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Petra moves through the dimly lit corridors of Vought Tower, her scarlet eyes scanning the surroundings with an intensity that mirrors her heightened senses. The aftermath of the chaos in the courtroom lingers in the air, but Petra's focus narrows as she approaches Ashley's office. The twisted labyrinth of Vought Tower is a familiar terrain, but today it holds an unexpected encounter.

As Petra reaches the office door, she senses a faint presence within. The mental echoes of those inside dance in her consciousness, revealing a combination of familiarity and strangeness. With a flicker of uncertainty, Petra pushes the door open, her eyes falling upon a scene she didn't anticipate.

Ashley sits behind her desk, her gaze fixed on her tablet as she multitasks between work and overseeing her unexpected charge. Ryan, the young boy with untold potential and an even more uncertain future, occupies a corner of the room, engrossed in some homework spread across a small table.

Petra's entrance prompts a momentary pause in Ashley's incessant typing. The executive glances up, and for a fleeting second, her eyes meet Petra's. There's a spark of recognition in Ashley's gaze, an acknowledgment of the unconventional presence of the Seven's scarlet-eyed enigma.

"Hexa," Ashley says with a faint smile, " What are you doing here, sweetie?"

Petra's gaze shifts from Ashley to the boy, the threads of curiosity intertwining with the unexpected in her mind. Ryan looks up from his homework, his eyes wide with a mix of innocence and curiosity.

"This is Ryan, Homelander's son," Ashley says, her tone revealing an undercurrent of caution.

Petra's scarlet orbs remain fixed on the boy, a silent exchange transpiring between their gazes. The whispers in her mind reveal fragments of Ryan's thoughts, a mixture of wonder and uncertainty about the world he's been thrust into. Petra senses the weight of his lineage, the burden of being Homelander's offspring.

" Hi, Ryan," She says with a gentle smile," I'm Hexa."

" Hi," Ryan whispers with a small wave.

Petra moves further into the room, closing the door behind her with a soft click. The scarlet glow in her eyes dims to a subdued intensity, a conscious effort to put the boy at ease. She lowers herself to one knee, aligning herself with Ryan's eye level.

"What are you working on?" Petra asks, her tone carrying a warmth that belies her enigmatic reputation.

Ryan glances down at the open notebook, where numbers and simple math problems await his attention.

"Homework," He responds shyly, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

Petra nods, feigning a thoughtful expression, "Math, huh? I can help if you need it."

Ryan looks at Petra with a mixture of surprise and curiosity, as if the idea of getting help from her never occurred to him. He hands Petra a pencil, and they begin to work through the problems together. The atmosphere in the room transforms from one of guarded tension to a subdued camaraderie.

As Petra assists Ryan with his homework, she occasionally catches glimpses of Ashley, whose eyes seem to linger on the peculiar interaction. The scarlet-eyed supe, known for her elusive nature and mysterious aura, is now engaged in a mundane yet profoundly human activity – helping a child with his schoolwork.

" Do you work with my dad?" Ryan asks.

" I do," Petra nods.

" Are you a good guy or a bad guy?" He asks, his voice tinged with innocence.

Petra smiles, through the question, even if it feels as though she's being punched in the gut," I'm a good guy."

But then, the boy's father returns with his Nazi bride, both of which narrow their eyes at the woman sat beside the child.

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