The Waitress (GxG)

By gorillagroddshelmet

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When working at a failing high end restaurant in New York, Mariah Breaux knows every corner about scraping by... More



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By gorillagroddshelmet

I was pulled out of my sleep, when I felt something gently rubbing up and down my waist.
My tired eyes slowly opened, but before my eyes could fully adjust, Nova spoke, "Good morning."

I averted my attention toward her, realizing that I was laying against her chest, and a heat creeped on my face. "Morning Casanova," I said tiredly.

Being with her just felt like it was second nature, like i've been doing this forever.

"Wow, we're starting this early in the morning?" she asked jokingly.

I hummed in response, soon noticing the macbook laid across her lap. "How long have you been up?" I questioned.

A hum left her lips before she responded, "A little over an hour."

"I see how it is." I said pulling away from her.

"What?" she asked, placing the macbook next to her.

I pushed the heavy covers off of me."Oh, nothing... I'll just remember this." I said getting out of bed completely heading toward the bathroom


"La la la— can't hear you Casanova." I joked, closing the bathroom door completely.

After about thirty minutes, I was done showering, brushing my teeth and doing my morning routine.

I exited the bathroom and noticed Nova had the tv on.  "What are you watching?" I asked, walking deeper into the room.

"The news."

I shook my head when my suspicions were easily confirmed."Of course, I saw that coming." I joked, sitting back on the bed next to Nova.

She immediately squinted her eyes. "What are you trying to say?" she trailed off.

I lazily raised my brows."Super lame, boring mafia boss watching the news, I can't say this wasn't expected." I challenged.

"Super lame?" She reiterated, trailing her hand up and down my inner thigh. Almost instantly the feeling from last night came flooding back.

"Yeah," I breathed out, trying to fight the heat creeping upon my body.

"Is that your final answer?" She questioned keeping her low gaze on me.

Without even thinking twice I shook my head no, taking back any possible counter argument I could have.

"I figured." She said retracting her hand completely.

Trying to recover I averted my attention back to the news which was now talking about today's gloomy weather. "It's really cloudy today." I pointed out, trying to ignore what just happened.

"It looks like it could snow." Nova said, glancing out the huge windows.

I narrowed my eyes at her, knowing that it was unlikely for it to snow in the middle of November. "It's not going to snow mid November Nova,"  I deadpanned.

But before she could respond the newscaster from the tv spoke, "It's even looking like some heavy snowfall could occur in some areas within the hour–"

"I told you!" she exclaimed, "Come on!" She quickly rushed towards my side of the bed grabbing my hands, tugging me up.

"Nova it's cold out there," I said as she pulled me towards the door.

"Get a jacket, we have to hurry."

I went in my closet and quickly changed into some black leggings, a puffer jacket, and some boots.

Nova was still in her black sweat pants and shirt from last night, the only difference was the jacket and the shoes.

"Took you long enough." She said before grabbing my hand and leading me out the door.

We made it into the elevator waiting to make it to the first floor, "We're going to miss it." Nova sighed.

But all I could think about was how our hands were still locked together throughout the short ride.

When the doors dinged open she pulled me out the doors and we began lightly jogging to make it to the front in time.

Laughs and giggles fell from our lips as we glided around the workers on floor one rushing to get outside. Nova unlocked the front door and pulled it open. I stepped outside, waiting for her to follow behind me.

As we walked down the steps a wave of disappointment washed over me, when I noticed it wasn't snowing.

"Nova it's-"

I was soon cut off by a small piece of snow softly landing on my cheek.

"Snowing, I know." Nova said, finishing my sentence.

I glanced up at the sky above taking in the ethereal scene. Snow was lightly drifting down from the sky, and the cool breeze continuously blew across my face.

I averted my attention in front of me, and watched as the snow was beginning to coat the front lawn.

After being fully awe struck, I finally spoke, "It's beautiful."

"You're beautiful."

Upon hearing the words come out of Nova's mouth, I turned to face her. "You're weird," I said jokingly, trying to cover the growing blush on my face.

She pulled me in by my waist and stared deeply into my eyes. "You love it though." she responded with a smirk on her face.

"Maybe I do."

I leaned up into her pressing our lips together.

From waking up together to watching the snowfall everything about today has been perfect.

She's been perfect.

Before the kiss could become any deeper, Nova pulled away. I furrowed my brows in confusion until I watched her reach in her pocket.

What was going on?

My confusion only managed to get worse when she pulled out a thin long black box from her pocket.

I glanced back up to her and opened my mouth to speak.

"I got you something," Nova said, accidentally cutting me off.

I quickly pieced everything together in realization.


"Open it? Please?" she asked softly. I dropped my gaze back to the box in her hand then grabbed it.

I really hope this wasn't something expensive.

I lifted the lid off of the white box and my stomach instantly filled with butterflies. I stared down at the rose gold Givenchy necklace covered in tiny crystals.

I put the lid back on and looked back at Nova.

"Nova... I can't take this– this is too much." I whispered.

"Mariah, you deserve it. It's yours."

This was a lot, and I knew for a fact that it was really expensive. Her buying me stuff just felt odd.

"Let me at least put it on you." Nova offered.

"Okay." I murmured. Nova re-opened the white box and carefully lifted the necklace out, giving me a full view of it.

She unclipped the necklace and walked behind me, slowly moving my curly hair away from my neck and placed it over my shoulder.

Everything about me felt on absolute fire right now, even with the breeze and snow.

She then brought the necklace to my neck, clipping it back together, before putting my hair back to its original position.

Nova walked back in front of me and stared down at me. "It looks even better than I imagined."

My ears immediately grew hot at her words. "Thank you Nova." I responded.

"Anything for you."

I grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her in for a kiss. My original intention was for it to be quick, but deep down we both had other plans in mind.

The sweet kiss grew progressively deeper with every passing second. The heat of the kiss mixing with the cold snow was addicting.

But I knew I had to pull apart.

I slowly leaned away from Nova taking in her low eyes and snowy hair. I looked around the front yard and it was almost completely covered already.

"It's piling up really fast," I pointed out.

Nova hummed in response and an idea came to mind. "Hold on, let me tie my shoe." I said bending down. I began faking the motion of tying my boot, and secretly grabbed a handful of snow.

I quietly molded the snow in my hands trying to hold back my laugh.

I rose back up to my feet and a smirk grew on my face, when I noticed Nova facing away from me. I put my hand in my mouth stopping the laugh from escaping my lips. I winded back my arm and threw the snowball at Nova's back.

"You don't want to play me at this game Mariah." she said slowly turning around to face me.

"Oh I think I do." I said.

She quickly bent down collecting a bunch of snow in her hands and I did the same thing.

Giggles fell from my lips as Nova threw the snowball and missed. I threw the one in my hands at her, hitting her shoulder.
When she started running toward me with another snowball in her hand I sprinted across the icy lawn.

I laughed as she progressively caught up to me, and a small scream left my mouth when she grabbed my waist from behind, lifting me in her arms.


She gently laid me on the snowy grass before throwing the snowball at me.

"That's cheating!" I said in between laughs.

"You never said it was against the rules ," she said sitting in front of me.

"Come here, I have something for cheaters." I said pulling her on top of me.

"Oh really?"

"Mhm..." I trailed off grabbing her cheek.

Nova began leaning in then abruptly stopped.

She looked like she seen a ghost. No pun intended.

I went to ask her what was wrong until I heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Didn't expect to see you of all people playing in the snow, little sister."

Little sister?

I thought Nova was the oldest between her and Noah?

And that didn't sound like Noah.

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