
By IAmIndeedNormal

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Miraculous Ladybug Fem reader x fem characters Love Interests- Marinette (Ladybug) Alix (Bunnyx) Juleka (Pur... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Season 1 ~~~ Season 2
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Authors Note
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 20

866 34 74
By IAmIndeedNormal

Zombizou :]

"Oh no, oh no, oh no," I murmur anxiously as I frantically search through the shelves of the general store.

"Why didn't anyone think to warn me about this?!" I question in frustration.

It's early in the morning, just an hour before class starts, and instead of getting ready, I'm here scrambling to find a gift for Ms. Bustier.

Malika pops out from my pocket, her furry face wearing a judgmental expression. 

"Didn't Marinette mention this a while back?" she points out.

"Do I look like the kind of person who pays attention to things?!" I snap back, my agitation evident as I speed-walk around the store.

"Maybe you don't even need to get a gift? I'm sure she won't expect one, you are the new kid after all," Malika suggests, but I shake my head in disagreement.

"But I've been here long enough where I should get her something," I reply, feeling a sense of obligation weighing on me.

"She's the nicest teacher I've ever had. Better than the ones back home, that's for sure. I need to get her something," I whisper, my thoughts drifting back to memories of the past, lost in contemplation.

Malika frowns at my sudden downturn in mood, scanning the surroundings in search of something to lift my spirits. Her eyes light up as she spots it—a pretty plant in the gardening section, its delicate buds hinting at hidden beauty.

She nudges me, drawing my attention to the plant, and I approach it with a puzzled expression.

"A plant?" I ask Malika.

She beams up at me, brimming with excitement as she explains. 

"Yes! What better than a simple plant to give Ms. Bustier? You can say it's a symbol of how she nurtures the students' growth!"

I ponder her words as I gaze at the plant, its label reading 'Peace Lily.'

"Hm," I murmur, a soft smile gracing my lips as I pick up the small pot.

"A bit sappy, but I like it. Thanks, Malika," I say gratefully.

"I just hope she does as well" I add with a hint of worry before proceeding to the checkout counter with the plant in hand.


Arriving at school with just 10 minutes to spare before homeroom, I hurry to the locker rooms, being careful not to jostle the plant in my hands. I've adorned it with a small bow and attached a thank-you note, hoping it's enough.

Entering the locker rooms, I find most of the class already there, each holding a gift for Ms. Bustier. Quietly, I join them, listening as they discuss the significance of their gifts.

"Okay... good signs" I mutter, trying to reassure myself.

As I walk up to my own locker to retrieve what I need for the day, I notice a certain someone attempting to sneak up behind me.

Before she can make her move, I call out her name without even turning to look at her.

"Morning, Alix."

She jerks back in surprise. 

"You witch! How did you know?"

"I felt a disturbance in the force" I quip, finally turning around to face her.

Alix gives me a disgruntled look before breaking into an excited smile.

"Are you ready for Ms. Bustier's birthday!?" Alix asks eagerly.

"As ready as I can be, I guess..." I reply nervously, revealing the plant I brought as a gift.

Alix's eyes land on the plant, her expression a mix of confusion and sympathy. 

"A plant..." she says, trying not to sound mean.

Feeling embarrassed, I go on the defensive. 

"It—it has meaning! You know, she's a teacher, and it's a growing flower," I stammer, failing to explain my gift as embarrassment overwhelms me.

Being called out on doing nice things for others has always been my weakness... That and zombies, but I won't have to worry about that.

"Okay, okay! I get it, Y/N. It's cute!" Alix replies, finding mild amusement in my flustered actions.

"Shut up, it's not cute. You're cute!" I blurt out, my desperate attempt to divert attention backfiring as the words hang in the air.

"W-what?" Alix asks, clearly taken aback.

"What?" I gulp, trying to play it off coolly.

"Could you repeat that?" she presses, a knowing smile beginning to form.

"Repeat what? I didn't say anything," I reply, trying to maintain a calm facade as I inch towards the exit.

But Alix follows after me, unwilling to let me off the hook.

"No, I think I heard you say something."

"Maybe you're just getting old, how 'bout that?" I quip back before making a hasty retreat.

With the plant in hand, I rush towards Ms. Bustier's classroom, Alix hot on my heels with her own gift, determined not to let me escape.

Bursting into the room, I spot a surprised Ms. Bustier and waste no time in handing her the gift.

Hoping the embarrassment over with while the classroom is empty. I'm shocked when Ms. Bustier praises the gift.

"Oh, how wonderful! A Peace Lily! Thank you, Y/N, I love it," she exclaims, admiring the plant and reading the attached thank-you note.

Breathing heavily, I sigh in relief as she seems genuinely pleased with the gift.

"Good, I thought you wouldn't like it," I admit, feeling my previous worries and self-doubt dissipate as she smiles down at me.

"You don't ever have to worry, Y/N. I appreciate anything my students give me, even the newest ones," she reassures me, smiling softly and lightly rubbing my head.

I smile up at her.

"Who is this angel??"

Sudden shuffling from the door catches our attention.


"Morning, Ms. Bustier!" calls out a grinning Alix.

My eyes widen in terror as she approaches.

Handing Ms. Bustier her own gift, Alix turns her attention to the plant in Ms. Bustier's grasp.

"Wow! That's a nice plant, Ms. Bustier," she says, feigning innocence.

"Thank you! And why yes, it is. Y/N was so thoughtful," Ms. Bustier replies innocently.

"Hmm, I guess you can say it's pretty... cute?" Alix says, her eyes flicking towards mine as she emphasizes the word 'cute.'

I groan in annoyance, feeling a blush creep onto my face.

Ms. Bustier glances between us, a knowing smile replacing her polite one.

"Alright, girls, go take a seat. We still have some time before homeroom starts, so you're allowed to... mingle while we wait," she says, gesturing towards the desks.

I huff in annoyance before making my way to my desk at the back, Alix's cheeky voice trailing right behind me.

"Oh, yes! Mingle we shall, Ms. Bustier!" Alix replies playfully as she follows me to my desk.

"You're such a nerd," I retort, dropping into my seat and shooting Alix a judgmental look.

Unfazed, she continues to pester me. 

"But would you say I'm a... cute nerd?" she giggles teasingly, scooting her chair closer to mine.

"Now you're just milking it," I grumble, turning my face away from her.

Her teasing starting to get to me.

"How could I not!?" she shoots back.

A bold hand lands on my knee as Alix leans forward, her excitement overshadowing any sense of self-awareness.

Glancing down at her hand, I don't mind its placement, and finally, I meet Alix's gaze, a challenging look replacing my earlier embarrassment and nervousness.

Alix immediately senses the shift in mood, her confident and teasing demeanor faltering.

"You want me to say it that badly?" I ask slowly, my voice taking on a sultry tone.

Alix begins to panic, her eyes darting across my face nervously.

"Y-yes..." she murmurs, embarrassed and feeling her heart racing.

I smirk, leaning forward to match Alix's proximity. Our lips almost touch...

But before anything more can happen, the door jangles open.

Noise fills the previously quiet classroom as the rest of the students file in, each handing their presents to Ms. Bustier and wishing her a happy birthday.

Alix slams her head down onto the desk, startling me, while the rest of the class ignores her.

"You okay?" I ask, genuinely concerned, leaning forward to get a look at her face.

She raises a thumbs up. 

"Peachy," she says before whining into the desk.

"We have very different definitions of okay..."

As everyone starts to head to their seats, and since no one sits next to me anyway, Alix is able to stay in her spot. Thanks to a sympathetic Ms. Bustier. 

Though we didn't know that.

"Oh, you're all so sweet!" praises a teary-eyed Ms. Bustier as she takes a look at the sheer amount of presents stacked up on top of each other. 

Her eyes land on a small box with familiar wrapping.

"Marinette made that one," Alya points out, sharing an excited grin with Marinette.

Ms. Bustier smiles and takes it, opening it up to find a cute little purse, or at least it looks cute from my angle. Confusion appears on everyone's faces as her smile turns into a frown.

Marinette races up to look at her present, only to see her ingrained message scribbled out with marker and a crude frowny face, resembling an angry Marinette.

"What...? I know you did this, Chloe Bourgeois!" accuses Marinette, pointing her finger towards a nonchalant Chloe.

Max does some nerdy calculation before speaking out.

"A 99.56% certainty," he says with a frown.

"So uncool, Chloe," calls out Alya and Marinette in unison.

The whole class shares glares towards Chloe.

"Calm down. We don't want to get upset on my birthday, now, do we?" Ms. Bustier says, opening up the purse.

"Well, I think this present is wonderful," she says, putting in a lipstick. 

"It'll be my new cosmetics bag! Then I'll be able to think of both of you every time I use it," she adds, holding the bag out for viewing with a bright smile on her face.

The entire class looks on in shock at her response, even Chloe herself seems confused.

"What? You're not gonna let her get away with this?!" exclaims Marinette in anger.

"That girl is worse than Hawk Moth!" spouts Alya.

Alix, who seems to have recovered during this commotion, suddenly yells out.

"At least half the city has gotten akumatized because of her!" she says, gritting her teeth in frustration.

The class agrees, shouting more harsh words at Chloe, absolutely livid over her ruining the one thing she shouldn't have.

Ms. Bustier claps repeatedly to get our attention, and once the noise dies down a bit, she speaks.

"Students, please, calm down now! The classroom is not a place for insults and defamation! Marinette, would you come with me, please?" she says, turning her attention to Marinette before walking out.

The classroom turns their heads in confusion.

Marinette in trouble??

She looks around frantically before giving up and following after Ms. Bustier, the door closing behind them. Her face showing nothing but pure anger.

As soon as the door shuts, the class erupts in conversation, mostly about the recent confrontation and who to blame.

Beside me, Alix growls audibly. I expected her to sit back down and voice her complaints quietly to me, but today, it seems Alix is bold in more ways than one.

"Ugh! Just who do you think you are?!" she shouts, her voice cutting through the chatter.

All eyes turn to Chloe and Alix.

"I'm Chloe Bourgeois! Daughter of the esteemed Mayor," Chloe retorts, her tone dripping with arrogance as she refuses to even acknowledge Alix.

Alix isn't having any of it. 

"Oh, there you go again! Spouting that nonsense like it makes you better than us," she counters sharply.

"Actually, I'd argue that it does," Chloe replies smugly, attempting to maintain her composure amidst the rising tension.

The class erupts once again, insults flying back and forth, while Chloe remains unaffected, seemingly impervious to their words.

Hoping no one notices her nervousness, she grins evilly.

"In fact, I can safely say for sure that I am better than some angry gnome and her...ugly ogre," Chloe says, a smirk playing on her lips as she emphasizes certain words.

The class falls silent, all eyes turning towards me, waiting for my reaction.

Despite the surge of anger coursing through me, I take a deep breath, refusing to give Chloe the satisfaction of seeing me lose my composure. Instead, I meet her gaze with a cool resolve, silently challenging her to continue her taunts.

Beside me, Alix's demeanor shifts from frustration to fiery determination. She steps forward, ready to defend me, her fists clenched at her sides and her eyes narrowed into determined slits.

Sensing her tension, I gently grasp her clenched fist and pull her towards me, intertwining our fingers and pulling her down to my level. Attempting to lighten the mood, I offer her a reassuring smile, letting her know that I'm okay.

"As much as I like how you look right now, I also know that we can't go picking fights with rich blondes," I tease, trying to ease the tension between us.

Alix's shoulders relax slightly at my words, her expression softening as she meets my gaze. Despite the lingering anger, there's a sense of relief in knowing that I appreciate her efforts.

"Hmpf! And there they go again," Chloe mutters in annoyance, partly because of my lack of reaction and partly out of jealousy.

I smirk idly, glancing down at Chloe's disgruntled figure.

"See? Who needs therapy." i joke to myself, making Alix laugh quietly as i feel her fully relax.

As the class starts to unravel from the tense atmosphere. The door to the classroom slams open, interrupting our tender moment.

All heads turn towards the source of the disturbance, and you both instinctively move closer together. Except we were all met with a frolicking.. zombie doll?

"Wait zombie."

It's silent as we watch the smiling zombie stand on top of Ms. Bustier's desk, unzip her lips and apply some black lipstick.

"Doesn't that look familiar.." i murmur idly.

Alix nods slightly beside me, too scared to respond.

Once the woman applies her lipstick she smiles sweetly at the class.

"I have got some great news for you, students! From now on, everyone's going to hug and kiss and feel the love! Even you, Chloe." she exclaims, lastly pointing at an uncomfortable Chloe.

"Me?" she asks nervously.

The woman smiled kindly, putting a hand up to her lips and blowing a kiss towards Chloe. Except it actually came out like a flying kiss.

"Ah! Yuck! Ew!" she cried, recoiling in disgust as the flying kiss floated towards her.

She shoved Sabrina in front of her in a panic, allowing her friend to take the blunt for her.

"Oh! What is that thing?" asks a frantic Sabrina as she tries the wipe off the kiss mark on her forehead.

The zombie doll smirks in determination.

Reapplying the lipstick she goes to blow another kiss but is miraculously stopped by Ladybug, who appeared by the doorway. Wrapping her yo-yo around the villains wrist she calls out her name.

"Please, Miss Bustier! You've gotta snap out of it!" she tries, pulling on the yo-yo as hard as she can.

"I'm not Miss Bustier anymore!" she reveals.

She yanks on Ladybug's yo-yo, hurling her against the wall.

"I am Zombizou!" she declares, launching another kiss at Ladybug.

Ladybug deflects it with her yo-yo, giving us a chance to flee. I stick close to Alix as we run, keeping a watchful eye on her.

We rush down the stairs and spill out into the courtyard. But our relief is short-lived when we hear Sabrina's groan.

"I... feel... It's suddenly so warm..." she murmurs, collapsing to the ground.

Chloe approaches her, a hint of concern in her expression, but it quickly turns to frustration.

"What's wrong with you?" she snaps, glaring down at Sabrina.

Sabrina's kiss mark disappears, replaced by purple eyes and a woozy grin. She mumbles Chloe's name before lunging at her.

"I knew she was fruity but cmon-"

Chloe pushes her away, but Sabrina's weight sends them both tumbling to the ground. Adrien rushes to Chloe's aid, pulling her away as Sabrina turns her attention to the rest of us, crawling closer with a strange chuckle.

"Look out!" Adrien warns.

But before anyone can react, Sabrina jumps on Mylene, dragging her down while muttering the word 'Kissou' repeatedly.

Alix and I step back in shock, our fear paralyzing us as we inadvertently move further from the stairway behind us.

"Mylene! Are you alright?" Ivan shouts as he pulls her away from Sabrina.

A kiss mark adorns Mylene's cheek before disappearing, and her eyes turn purple. She tries to kiss Ivan, repeating the word 'Kissou' in a strange manner.

Ivan recoils, keeping her at arm's length as he struggles to comprehend the situation.

Our eyes go wide as we realize.

"They're contagious! Don't let yourselves get kissed!" i shout, voice breaking slightly as i stutter backwards in fear.

"Why zombies, it just HAD to be zombies." i whisper repeatedly to myself.

Alix takes a step back with me, more out of concern for my well-being. Not at all used to my terrified face.

"Run! I'll hold them back!" cries out Ivan as he grabs Sabrina and shoves her together with Mylene. 

The rest don't waste a second and sprint up the stairs to the otherside of the school. Alix grabbed my hand and attempted to pull me towards the stairway but we were blocked by a crazed looking Sabrina and Mylene.

Ivan behind them on the floor as his kiss marks start to fade.

I shriek at the sight of them and quickly pull Alix backwards, forced to run in a different direction as the now 3 zombies chase after us.

I burst into the nearby boiler room, desperate to evade sight and slip away with Alix. We dart behind some pipes, both of us trying to catch our breath.

I struggle to control my breathing, the rush of fear threatening to overwhelm me. But I can't let my panic endanger Alix.

"Are you okay, Y/N? We'll find a way out, don't worry," Alix says, concern evident in her voice as she tries to reassure me.

We're so focused on calming ourselves that we don't notice the approaching zombie students until we hear their familiar groan.

"Kissou..." they chant in unison.

A gasp escapes us as we instinctively step backward, finding ourselves cornered as the zombies close in.

My heart races as I rack my brain for any escape plan. 

Then, I feel Alix's hand clutching mine tightly. I glance at her to see fear etched across her face, her body trembling as we await our fate.

I turn back towards the approaching zombies. My eyes narrow as one, single idea pops into mind.

In a split-second decision, I grab Alix, pivoting our bodies to the side as I fixate solely on her.

With no escape route left, I share a final, desperate gaze with Alix.

"Sorry," I whisper almost inaudibly, unsure if Alix even heard me.

Her eyes widen in bewilderment until I lean in, pressing our lips together in a sudden kiss.

Time seems to stand still as the chaos of the situation fades into the background, leaving only the warmth of Alix's touch and the pounding of my heart against my chest.

The zombies pause in their approach, observing the scene.

But they're the least of my worries when i feel the whole world melt away as i lose myself in the sweetness of the kiss, finding peace in Alix's lips amidst the chaos surrounding us.

Alix leans into the kiss, pushing up further as she stands on her tiptoes. Wanting this feeling to last forever. 

But despite our best efforts, we eventually have to catch our breaths. 

Upon losing the touch of her lips i'm snapped back to reality as i suddenly remember the possessed audience before us. Glancing at them i pretend to moan and groan as if i was transformed.

"Kissou.." i groan, slowly staggering towards them as i pretend.

Alix snaps out of her trance, quickly catching on and follows along. Copying my movements and words.

The kissing zombies stare at us in confusion before shrugging and turning around. Heading back up towards their master as they overheard the commotion.

We follow behind them, copying their movements as best we can. Once we reach the courtyard, instead of following them up the stairs to Ms. Bustier's class we take a sharp right and head towards the locker room.

Only now noticing the growing number in kissou zombies.

We enter quietly, scanning the area for any signs of the infected. Catching each other's eye, we both blush bright red and quickly look away, feeling the awkward tension between us.

"Listen, Alix-" I start to say before we're interrupted by the sudden appearance of Ladybug beside us.

Startled, we jump in surprise, not having noticed her before.

"Ladybug?" I ask, my disbelief evident as I check her for any signs of kiss marks.

"In the flesh!" she responds with a confident smile.

"Erk- don't mention flesh please.." i groan, covering my mouth before walking away.

I try to keep myself from hurling as i force myself to think about anything else.

Okay anything but that.

Suddenly another voice sounds out from the other side of the locker rooms.

"Ladybug!" exclaims Chloe, running up to her excitedly before promptly being thrown into the lockers.

"Oops! Sorry! Uh... Reflex." awkwardly chuckles Ladybug as she helps Chloe up.

Chloe shakes it off pretty easily while the rest of our classmates ran out excitedly.

"Ladybug?! Yeah! We're saved!" cheers Alya, running up to hug her despite what she just did to Chloe.

I do a subtle headcount as everyone emerges from their hiding spots.

Rose, Juleka, Max, Kim, Nino, Alya.. 

"We're missing somebody" i point out.

Ladybug looks around in deep thought before her eyes widen.

"Adrien!" she says.

"Well- i was thinking Marinette but sure him too." i say, awkwardly scratching the back of my head as i did indeed forget the blonde boy.

"He should be in his locker.. but he hasn't come out yet." says Nino, cautiously walking up to where Adrien should be.

Ladybug bravely opens the locker, revealing Adrien.. in a now zombified state.

"Kissou.." he groans as he goes to walk out.

I squeak at the sight of him, slamming the locker door on his face.

Everyone glances at me with concern. 

"What! Not my fault i'm the only one here with survival instincts!" i defend, slightly blushing in embarrassment.

The rest shake their heads before going back to the matter at hand.

"Oh, man. He must've gotten kissed on the stairs when he was saving Chloe." Alya remarks, subconsciously stepping closer to Nino for comfort.

Suddenly, loud banging sounds out throughout the locker room. 

The zombies are trying to get in.

"They must've heard all the noise!" exclaims Ladybug as she grows tense with every bang on the door.

I avoid the judgy stares with an apologetic smile.

"We need to head to the roof." Ladybug declares, turning towards the nearby windows.

Ladybug swiftly opens the window, securing her yo-yo to something above before helping us up one by one. We reach the roof just in time, the zombies barging in below.

Standing atop our school's roof, we gather around Ladybug's yo-yo phone to watch a news broadcast. Below, the horde of zombies attempts to reach us, their creepy groaning starting to really freak me out.

"Yet again, it seems citizens of Paris are in great danger. Since this morning, a strange disease is spreading." reports Nadja, showing video of citizens turning into mindless kissing zombies.

While watching this a shadowy figure lands beside us. Gracefully leaping onto the roof. It's Cat Noir, his confident stride a surprisingly welcome sight amidst the turmoil.

"Hey guys, I'm all for our French greetings, but let's hold off on the kisses for now, huh?" he quips, seemingly unbothered by the chaos around us.

Walking up to Ladybug, she greets him with a smile before showing the news cast.

"I'm glad you're here, Cat Noir. Check this out." 

"Hordes of kissing zombies are spreading throughout Paris!" cries Nadja as we're shown the subways being taken over by zombies as citizens try to flee.

"Let's go over to our Mayor Mr Bourgeois, live from City Hall."

The camera cuts to a speech being given by The Mayor.


"We advise all Parisians to remain inside at this time." he announces.

Right before being tackled by none other than a zombified Roger.

"Daddy?!" cries Chloe as she watches her dad get attacked.

Against better judgement, i place a comforting hand on her shoulder. I'm already emotional enough over all of this i don't need drama queen going at it either.

She scrunches at my touch before looking away, completely fine with pretending that i just wasn't there.

I raise an eyebrow at her surprising compliance but i'm interrupted by a pushy Alix as she gets in between Chloe and i. Effectively pushing my arm off of Chloe.

I glance at Alix, expecting an explanation, but she ignores me. It seems she's too caught up in the news to realize what she did.

Oh she was fully aware.

My attention is dragged back to the screen as i watch Nadja get swarmed by kissing zombies. 

I shudder at the sight.

That's when Zombizou appears on screen with a charming smile.

"Somehow even Ms. Bustier can make zombies look good." i point out idly, everyone immediately nodding in agreement.

"I took care of your father, Chloe. Show yourself!"she orders.

Chloe flinches back in fear before running off to cry or something like that, i wasn't too sure if she even could cry.

"Then, Ladybug and Cat Noir? I'm coming for you. Mwah!" she giggles, kissing the camera screen.

Leaving a black kiss mark on it she backs up and laughs tauntingly.

"Unless, of course, my sweethearts get hold of you first; because very soon, the whole city will be hot on your heels!" she grins.

I shudder once again as i become painstakingly aware of the groans from the zombies still trying to make their way up.

Ladybug ends the feed, the screen turning black was like a trigger as everyone turned their sights to Chloe. 

Alix marches up to her, you could practically see the steam. 

"Chloe! Huh! Always Chloe! You only think about yourself!" she accuses, her voice laced with bitterness as she points a finger, pushing Chloe closer to the edge of the roof.

Alix growls in anger, her fury fueled by jealousy.

Alya and Nino back her up, pointing more fingers at Chloe as they push her even closer to the edge. Where an obsessed horde of zombies wait below.

"I don't know why we don't just give them what they want." says Alya, glaring at Chloe.

"Yeah! Good idea!" agrees Nino as the three of them walk closer.

Chloe whines nervously as she tries not to fall below.

Luckily, Ladybug comes to save the day.

"Sorry to disappoint you guys, but Chloe doesn't deserve to get hit any more than you." she defends with a soft smile.

Chloe, happy that her favorite hero defended her, crosses her arms in victory. Walking past the aggressive group and towards Ladybug.

"And we need her as bait to lure Zombizou when the time is right." finishes Ladybug with a determined nod.

As Ladybug finishes with a determined nod, Chloe's nervous gaze shifts between her and the edge of the roof, where the zombies are still swarming below. 

"Uh...thanks?" she responds unsurely, clearly uncomfortable with the role assigned to her.

Before anyone can respond, a low growl echoes from below, catching everyone's attention. Slowly, the mind-controlled zombies begin to climb up the side of the building.

"They're coming!" shrieks Rose.

We all back away from the edge. 

Without even thinking i grab the closest hands to me, eyes widening in fear of the sound of the zombies growing closer. Thankfully, Alix's firm squeeze grounds me just enough to not go into a panic attack. Prompting me to share a thankful smile with her as i stepped closer.

"We've gotta evacuate! Over there! Cat Noir, do you know how to drive?" asks Ladybug, pointing towards a bus then to Cat Noir.

"You should know the answer to that, M'Lady. I can do anything." brags Cat Noir as he stands tall.

Ladybug smirks.

"Kitties first, then." she says.

Cat Noir follows her words by leaping onto the bus with the help of his baton. Quickly extending it back to us. We create a zipline to the bus using Ladybug's yo-yo. 

Only problem being we have to go one at a time.

"I'm going to get a heart attack before I ever get close to being kissed," I quip, trying to lighten the mood, if only for my own sake.

A play on words as i replace, 'turned' with 'kissed'.

Ladybug chuckles at my joke, securing me with the yo-yo as she prioritizes my safety first.


"Who knows, maybe I'll kiss you first just to make sure." she teases with a playful grin, also just trying to distract me.


She pushed me down the makeshift zipline.

I cling to the yo-yo, my heart racing with the fear of one wrong move sending me plummeting into the clutches of the desperate horde below. But thankfully, Cat Noir catches me and swiftly unties me, sending the yo-yo back up to Ladybug for the remaining survivors.

The last to be rescued are Max, Kim, and Chloe. 

Only problem being the advancing zombies who finally made it onto the roof.

As the zombies draw closer, Max bravely positions himself in front of Chloe, shielding her from the advancing horde while she retreats toward the zipline.

Kim who was going next suddenly turns, seeing his best friend being attacked he yelled out his name. Ladybug gasps at the scene swiftly grabs Chloe and pulls her closer. 

Kim looks between Max and Chloe, eyebrows furrowing in determination before pulling Chloe and places her on the yo-yo.

Chloe accepts the help without a complaint but before going she turns to Kim.

"Play the hero as much as you like, Kim, but you won't be getting a kiss out of me." she spouts rudely.

Kim rolls his eyes at her words.

"Just go, before I change my mind." he says before pushing her off, sending her straight down to Cat Noir.

Kim tries his best to stop the onslaught of zombies from touching Ladybug.

"Go! Ladybug" he shouts, struggling as he can feel himself turning.

Ladybug turns to flee, frowning as she lost 2 classmates at once.

Ladybug leaps onto the roof of the bus, only to find Chloe clinging desperately to a nearby light pole, narrowly avoiding the grasp of the encroaching zombies. 

Cat Noir attempts to divert their attention by making mocking sounds and leaping onto another nearby bus roof, creating a distraction for Chloe to escape. 

However, Chloe hesitates, frozen with fear.

Unexpectedly, Rose emerges from the bus, determined to help Chloe despite protests from Juleka and others. 

"Rose, no!" Juleka and i call out as we watch her run over to Chloe.

"I can't just leave her by herself!" she calls back.

Ignoring the warnings, Rose rushes over to Chloe, but before she can reach her, Chloe loses her grip and falls, injuring her ankle in the process.

"Ow! Great! Now I've twisted my ankle because you weren't fast enough!" blames Chloe.

Rose briefly glares at Chloe before picking her up and slowly taking her back to the bus.

Seeing her struggle i tried to take a step forward but my own shaking legs stopped me. 

"It's always the irrational fears that come true," you murmur to yourself, feeling the weight of your own cowardice as you reluctantly step back, forced to witness Rose's struggle.

Just a few steps away from the bus Rose is grabbed by a crawling zombie lady.

"Lady wants a kissy..." she mumbles with a grin, grabbing Rose's shin.

"Rose!" shouts Juleka.

Rose shrieks in terror, catching the attention of Ladybug as she swiftly pulls Rose and Chloe into the bus with her yo-yo. 

Cat Noir takes this as his cue and jumps back over to our bus, jumping into the driver seat and closing the door. He starts the bus only to lurch forward.

We hold onto the bus poles as he continuously lurches forward with the bus, going and stopping before an 'encouraging' push from yours truly got him to step on the pedal.

"I thought you said you knew how to drive!" exclaims Ladybug.

"I've mastered every car and racetrack in Extreme Racing 3, but there are no buses in that game." he says before eventually returning to a normal speed and driving past all the zombies.

In the back of the bus, Juleka comforts Rose. 

I give her my own pat on the back, slightly embarrassed as Rose of all people was braver than me.

I give them their space, sitting near the middle as i try not to lose myself anymore. Alix, the angel that she is, notices and sits beside me.

Awkwardly avoiding eye contact, still too shy to look me in the eye after that 'life saving kiss' she tries to talk to me.

"So.. never heard your voice go that high before" she teases nervously, referencing the high pitch squeak that escaped my lips when i saw zombified Adrien.

I groan quietly as i remember that.

"Please.. forget you ever saw anything." i whine, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment.

Despite the situation, she smiles warmly at me. No matter what, i always manage to steal her focus. 

After the brief silence i speak up again.

 "I've just always had this fear for zombies. I know it's weird but it's like- the number 1 thing i'm afraid of." i explain, leaning on the back of the bus seat before taking a deep breath.

Alix chuckles softly, a glint of mischief in her eyes as she continues to tease me. 

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me," she says with a playful wink, her tone lightening the mood.

I roll my eyes in mock exasperation, but a smile tugs at the corners of my lips. 

"You better keep it that way," I retort, trying to match her playful banter.

As we share a lighthearted moment, i'm reminded of the kiss we shared. That i.. forced on her. 

I frown deeply before sitting up straight.

"Hey Alix.." i start, grabbing her attention.

"I need to apologize for earlier. I... shouldn't have done that. It was a mistake, and I'm truly sorry," I confess, averting my gaze to hide the emotions welling up inside me.

I continue, my words stumbling over each other as I try to convey my remorse. Oblivious to Alix's attempts to interrupt.

"I don't know if I ruined your first kiss, but please, don't hate me for it. I value our friendship more than anything," I blurt out, feeling a knot tighten in my stomach at the thought of losing her.

I could never regret that kiss, but if it means losing Alix i'll wipe it from my memory.

Alix stares at me, her face frozen as she processes my words. After a painful silence she speaks up, quietly and somber.

"It's- It's okay. We're friends Y/N. Nothing will ever change that." she says, smiling as she finishes.

A smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

Lost in my own sense of relief, I turn towards Alix with gratitude written all over my face. But in the midst of my distraction, I almost miss the distress evident on Rose's face.

Simultaneously, Juleka's scream pierces the air, causing me to whip around to face the source of the commotion.

She backs up from Rose, watching her eyes turn purple and a woozy smile replaces her frown.

Alix and i sit up in a rush, i go to move when Chloe ends up pushing me backwards towards the front of the bus in her rush to escape.

"Alix!" i shout in worry as she gets pushed forwards.

Rose jumps onto her, trapping her in a hug as she plants a kiss on her cheeks.

She turns back to look at me, a brave smile on her face as she grabs onto Rose, intending to hold her there for as long as she could. 

Ignoring what my mind told me i instinctively stepped forward, some part of me hoping that i could save her.

But before i could get any closer Ladybug wraps her yo-yo around the poles of the bus. Creating a web like wall and blocking the rest of us from the now 3 infected girls.

"Go Ladybug! I trust you!" exclaims Alix, trying to fight the transformation.

My heart breaks as i'm pulled back by a worried Alya and Ladybug. 


After fleeing the bus, the remaining survivors dash towards the Eiffel Tower, their last hope for evading Zombizou's grasp.

Upon entering the tower, they are greeted by a barrage of banging from zombies on the other side of a caged wall, while more attempt to infiltrate from outside.

Ladybug springs into action, urgently shoving a nearby vending machine to barricade the entrance.

"Nino! The vending machine! Quick! Everybody, inside the elevator!" she commands.

Alya rushes to press the elevator button, but as the doors open, she is ambushed by a group of kissing zombies lying in wait.

The group recoils in horror, witnessing Alya's futile struggle as Nino attempts to rescue her, only to find her already covered in kiss marks.

Cat Noir, burdened by carrying Chloe, rushes into the now empty elevator.

"There's nothing we can do for her," he utters in despair, motioning for the others to join him.

Ladybug and I exchange worried glances, but ultimately comply, reluctantly stepping into the elevator shaft.

Alya looks up with a melancholy smile. "He's right. Just go, and save us all," she encourages.

With a solemn nod, Ladybug turns towards Nino, who remains rooted to the spot. As the elevator doors close, he tips his hat in a silent farewell, his last gesture before a zombified Alya lunges at him.

It's silent in the elevator as it slowly moves up.

With only the 4 of us remaining we're forced to face reality.

Ladybug's frustration boils over as she bangs her fist against the door

Attempting to inject a glimmer of hope, Cat Noir offers reassurance. 

"It doesn't matter that we're the only ones left, Bugaboo, since you'll fix it all in the end anyway," he says, his smile meant to uplift her spirits.

Ladybug glances at him, her expression still tinged with sadness, urging me to speak.

"I believe in you, Ladybug. We all do," I assure her, mustering up the courage to approach her and offer a hug.

With a shy step forward, I wrap my arms around her, gently grasping the back of her head as she leans into my touch.

She smiles affectionately into my shoulder, my hug finally giving her strength to finish this once and for all.

It's a comforting silence until Chloe speaks up.

"Only the best remain." she notes, smiling proudly as if she wasn't carried this whole time.

Figuratively and literally.

Ladybug and i step back from the hug only to glare at her.

Moments later, the elevator door slides open, and we step out.

"Straight ahead. Gustave Eiffel's office!" announces Ladybug.

With Ladybug leading the way, we make a beeline for the office. But on our way to safety, Cat Noir makes a hard sacrifice.

"Ladybug! Catch!" he shouts, tossing Chloe over to Ladybug as she shoves her and i into the office before closing the door.

As I shake off the disorientation, I hear Chloe shriek. Fearing the worst, I jump in alarm, only to realize that Chloe was merely startled by a statue of a man.

"Phew..." she sighs in relief as she realizes.

I can't even judge her right now knowing i would react the exact same way.

Reluctantly, I approach Chloe and extend a hand toward her.

"Come on, get up and stay still. We don't need you getting hurt anymore," I say with a tired smile.

She glares up at me but accepts my hand, using it to pull herself to her feet. Anticipating a snide remark, I'm caught off guard when she instead darts off and hides under a nearby table.

Confused, I follow her movement, momentarily forgetting Ladybug's presence beside me.

Flinching for the last time, Ladybug walks past me to check on her.

"Chloe?" she calls out softly, bending over to peer under the table.

"At least I won't get in your way now. Good luck!" Chloe whispers before covering her head.

Ladybug makes a sound of approval before hearing sinister laughter outside.

"Hide. Now!" she orders me before approaching the window the look outside.

"Hand over the girls and your Miraculous, Ladybug. Then I might just let you witness the final triumph of love!" Zombizou commands, her smile bright as she approaches the office.

Ladybug snarls in frustration, finally deciding to summon her Lucky Charm. A bottle of makeup remover falls into her hands.

Chloe stands up, her expression skeptical. "Make-up remover? How are you going to save my—our life with that?" she questions.

I grin teasingly, having moved up beside her as Ladybug instructed earlier. 

"Aww, you included me," I tease, enjoying her annoyance.

She grunts in irritation and embarrassment, shooting me a quick 'shut up'.

Ladybug frantically scans the room for a solution, her heart racing with the weight of the situation. Suddenly, a familiar shout breaks through the tension.

"Cataclysm!" shouts Cat Noir, crashing through the ceiling and landing in front of us.

Ladybug's hope surges at the sight of her black cat partner, but it quickly turns to dread when she notices his purple eyes.

"Kissou..." he says with a sinister grin, lunging towards Ladybug.

Cat Noir chases Ladybug around the room, attempting to kiss her, but she deftly evades his advances. With quick thinking, she snags the statue's scarf and applies the makeup remover, all while dodging Cat Noir's attempts to grab her.

"Don't worry, kitty... You'll get your kisses... But first, I have a Lucky Charm I need to use," she taunts, attempting to immobilize Cat Noir.

Meanwhile, I stick close to Chloe, staying back near the corner to avoid detection. When suddenly, Chloe speaks up.

"I'm sorry!" she shouts to Ladybug.

"What?" questions Ladybug, still evading Cat Noir's advances.

"Oh, this is all my fault!" Chloe admits, consumed by guilt.

I glance towards her, eyes widened.

"You are just full of surprises today," I note, genuinely surprised by Chloe's confession.

Ladybug grunts as she kicks Cat Noir away, buying time to wrap the scarf around her yo-yo.

"Awesome. But... now's not exactly a good time," she replies, her focus on restraining Cat Noir.

As Cat Noir attempts to lunge towards Ladybug, Chloe reacts swiftly, tackling him mid-air and pinning him to the ground.

"Save us all, Ladybug," Chloe says before doing her best to hold Cat Noir down.

Following her lead, I bend down and join in, helping to restrain Cat Noir as much as I can.

With gratitude in her eyes, Ladybug smiles at us before heading outside to finally confront Zombizou.

Not long after, we witness the familiar magical ladybugs flying through the air. Quickly passing Cat Noir, he goes limp for a moment before shaking off his disorientation.

"..Hi?" he says, surprised to see Chloe and me on top of him.

I'm about to retort with a snarky comment when suddenly I'm picked up. Struggling to breathe as Ladybug squeezes me against her with surprising strength.

"You're- all! okay!" Ladybug exclaims, seemingly ecstatic to see us, though I can't help but feel she's only talking about me.

Cat Noir stands up and huffs, dusting himself off as he tries to keep his jealousy in check. 

"Yes, I'M okay too," he announces, expecting a hug from Ladybug but receiving only a meager fist bump. 

I can't help but giggle evilly from my position in Ladybug's arms.

"Ladybug?! Cat Noir? What on earth—?" Ms. Bustier calls out, looking around in a panic as she takes in her surroundings. 

Her gasp of realization is audible as she understands the situation.

"The akuma overtook me, oh no, I... I let my negative emotions get the upper hand, how terrible! ...I'm terrible," she cries into her hands in anguish.

Ladybug quickly steps towards her and helps her up. 

"That's not true! It wasn't your fault. Hawk Moth is the one to blame," she explains.

"But I hurt a lot of people..." Ms. Bustier replies, her expression filled with remorse.

I frown at the sight of her distress.

Chloe steps forward, her voice filled with sincerity. 

"No... I did... I forgot your birthday, once again. And when I saw everyone had prepared a gift for you, I totally lost it. Because I, too, would've liked to offer you something. I'm sorry, Miss Bustier," she apologizes, bowing her head in guilt.

Ms. Bustier looks down at her in shock before smiling gratefully. 

"Thank you, Chloe. Those words are the best possible gift you could ever give me," she says before stepping forward and embracing Chloe warmly.

Chloe freezes in shock before accepting the embrace, the warmth of the hug catching her off guard. After a few seconds, she awkwardly looks away, almost forgetting the presence of the others.

Cough me.

"Huh?... Uh, yeah. Okay then, we're all good," Chloe says, trying to escape from the hug in a somewhat awkward manner.


It's the next day and homeroom is about to start soon. 

I walk in with Marinette, just to see Alya confronting Chloe.

"Me? You want me to apologize to the entire class? Ridiculous! They should be thanking me for saving everybody." says Chloe, scoffing at the idea of apologizing.

Alya sneers at her.

"I happen to have several accounts of what went down, including my own, and they don't exactly match your version." she counters.

I share a glance with Marinette, both agreeing of what to do. 

Marinette steps forward, wrapping an arm around Alya's neck before addressing Chloe.

"I heard you and Y/N helped Ladybug and saved Miss Bustier! Awesome! There really is a heart beating in there after all. Sorry I said there wasn't," Marinette apologizes, her smile sincere before gently pushing Alya away.

I attempt to walk past them, but Chloe grabs my arm, prompting me to give her a questioning stare. She pulls me closer and whispers a warning.

"Listen. Whatever you saw out there better not get out. You hear me?" she threatens, her cheeks tinted with embarrassment from her earlier actions.

I sigh in exasperation before responding with a smile. 

"As far as I know, we just helped Ladybug," I whisper back, winking at her playfully.

Chloe smirks at my reply before whispering again, her tone softer this time.

"And... I'm sorry. About what I said earlier. I guess you don't look too drab," she apologizes.

I can't help but smile brightly at her words. "Thanks. But it was definitely softer than anything people have said about you," I quip, grinning innocently before walking away.

"Hmpf," Chloe huffs, nodding in agreement at my acceptance before her eyes widen in realization.

"Wait, what do people say about me?" she asks, frowning.

Reading In Between The Lines

Alix is starting to like the trope "Friends to Lovers" more and more..

Adding zombie apocalypse to Y/N's list of fears. Communicating feelings being #1.

Ladybug was glad you were one of the survivors.

Ladybug's worried about Hyenadon's disappearance.

Congratulations Ms. Bustier is your mom now.


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