A Generic Sanscest one shots!

By Luminositymoon

34.7K 626 884

I've never done anything like this before so I'm nervous but I've seen other people do them and they kinda se... More

crossmare <3
Yandere Nightmare x Blue <3
Nightmare x killer <3
Yandere Error x Ink <3
Yandere Shattered x Blue <3
Error x Error 404 (Lemon)
Yandere shattered x Passive noot
Possessive Fresh x Blue <3
Fresh x Pokemon <3
Bill x Nightmare <3
Yandere killer x cross <3
Not a part but-
Freshmare <3
Criminal nightmare x Cop killer <3
a bird, a bird, and a octopus (swad, Ds, and og nightmare) <3
a Nintendo DS, a pervert chicken wing, and a Lovecraftian octopus monster <3
Dream x killer <3
the birds and the... octopus? <3
Crossmare <3
octopus chicken sandwich <3
chickens with a side of double calamari
"I'm sorry.."
2x octopus+2x chickens
octopies and chicks
Lust sans angst
Horror farm
"this wasn't real..please don't say it was..please..!"
kfc with some calamari
Kross <3
Yandere parasitic guard
Nightmare getting bullied
a bunch of emos and an artist
ds errormare
birthday crack
Radical knives
bad sans poly


181 5 10
By Luminositymoon

Mimimau Meloveanimeforreal

This contains: cross[top] x dream[bottom] smut

These two are goofs

It had been dream and cross's anniversary today, a couple months back cross had been shopping for a gift for it and planning something special for dream. He found a defective heart locket, it looked apple shaped, it reminded him of dream so he got it and put a picture of him,ink, swap, and surprisingly nightmare too. In order to get nightmare, he begged and begged...and you guessed it, he begged.
Dream hummed, wrapping up cross's gift in some golden wrapping paper. What was inside this box? Well, the answer is simple: chocolate, homemade chocolate. He had made it yesterday, it took a while but dream didn't mind, he loved cross. Later today they were going out to eat at a restaurant, he had already picked out an outfit for himself, it was a nice cream colored button up with some equally as nice black pants. For now dream had work to do, so he left the present out on the counter for cross when cross gets back, he had already been given his present but he wanted to open it with cross.
Once back home, the two were sat up at the table, cross exchanging his gift first. "I hope you like it dream, it made me think of you! I know it looks a bit weird but I figured it'd still be nice..!" Cross sometimes overexplained. Dream personally thought it was cute, even though cross called him the cute one.
Dream started to open his gift, wanting to keep the little bow that was atop it, therefore he was very careful to not ruin it. He couldn't help but smile, cross was truly thoughtful. The beautiful golden locket was scooped up into his hands, cross whispering to open it. So he did.
His soul practically melted at seeing everyone all there in one picture, family and friends had always been so important to him, especially when younger. He leaned over the table giving cross a kiss on the cheek. "I love it cross, thank you!"
Cross flushed red, sputtering over his words, dream was just so pretty, even the littlest of affectionate smiles could just send him to his knees. He started to unwrap his present now, cross had always had a weak spot for chocolate, he wasn't picky really, but he never got to taste homemade chocolate since well, the ingredients are a struggle, and..cross isn't that patient when making himself food, which is why he always ends up burning his mouth. He took one out, eating one. He'd save the rest for later, they still were gonna have dinner so he wanted to make sure he didn't eat too much and get sick.
They spent the rest of the day cuddling until it was time to go eat dinner at the restaurant, it was a real nice place, the restaurant used candles instead of lights, so it had a nice glow. Cross and dream had gotten the ravioli, the two chatting and eating and doing pretty much everything else you'd expect two lovers to do during dinner together: hand holding, stealing one off the other's plate, talking about frustrating work stuff, kissing.
They chatted about ink, about nightmare, maybe a little bit of gossip- but nothing too mean, more like dating theories on who's dating who because of little clues they found out. Like how nightmare and ink are suspiciously neutral toward each other. Their talks lead until the end of dinner and back home.
Dream was currently in pajamas, getting ready for bed while cross was laid in bed, preparing the last surprise. He had turned around, greeted by cross on one knee, holding up a condom as if it were a ring or a sword, perhaps? He couldn't help but snicker, finding it funny.
"Doth..thou- wanteth to tango?" Cross thought this was silly as well, he didn't know anything about Shakespearean language but he thought dream would find it amusing. And dream did.
"Yes, I wouldn't mind, you're so goofy you know that cross?" He kissed cross on the forehead, joining him in the bed. "But I love that about you.."
Cross just smiled, starting to undress, fumbling with the buttons- sometimes he forgets how he bitterly hated buttons on clothes. Maybe he was stupid but he just didn't like undoing buttons that much. Dream did the same, although untying strings on clothes were much easier. They now laid back in bed, kisses being exchanged, arms pinned above their head, kisses that grew in intensity, trailing all over dream's body, it was ticklish honestly.
Cross had taken dream's legs onto his shoulders. They have done stuff like this before, although for the most part it was more simple stuff, stuff that they worked up to, it was all about discovering what they both enjoyed and what felt comfortable. Slowly, cross moved. Whatever they did it had always been gentle, and they always cleaned up and took a bath together afterwards.
Dream bucked his hips, fluttery gasps leaving his mouth as he buried his face with a nearby pillow. Everything felt good, cross occasionally would squeeze dream's thighs, just a subconscious little thing he did, dream didn't mind at all, he knew he was soft and all that, to him it was like getting a little kiss.
The rising intensity started to breed a nice warmth from the two of them, noises filling the air, gasps, shudders, and panting accompanying the two of them. Dream had always been very vocal, you'd definitely know if he wanted more. The warmth of their bodies so close together made the whole room feel warm, not uncomfortably, just toasty. They stayed like this for awhile, their limbs a tangled mess on the bed. Cross had pulled out, finished.
       Dream was a bit sleepy now, it was getting late anyways and dream usually slept early. Cross just smiled, carrying dream into the bathroom and running the water, he kept dream on his lap, nuzzling his head and helping clean up the mess they made. Meanwhile, dream was already half asleep, he was so peaceful looking.
Once finished, the two came back to bed, cross leaving momentarily to put away the towel they used during their.. activities. Cross curled up next to dream, putting an arm and leg over dream protectively, cross had a messed up sleeping position but dream really didn't mind. He loved cross and cross loved him.

The end! Sorry for such a delay, for I was in the midst of suffering due to Wattpad being silly and deleting one of my books [the book in question is just like every other rp book- lol]

Up next, radicalknives, kross, villainousbeats, bad sans poly

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