Tutoring EXO ( EXO fanfic )

By ncttrash

239K 10.9K 2.4K

Past that door will he the boys who will be deciding my future. My future? I have it all planned out. It's l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapters 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Edit Update...
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Edit Chapters... Pls...
Tagged Thingy
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55 (END)

Chapter 13

5.1K 270 6
By ncttrash

"We're going to die! I don't want to die!" Darkness blanketed our souls with the moonlight leaking through the only window we had. Without that little bit of light we would probably be blinded. The chilly atmosphere caressed my flesh making goosebumps rise across every inch of my body. Tao was standing at the opposite side of the room avoiding any eye contact from me. I stared at him blankly as he continuously muttered about how his life was going to end. We've tried several times to find an escape, but failed to succeed. We also had no phones to contact anyone. We tried to find Chen's or Xiumin's, or whoever's phone was missing, but we couldn't find that either. Once in a while whenever I would get tired of his presence I would close my eyes, and start humming to a random Girl's Generation song. He never stopped though.

Seriously what is he so scared of?

When the humming tactic ceased to block him out of my thoughts I walked up behind him to stop him by force. No one's here to stop me anyway. I got a good grip of his shoulders and rattled him to his senses.

"Relax!" I demanded, "No one's in here to hurt us."

He slowly cranked his head towards me. His bloodshot eyes and stricken expression were able to obliterate the anger in my heart. It seemed like he was seriously terrified.

My instincts moved me and sooner you know it, he was within my arms. My mom used to comfort me this way. It was barely audible, but under his breathe he was still murmuring, "Mom...Dad..."

I gradually patted his back.

What in the world was happening?

I took his head cupping it within my hands, forcing him too look straight into my eyes.

"Tao, listen to me closely," I drawled, "I'm right here to protect you. If anything happens, they have to go through me first. I want you to stop crying. Okay? Don't worry. I'm right here next to you. Just rest and pray. All right?"

He nodded his head still holding down his tears. Now, we both sat in the same corner of this whole storage room. Tao continued to cry on my shoulder as I waited for him to calm down.

Someone... Please come...

(Xiumin's POV)

Chen has successfully trapped both Tao and Minhye in the storage room seeing that he returned back to the van without them. Thankfully all the members were too distracted to even notice their absence. Tao is one of the members whose trust can't be easily earned so we might as well do it by force.

As for the rest of the members, we have earned their trust through the previous soccer game. It played out well just like how Chen planned it.

Sometimes I wonder how he thinks of these ideas.

"I've never played such an exciting match for such a long time now." Luhan started in satisfaction.

Behind him Chanyeol and Baekhyun simultaneously nodded their head in agreement.

Suho joined in after, "I never expected her to be so good too."

Lay unexpectedly spoke up, "You're not even that good to judge her, but this time I agree with you."

Before Suho could even think of a comeback Sehun instantly started to talk, "I want to play with Minhye again!"

Luhan then said, "Me too! But next time I want Xiumin to play with us." He looked at me smiling. I rolled my eyes. He's being competitive all over again.

I averted my gaze to Kai who sat quietly in the corner with his arms crossed. He too started to speak, "I guess she's an interesting girl."

Chen who was next to me nudged my sides. When I looked at him he waggled his eyebrows.

"Don't celebrate just yet," I reminded him. I lowered my voice down to a whisper, "There's still D.O. and Kris that we have to convince."

Chen continued to smile in bliss, "That's okay. It's only the two of them."

(Meanwhile in the storage room... Minhye's POV)

There's still no signs of hope for rescue, and it has been at least 20 minutes. Tao has cried himself to sleep after never endlessly bawling for his parents.

Though a bit childish I have a strong feeling that there's a reason behind all his fear.

Later on, I was lucky enough to be able to find several blankets to protect us from the ice cold midnight air. By now, I'm pretty sure that we were going to spend the whole night in this storage room. I couldn't doze off to sleep though. I've attempted to several times, but failed in doing so.

To kill time occasionally I would continue humming random melodies. Soon every second that ticked by turned into minutes, then into hours. My eyes grew heavier along with it. When sleep had finally found its place in me, Tao suddenly woke up.

He looked at me groggily.

He first let his finger touch his cheeks absorbing our situation then later bringing it up to rake through his hair.

(Tao's POV)

My swollen eyes ached making my head throb uncontrollably, "Minhye is that you?"

With her eyes fighting to stay awake she nodded her head.

I scanned my surroundings realizing that we were still inside the storage room, "I guess no one has found us yet." I looked at Minhye sleeping on my shoulders. Did she stay up the whole time I was here?

Out of concern I pulled the blanket more to her side ordering her, "Just keep sleeping. I'll wake you up if someone finds us."

I leaned back making myself comfortable.

"Thank you for calming me down," I whispered.

Although she was obviously sleeping I continued to express my gratitude to her.

I guess Minhye is a good person after all. No matter what any of my members says I know in my heart that she wouldn't betray us like others. The other tutors treated us with no respect. Some were fans that stalked us day and night. Some were haters and threatened to harm us. Some were adults who brought in their so called family members to fangirl over us. Some were just plain terrible, and didn't give any concern about how they could ruin our lives. I mean we were still humans.

Anyways, I still couldn't believe I had a panic attack in front of her. I never had one of those since last week. Okay maybe it happens way too often, but let's face it. I don't like confined spaces, and being alone, and the dark, and a lot of other things....

Anyway, now I have to make sure the others will trust her too. Even though it may be hard for them to accept her, it'll be my job to prevent history to replay all over again. All I can do now is hope...

If you want to support the story visit my ko-fi page: https://ko-fi.com/trulyasolomon

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