Anarchy | The Boys

Oleh standwithcap

24.4K 865 163

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410 24 11
Oleh standwithcap

Vought Studios presents Dawn of the Seven.

After reshoots and lots and lots of rebranding, the premiere has finally come, turning Stormfront from one of their heroes, to their main villain. The red carpet is filled with flashing cameras, flashing smiles, and the same damn speech from Homelander over and over again.

" Well, I am just a man who fell for the wrong woman. But out of crisis comes change. So I spent the last year really slowing down and reconnecting with myself. And I am very excited for everyone to meet the real me."

But the real Homelander is something nobody should have to see. The crowd barely gets a glimmer of what's beneath the surface when Hexa joins the red carpet and officially steals the spotlight from John, whose eyes twitch as he watches her smile and pose for the cameras, all trying to capture the most beautiful supe in the world.

The red carpet buzzes with energy as Petra, adorned in a long sleeved superhero suit that hugs her curves, steps onto the scene. The cameras immediately swivel towards her, the flashes of light illuminating her scarlet eyes like beacons in the night.

Homelander, in the midst of yet another interview, freezes mid-sentence as Petra's presence commands the attention of everyone around her. His jaw tightens imperceptibly, a flicker of annoyance flashing across his features before he smoothly resumes his rehearsed smile for the cameras.

Petra moves with a confidence that belies her scarred past, her steps deliberate and purposeful as she makes her way down the red carpet. The whispers among the crowd grow louder, the murmurs of intrigue and speculation swirling around her like a whirlwind.

As Petra approaches the interview area, Homelander's forced smile tightens further. He watches her with a mixture of curiosity and disdain, his blue eyes narrowing ever so slightly as she draws closer.

"Hexa, what brings you here tonight?" The interviewer asks, her voice laced with a hint of surprise at Petra's unexpected appearance.

Petra offers the interviewer a charming smile, her scarlet eyes gleaming with a hint of mischief.

"Oh, you know, just thought I'd crash the party," She replies with a playful wink.

The crowd chuckles at her witty remark, but Homelander's smile remains strained. He shifts uncomfortably under Petra's gaze, a flicker of insecurity betraying the facade of confidence he so meticulously maintains.

"Any plans to join the Seven?" Another reporter chimes in, eager to delve into the rumors surrounding the scarlet-eyed supe.

Petra's smile widens, a coy tilt to her lips as she locks eyes with Homelander.

"Well, you never know what the future holds," She replies cryptically, her scarlet gaze unyielding.

Homelander's facade wavers for a split second, a flash of frustration crossing his features before he regains his composure. He forces a laugh, though the tension in the air is palpable.

As the interview continues, Petra effortlessly commands the attention of the crowd, her charisma and confidence shining through with every word. Meanwhile, Homelander struggles to maintain his facade, the cracks beneath the surface growing more pronounced with each passing moment.

As the cameras flash and the reporters clamor for her attention, Petra's scarlet eyes remain fixed on Homelander, a silent challenge lingering in the air between them. She may not be a member of the Seven, but in this moment, she holds a power over Homelander that he cannot ignore.

" Might wanna turn off the eyes," Hughie comments as they find their seats in the auditorium.

In an act of defiance, Petra makes her eyes glow brighter, before returning them to normal with a sweet, innocent smile.

Upon entering the bathroom and somehow shaking hands with the director, Hughie heads straight for the sink in order to wash whatever bodily fluids he had on his hand, and looks up into the mirror to be jump scared by William Butcher, " Jesus Christ!"

" Not quite," Billy utters as he looks the kid up and down," You look sharp. French blue. That suits you."

" What are you doing here?" Hughie asks as he readjusts his suit.

" I found that little asshole we've been on all month," Billy says," He's having a knees-up at a penthouse tonight."

" Okay. Who's your source?" Hughie asks once more.

" My source is none of your fucking business," Billy quips," Look, me and the Boys, we're all set up. We just need you to, uh... give us a green light."

" Okay. Um, I'll talk to Neuman."

" Or you could take your tongue out of her ass, slap on your big-boy pants and make a fucking decision."

" You got something you want to say to me?" Hughie asks as starts to big dick the other man.

" I think I just fucking said it, son," Billy utters as he steps forward.

" Just photos," Hughie says,"  No violence or maiming or torture or curb stomping or setting anyone on fire."

Billy nods and makes his way out, before stopping and turning his head around," Make sure Rapunzel stays inside the Tower for once."

A radical change of heart for The Boys, yet one they'd had to adopt, for Homelander is not the only supe starting to lose it.

Petra talks to a poster of her father like he's really there, she's plagued with visions and voices inside of her head, she uses her mind control without even trying, and now she's able to tick cold-blooded murder off of her list.

Petra is spiraling and has been for a while.

She's in the dark about Stormfront's presence in the Tower, for she thought Stormfront has died. Vought has kept it secret from her, as they always do.

Petra has her fame and her fans, and above all, she has her smile. One flash of her pearly whites, and the world seems to turn a blind eye to her scandals in the newspaper.

The morning after the premiere, Petra wakes up to the relentless buzz of her phone. Notifications flood her screen, each one a reminder of the fame she's cultivated. She scrolls through the messages, a satisfied smirk playing on her lips as she revels in the attention.

As she rises from her bed, the weight of her newfound celebrity status hangs heavy in the air. She knows she's being watched, scrutinized from every angle by the prying eyes of the public. But Petra thrives under the spotlight, relishing in the adoration of her fans.

As she heads out the door, the paparazzi are waiting, their cameras poised to capture her every move. Petra flashes her trademark smile, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she poses for the flashing lights.

The day is a whirlwind of photoshoots and interviews, each one an opportunity to solidify her status as the next big thing. Petra basks in the attention, soaking up the adulation like a sponge.

But amidst the glitz and glamour, a nagging thought lingers in the back of her mind – her true destiny lies with the Seven. She's always known it, deep down in her bones. It's her birthright, her legacy.

And it's a sentiment she keeps with her during her interview with Cameron Coleman," Thank you for joining us, Hexa. It's not every day I get to sit down with the most beautiful supe in the world."

Petra offers Cameron a warm smile, her scarlet eyes gleaming with confidence as she settles into her seat. The studio lights cast a soft glow around her, accentuating her flawless features and magnetic presence.

"It's my pleasure, Cameron," Petra replies smoothly, her voice honeyed yet authoritative, "And thank you for the kind words."

Cameron returns her smile, his eyes twinkling with a mixture of admiration and curiosity. He leans forward slightly, his expression intent as he prepares to delve into the heart of the interview.

"Now, let's talk about your career," Cameron begins, his tone respectful yet probing, "Amidst all the accolades, there are those who speculate about your future in the Seven. Rumors abound that you may be joining the elite group of supes. Care to shed some light on that?"

Petra's smile remains unwavering, though there's a hint of mischief in her scarlet eyes as she considers her response, "Well, as you know, I can't divulge any confidential information about my future projects. But I will say this – the opportunity to join the Seven would be an honor unlike any other. It's every supe's dream to stand among the greatest heroes in the world, and I'm no exception."

Cameron nods, seemingly satisfied with her answer, though his curiosity remains palpable, "And what about your father's legacy? Metalhead was a legend in his own right, a hero to millions. Do you feel any pressure to live up to his reputation?"

Petra's smile falters for a fraction of a second, a flicker of vulnerability crossing her features before she regains her composure, "My father was a remarkable man, Cameron. He dedicated his life to protecting others, and I couldn't be prouder to be his daughter. But I also believe in forging my own path, in carving out a legacy that's uniquely mine. I hope to honor my father's memory by continuing to inspire others, just as he inspired me."

Cameron nods in understanding, his respect for Petra evident in his eyes, "Well said, Hexa. Well said indeed. Now, before we wrap up, is there anything else you'd like to share with our viewers?"

Petra leans forward, her scarlet eyes alight with passion, "Just this – never underestimate the power of belief in oneself. We all have the potential to be heroes in our own right, to make a difference in the world. So don't be afraid to chase your dreams, to embrace your inner strength. Together, we can achieve anything."

With that, Petra rises from her seat, her smile radiant as she bids Cameron farewell. As she exits the studio, the echoes of her words linger in the air, a testament to the indomitable spirit of the scarlet-eyed supe known as Hexa.

She has some time to kill, so she finds a couch to sit on and pulls out a black pen. She rolls up her sleeve and begins to doodle on her forearm. As she mindlessly doodles, the Deep goes on for his slot, then head backstage as soon as Homelander gets ready for his slot.

And Homelander cannot fathom how the hell Deep got a slot before him.

And to make matters worse, his eyes glance to the call sheet to see Hexa right above them both. His eyes flicker to see Petra on the couch, where her eyes lift up to meet his. A smile slowly creeps up onto her lips, and Homelander has to physically stopping himself from destroying the earth around her.

Petra's scarlet eyes twinkle with amusement as she watches Homelander's reaction from across the room. She knows she's getting under his skin, and she relishes in the power she holds over him. With a playful smirk, she waves her hand in a mock greeting, taunting him with her mere presence.

Homelander grits his teeth, his fists clenching at his sides as he struggles to maintain his composure. The sight of Petra lounging on the couch like she owns the place irks him to no end, but he knows he can't afford to lose his cool, not with the cameras watching his every move.

As the minutes tick by, Homelander's impatience grows, his mind consumed with thoughts of revenge against the scarlet-eyed supe who dares to challenge his authority. He paces back and forth behind the stage, his footsteps echoing in the empty corridor as he wrestles with his inner demons.

Meanwhile, Petra continues to doodle on her forearm, her movements fluid and graceful as she loses herself in the act of creation.

Finally, the moment arrives – Homelander's time to shine. The stage lights beckon him forward, casting a halo of brilliance around his imposing figure as he steps into the spotlight. But even as he basks in the adoration of the crowd, his mind remains fixated on the scarlet-eyed supe who dared to challenge him.

As Homelander launches into his speech, his words ring hollow in his own ears. He can't shake the image of Petra's mocking smile from his mind, her taunts echoing in his ears like a sinister melody. The facade of confidence he presents to the world begins to crumble, revealing the fragile ego that lies beneath.

But amidst the chaos of his inner turmoil, Homelander forces himself to focus on the task at hand. He may not be able to silence Petra's mocking laughter, but he can damn well show her who's in charge.

With a steely glint in his eyes, Homelander delivers his lines with practiced precision, his voice booming with authority as he commands the attention of the crowd. But deep down, he knows that Petra's presence will continue to haunt him long after the lights have dimmed and the cameras have stopped rolling.

For in the game of power and influence, there can only be one victor – and Homelander will stop at nothing to ensure that he emerges triumphant. But as Petra's scarlet eyes linger in the shadows, he can't shake the feeling that the real battle has only just begun.

Homelander is a supe of whom many wish to see six-feet under, and none more than Billy Butcher. He believes there's a weapon, one that has the ability to kill Homelander, once and for all.

Vought has soft-launched a prototype of their Compound V product, known as Temp V, giving one supe powers for 24 hours.

But just as Billy is teetering on spilling the green goo down the drain, he sees a flash of red, white, and blue in the corner of his eyes and inhales the scent of a man with severe mommy issues.

" Where's Ryan?" Homelander asks as Billy oddly holds open the door.

" He's at 673 Nosh My Bollocks Ave. You want a pen and paper?" The Britt asks as he pours himself a cup of tea,

" You know I could just pull you apart limb by limb. Make you tell me,"The blonde says.

" Nah, that'd be worthless," Billy shrugs," Victim always goes into shock. You got to start small. Fingers, toenails, ears. "

" He's my son, William. My family. I'm gonna find him sooner or later.

" Look, uh... I don't mean to be rude, but can we just skip to the part where you laser my fսck¡ng brains out?" Billy sighs as he takes a seat at his dining room table

" Oh, for Christ sakes. Where's the sport in that?" Homelander scoffs," No, look at you. It'd be like putting down a wounded dog," he takes a seat as well.

" You're the one with your tail between your legs on all them fucking talk shows. And then they go and make Starlight cocaptain," Billy smirks, " That's got to sting."

" Touché, William. Touché," The blonde seethes as he struggles to keep it together.

" What are you doing here?

" Vought and the fսck¡ng bureau. The wheeling and dealing. And-and-and-and giving and taking. Just to keep everything exactly the same. And you and me? Well, they treat us like old playthings and put us up on the fսck¡ng shelf? Hmm? Treat us like we're obsolete. While... while fucking Hexa gets it all. Doesn't that make you angry?"

" Yeah. It does. "

" What if... what if it doesn't have to be that way? What if... you and I... Well, what if we share a different destiny? Something... a little more... scorched earth, shock and awe, blood and bone. And in the end, only one of us left standing. Isn't that what you want?"

" Too fucking right. More than anything."

" I look forward to it."

Hughie ends up getting blood stains on his 'I don't know who I'm wearing' shirt after he follows his boss to an alley and watches her explode a guy.

Victoria Neuman appears to be an alias for a supe named Nadia, whose eyes go white when heads pop. The woman Hughie's been working under for a year, and the woman who's been committed to making the world a safer place from the Vought branded supes.

And yet here she is, one of them.

Only in a nightmare does Billy become a supe, one with glowing veins and laser eyes, a direct mirror image of the man he hates the most.

And it's from Homelander does Petra's curiosity peak. From within his mind, she hears echoes of German, a language spoken by her father, as well as the woman who made him disappear.


Petra's scarlet eyes narrow as she hears the name reverberate in her mind. Stormfront – the woman responsible for her father's disappearance, the one who shattered her world into a million jagged pieces. The mere mention of her name ignites a firestorm of rage within Petra, a primal fury that threatens to consume her from within.

With a determined stride, Petra makes her way through the labyrinthine corridors of the Tower, her scarlet eyes blazing with an intensity that borders on madness. She can feel the darkness closing in around her, whispering sweet promises of vengeance and retribution.

Finally, she reaches her destination – Stormfront's suite. The door looms before her like a gateway to hell, and Petra hesitates for only a moment before pushing it open with a resolute shove.

What she finds inside leaves her breathless.

Stormfront lies on a hospital bed, her once proud form now reduced to a broken shell of her former self. Burns mar her skin, covering her body in a grotesque tapestry of pain and suffering. One of her legs is missing, torn from her body in a cruel twist of fate, and one of her eyes is nothing more than a hollow socket, staring blankly into the void.

Petra's scarlet eyes widen in disbelief as she takes in the sight before her. Stormfront, the invincible Nazi supe, brought low by her own hubris. The irony is not lost on Petra, and a cruel smile curls at the corners of her lips as she realizes that the tables have finally turned.

Stormfront stirs weakly on the bed, her breaths ragged and labored. She can barely muster the strength to lift her head, let alone defend herself against the wrath of the scarlet-eyed supe who stands before her.

Petra's rage boils over, a tempest of fury and anguish that threatens to consume her from within. She strides forward with purpose, her scarlet eyes blazing with an intensity that borders on madness.

"You," Petra hisses, her voice a low growl that echoes through the room like thunder.

Stormfront's eyes widen in terror. She opens her mouth to speak, but only a weak rasp escapes her parched lips.

Petra's smile widens, a cruel twist of fate as she revels in Stormfront's suffering. She raises her hand, her scarlet powers crackling with dark energy as she prepares to unleash hell upon the woman who has haunted her nightmares for so long.

The pain is slow and agonizing, every second stretching into an eternity of torment. Petra delights in every scream, every whimper that escapes Stormfront's lips, savoring the sweet taste of revenge as it floods her senses.

But as the minutes tick by and Stormfront's cries grow weaker, a sickening realization dawns upon Petra. She cannot stop herself – the darkness within her has taken hold, twisting her into something monstrous and unrecognizable.

With a final surge of power, Petra unleashes a blast of scarlet energy that engulfs Stormfront's broken form, reducing her to nothing more than a charred husk.

As the smoke clears and the echoes of Stormfront's screams fade into the ether, Petra stands amidst the wreckage of her own making, her scarlet eyes glowing with a haunted intensity.

She has become the very thing she swore to destroy – a monster born of pain and rage, consumed by darkness and despair. And as she gazes upon the lifeless body of her tormentor, she knows that she can never go back.

For in the end, the darkness always wins. And Petra is no exception.

With Stormfront's lifeless body lying before her, Petra's scarlet eyes blaze with a chilling resolve. She feels no remorse for what she has done – only a sense of grim satisfaction that justice has been served. The darkness within her pulses with newfound strength, whispering sweet promises of power and control.

As Petra surveys the scene before her, her mind races with possibilities. She knows that she must cover her tracks, erase any evidence of her involvement in Stormfront's demise. And so, with a flick of her wrist, she unleashes her scarlet powers upon the room, weaving a tapestry of illusion and deceit.

The Vought employees who stand witness to the aftermath of Stormfront's death are mere pawns in Petra's game. With a subtle exertion of her will, she bends their minds to her command, implanting false memories and fabricated truths with effortless ease.

In their minds, Stormfront bit off her own tongue in a final act of defiance, choosing death over capture and humiliation.

Petra watches with a cold detachment as her manipulation takes hold, the employees' expressions morphing from horror to confusion to acceptance. They accept the lie as truth, their minds shielded from the reality of what truly transpired in this room.

But Petra knows the truth – she is the architect of Stormfront's demise, the puppeteer pulling the strings from the shadows. And as she gazes upon the scene before her, a twisted smile curls at the corners of her lips.

She has become a master of manipulation, a puppeteer of minds and souls. And as she steps over Stormfront's lifeless body, she knows that she will stop at nothing to achieve her goals.

For Petra has embraced the darkness within her, allowing it to consume her from within. And in its embrace, she finds a twisted sense of purpose and fulfillment.

For Petra has tasted the forbidden fruit of vengeance, and she finds it sweet upon her lips. And with every step she takes, she draws closer to the ultimate prize – her rightful place among the gods who rule this world with an iron fist.

Gone is the naive girl who dreamed of heroism and glory. In her place stands a broken and twisted version of Petra, a creature born of pain and rage, consumed by darkness and despair.

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