lovestruck † hs

By the1dfanfics

155K 4K 1.1K

"Who hurt you so much that you started to hate yourself?" Quickly I change the subject. I am not going to cr... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
The Last Chapter

Chapter 22

1.9K 52 6
By the1dfanfics

Rachel's POV

I wasn't sure how long I had been lying on my bed, my mother's cruel words running on loop through my mind, haunting and putting me down, until a sudden banging on my door brings me back to reality. I peel my eyes open to look outside my window to find it dark, the dim light from the moon shinning through the nearly opened blinds. My cousins must be home.

"Rachel, are you alright? May we please come in?" I hear Jennifer's high pitched accent through the thin wooden door.

"Dammit Rach I'm tired of knocking. Let us in, I know you're crying," Hayley snaps before I hear a loud smack. She cries, "Ow! Whatcha do that for?"

"Don't be so insensitive to her! I'll hit you again," I hear Jen whisper. Then she sighs, "Look Rachel, you don't have to let us in, but please just tell us what's the matter?"

"She was so happy before," Hayley comments.

I search for my voice. I know it's somewhere in there, I can feel it. It's got to be there. I haven't lost it.

"I...I..its my parents," I croak, my voice seriously messed up from crying. My mother's horrible insults about myself and Harry replay in my head and I begin to sob again.

"Do you think Aunt and Uncle are alright? What if they're hurt?" I barely understand Jen question Hayley. I try to quiet myself and listen but it's difficult.

"No, they're fine. She's not crying because of that. They said something to her to make her this way. They usually tend to screw her up. I don't understand why they're so harsh on her," Hayley replies, as if they don't think I can hear them. The tears fall from my eyes and I can hardly see as I cry out.

"Come on Hayley, we should leave her be."

Those are the last words I hear before I unknowingly drift myself off to sleep, the crying taking all of my energy in me.

* * *

"Rachel? Rachel wake up," I think I hear a whisper, but all I see is black.

My eyes open on their own, and the first thing I see are Hayley and Jennifer, both dressed for work, beaming down at me.

I rub my eyes and raise a brow, wondering what the hell they're doing in my room.

"Come out, we've got a surprise for you," Hayley grins, reaching for my hand to help me out of bed.

I sit up, my head beginning to ache from all the crying I did. The pain just hit me like a tidal wave, jeez. I feel as if I've got like a hangover, that's how bad it is. I bring my free hand to rub my temple as I'm helped to stand up.

Jennifer puts her arm around me. "Don't worry we can get you something for that," she smiles an assuring smile as they lead me out my room and into the hallway, where the smell of pancakes begins to excite me.

My cousins turn me to go into the kitchen, and what I find shocks me a little. The girls set up something grand, a nice stack of pancakes, which I've missed desperately because the two don't like them, so I haven't had them in forever. There's a glass of my favorite juice, apple, a card next to the plate on the counter, a box with too large of a bow on it, and confetti scattered over the surface. I feel the wide grin grow on my face and I don't bother to make it stop. Nothing this nice has happened to me in what seems like forever.

"We thought you'd like it. It's a 'Congratulations on Harry and an apology for your shitty parents' present!" Hayley giggles as I sit down on a stool in front of the bar counter, and I can't help but giggle as well.

I turn to the two and smile at them, opening my arms for a hug, which they accept. They must have woken up early for this, they actually took the time to make me something I enjoy. I couldn't be more thankful. As annoying as they are, they're like the sisters I never had.

"Thanks so much you both, you don't know how much this all means to me," I squeeze them lightly in my arms, before letting go.

Jennifer walks further into the kitchen to the cabinet to grab the pain medication and returns to me. I nod, thanking her.

Hayley pulls out the other stool and sits down. "Alright, Jen and I have about thirty minutes before we have to go catch our trains to work at noon, and by the way, we were called about your dance class being cancelled today," she informs me, freeing me from some of my worry. "So come on, tell us what happened with your mum and dad," she catches me off guard with her change from her usual sassy mood, to her kind tone.

Jen brings a chair from the dining table and sits, now both girls looking at me for my story. I sigh before letting out, telling them every detail from yesterday, including the college thing which got them very ecstatic that I wanted to attend the same university as them. As I savor the taste of the delectable, sweet pancakes, I tell about the horrible phone call. The pancakes seem to really help keep me from crying while telling them this, I don't know why I'm so emotional. Both girls remain so supportive, holding my hand.

I begin to mention a few of the names my mom used to spite me and that cut the wire on my cousins, they blew up with anger before I could finish.

Hayley retracts her hand from mine and stands up. "Whoa, hold on. Your mum completely shut down your confidence, dared to bring up Jacob, and called Harry a damn freak?!"

"Yeah, that's pretty much the summary," I answer plainly with my mouth full of the sweet, buttery goodness.

Jennifer furrows her brows. "Don't act all nice and okay about it now Rach, she really did hurt you, and it kills us, as you can see from Hayley's outburst," she rolls her eyes to her, "to see you like this. You are hurt."

"I know I'm hurt," I answer honestly. "I feel like breaking down right now but these pancakes are helping a little," I force a smile, taking another bite. I don't want my cousins to be all worried about me.

"Yeah, yeah, thank the microwave," Hayley rubs it off, exposing what they actually did, though it was still a nice gesture. "You're parents..they always hurt you like this. We hate it! You can't forgive them every time so easily like you do, and especially this time."

I know I can't forgive them this time so easily. It's just that every time I forgave them before was because it's somewhat rubbed in my face all of the things that they've done for me in my life to benefit me, and I felt guilty. It makes me feel like I have to forgive them because even though throughout pretty much my whole life I've struggled to meet their expectations, my parents have helped me. This is why I'm so happy I left. I'm an adult, and the only expectations I need to meet are my own. Surely, many times I've thanked them for what they've done to guide me in the right direction, and now it's my turn.

Jennifer looks at her watch then back up to me. "Well, we'd better get to our train. Remember what we've said, and also enjoy your present!"

I thank them once more and they hug me before gathering their things and leaving. I finish the rest of my meal, surprised at myself for eating so much, then remembering I skipped two meals yesterday. That's unusual.

I drink up my juice and eye the card left by the present, deciding to open that first. When I do, inside I find two different things written:

Congrats on finding someone hot to shag! Also forget about your crappy parents, which is something I know Harry could help take your mind off of... is what is most certainly from Hayley. I re-read it and cannot stop laughing. These are the times when I love her odd humor.

The other from Jennifer reads, I'm very happy for you to have found Harry, and I hope he brings out the light in you, that you shouldn't let anyone, not even your parents, keep you from showing. Love you, and enjoy the present from us!

Reading that excites me more, I've always loved presents. I unwrap the medium or so sized gift and take off the top, inside finding an album with some familiar faces on it, and I smile once I learn it's the 5 Seconds of Summer album I had wanted since the concert.

I pick up the album and see something black underneath it, some article of clothing that feels rather soft. I take it out, the cloth unfolding, and I discover it's a black dress, one that's little at that. It's gorgeous, and daring for me, but I appreciate it. They'll have me wear it anyways.

Well, I have absolutely nothing planned today which is something that doesn't make me very happy. I take the album and dress to my room, hanging the dress up and I plop right down on my bed. Maybe Harry's messaged me?

I reach for my phone and frown a little when I see it empty of messages. He told me yesterday he might be busy, so I better not bother him.

Then a thought comes to mind, why hasn't Matthew called me for work? Is he okay?

Quickly I decide to text him and ask if everything is alright, and when I'm coming in next.

I hope the reason he hasn't texted me isn't because I've done something bad, or it better not be that he's not doing well. I just don't want anything to be screwed up, enough has already gone wrong in my life. He's a friend of mine more than a boss, and I want him to be alright.

I set my phone down and pick up the album, examining it and looking at all the songs in the back, remembering a few. I really got into their music, and it surprises me a lot since I've never been into rock much. Suddenly I have an idea, and I reach for my laptop. Why not spend the day jamming out to my new album?

I plug in the wire and then my phone, trying to remember how I was taught to sync music. I was forced to get an iPhone, Jacob never appreciated my old cell phone needing to be fixed or its battery needing to be replaced almost every month, so I chose to get a new one. I have always been a simple girl, and this technology was still a little confusing for me.

The CD went next, I took it out from the case and inserted it, then it appeared on my iTunes. I clicked the download button and now it was time to wait.

Almost five minutes later, the songs are finally on my iTunes, at least I think they are. How to get them onto my phone was the next question. I tried double clicking on the album, then I saw an 'Add to' selection, and couldn't help being happy to have figured this out.

Once the songs are added, and I've checked numerous times, I think the last step is syncing the phone. Just as I'm about to press the sync button, something pops up.

My eyes scan the screen, reading this notification that says something about a 'Find My iPhone' app needing some sort of email confirmation?

'Find My iPhone'? I never downloaded anything like that, and I've got no clue what the heck it is. My parents wouldn't have it, since they're as clueless with technology as I, and Jacob had an android phone, so from my knowledge, it wouldn't make any sense. Unless, he might have changed it?

Now I'm worried.

I get onto my phone and search around for the app, but my layout doesn't look any different. I check the organized sections I have, References, Other, but when I decide to check Games, I see it snuck in one of the app spots, almost hiding. I wouldn't know it was there unless I was really looking for it.

This is really did it get here?

I click on the app, discovering it's almost like a tracker for the phone, in case you lose it. I guess it makes sense, and it seems like a good idea, but I never downloaded this.

Before I decide to ignore the whole situation entirely, I see a notification come up that asks for the same thing I saw on my computer. I click OK, and finally I see the email address they want me to confirm. Wait...huh?

This is Harry's email? Why would it-Wait. Harry's not tracking me, is he?

That would make so much sense with everything! He somehow seems to know where to find me, like the time before we went ice skating, he knew I was at the cafe, and the other time after dance class when he drove me home. The first time when he got on my phone, he...he downloaded this?

Anger builds up inside me, nearly ready to burst like a balloon.

He doesn't trust me?! Is that it? What the hell? You don't just put a tracking device on someone, that's just insane! I'm more than angry, I'm furious! He's just hid this from me for weeks! Why on earth would he not trust me? I trusted him?!

I finish the sync on my phone, ignoring the dumb email confirmation. Harry can deal with that shit himself, it's not my concern. Once my phone is ready I immediately take my earphones and put them in, hoping to block out the world.

My body jumps and my eyes shoot wide open when my music is interrupted by a text message. I sit up from my bed and stop the music, seeing I've gone through nearly the whole album, though it's only felt like a few minutes have passed. On my phone, I see that the message is from the man of the hour, Harry.

Hey, are you okay? Haven't heard from you. X

I shake my head. I can't talk to him right now, I'm still too pissed. Besides, he knows I'm fine, he can see I'm at home, right?

As I'm about to lie back down and re-enter the world of 5SOS, my phone buzzes again.

Baby? I've just gotten a break from work for a few minutes. Is everything alright?

I groan and ignore the message again, hoping he won't text me again. I deserve an apology and an explanation, and I doubt he has time for that right now. Hell, I don't even think I have the patience for that right now. It's only been two days, and already my relationship with my parents is practically ruined, Harry and I are now on the rocks, and I'm unsure if I have a job still. That's what I get for being happy for like two seconds.

What's next?

I lie back down and turn the music up, loud. My phone rings, he's calling me now. Can't he take a hint?

This time I answer, sick of this. "Look Harry, I'm not in the best mood righ-"

"Um, Rach? It''s Matthew..." the speaker says. I remove the phone to check the caller ID, something I should have done in the first place, to find Matthew's name.


"Oh, Matthew, I'm sorry I thought you were-"

"Him,'s okay. I uh, just wanted to call you and say that everything is okay, I'm okay too, thanks for wondering earlier. The cafe had a pipe leak last night and I was going to call you in for work but of course I couldn't go in today, it was closed since it was getting fixed and I kept reminding myself to call you about it, but I forgot. I'm very sorry," he says, stress definitely in his words.

I feel awful for him. "No Matthew, it's okay! You're under a lot of stress it's no problem, I was just curious. I've got a lot going on too right now, and working is sort of my break from it, so I was just wondering if everything was alright, or if I may have missed a call from you.."

"Oh yeah, it's been hard lately for a lot of us," Matthew tries to relate, though I'm not sure he could relate to my problems. "Tomorrow we'll be open, care to come in at eleven?"

A stress free opportunity? "Yeah! I mean, yes!" I laugh into the speaker.

Matthew returns the laugh, "I'm not a strict boss. We're more friends, you know. We're nearly the same age," he jokes on my correction of 'Yeah' to 'Yes', causing me to laugh harder. "Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow!"

"See you Matty, thanks for calling me," I end it, hanging up my phone.

On impulse I remove the headphones from my phone and blast the loud music, getting up to dance around, my excitement overlapping on the anger I had. Finally, something to bring me back from the hell hole I was sucked into.
this was dramatic! hope you liked it!

also, recently i added some new info in my authors note about a new co-writer, one of my close friends who's asked to remain anonymous, who wanted to write the parts where harry and rach get..well intimate.. haha so thank her for those lol we go over it and its nothing I haven't read before but I just feel awkward writing she offered!!

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