Its A Kind Of Magic (Previous...

נכתב על ידי GalaxyDefender1201

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(Previously known as 'Deciding') Jess is your average college girl. She's quite pretty, has a bright future a... עוד

Chapter 1: The Boat Ride
Chapter 2 - Morning Selfie
Chapter 3: New Kid On The Block
Chapter 4: Date time Cupcake
Chapter 5: One Question, One Argument
Chapter 6: Making Ammends
Chapter 7: Party Pooper
Chapter 8: Jacks POV
Chapter 9: The War Zone
Chapter 10: Second Chances
Chapter 11: Party Planner
Chapter 12: The Dress
Chapter 13: Jacks POV
Chapter 14: The Birthday Party
Chapter 15: Jacks POV
Chapter 16: We need to talk
Chapter 17: True Pain
Chapter 18: I'll be ok
Chapter 19: Little Monkey
Chapter 20: The Best-ish Time Of Year
Chapter 21: Christmas Day
Chapter 22: Your secret is safe with me
Chapter 23: Punishment
Chapter 24: Mouldy Pumpkins, Frappes and Sleepovers
Chapter 25: New Years Eve
Chapter 26: Jacks POV
Chapter 27: Goofy smiles and Good News
Chapter 28: Long Time No See
Chapter 29: His True Home
Chapter 30: Brotherly Love
Chapter 31: Phone Conversations... with who?
Chapter 32: Big Fatty Blobby
Chapter 33: Hide and Seek
Chapter 34: Confessions
Chapter 36: Can't Live With Them, Can't Live Without Them
Chapter 37: Jack's POV
Chapter 38: Jack's POV- Oh Wise One Danny
Chapter 39: Not To Toot My Own Horn
Chapter 40: Jack's POV
Chapter 41: Mash Potato
Chapter 42: Mothers Know Best
Chapter 43: I'm Not Stupid
Chapter 44: Those Cliché Moments
Chapter 45: Humpty Dumpty
Chapter 46: Pretty Girls
Chapter 47: I Understand
Chapter 48: This Was Going To Be Brilliant!
Chapter 49: Finally Becoming A Reality
Chapter 50: The Summer Dance And The Case Of The Missing Lipstick
Chapter 51: The Date
Chapter 52: No Strippers
Chapter 53: I Missed You
Chapter 54: The Wedding
Extra #1
Extra #2
Extra #3
Extra #4
Extra #5
Important A/N on Deciding! Sorry Not An Update
Extra #6
Officially The End
⭐️Some News!!⭐️

Chapter 35: You need some TLC and to get ready to KTA!

42 6 0
נכתב על ידי GalaxyDefender1201

A/N Hiya, the video above is the scene I mention later on in the chapter. Enjoy!


I ran down his driveway, tears spilling out of my eyes like there was no tomorrow. How could I have been so stupid? Why didn't Jack tell me? I mean he told me why, but if he'd have told me I probably would have believed him. The part that stings the most is he never showed any signs of it being hard for him not to say anything. It was like he was fine with keeping it from me.

I eventually stopped running and started to walk when I was sure he wasn't following me. But then I heard footsteps running after me, so I sped up.

"Jess!" They called but I ignored them and carried on walking.

They continued shouting my name and I was going to keep ignoring them until I realised who it was. Beth. The bestest friend ever. The girl I could rely on.

I slowed down and allowed her to catch up with me.

"Hey, why d'you speed up?" She asks.

"I, uhh, didn't realise it was you" I sniffled, wiping away a couple of the fresh tears.

She frowns sympathetically at me and pulls me into a hug which I gladly accept. "Come on lets get you home" I nod and she keeps her arm around my shoulder, guiding me while I sob into her shoulder.

When we arrive back at mine, we go upstairs and I flop onto my bed and sob hysterically. I don't realise Beth has disappeared until she comes back with two mugs of hot chocolate, some chocolate digestives and a box.

"Hey" she says quietly.

"Hey" I sniff.

"I bought you some stuff up" she placed the biscuits and then the box on my bed and then the two mugs on my bedside table.

"Thanks" I say meekly. She nods and opens up the biscuits.

"You okay? Stupid question I know but..." She says with a small nervous laugh.

"I suppose" I take a sip of my hot chocolate and welcome the soothing sensation on my raw throat. Consequences from all the crying, I think to myself.

"So what exactly happened?" She asked. "I understand if you don't want to talk about it yet"

"No its... its ok" so I tell her the story and she listens carefully, her facial expressions changing from disbelief, to shock, back to disbelief and then to angry.

"Oh. My. God. What the actual fuck?" I nod in agreement. "I can't believe they would do that to you. Well I can sorta believe it about Tom, but Jack... I can't believe he would keep that from you"

"I know" When I think about it, I break down again and Beth cradles me in her arms.

After a few minutes she pulls away and smiles.

"Come on, I have a plan" she says smirking.

"What?" I grab a tissue and fab my tears.

She pulled the box closer to us and slides open the lid. When I look inside, I gasp.

"It's all... all the pictures of Tom and I" I say, more to myself than Beth.

"Yep" she said popping the 'p'. Then she pulled out a pair of scissors and I gasp again.

"B-Beth, what are you doing?" I ask nervously.

"We are going to cut him out of your life. Literally" she says. Then she grabbed a picture and sliced right through his face.

"Oh my god!"

"Don't knock it til ya try it babe" she hands me a pair of scissors and a picture of Tom and I on my birthday. "Go on. Cut him out"

Hesitantly I put the scissors up to the glossy picture in front of me and cut it straight through the middle; instantly feeling liberated.

"Oh. My. God! That was amazing. Give me another one!"

So that's when it started. We sat there for ages, me cutting up pictures and Beth laughing at my rage.

I chopped his head off one, then stabbed him in his crotch on another. This reminded me of when Jack and I went paint balling when Tom upset me a few months ago. Jack. Ugghh.

Why can't I stop thinking about him?

After all the photos are cut, Beth disappears again, but not before telling me to put on a film for when she gets back.

So there I was, rummaging through my DVD collection, minding my own business, when all of a sudden I hear the most almighty bang.



Thud thud bang!

What the hell?

I put the DVD in the slot and went to investigate.

Nothing in the bathroom. Nothing in my parent's bedroom. Oh that reminds me I need to visit Mom.

Nothing in the kitchen or living room either. Where else?

"Beth?" I shout. "You okay?"

"Jess" I hear a muffled shout.

"Beth... where are you?" I ask.

"In the study"

"Ok" I made my way to the study and I gasped as soon I saw the sight. Beth was sprawled out on the floor on her back, with the desk chair on top of her and underneath the chair, the shredder.

I burst out laughing. And when I say laughing I mean doubled over, clutching my stomach, laughing.

"This. Is not. Funny" she deadpanned.

"Sorry" I giggled.

"Can you please get this off of me" she groaned, growing annoyed.

I walked over and lifted the chair off of her and then the shredder and she got up, brushing herself down and straightening out her clothes.

"Thank you" she muttered.

"What are you doing with the shredder anyway?" I asked still chuckling.

"Well this was the second half of my plan. Now we shred the cut up bits of photos"

I sighed. "Come on Beth, can't we just watch the film? We can do this another day"

"Ok fine" She pouted causing me too laugh. "On the bright side at least my little accident cheered you up a bit"

Yeah but only for a little while. I wanted to say, but if it made her happy thinking she'd at least made me slightly happy, I could put on a fake smile, and let her think it.

So we walked back up to my room and started to munch on some more biscuits while the film advertisements on the DVD played.

Then the opening scene started to play and I heard Beth tut.

"Bridget Jones... really?"

"Yeah" I admitted sheepishly.

"Jess, watching a film about a woman who can't keep a man is really not going to make you feel any better"

"Yes it will because its funny" I gave her the puppy dog eyes and sniffed a couple of times and she sighed and gave in.

The movie started to play again and we watched. All that could be heard amongst us was the occasional munching on biscuits.

Usually I would laugh at the scene where she sings to herself in her flat, but after the day I've had, I can understand where the character was coming from.

I feel like I'm all by myself. I feel a few traitorous tears escape and I quickly brush them away so Beth doesn't start pitying me again. I'm not a huge fan of being pitied. I mean fair enough there is a few time where its needed but I can say its not always useful. I mean there will be times during this period in my life I will need pity; but I don't want to be constantly bombarded with it. It will just make me more depressed anyway. But Beth does notice, how I don't know but she does.

"Babe, listen don't worry. He was an asshole and you're better off without him"

"I know but... I really liked him Beth"

"I know you did" she said with a sympathetic smile. See there's the pity. "But what you need is some TLC and to get ready to KTA" she ended it enthusiastically.

"KTA?" I asked really confused.

"KTA. Kick. Tom's. Ass" She said in a duhh tone. I burst out laughing. I really love Beth.

So we carried on watching the film and we both laughed here and there at Bridget's antics.

I wish Beth could have stayed all night but her Mom texted her saying she needed to go home to visit her Grandmother.

So I had to seek out my other two best friends. The ones who had been there through thick and thin, the good times and the bad. My life long pals, Ben and Jerry.

I asked my Dad to bring me a few large tubs home and he did so willingly. Although when I said a few, I meant 2 or 3. Not 12! He admitted he was a little shocked at the total price and he said and I quote 'I'm going to write a very strongly worded letter to Mr Ben and Mr Jerry telling them how the price of their ice cream is scandalous. Outrageous even!'

But when I told him about what happened, his target for his anger changed. No longer was he going to write his letter. However what he was going to do was a little crazy. He said and once again, I quote 'I never liked that boy, too much attitude. Lets hear his attitude when my hands are wrapped round his throat!'

It was fair to say, he was not happy about Tom. I eventually convinced him not to do anything, saying I would get revenge in my own way. Although I forgot to mention, my revenge plan as of now, consists of a piece of paper with 'Revenge Plan' written at the top. Crazy I know.

So after finding room in the freezer for my new companions- leaving one out to eat- I headed back upstairs to my room to cry, watch films and get reacquainted with my Ben and Jerrys. It was cookie dough as well. My favourite.

So I ended up starting to watch the Twilight box set. Laughing at the first one, screaming at the second on how Edward was such an idiot for leaving Bella and that's when I feel asleep.

At least my dreams could be more pleasant than reality.


A/N Hiya again, just a quick one. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

So now Twilight has been mentioned I feel like its an appropriate time to ask this deadly serious question. Team Edward or Team Jacob?

Comment your answer and don't forget to make me the happiest writer ever and click that pretty little star and vote. Thanks.

Love to you all

B - Xx

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