Regulus Black x reader (NOT S...

By akiokageyama267

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Y/n Potter and Regulus Black realize that they're not so different after all. Will their friendship be accept... More

Character introductions part 1
Character introduction part 2
Character introduction part 3
Chapter One: The first day (part 1)
Chapter two: First day (part 2)
Chapter three: The closet (part 1)
Chapter four: The closet (part 2)
Chapter five: Prefect patrol
Chapter six: Detention and a game
Chapter seven: The hospital wing
Chapter eight: Halloween
Chapter nine: Animagus
Chapter ten: Hogsmeade
Chapter 11: Christmas (part 1)
Chapter 13: Christmas (part two)
Chapter 14: Christmas (part three)
Chapter 14: Triwizard tournament (part one)
Chapter 15: Triwizard tournament (part two)
Chapter 16: Triwizard tournament (part three)
Chapter 17: Triwizard tournament (part four)
Chapter 18: The first challenge (part one)
Chapter 19: The first challenge (part two)
Chapter Twenty: Girlfriend?
Chapter Twenty-One: Dresses and Eggs
Chapter Twenty-Two: Expelled? Maybe. (Kind of a filler chapter)
Chapter Twenty-Three: Yule Ball (part one)
Chapter Twenty Four: Yule Ball (part two)
Chapter Twenty Five: Nightmare
Chapter Twenty Six: Rescue (part one)

Chapter Twenty Seven: Explain

657 26 12
By akiokageyama267

Y/n had cast the spell on herself just before jumping in and she was glad she had. She didn't know how much longer she would be down here. Y/n spotted a rock similar to the one that had pointed her in the direction of Regulus and followed it until she saw a distraught looking area. It looked as if a large portion of the terrain had been ripped away.
Y/n felt a tap on her shoulder and whipped around, ready to attack whatever, or whoever, was there. She quickly took her defenses down when she saw Remus floating there. She didn't notice him following her but he started pulling her in a new direction. He pulled her into an underwater cave where there was an air pocket. Y/n felt herself, despite having enough air, gasping for air.
"What are you doing down here?" Y/n gasped.
"You can be such an idiot," Remus huffed. "You jumped into the lake without a plan. Of course I was going to follow you,"
"Hey, to be fair, you also jumped into the lake without a plan," y/n pointed out.
Remus stuck his tongue out at her.
"For your information, I do have a plan," Remus rolled his eyes. "I just needed to bring you here to make sure your ears are plugged,"
"What?" Y/n was confused.
"The grindylows most likely brought Lily to the sirens. They practically worship them," Remus explained. "Even though we're underwater, if we don't plug our ears, we'll still be drawn in by their song,"
Remus pulled two wards of wax out of his pocket and snapped one in half, handing it to y/n.
"Do I even want to know why you just have wax in your pockets?" Y/n asked him.
"The chocolate I got was wrapped in wax, I just never threw it out," he said.
Y/n nodded and watched as he shoved the wax into his ears. She wanted to laugh at how ridiculous he looked whilst moving the wax around. Once he was finished he looked at her expectantly.
"Say something," he said, all volume recognition gone.
"I've been shipping you and Sirius since the day I met y'all," y/n said.
Remus's face frowned and he threw a rock at her.
"I can still read lips," he mumbled, face red. "But it works, I can't hear you,"
Y/n took this as her turn to seal up her ears. When she was finished, Remus said something and she couldn't hear him. She grinned at him with a thumbs up. Remus smirked and motioned at the water for her to dive in.
She took a deep breath, despite not needing it, and dove into the water. Remus followed in suit and they continued their journey. Remus, seeming to know more about the terrain of the lake, led the way, winding through the underwater plants. They emerged to a clearing and saw Lily tied up, still passed out, in the center. Y/n lunged to her friend but Remus held her back.
She was about to complain but saw several sirens coming out from the seaweed. They hunkered down, attempting to hide from them.
"We can hear you," one of the sirens sang
"Come out and play," another sang.
Y/n's eyes widened. How could she hear them? Her hands darted up to her ears only to find the wax gone. She whipped her head around to Remus.
"The wax is gone!" She said.
That was one of the stupidest things y/n has ever done. Not only could Remus not hear her but he could also tell by the floating wax next to them. The sirens looked over at them, their haunting faces shifting into those of the ones y/n loved. Without hesitation, they started singing.
Their song started out soft and calmly, sounding like the instruments of y/n and Regulus's song, Iris. Remus watched in horror as y/n's pupils dilated, covering the beautiful e/c with black. He reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her away from them. He gripped onto her shoulders, trying to maintain eye contact but her head kept turning towards the sirens.
He wanted to know what she heard, what she saw. Y/n started to try and push herself away from Remus, gently at first but slowly getting more and more violet.
Y/n wanted, no she needed, to go towards what she saw. In front of her she saw a scene similar to her nightmare from the night prior. But instead of separate visions, they were all interacting together. Y/n's parents were having a seemingly joyful conversation with the Black family. Everyone was having fun, enjoying each other's company.
"Y/n! There you are!" Y/n heard a voice call to her.
It was Regulus.
It was a version of Regulus that y/n wanted nothing more than to run towards. His hair was grown down to the nape of his neck, gaining a more similar appearance to Sirius. His gorgeous gray eyes bore into her own with a burning love. Y/n saw a small bundle in his arms and when he turned it towards her, she saw a small baby swaddled in front of her.
She took one step towards her dream world before being pulled away violently. Suddenly, as if instantaneously, she was lying on the dock again, next to Lily and Remus. Lily gasped for breath as James ran over to her. Most people had left, other than a few reporters and the teachers. James helped Lily sit up and turned to y/n and Remus.
"Are you guys crazy!? You could've gotten killed!" James shouted at them.
"What are you, my dad?" Y/n joked.
Regulus appeared behind him and rushed to y/n's side.
"For once, I agree with your brother. What you did was incredibly reckless," he said.
He had a warning look in his eyes. Y/n looked past his shoulder and saw his parents standing there. When had they gotten there? Y/n wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him close.
"When did they get here?" She whispered.
"I'm not sure, when you dove back down, they showed up out of nowhere," Regulus admitted.
They pulled apart and Regulus helped her stand up.
"Makes sense that Sirius disappeared," y/n mumbled, watching Remus jog off, certainly to go find his lover.
McGonagall handed y/n a towel, which she graciously accepted, wrapping it around her shoulders in the cold weather. Orion and Walburga took large strides over to the (much) younger couple.
"Y/n, we heard from a very well respected, ah, friend of ours how well you did in the first challenge and we had to come out and see for ourselves! You certainly live up to the stories," Walburga greeted y/n with a fake smile.
"Thank you so much," y/n accepted the praise. "Might I ask who your friend is? I didn't know there were stories about me,"
The Black's shared a look and turned back to y/n. Regulus linked his arm around her waist, pulling her in to him protectively. Y/n looked up at him and saw that he was having a silent staring contest with his father.
"He has asked us to keep his name secret for the time being but trust us, he is someone you are lucky to be impressing," Orion told her.
"Well, we better get going for lunch, swimming can take a lot out of me," y/n smiled and bid goodbye to the Blacks.
They made it about a hundred feet away and y/n started to speak, but was cut off by Regulus.
"Not yet," he whispered. "Wait until we're sure we're alone,"
Y/n nodded and they headed into the castle. Right before entering the Great Hall, Regulus bolted to the right, dragging y/n with him. He smiled back at her as she stumbled over her feet, not expecting the sudden change in direction and pace. They ran through the halls, suddenly dropping their previous seriousness. Y/n's laughs filled the air as the turned a corner, Regulus suddenly pulling her into an empty classroom.
"Wow," y/n laughed at the room. "I'm getting deja vu,"
Regulus looked around the classroom, curious as to what she meant. It was the same classroom Regulus had pulled y/n into earlier that year, to catch her from following him. That seemed so long ago now. Their relationship had grown from absolutely loathing each other, to being best friends, and now to being partners.
Regulus pondered this for a moment as he sat down on one of the desks. How could he have ever hated her? She was perfect.
"So what was that all about?" Y/n stood in front of him, leaning against a desk. "Do you know who the friend was?"
Regulus pulled his focus back to y/n and nodded slowly.
"Yes, yes I do," he said.
Y/n waited for a second before letting out a laugh.
"Well? Are you going to tell me?" Y/n asked.
"I-I can not say his name," Regulus said.
"What do you mean? No one else is here,"
Y/n was getting worried. Regulus's face was abnormally pale, his eyes frantic. He looked around the room before whispering.
"He has a curse in his name," he explained. "He will be alerted if anyone says it,"
"What kind of freak is that self centered that he would do that?" Y/n asked.
"The kind that has complete rule over the death eaters," Regulus said.
"Well now I really want to know,"
Regulus smiled at his love and walked up to the chalkboard at the front of the room.
"Let's play a game of hangman then," he said. "Do not say the word out loud when it is finished though,"
Y/n nodded and watched as he rolled up his sleeves and started writing. He drew out the setup of the game and they began.
"A," y/n guessed.
Regulus drew a head of a stick figure under his previous drawing.
"No a? Uhm, e?"
Regulus put one e in it's place. This continued on until there was only one letter missing.
"I've guessed all of the letters!" Y/n sighed.
There were eighteen letters on the side and Regulus had to put accessories on the poor stick figure that was getting hung.
"You've missed one," Regulus laughed.
"B?" Y/n guessed.
Regulus laughed and put another b on the side, adding a scarf onto the stick figure.
"You're so close," Regulus said. "What letter sounds like b?"
"I've already said c,"
"No, the other one,"
"Oh!" He face lit up. "V!"
"Yes!" Regulus wrote in the last letter.
Y/n read the space that said 'Lord Voldemort' in her head and looked at Regulus.
"I have never heard of that man in my life," she grumbled.
Regulus went back to his spot on the desk and looked at y/n as she stared at the name.
"He is the one who created the death eaters," he explained. "My entire family is under his rule,"
"Why is he watching me though?"
Regulus looked at y/n, deciding what the best thing to say next was.
"Y/n, what do you know about the death eaters?"
Y/n turned around and looked at Regulus, curiosity in her eyes. She sat down in the seat across from him and rested her head on her hands.
"Well," She thought for a minute. "They're all pure bloods who don't muggles learning or knowing about magic. And your family is highly involved in the cause right? That's what Sirius had told me,"
Regulus nodded.
"Both of those things are true. But do you know how far the death eaters will go to stop muggles from learning magic?" Regulus leaned forward.
Y/n shook her head, slightly flustered by Regulus's damp, halfway buttoned shirt hanging open. Her eyes drew up to the locket around his neck. She needed to tell him about her dream. She swallowed and looked up to meet Regulus's eyes. The icy gray eyes stared back at her, awaiting an answer. She shook her head.
"You know the carriages that take us from the train to Hogwarts every year?" He asked.
"Those magic carriages?" Y/n laughed. What does this have to do with anything? Is he watching me through those?"
The look on his face seemed to travel off somewhere distant.
"That always made me confused. Students would always ask the professors what sort of magic made them move on their own but I never saw any magic," he explained.
Y/n stayed silent, waiting for him to continue. She didn't understand why he was saying this but she knew he had a point he wanted to make.
"I always saw these scary looking horses. I kept it to myself until halfway through second year. I just couldn't stand it so I read a book about mythical creatures and found out that the carriages were being led by Thestrals. They're only visible to those who have seen death firsthand,"
Y/n's face fell. Who did he see die?
"Do you understand what I'm trying to say?" He asked.
Y/n shook her head.
"I have seen the death eaters kill over a hundred muggles just because they tried to learn magic," he said bluntly.
"Th-they kill people?!" Y/n asked.
"Yeah," Regulus avoided eye contact with her. "I saw my father kill someone for the first time when I was only six years old,"
Y/n looked at him with horror.
"I swore I would never be like him," he clenched his teeth. "But you know who had different plans for me,"
Y/n thought of Orion killing somebody with his hands and shivered. He was so nice to her. How could he be so cruel?
"He decided that I would take over as his right hand man with a pureblood wife to create the next generation of Hogwarts. It was originally supposed to be Sissy and Lucius, but he saw how strong and powerful you were and when he found out about us and decided that it would be us who would create the next generation," Regulus explained.
"What does he want us to do?" Y/n asked, hoarsely. "Does he want me to kill someone?"
Regulus finally looked at the girl in front of him and saw tears pricking the corner of her eyes. Worry washed over him and he grabbed her face and forced her to look at him. He wiped away her lost tear from her cheek. She gazed up at him with fear in her eyes.
"I would never put you in that situation," he told her.
Y/n heard the utter truth leak from his voice.
"And I need you to know that I will never let you get hurt," again, y/n fully believed him. "Please say something,"
"I love you," she muttered.
"I love you too," he smiled at her. "And I never want to be separated from you again,"
He pulled her against him, locking their lips in a passionate kiss. There was nothing but pure love and trust between them. When they pulled away, y/n closed her eyes and leaned her head against his. She opened her eyes slightly and gazed down at the locket.
"I had a dream last night," she started off.
"What?" Regulus looked at her. "What about?"

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