granted access to the full power. If I had known why it was being used, and for what purpose. I won't make that mistake again. Raz?" she said. He stepped forward and bowed.

"Nyx?" I asked. The woman glanced at me. "I see you figured it out," she approved. "Sort of. There's a lot I need to know," I said. "In due time. Not before," she told me. I knew better than to press my luck. I nodded. She gave me a warm smile. "Raz, you have my gratitude for keeping an eye on Zeke. Now, give me your hand," she asked. Raz tentatively held up his right hand. She pressed her thumb to Raz's wrist. He winced in pain, only for a second. "That symbol will allow you to call upon Apollo's blessing, or mine without repercussions. It would also grant you full power to those blessings. My domain won't hinder you anymore.

"As long as 'you' are the one calling upon the blessing. It won't falter. Only if you are using it to keep Zeke safe," she told him. He nodded, bowing. "Thank you, my lady." He replied. She nodded. Then she turned to me. "So, Zeke. I know you have a lot of questions. Normally, I wouldn't tolerate rule breaking, the oath bending. I have a time planned for you to know about the history of our nation. Raz has the book you were promised and do think it would be a good idea for you to have it," Nyx replied. "May I ask why the sudden change?" I asked curiously.

Raven hissed at me in warning. Nyx didn't seem angered by my question. She looked amused. "It's simply a matter of knowing about your past and family history," she told me. I think she knew what the statement would mean to me. Her eyes literally twinkled as she said this. "Family?" I asked, voice high. "Yes, there's a lot you should be aware of. Unfortunately, the knowledge may not make it easier," she warned. I nodded. I understood. "Oh, and I believe I have you to thank for the extra enhancement to the portrait?" I asked her.

She looked confused for a second, and then realization set in. "Ah, yes. That was a last-minute decision. I didn't know if you would appreciate that or not. Then thinking back, it felt like you have lost a lot in such a short time. Why should you permanently lose a close friend," she told me. Raz looked at me in confusion, and then at Nyx. "Did I miss something?" he asked. "Nothing really. I'm sure he will let you know when the time is right," Nyx told him. Raz looked at me curiously. I nodded at him. I felt a sharp pain in my chest, and I grunted. "Zeke?" Raven said, looking at me in concern.

"It's nothing," I said. My mouth became dry. I coughed again. My chest felt like it was constricting, and I was slowly having trouble breathing. My entire body locked up, and I couldn't move. "Zeke!" Raz shouted this time. "Where's the general?" Nyx demanded. Raz looked at me and then towards the door in fear. "He wouldn't," I heard him whisper. I saw Nyx narrow her eyes. "DOCTOR!" she bellowed. Her voice boomed throughout the entire floor. I heard windows cracking. I saw walls form cracks, and the lights shattered overhead.

A female doctor came in. "W-what is happening?" she asked scared. Her blond hair fanned out around her face. "I need the status and the antidote for him!" Nyx commanded, pointing at me. The doctor looked confused and pulled up her phone. She checked something and I could see her pale. "What is it?" Nyx demanded. I lost track of what was being said. I started convulsing and my eyes rolled back in my head. I felt hands on me, trying to hold me down. "We need something to stabilize him!" I heard a male said. "The general checked out, and he took the antidote. Find him!" I heard someone command.

"Raz, your father better turn up," I heard someone tell him. "My lady, I didn't know he would do this. I never thought he would betray his nation and his goddess," I heard Raz plead. "I care not! He has forsaken me, and I allowed you to enter this nation with the gods of light backing you. You have never fit ii here. Even from before. Zeke best survive for your sake," I heard Nyx say. "I don't care about myself! I only care about him!" I heard Raz shout. I heard him cry as he spoke. I stopped convulsing and my breathing caught before I gasped for breath.

I rolled to my side and vomited. "Zeke!" Raz shouted, rubbing my back and shoulders. "What did you do?" Nyx asked the doctor. "Well, we can't cure him completely without the antidote with the nectar mixed in with the toxin from the snake. I gave him some nectar already mixed in with the strongest snake venom we have on hand. It may only work a total of three times. So, at best we can use the nectar to heal him two more times, before there's nothing we can do. We need that antidote, but we have given him time," the doctor explained.

"Good, my lady, I know this is unusual for a goddess to be part of our group for this long. This is altering how people see this nation. He is an orphan. His status doesn't grant him the privileges of medical cures of this level. He needs to find a method of payment for the treatment," the doctor told her. I looked at the doctor, and Nyx in fear. Her eyes flared, her teeth clenched. "You dare address me so blatantly?" she demanded. "I'm sorry. I'm following protocol!" he said fearfully. Raz stepped in. "I have my insurance card. I have an additional person I can add. I chose him. I'll call them now, and have him added," Raz told them, trying to disarm the growing tension.

"That's all good, but it takes time for someone to be added," the doctor argued. Nyx wasn't about to remain calm for much longer. "Doctor, I'm trying to save your life. You realize you are angering our goddess?" Raz asked. The doctor bowed in shame and fear. "I have already been paying the premium for the additional person. I just haven't chosen anyone yet. So, no. It wouldn't take long at all to get him added and activate his status in the system. I'll be right back," Raz replied. After he left, I just lay there. I really hated all this fuss. Nyx gave me a dark look.

"You don't like how I spoke to him," she observed. "I guess I didn't, but it doesn't matter what I think anyways," I told her sharply. Raven took a sharp breath. "What do you think should happen then?" Nyx asked. "You really want my opinion?" I asked surprised. The goddess nodded. I had to think I was going mental. I was speaking to a woman I saw in my dreams from the past. I was literally speaking to a goddess. One of the more powerful ones at that. Why hadn't my brain overloaded? Then again. It may have and that's why I wasn't freaking out. "I don't think Raz is at fault for anything his father does. The only thing I see him being guilty of is being born to a man who puts pride over nation and duty.

"I don't see the same faults in Raz. I don't see him betraying me or stabbing me in the back. I don't see him walking away," I told her. Nyx studies me hard for a moment. "What if you're wrong?" she countered. "Wouldn't be the first time. I don't see it in him though. I would have to say that if ever a day comes where he does walk away from me. Something else is going on and he's either forced to do it, he's being controlled, or he's doing it as a lesser of two evils to keep me safe," I replied. "You have too much faith in people," Raven chimed in after a long pause.

"I don't think that's true. I just feel with some of you. You actually do have my best interests at heart. Why? I have no idea. Personally, you should have let me die. You wouldn't be going through all this. I'm not special. I'm not important. I don't matter," I said. A cold, withering, sneer passed over Nyx. "You really think you don't matter?" she asked softly. I shrugged, then winced. "You will soon learn and realize how wrong you are," she told me. "I'll think about what you said," she promised me, before vanishing into a crackling spark of starlight. The pain in my chest came back, and I began seizing again, writhing in pain on the hospital bed.

"We should have had longer than this!" I barely heard the doctor say. "Well, clearly not!" Raven shouted over the commotion. "Doctor I-" Raz began. He froze as he saw me convulsing. "Oh, gods!" He shouted. They gave me another dose, and I slowly came down from the crash. Once my pulse, and breathing became regular again. The doctor turned towards Raz. "I was just going to let you know. He's fully activated on my insurance, and they are prepared to cover all expenses," he said softly. The doctor nodded, looking grim. "We only have one more dose to give him. After that, he won't have any way to slow down the venom in his veins. Nothing else will work," the doctor told us.

"Why won't it work?" Raven asked. "The body will naturally develop a resistance towards toxins and venoms. This dose and venom are potent, and pure. Najash's venom is the strongest in existence. Nothing matches the quickness that his venom spreads, affects the organs, and flows through the bloodstream at an exponentially faster rate than should be normal. We don't even know what prevented the venom from spreading before you got here," the doctor explained. "I am going to guess divine intervention," Raven commented. '

"The gods can only interfere under dire circumstances. Depending on the reason. The results could be worse than if they didn't do anything at all," the doctor responded. "He's just a kid," Raven replied. Raz's phone chimed, he pulled it from his pocket to check it. "Tyler has the antidote!" he responded excitedly. "Crap," I muttered before my lungs closed up, my limbs froze, and my heart pounded in my chest. My brain flared from fire and ice crashing against each other like a tidal wave. "What's going on?" Raz shouted.

"He's going through another seizer. We will give him this final dose. He won't be able to have anything else. Besides, this is the last of the strongest we have. Without that antidote. He's going to die, no matter what we do," the doctor informed me. The antivenom coursed through my veins slower than before. My heart rate slowly returned to normal, my breathing slowed to an even pace. "We won't have much longer until the venom takes over, and he succumbs to the toxin in his blood," the doctor reminded us. I felt sticky, sweaty and clammy. My shirt stuck to my chest.

"Zeke, just hang on. We are going to get you some help. Tyler is on his way," Raz told me. I nodded. "I don't think he'll get here in time," I said simply. "He will. You must hold on," he said. "I'll try. I can't let you be punished by Nyx for what happened," I told him. "I don't care about me. I need you to live. I need you to fight. I know you must not feel special or that you're worthy. You are worth it. You are important. You do matter! I need you to fight, as do the others. As the immortals need you to fight," he told me. I nodded. I wanted to. I wanted to fight and survive for him. Did I have the strength?

I honestly didn't know if I could do this. "He's entering the hospital. He's got to clear it with security and the head medical staff. My father...he's been arrested and being transported to maximum security prison, and stripped of all access codes, classified intel, and promotion," Raz informed us. My throat closed up. I couldn't speak, breathe or warn them that the venom had struck again. I couldn't move, and my eyes were closed. "He's on his way up," I heard Raz say, his voice sounding distant. The pain didn't even register. My nerves seemed fried.

"Zeke?" I heard my name through a muffled voice. I couldn't even tell who spoke. "Oh, shit! Doc, he's slipping back into the seizer from the toxin," someone said. "What do you want me to do?" I could hear the indifference in his tone. "Help him until Tyler joins us!" I was pretty sure it was Raz, due to the panic in his voice. I felt my heart slow, breathing become shallow. My entire body became numb and sluggish. My brain dulled and then I lost focus in everything. I collapsed against the pillow, and I felt my heart slow to a stop. My breathing expelled from my lungs, and everything went dark.

I felt myself collapse into a void of darkness. I could see myself lying in a hospital bed. I saw everyone around me, trying to resuscitate me. I heard Tyler and Raven trying to pry Raz away from my body. He wasn't about to give up on me. I had to return. I had to come back to life. "Raz has failed a child of night for the last time," I heard Nyx say to me. "Raz didn't fail. I could have fled. I chose to not abandon my comrades. My friends!" I shouted at her. "You weren't supposed to die. Now, he must pay the price," she told me flatly. "NO!" I screamed into the void. My voice echoed all around me, and even though I couldn't see Nyx. I could sense that she flinched from my outburst.

"You really aren't going to let this go? You should just accept that you need to move on. The balance is tilted, everything hangs in the balance. Your death shifts the balance where Chaos holds supremacy in the world," she informed me. "No! I'm not giving up. I can't be dead. Why would I be stuck in this void, if I was officially dead?" I demanded. She didn't respond to the question. "I'm not officially dead, am I?" I asked her. "Not fully. You have a serious choice to make. One that will impact your life. You can enter my domain, for eternity. Never worrying about death, disease, illness, pain. Or you can choose to suffer, continuing to live," she said. 

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