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By amikaravenn

526K 34.4K 4.5K

#1st Book in 'Tangled Series.' Revenge and Love, I was tangled between both of these. Once I loved but that... More

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By amikaravenn

A a r u s h

"You have won over my rebellious heart that was once resistant to love. You have filled my heart with so much love that I cannot imagine a life without you. I promise to love you until my last breath, and your name will be the only thing on my mind, tongue and heart when I take my final breath. I love you, Aarush." She gazed directly into the depths of my soul and uttered these words.

As I stood there, my eyes locked with hers, I could feel the intensity of her gaze piercing through my very being. It was as if she could see into the depths of my soul, uncovering every hidden thought and desire. Her words hung in the air, resonating deep within me. Time stood still as my heartbeat came to a halt, captivated by the sheer power of her confession.

I never realized how much I needed to hear those words until she said them with such raw emotion. The weight of her revelation hit me like a ton of bricks, causing my whole body to stiffen in response. It was a moment I had never anticipated, yet it felt right in every way. In that instant, the world around us seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of us in this bubble of vulnerability and truth.

If anyone were to ask who the happiest person in the world was at that very moment, it would undoubtedly be me. The sheer joy that flooded my heart was indescribable. It was as if all the pieces of a puzzle had finally come together, creating a picture of bliss and contentment. I couldn't help but wonder how I had ever lived without knowing these feelings before.

As I tried to process the overwhelming rush of emotions coursing through me, I realized that I didn't even know what I was feeling. It was a mixture of happiness, excitement, and a touch of disbelief. This unexpected revelation had turned my world upside down, leaving me in a state of euphoria and disbelief.

In that moment, as she continued to gaze at me with those captivating eyes, I knew that everything had changed. Our connection had deepened, and a new chapter in our lives had begun. And for that, I would forever be grateful.

"I love you so much, Aarush. I didn't think that I could love a person like this much." She whispered, making my heart race at a speed that never raced before.

"I love you too, Babydoll. I love you too!" I kissed her whole face, her eyes, her nose, her cheeks and finally her lips. I kissed her passionately, to make her know how much her words mattered to me. This kiss will be special to me because it's straight after her confession so this moment will be precious to me for my entire life.

I withdrew her lips giving her a soft peck. I hugged her close to me, feeling her warmth.

"Can you say that again? Please, Babydoll." I mumbled in her hair.

"I love you, Aarush. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you so much." She said in her soft voice.

"Oh God! Finally. . ." I mumbled as I kissed her cheek, my eyes held unshed tears.

"Don't you need to know what was my-"
"Shh. . . You're not ready for that, I can sense. You can share your past when you're completely ready for that. You can take as much time as you need. I will wait, okay?" I said brushing her few hair strands behind her ear.

She smiled at me nodding her head.

As I held her hand, our fingers intertwined, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement.

"So. . . now we can date, right?" I asked, a hint of nervousness lacing my voice. But as soon as the words left my lips, her expression changed, and a cloud of uncertainty darkened her eyes.

"Uh. . . but. . . I need my brother's consent in this relationship, Aarush," she said, her voice trembling. The weight of her words hung in the air between us, and I could sense the importance of what she was about to explain. Her brother was more than just a sibling; he was her whole world. He had sacrificed everything for her, leaving behind their family and choosing to prioritize her needs above his own.

Tears streamed down her face as she continued to pour out her heart. "He is my everything, Aarush. My father, my mother, my best friend. . . He is the one who has always been there for me, who has protected me and supported me unconditionally. I can't imagine making any decisions without his approval. His consent matters to me more than anything."

The realization hit me like a wave crashing against the shore. I knew how close they were, and how inseparable their bond was. And deep down, I knew that convincing her brother would not be an easy task. Yet, at that moment, I also realized that if his consent mattered so much to her, then it mattered to me too.

Looking into her tear-filled eyes, I made a promise to myself. "If his consent matters to you, then it matters to me as well," I said firmly.

"I will do whatever it takes to gain his approval and show him that my intentions are sincere. Our relationship is worth fighting for, and I won't let anything come between us."

"I cannot express how grateful I am to have you in my life, Aarush," she said with a heartfelt smile.

"No, I'm grateful here to have you in my life, Babydoll," I said touching my forehead with hers.

The chilly breeze was unforgiving as it caressed her exposed skin, causing her to shudder. We stood there for a while, holding each other's hands, and enjoying each other's company.

"Let's go," I said holding her hand as the weather was not good.

"Okay," she nodded. We walked towards the car, holding each other's hand.

"Dhriti what if your brother doesn't accept our love?" I asked her.

"Then we will make him accept." She said.

"He doesn't like me. You know that, right?" I asked me.

"I know he doesn't like you, but when he sees how much you love me, he will come around," she said reassuringly.

"You will never go against your brother?" I asked her.

"No. I already told you this, I would rather face death than turn my back on him." She said.

As we reached the car, I opened the door for her, and she gracefully sat inside. I closed the door with a soft thud and walked to the driver's seat. As I revved the engine, I couldn't shake off my unease. It was clear that convincing her brother was of utmost importance if I wanted to keep her by my side.

As I drove the car, a piercing gaze fixed upon me. I immediately recognized it as my Babydoll's. I turned to her and inquired, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing," She shook her head, never averting her eyes from mine. Her deep brown orbs sparkled with mischief.

"You better stop staring at me like that," I cautioned.

"What will you do if I don't?" she teased, testing my limits. I pulled the car over to the side of the road.

"What happen--" Her words were abruptly cut off as I swiftly pulled her onto my lap by gripping her wrist. My hands encircled her waist possessively.

"I warned you, Babydoll. Now you'll see what I'm capable of," I whispered, leaning in to claim her lips. However, just before our lips met, I hesitated.

"May I?" I asked her.

"You never used to ask for permission before. What's changed?" she inquired.

"Because back then, I didn't know that. . . I might have been crossing a line without your consent. I would have reminded you of those memories that haunt you when I kissed you or spoke those explicit words," I confessed, bowing my head.

"I'm sorry, Riti. I didn't--"
"Shh..." She silenced me, placing her hands on my cheeks and redirecting my gaze to hers.

"You didn't evoke those haunting memories within me, Aarush. There's no need for you to apologize. I find pleasure in your kisses, the way you whisper those naughty words and the sensation of your touch. I adore it when you engage in such actions. It's only you who has this effect on me. I belong to you, Aarush. There's no requirement for you to seek permission. Can't you see it in my eyes?" She gazed into my eyes, her words genuine and heartfelt.

That's all I needed to hear, and I immediately captured her lips. I kissed her with such intensity as if I were a famished man. Only she had the power to push me to this level of addiction. I gently sucked on her lips, teasing them to explore the depths of her mouth with my tongue. She matched my pace perfectly. Her hands rested on my cheek while one of my hands encircled her waist, and the other explored her curves. My hand ventured onto her bare thigh, where I could feel the coolness and delicacy of her skin against my rough palm. A groan escaped me as I savoured the sensation.

As our lips parted, a rush of electricity coursed through my veins. I couldn't resist the overwhelming urge to taste her once more. The sight of her flushed cheeks and slightly swollen lips only fueled my desire further. Her dishevelled hair and the way her deep brown eyes sparkled with longing sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't help but lean in, pressing my lips against her soft jawline. Wet kisses trailed along her smooth skin, igniting a fire within us both.

Her head tilted back, allowing me greater access to explore the delicate curve of her neck. I continued to plant kisses, savouring the intoxicating scent of her skin. With each touch, her chest rose and fell in perfect harmony with our escalating passion. Her hands found their way to my shoulders, gripping my shirt tightly as if anchoring herself in the sea of desire that consumed us.

Lost in the moment, I followed the path of her body with my lips, tracing a delicate line down to the valley between her breasts. The heat between us intensified, fueling our hunger for each other. Every nerve in my body screamed for more, for another taste of her intoxicating essence. The world around us faded into a blur as we surrendered ourselves to the overwhelming desire that enveloped us.

In that moment, time stood still. The rush of emotions and sensations overwhelmed me, leaving me breathless and yearning for more. Our connection was undeniable, a magnetic force drawing us together in a dance of passion and desire. Our bodies intertwined, fueling the flames of longing that burned deep within our souls.

At that moment, as my heart raced and my desire burned, I knew I had to control myself. It was clear that she wasn't ready for everything just yet. And so, I made a conscious decision to give her the time she needed. Because a relationship, after all, is not solely about sexual intimacy. It's about emotional intimacy as well. It's about connecting on a deeper level, allowing our souls to become intimate.

It can be easy to get caught up in the physical aspect of a relationship. The touch, the closeness, the passion - they all hold an undeniable allure. But the true connection goes beyond the physical realm. It delves into the realms of emotions and vulnerability. It requires trust, understanding, and patience. And I knew that rushing her into something she wasn't ready for would only damage the delicate foundation we were building.

So I held back, even though every fibre of my being longed for more. I understood that taking things slow was not a sign of weakness or lack of desire. It was a sign of respect and love. It meant putting her needs above my own and giving her the space to grow and open up at her own pace.

I snuggled to her neck, hugging her tightly. I got the peace that my heart was craving for the last week.

"Why did you ignore me for one week?" She asked me, a smile that made its way to my lips.

"Who ignored you? I was just waiting, giving you some time and taking myself to cure my wound on the shoulder," I mumbled against her skin on the neck.

"Okay. Did your wound heal?" She asked.

"Look yourself," I said. I expected that she would ignore it but to my surprise, she unbuttoned my shirt and slightly moved my shirt over the shoulder.

She was not saying anything so I raised my head from her neck and looked at her only to see tears welling up in her eyes. She slowly opened the bandage to see the wound, a sob left her lips.

She caressed the skin just below my wound, "I'm so sorry," she whispered.

"It didn't happen because of you," I said stroking her cheek.

"It is," she whispered moving her hand to my bare chest, where my heart thumping.

"Compass and eagle? Why does this tattoo?" She asked caressing the tattoo.

"I tattooed this six years ago, this tattoo exactly shows my mindset at that time. The Eagle tattoo symbolizes Wisdom, Power, and Spirituality. Compass tattoo represent the quest to find the right one, the path of life, a determined lifeline and staying true to one's." I said.

"Ohh, I see." She said looking at the tattoo.

"Let's go. We want to reach your Villa before your brother comes," I said.

"Okay. Let me button up this shirt first," she said buttoning my shirt.


D h r i t i

Aarush's car halted outside my Villa.

"Eattan is already here, I'm going to get an earful of lectures from him," I said looking at Aarush.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked him as he was laughing at me.

"Because I'm first time seeing that you're afraid of someone," he shrugged. It's kinda true, I'm slightly afraid.

"Okay bye, I'm going. Yeah, before that. . ." I pecked his lips.

"Let's complete what you started," he said pulling my wrist and claiming my lips for a deep kiss.

"Good night," he said after pecking my lips softly after a deep kiss while I was panting for breath.

"Bye, Babydoll." He kissed my forehead.

"Bye. And yeah? Text me when you reach home," I said and got out of the car. I gestured for him to leave and opened the door, waving goodbye. As soon as he drove off, I quickly retreated into the Villa and closed the door behind me.

"Where were you, Dhriti?" My brother's voice boomed in the living room.

"I was out with. . . Aarush." I said walking towards him.

"With Aarush? Why? Didn't I tell you to not go outside?" He asked, his voice is stern. Now I'm getting more afraid.

"Eatta before that I have something to say," I said and Anamika shook her head not to say. But I want to say it, he will be hurt if he knows about me and Aarush from others. I don't want to hurt him and I only start to date Aarush if my brother accepts.

"Eatta, Aarush loves me and he really desires to enter into a romantic relationship with me," I revealed.

"What! That punk loves you? And on top of that, he wants to date you? My own sister?" He abruptly stood up from the couch.

"Calm down, Eatta," I struggled to hold his towering shoulder and managed to make him sit.

"I also have feelings for him, Eatta, but I won't pursue a relationship without your approval," I explained.

"Why? Can't you date him even if I don't agree?" He questioned.

I replied, "I can, but your consent means a lot to me. You're everything to me, Eatta. So when I'm about to embark on a new relationship in my life, how can I start it without my brother's acceptance?" My eyes started welling up, and I couldn't understand why I'd been crying so much lately.

His expression shifted from anger to tenderness as he absorbed my words.

"Call him and tell him to meet me tomorrow morning at Mehra Mansion. Bhuvan Uncle and I want to speak with him," he suggested, and I nodded in agreement. He walked upstairs leaving me and Anamika alone in the living room.

"I'm also leaving," Anamika said.

"It's already late and there is no way in hell I will let you go alone," I said.

"I'm a brave woman and yeah I'm not going alone. So you don't need to worry," she said.

"Will Charan come to pick you up?" I asked.

"No, my friend, Jay. I'm going with him." She said.


"Bye, Dhriti. Don't forget to take medicines." She gave me a quick hug.

"Bye and I will not forget to take medicines," I said. I locked the door after she left with her friend.

I came to my room and took the phone. I saw a message from Aarush.

Nincompoop Malhotra

I reached home.

"Such an obedient boy!" I mumbled myself. I tapped the call button as I lay down on the couch placed near my window. The cold breeze caresses my skin.

"Hey, Babydoll." His deep voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Hey, Nincompoop," I said.

"Babydoll, don't call me that otherwise. . ."
"Otherwise? What?"
"Otherwise you better be ready to get punished."
"Okay, I'm ready to get punished."
"Oh fuck! Now I'm coming to your Villa, okay? Now itself. Punishments shouldn't be delayed." He said as I heard the sound of shuffling something.

"My brother is still up. If you don't want to get in his bad book you should not come here," I warned him.

"Has he not slept yet?" He asked.

"No, and I don't think today he can sleep well," I said.

"Why do you think that?" He asked.

"How can he sleep when his sister says that she loves the guy he hates most?" I said.

"What!" His voice is laced with disbelief.

"Yeah, I told him that you love me and I also have feelings for you and we wish to date each other and for that, I need his permission. I said everything to him."

"This fast? I didn't think that you would say everything to your brother this fast." He said.

"Why would we wait for further when both of us know how much we love each other, that's why I told him
everything," I said.

"So what was your brother's reaction?" He asked me.

"He was slightly shocked, I believe," I uttered.

"Did he agree?"
"He didn't say anything about that but he said that he wants to talk to you, tomorrow morning itself at Mehra Mansion," I said.

"At Mehra Mansion? But why?" He asked.

"Yeah as we're seeing Bhuvan Uncle as our father figure so maybe my brother wants it discussed in front of him,"
"Okay, I understood,"

"Okay, so tomorrow you have to meet them alone, I will not be there with you--"
"Why? What happened?" I chuckled at his panicked voice.

"Nincompoop, I have important work in the office so I will go there," I said.

"Is that very important that you can't come with me?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's very important," I said.

"So you can't come with me?" He asked again.

"No. Are you afraid to face them alone?" I asked him.

"Me? Afraid? Not at all. If you were with me, I would have felt good," He said. Aww, my cute nincompoop.

"I'm always with you, Aarush. In your soul, in your heart. Everywhere you are, I'm with you . . ." I uttered.


~Next Day~

"Henry, did you take the appointment to have a meeting with Mr. Daksh Takur?" I asked Henry who was sitting in the passenger seat while I was driving the car to Takur's office.

"Yeah, DK. The meeting is charted for 10 AM." He said.

"Okay fine, so we have 30 minutes," I said and he nodded.

Yeah, my important work is in not my office it is in Takurs office. For one week, one-fucking-week I'm waiting to meet him. The rage that fills me can burn the entire Takur empire but I choose to be calm and peaceful. At least not now when I decided to live with my new hope, my Aarush. My impulsiveness can cause danger to him also and that is the last thing I want to happen.

As we walked to Takur's office building, I came across with familiar face who was now talking with the receptionist. Akasha Varma, it's surprising for me.

"Ms. Dhriti Krishna had made an appointment to meet Mr.Daksh Takur. Can you please look at it?" Henry asked as Akasha's head snapped in my direction. I was just maintaining my cold exterior. I didn't even care to look her way. She is not less than Nithya. She is also a bitch like Nithya, both of them are spoiled brats because of the younger one in the family. They will make a good combo.

"Oh, Ms. Dhriti Krishna come in this way. Sir had already informed us to don't make you wait," receptionists said and accompanied us leaving a sulking Akasha behind. Every situation is helping me to take my sweet revenge on everyone. Play of fate or play of devil? Who knows.

The staff opened the door for us, I got inside "Henry, you wait outside, okay?" I said to Henry.

"Okay, DK." He nodded.

"Why this sudden visit, Ritu? Do you remember everything? About us?" Daksh asked coming towards me and holding my shoulder.

"Stop playing around, Daksh. You don't even have the acting skills as me. So cut it down," I said taking his hands away from me.

"What are you saying, Ritu?" He asked.

"I'm not dumb like you Daksh. So stop. How much will you move this drama further when this Ritu gets to know everything?" I asked sitting in the chair.

"So, you got to know. . . everything?" He asked.

"Of course. Do you think that you can fool me? Then you can't." I said.

"But I did, right?" He said as a smirk arose on his face. I really want to smash his head against the wall.

Control, control, control!!!

"Yeah, you did. You really fucked up my mind on that day," I said.

"But you couldn't fool me like I fooled your entire family. Even if you haven't overheard my conversation with the Malhotra family, you wouldn't be able to tell that I was pretending to have lost my memory. I am aware... I am aware that my performance was award-worthy, deserving of an Oscar, for enduring the irritating, unworthy, and unnecessary presence of you and your damn family," I stated triumphantly.

"So, you're aware that I overheard your conversation. Impressive," he remarked.

"Yeah, I know you were eavesdropping like a little bitch. The moment you discovered that I remember everything, you used your manipulative mind to distance me from Aarush. Your first move was to mess with my head so that I wouldn't suspect you. To achieve that, you had your two lackey siblings discuss me and Aarush as if Aarush would reject me once he learns about my past, and all that nonsense. And believe me, Daksh, your plan worked perfectly. . ." I continued speaking while he remained silent, eager to gauge the extent of my knowledge about his scheming.

"My mind became confused just as you had hoped, which is why I believed it was Red Marvel who was calling me. I didn't question anything because of that, allowing you to deceive me. However, it didn't take long for me to realize it was actually you the very next day after being admitted to the hospital," I stated.

"You realized it too quickly, which is why my plan to eliminate the Mehra family failed," he acknowledged.

"Yes, did you really think that once I discovered your actions, I wouldn't keep a close watch on you? I was monitoring your every move, Daksh," I told him.

"And do you know where you made a mistake? You shouldn't have uttered the words 'No man deserves you.' Because Red Marvel doesn't say things like that. He has no interest in me, but you do, both now and before. So it didn't take much time for me to realize that it was you when I thought about it calmly. And my assumption was confirmed when you mentioned booking tickets for America because you would be staying there, right?" I asked him, a smug smile forming on my face.

"Brilliant! You've connected the dots perfectly. This... This brilliance is driving me even more insane for you, Little Flower," he smirked at me.

"Oh, and guess what? I just found out that you were responsible for Ishaan's car accident, and Aarush's car accident, but poor Ayaan was the one who suffered. So, stop playing with the lives of innocent people in this messed up game," I declared.

"Well, Dhriti, let me assure you, I will go to any lengths to have you," he sneered, determination oozing from his voice.

"Listen, Daksh, if you're looking for a fight, bring it on. I promise you, I'll give you a run for your money. But don't be a pathetic coward and involve the people I hold dear between us," I cautioned him.

"You've already dared to lay a hand on my man, Daksh. Let me make it crystal clear: Aarush Malhotra belongs to me, and anyone who messes with my possessions risks their own life. You've crossed my boundaries once, and the only reason you're still breathing is because I want to witness your complete and utter destruction. Prepare yourself for a fate worse than death. Consider yourself warned," I spat, every word filled with unwavering conviction.

"Do you have any idea that your threats make me hard, Little Flower?" he sneered as he inched closer. But his intimidation tactics no longer fazed me.

"Tell your little dick down there to behave if he wants to avoid being severed from your body," I retorted, standing up from the chair with unwavering boldness and confidence, fully meaning every word.

"Once again, I'm warning you, Daksh. If you ever dare to lay a hand on him again. . . I promise you won't survive on this planet. I'll slice you into countless pieces and scatter them in different locations. No one will be able to determine if you're dead or alive. Do you understand me?"
I spoke with an eerie calmness that could send shivers down anyone's spine. I turned to leave but then turned back to face him.

"Oh, and by the way? Before that happens, there's something I need to give you," I smirked, my hand connecting with his cheek. I made sure the slap carried the weight of a thousand blows, causing him immense pain.

"My hand has been itching to deliver this since the day I laid eyes on you. Now, I finally have the satisfaction I've been craving. Thank you so much," I said with a sarcastic smile, as he continued to smirk at me. He must be some psychic, I swear.

"Thank you so much, Little Flower, for daring to touch me," he taunted, caressing his cheek while never taking his eyes off me. I really want to choke the fuck out of him.

But I choose to keep aside that plan for later. I stepped out of his cabin only to find Sidharth and Aksha lurking nearby, probably eavesdropping on us. How delightful.

"Ah, Sidharth, you really thought Aarush would reject me, right? Well, guess what? Aarush and I are in an exclusive relationship. Not all men are like you. My Aarush is one of a kind," I declared with a sarcastic grin.

"Oh, and congratulations to both of you. I heard you're getting engaged. May you enjoy a delightfully miserable life together," I added, my lips curling into a tight smile to further taunt them.

"You--" "If you're looking for a catfight, take it up with your future husband because I simply don't have the damn time for a pointless argument, Ms. Akasha Varma. Unlike you, I'm a millionaire and a businesswoman, not some jobless and aimless individual," I interrupted Akasha with a sarcastic retort.

I came out of Takur's office, Henry was walking beside me.

Today is going to be a good day!

Oh no! Aarush will probably now be in Mehra Mansion infront of my brother and Papa. What will be going there? I hope my poor nincompoop will not suffer.

•°• ✾ •°•

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