HER ALEXEI (Her Volkovs Book...

By stardustglitters

2M 53.4K 5.9K

Her Volkovs Series Book Two Belle and Nikolai's relationship is put to a test as Artan, the Albanian Mob Boss... More

Chapter 1. The Volkov Tantrums.
Chapter 2. The Albanian Mob Boss.
Chapter 3. Obsessed.
Chapter 4. Shut Up and Drive.
Chapter 5. The Godfather.
Chapter 6. Chicks Dig Outlaws
Chapter 7. The Sunrise and the Jealous
Chapter 8. Gangster Pheromone
Chapter 9. Mr. Brightside.
Chapter 10. Two On.
Chapter 11. Glitter Dust.
Chapter 12. Teacher Belle.
Chapter 13. Boston.
Chapter 14. Ya lyublyu tebya.
Chapter 15. The First Daughter.
Chapter 16. The Rendezvous.
Chapter 17. The Wolf's Mate.
Chapter 18. Tour de Mafia (part one)
Chapter 19. Tour de Mafia (part two)
Chapter 20. Lacking a Screw.
Chapter 21. The Loose Cannon.
Chapter 22. Lured.
Chapter 23. Private Jet
Chapter 24. I Choose You.
Chapter 25. Meet the Galveses.
Chapter 27. One Possessive Asshole.
Chapter 28. The Crispy Bacon and the Russian Sausage.
Chapter 29. Rough Patch.
Her Volkovs Series Link

Chapter 26. The Billionaire.

49.2K 1.5K 104
By stardustglitters

I stormed out of the room to check what's happening.

Devon immediately grabs me by my arm, "Hey Ara, relax, they are just going to try the guns your boyfriend brought for your father."

Nikolai brought guns for Papa? Well, he sure did his research. Papa has a basement full of different kinds of guns. If there's one thing that my Pa and Nikolai can agree on, it would be guns. The Russian Mafia is involved in arms dealing. Alexei once told me that they supply guns to more than a fourth of the underground New York and to the neighbouring states.

I wasnt able to catch up with Pa and my boys since the cars already left the moment I reached the Veranda.

Devon, Amy and I rode my cousin's truck to follow my father and the two.

"Omg! B! Isnt this exciting! Tantararan.... General Galves vs. The Ultra Boss." Amy said while leaning forward from the back. Im on the front passenger seat while Devon drives.

Among the three of us. My bestfriend is the one most enjoying the situation. I know that Amy and Nikolai's relationship is not that stellar and based from what has been happening, I'm really starting to believe that my bestfriend isnt really that fond of Nikolai.

I gaze outside the window and think of my future husband. Nikolai has been temperamental the past few days and I dont know if he can hold it together when my Father gets in his way. My Pa on the other hand is not the kind that gets intimidated. He has dealt with a lot of things in the past including running a whole country and surviving several assassination attempts. This one right here is just a walk in the park for him, not to mention the fact that we are in his territory. He can never go wrong.

Devon's car pulled over at the car park of the firing range half a mile from the house. All the lights are already illuminating the whole place. When we entered the range, Yuri and Boris are already taking out the guns from a huge black rectangular box.

Papa is standing side by side my two boys.

"Stay here." Said Devon as leaves us to go to the boys. From afar my Pa looks just the same. His autocratic charisma evens off with Nikolai's godlike charm.

"Hey B, who do you think will win, team Galves or your boyfriend? I have my money on the Galveses." Said Amy as she looks at their direction with sparkling eyes.

I badly want Nikolai to win and I'm confident that he will win. I mean he better win. As what he would always say, Volkov always wins.

Alexei was the one who took the gun first, pulled back the nozzle, and pulled the trigger which made the nozzle click back to it's position. He then made sure that bullets are loaded fine in the black thingy that's being inserted inside the handle of the gun. Alexei executed it flawlessly, I think my ovaries are already cheering and exploding inside me. Shucks! That is so frigging hot. I found myself biting my lower lip in an attempt to hold back a moan. My boy Alexei, your cock in my mouth please?  Wait what? Hormones, calm the eff down.

"Hey B, youre drooling." Said Amy while acting like wiping my mouth with drool using her hand.

I flicked her hand off of me, she just giggles in response.

"What a nympho, look at you, youre flushing."

Shit, am I really that obvious? "Shut up A."

"Wow, in such a short time of no sex with Ultra Boss and Extra Boss, you look like a hayena sticking out its tongue because of dehydration. You look like this B." She then made a face while sticking out her tongue and cocking her head to the side.

A giggle instantly escaped my mouth to Amy's goofy expression. Dammit A!

"You are a kookoo train arent ya?" I said in response.

"I might be a kookoo but at least my panties are not wet as of this moment."

"My panties are not wet!"

"Let me see." She instantly places her hand on top of my femme teasingly.


"I wonder what your vagina tastes like B."


"Hahahahahaha!" She then places her middle and index fingers on both sides of her mouth and sticks out her tongue while wiggling it.

I just shook my head on her. Her perverted mind is doing it again. At the back of my mind, I must admit, she isnt completely wrong about her observations.

I ignored Amy and focused my attention to my boys. They did not make use of the usual paper with a human silhouette as a target, rather they used empty cans of beers lined up many yards away from the marker.

Devon gets to go first. He shoots from left to right and he was able to hit all six cans. Well damn. I secretly wished my cousin did not hit at least one of the cans. How can one even beat that? My father taps Devon's shoulder like a proud father.

My Nikolai is next. Oh goodness, baby you better hit all the cans. I intertwined my hands and held them tight together as if praying. I gasped when my future husband hits all six cans without even breathing in between. I almost squealed in gladness. Ahhhhhh!!!! That's my boy right there ladies and gentlemen!

Amy's eyes widened and her jaw dropped in complete awe.

"Boooya! Have you seen that A?" I said all too proudly.

"Unbelievable." She said, still looking dumbstruck.

"Hahaha!" I jumped and clapped my hand, not being able to hold the excitment and pride I'm feeling in my heart anymore. I feel like Im a fan girl at a boyband's concert.

My two boys fist bumps like they usually do when they know they are winning. My father and Devon just stood there not allowing their reactions to show. If Pa is not impressed on that, I dont know what will impress him anymore.

At this point Im already struggling to hold myself together. My heart is doing the jumping jacks inside my ribcage. Ahhhhhh!!!!! I, Mary Arabella Volkov owns those two perfect specimen right there who beat my Father and Devon at their own game in their own friggin territory.

"Bitch calm yo titts." Amy said as she shakes her head on me. I stick out my tongue in response.

They all continued inspecting and tinkering the guns displayed on the table in front of them. A few seconds later, Carlos, my father's long time bodyguard took a chair and made Papa sit. I crinkled my eyebrows all puzzled.

"Hey A, did you see that?"

Amy did not answer so I cocked my head to the side and waited for her to respond. There's this unsettling look on my bestfriend's face.

"A.." I said as I await for her explanaion. I know that she knows something that she's not telling me.

"Please don't put me in a difficult situation B."

"Difficult situation? What are you not telling me? If its about Pa, I think I have the right to know."

Amy's shoulder's dropped in defeat. "I'm so sorry B. I'm sorry, I did not mean to keep this from you but your Ma and Pa made me promise not to tell you."

"Not to tell me what?"

"I'm sorry B."

"What A!"

"Your Pa has suffered a heart attack a few days after you left for New York."

I feel like my heart has been purged from my chest the moment A uttered those words. My Pa had a heart attack and he did not want me to know because he knows that I would go home right away had I known about it.

"Has he recovered by then?"

"Yes, but the doctor said that he might not make it the next time he goes through another one."

I instantly scuttled my way towards Pa. I feel so terrible. Guilt is creeping in every vein of my body. My Pa suffered a heart attack while I was having the time of my life in New York.

When I walked up to Pa it's obvious that I have taken him by surprise. I instantly sat on his lap and hugged him very tight.

"I'm sorry Papa."


My bestfriend and I are in the car with Papa. Carlos is driving while Devon is in the front passenger seat. Pa is sitting chest out with his suit and tie while looking straight ahead, and I dont think he's planning to start a conversation anytime soon. Amy is nudging her elbow on my side signalling to talk to my father.


My father just blinks but remains stoic in his position. Oh my gosh, seldom is the time that I had a long conversation with my father. Most of the time he would chuck a word or two, just enough to convey his message firmly while leaving me no choice but to oblige. Reasoning out to father is of no moment in the Galves home. As what ma would say, obey your father for he knows best. And I must admit, Pa indeed knew best.


"Arabella, I did not raise you to make poor decisions like this. It hasnt even been that much long since you left for New York, and now you are trying to convince us that you love this man and you are marrying him? To say that I am disappointed is short of a description."

There it is. My father finally spoke his mind. Im actualy not surprised by this. He always thinks that he's a failure as a father if I make mistakes. Only this time, I dont think I am making a mistake. I am in love, and being in love is never a mistake.

I dare not reason out to my father, more so now that I know he has a serious heart condition. I might as well hammer down the last nail to his coffin. I will never forgive myself if that ever happens.

The ride on the way home was painfully silent. Even my bestfriend's tongue somehow got tied and that rarely happens.

A few minutes later we arrived home. My ma and my aunts along with some of our maids are still not done preparing our little feast. I could not find Nikolai and Alexei. Their car is already parked outside, which means they arrived home first. I am tempted to go to their room to check but ma specifically forbade us from going to each other's room nor be left alone without a chaperone. As if it's going to change the fact that my two Russian boys have already explored and placed a hickey or a bruise in every inch of my body.

I went back to my room to change clothes and lay down for a while. I actually feel very sleepy, probably because I have been awake for many hours with little to no sleep. My eyelids are slowly touching each other. Several moments later I heard some ticking. I try to ignore it first but it became relentless. I sat up in irritation to figure out where the ticking sound is coming from. I looked to my right and found out that it's from the windows. I stood up from bed and slowly walk up. Every second, a shadow of a stone hitting my window appears simoultaneously to the ticking sound. What the hell?

When I stood right next to the window, the hurling stopped. I slowly open the window and saw Nikolai and Alexei standing and looking up to me. They look very fresh and they have already changed to their usual dapper look in suits.

"Nikolai, Alexei, what are you doing?" I said while trying to lower my voice.

"Juliet, lay down your hair." Nikolai said trying to be funny. Alexei lets out a chuckle while wrapping his arm around Nikolai's neck.

"No!!!!! That's just soo wrong. Juliet and Rapunzel are two different characters." I said as I whisper scream.

The two just smiles at me in response. Oh my gosh, my eyes are leering upon seeing the men who absolutely without reservation whatsoever, own and dominate my heart.

Im still swooning over my two boys when all of a sudden, hotdog the dog, I know right? My silly mother named one of our five german shepherd dogs, hotdog. You can just guess the names of the other four, out of nowhere came running towards my boys direction.

My lips parted in horror. "Baby, climb up now!"

"Oh shit!" Said Alexei when he saw hotdog near them.

Nikolai and Alexei climbed up the tree next to my windows just in time to save themselves from rabies.

I extended my arms to help Nikolai first and then Alexei. They both have smiles planted on their faces like they are enjoying every bit of what's happening. The two instantly grab my waist and inhaled me deep while Im still bending over to shoo away hotdog.

"Hotdog go!!!" I'm brandishing my hand in the air pointing towards the direction where it came from. The crazy dog continued barking being all territorial. Shit, if this goes on, it will surely get the attention of the people in the house.

And then something clicked. I quickly took my slip ons from the floor. "Hotdog, here boy. You like this right?" Hotdog stopped barking and wiggles its tail while looking up to me. I know this dog's fetish are shoes, specifically mine, mama and papa's shoes. I threw it as far as I can, the dog instantly followed where it landed.

I turned around and instantly wrapped my thighs around Nikolai and lip locked with him.

"God I miss these lips...." Said Nikolai.

After ravaging my lips, he handed me over to Alexei who instantly kissed me on while making small painful bites on my lower lip. "Not being able to kiss you out in the open is driving me nuts."

"I'm sorry Alexei, this will soon be over, I promise."

We made love relentlessly for as slong as we can like deprived sex addicts. It's not even a whole day that we havent made love but my body was already craving for the two. If my vagina could talk the only words coming out of her mouth are Nikolai and Alexei's names, or the name of their dicks for that matter. God what is wrong with me?

I gave Alexei a head while Nikolai was pounding me from the back. Alexei was laying on his back all naked. His manhood is looking up to him while glistening with pre cum on the very tip. I placed his mushroom inside my mouth as I try to suck and move my head up and down. Since it was the first time that I went down on him, the look of surprise and anticipation was painted all over his face. He leaned his head backwards a few times in pleasure while looking at me with his beautiful hazel eyes.

While Im enjoying every juice of my Alexei, Nikolai and I are doing the doggy. Everytime he thrusts inside me, a clapping sound echoes inside my room. He slaps and squeezes my hips very tight making sure that he leaves bruises.

The possibility that we might get caught did not frighten me. In fact it added more to the excitment. It's like every pleasure doubles knowing the fact that any moment, someone will barge in my room and witness the scandal of their life.


My whole family is already settled on their seats and Pa was the last one to sit down. I sat on Papa's right while Ma is to his left. On my right side is Nikolai and Alexei. Devon is sitting right across Nikolai beside Ma and Amy. My mother said the prayer while our hands are held together. As my mother continued with the graces, I squeezed Nikolai's hand tightly. I want to tell him that I love him and I will fight for him and Alexei no matter what. My heart instantly melted when he squeezed my hand real tight in response.

"Amen." Says Ma as she ends the prayer with a smile on her face.

We ate in peace for a couple of seconds. There's this awkward silence lingering in the air. The only sound that can be heard is the occasional clinking of the utensils against my mother's fine china. I feel like a lump is slowly forming in my throat effectively blocking the air from getting in my lungs. Thank goodness, Aunt Lauren cleared her throat and broke the ice.

"I have heard you own a company Nikolai." She took the bowl of rice and scoops a spoonfull down to her plate.

"We have holdings on different businesses all over New York." My future husband responded straightforwardly as I place food on his plate.

"Thank you baby." Nikolai whispered. I just smiled at him in response. I know he doesnt have a single clue on what Palawi food his stomach can take so I was the one who chose and placed food on his plate. My boy Alexei was paying attention so I made Nikolai pass the bowl to him when Im done placing some to my Nikoali's plate.

"Oh, so what kind of businesses?" My Aunt Marissa butts in.

Amy instantly spilled her juice in front of her. Oh my gosh, I'm so gonna strangle her to death. I shot a glare at her direction but she just looks down her plate while wiping her mouth and shirt.

"Are you okay Amy?" My ma asked.

"Ah yes I'm fine thank you." She quickly glanced towards my direction. In my mind I have already hurled this bowl of rice Im holding straight to her head. Arrgghh Amy!

"Going back to my question. What kind of businesses Nikolai?" Aunt Marissa is an investment banker and she knows business and money more than anyone from the Galves family.

"Restaurants, Hotels, Office and Residential Buildings, Casinos, Clubs..." Responded my future husband while looking at Aunt Marissa.

In all fairness to my Nikolai, he is telling the truth.

"Wow, that's.....a lot. So that would make your net worth in a few hundred million dollars?"

"It's in the billions." Alexei butts in.

Wow, Billions? I myself am surprised by this. Sure I know Nikolai is filthy rich, but a Billionaire? In a few months that I have known Nikolai and Alexei money has never been an issue and it has never come up in our conversations. I mean why would I care, so long as I have the two beside me, Im fine living in a cabin at a small town. The two will go hunt for deers or go fishing in the river near our hard wood tiny house for our dinner. I stay in the house fending for our kids while making our home smell like pancakes with strawberry jam on top. The nearest neighbour we have is a few miles away, which means we can make love outside or anywhere else, with bears and alligators as our audience.

"Oh.." Aunt Marissa said and it's obvious that she's already sold on to Nikolai. She continued with her food without asking another question

I know that it may seem that my family is asking normal and innocent probing questions but knowing them too well, they are already measuring up Nikolai and his capability to provide for a comfortable married life to me. They just dont know how Nikolai and Alexei take care of me. I mean, these two know my wants and needs before I could even open my mouth to ask.

"So how did you and our Ara meet?" Asked Aunt Lauren.

Suddenly, all eyes are on Nikolai. They all look at him while putting down their spoons and forks.

"Well, I found her lurking in front of my house." Nikolai said with a hint of playfulness in his voice.

I instantly smack him on his shoulder. My little cousins giggled while looking at us in amusement. Nikolai just lets out a smile as he continues, "The first time I saw her, I already considered having kids with her. And I was a man who hated kids. I knew I was a goner right then and there."

My Aunt Lauren rested her head on top of her fist as her elbow stand on the table. The female species of the Galves family are now clearly under the Volkov Effect. Their eyes are sparkling while looking at Nikolai and me.

Devon on the other hand snorted like he is not having any of Nikolai's "bullshit" as what he called it. I instantly shot a glare at him.

"Uh so where did you graduate Nikolai?" My mother interrupts and I know that she can sense the tension stirring in the air.

"Nikolai and Alexei graduated business and finance from Columbia University." I said butting in.

"That's impressive."

"Of course ma, not to mention, Nikolai and Alexei built Volkov Holdings on their own many years back while they were still in college. At present, VH is one of the top finance and investment company in New York."

Nikolai's lips slowly pulled to the side while glancing at me. I got your back baby.

"Why dont you tell us about your time in juvenile detention facility Nikolai? Based on records, you and your brother here spent years locked up." Devon is placing his elbows on top of the table while his fingers intertwined like he's interrogating my future husband.

My family's eyes widened and they all looked taken aback. How did they even know about this?

"They were teenagers, they got into trouble just like normal teenagers." I said in defense. According to Matushka, when Nikolai and Alexei were teenagers they caused too much trouble to a point that they ended up in juvi. This information right here is not new to me.

"Arabella, let the person addressed answer the question." My Pa said while both of his hands are resting on the table.

"Somebody cowardly laid a finger on my sister Yelena so we made sure he never gets to use his fingers again." Answered Nikolai without a single pint of remorse in his voice. Just mentioning his sister's name, my future husband's beautiful green eyes turned dark and bereft of emotion.

I extended my arms and placed my palm on top of his hand and held it tight. At this point, I don't get shocked of what Nikolai and Alexei are capable of doing anymore. They are violent and would never think twice to kill for their family, and I have somehow accepted that.

"In short you and your brother were found guilty of mutilation."

"Enough!!!" I howled at Devon as I banged my hand on the table.

"Arabella!" Scolded my father.

My Aunts, instantly carried my little cousins away from the table as the tension starts to explode.

"I am telling the truth. Your fiance and his brother right here did not have qualms in dismembering their victim. Dont think for one second that they will hesitate in hurting you."

"Did you not hear what he said? They did what they did because of Yelena. Dont ever speak ill of them if you dont know anything."

"And you think you know them Ara? You barely know each other. Its been what? Two, three months? And the worst part is, youre telling us that you are getting married to this criminal?"

And that's the last straw. I have completely lost my respect towards Devon. He doesnt have a single right to do this to the love of my life.

"I think it's time for you to leave my house Devon."

"Ara." Said my mother

I stood up while fisting both my hands. My body is already shaking in anger.

"Leave Devon!"

"Arabella! Sit down!" Papa said sternly.

"No Papa! You were the one who taught me to fight for what I think is right. And Im doing just that. Devon has cross the line. He needs to leave."

"Ara, since when did you learn to raise your voice to your Papa?" Said mama, while looking at me all disappointed.

"Nikolai and Alexei came here respectfully. They dont deserve to be treated like this."

All of a sudden, Pa held his chest and he looks like he is in a lot of pain. My ma and Devon instantly stood up from their seats to help pa.


My father gestured us not to come close. "I'm fine. Sit down."

My mother looks all worried while brushing her palm on my father's chest.

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