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The approaching dawn paints the city in muted hues, the soft glow of streetlights casting long shadows on the quiet streets. Petra, nestled in the plush solitude of her penthouse, stares out of the floor-to-ceiling windows. The city sleeps, unaware of the storm brewing within the heart of the woman known as Hexa.

Her eyes, usually vibrant with an otherworldly energy, now mirror the somber shades of the pre-dawn sky. The city below, with its labyrinth of flickering lights, seems distant and detached, a reflection of Petra's internal landscape.

As February unfurls its frosty tendrils, the impending arrival of Petra's 21st birthday looms like a shadow. February 13th, a date etched in her memory with both pain and solitude. The air, charged with the anticipation of the approaching Aquarius season, carries with it the weight of memories Petra would rather forget.

She paces the dimly lit room, the scarlet energy that often dances around her subdued. The only sound is the rhythmic tap of her boots against the polished floor, a solitary echo in the vastness of the penthouse.

The walls, adorned with abstract paintings and sleek furniture, seem to close in as Petra's mind becomes a battleground of conflicting emotions. February, a month that heralds love and celebration for many, casts a long shadow over her solitude.

Her parents' laughter echoes in the recesses of her memory—a distant melody that fades with each passing year. February 13th, a day meant for joy, had become a haunting reminder of loss. The day she lost not only her family but a piece of herself.

The clock, an indifferent observer to the human drama unfolding, ticks away the moments leading to the inevitable. Petra's gaze falls on the calendar, the stark box around February 13th a silent proclamation of the approaching storm.

She loathes the attention, the forced smiles, the well-wishing that feels like a dagger twisting in the wound of old wounds. Her birthday, once a celebration of life, has become a ritual of mourning. An annual pilgrimage to the cemetery, where her parents' gravestones stand as silent witnesses to the passage of time.

The city outside begins to stir, the first hints of dawn painting the sky in shades of pink and gold. Petra, torn between the desire to embrace the solitude of her grief and the pressure to conform to societal expectations, stands at the crossroads of her own melancholy.

In the heart of the penthouse, she finds an old photograph tucked away in a drawer. It's a picture from a time when smiles came easy, and the promise of tomorrow felt tangible. The faces in the photograph, frozen in a moment that can never be reclaimed, stare back at Petra with a silent reproach.

The scarlet glow in her eyes intensifies, a manifestation of the emotional tempest within. The penthouse, once a sanctuary from the world, now feels like a cage closing in. Petra's breath quickens, a mix of sorrow and frustration bubbling to the surface.

The approaching dawn, symbolic of hope and renewal, casts a surreal glow on Petra's scarlet eyes. She clutches the photograph, the edges threatening to crumble in her grip. The city below, awakening to the promise of a new day, remains oblivious to the silent battle waged in the penthouse.

The scarlet energy, once confined, surges around Petra, intertwining with the flickering city lights beyond the window. The photograph, a relic of happier times, slips from her fingers, floating in the air like a delicate leaf caught in the wind.

The emotional maelstrom reaches its peak as Petra's powers, an extension of her inner turmoil, manifest in a burst of scarlet brilliance. Objects in the room tremble, caught in the crossfire of her conflicting emotions.

The approaching February 13th, with its weighty memories and unspoken grief, becomes a focal point in the cosmic dance of Petra's scarlet energy. The storm within, held at bay for so long, threatens to spill over, cascading into the city below like a cascade of scarlet tears.

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