Kcris & Jeena

By Kcristy_

669 114 39

Kcris is a businesswoman who also loves to dance and create music and so owns a studio alongside many busines... More

Jeena misunderstands Kcris.
Kcris helps Jeena.
Kcris meets Alex, the girlfriend.
Kcris has a daughter?
Jeena makes Kcris walk away for good.
Alex is in the hospital.
Jeena learns the truth.
Finally, both meet once again.
Jeena meets Mrs. Fabiola.
Jeena and Alex end up fighting.
Kcris takes Jeena to meet Casey.
Casey died 5 years ago.
Jeena learns about Kcris' past.
Kcris finally visits Casey.
Kcris saves Jeena from an accident.
Dinner at Fabiolas' mansion.
Jeena is targeted in college.
Jeena finds Alex cheating on her.
Kcris can't see Jeena hurting.
Jeena learns all about Alex's lies
I'll be your cocoon.
Jeena wants to gift a bulb onion.
Kcris and Jeena, to live together.
Jeena is pissed off at Kcris.
Jeena is booked as a suspect.
Alex surrenders.
Kcris and Jeena end up fighting.
Kcris meets an old college friend.
Kcris goes missing.
Jeena tries to clear the misunderstanding.
Jeena to stay with Ayesha.
Kcris and Alaric go drinking.
Kcris learns about Jeena's smoking habit.
Alaric kisses Kcris.
Kcris and Jeena have a moment.
Kcris sees Dr. Sammy.
Will Jeena agree to Kcris' proposal?
Kcris is rushed to the hospital.
A day to date.
Is it a one-day relationship?
Kcris is back from the UK?
Jeena meets Kcris' mother.
Both start living together again.
Na Bi likes Kcris since her college days.
Kcris' arm is the new pillow.
Cat is out of the bag.
Jeena is poisoned.
Neil visits Jeena in the hospital.
Jeena goes to Angelica's office.
Arson in Kcris' office.
Jeena defends Na Bi in front of all.
Neil is Kcris' new investor.
Jeena picks up Kcris from the airport.
Name it as you like.
One fine day...

Jeena wants a sugar-mommy.

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By Kcristy_

After Jeena leaves, Angelica has a sigh of relief as Angelica knows too well that if Jeena is angry no matter what the situation is, Jeena won't sit back until she deals with the issue or the person that's causing the issue.
"Good riddance." After saying this to herself, Angelica gets back to work.
Jeena goes to the parking area and from there, Jeena calls Kcris telling Kcris to meet her there.
Upon reaching there, the first thing Kcris asks Jeena is, "Jeena, you look perturbed. Did you and Angelica have some disagreement?"
Jeena doesn't feel like talking to Kcris right now, so she curtly asks Kcris to pass her the car keys. Kcris doesn't want to offend her beloved Jeena any more than she already is. And so, Kcris gives Jeena the keys in a split second without saying a single word.
On the way back, Kcris is well aware of the route Jeena is taking and hence the destination is a pretty easy guess for Kcris. Jeena is headed to her aunt's old house that has been bought by Kcris with Jeena's name on the deed. As Jeena is going there, it means that Jeena is really pissed off at Kcris.
The moment Jeena parks the car on the side of the road and turns off the engine, Jeena rushes out of the car slamming the door without even pulling out the car keys. Kcris hurriedly pulls out the keys and follows Jeena. The moment Jeena is about to enter the door's passcode, Kcris holds Jeena's hand to stop her and in a very low tone voice tells her, "I know, this is your house and Angelica is your sister. But still, it's rude to enter someone's house without letting them know first."
Jeena ignores Kcris and punches the passcode saying, "Angelica has found herself a new place. She has already moved out."
"Okay then, I'll go and... park the car."
Even before Kcris can finish her sentence Jeena goes inside the house shutting the door on Kcris' face. Kcris comes inside after parking the car in the garage and sees that Jeena is doing something in the kitchen. Guessing by the look of it, it seems Jeena is making instant noodles. Jeena brings the bowl of instant noodles to the dining table and sits down. Jeena silently starts to eat while meticulously ignoring Kcris. Kcris who is now feeling a bit slighted comes and sits at the dining table right in front of Jeena. Though both are facing each other, Jeena doesn't even bother to look at Kcris and continues to enjoy her noodles.
It may seem that Jeena is not at all perturbed, but the reality is different altogether. Jeena finally drops the pretense and goes like, "Ok, fine..."
And then, Jeena stretches her arm to help Kcris have a bite.
Kcris like an innocent puppy eats whatever her owner has provided her. Not saying anything till now is already Jeena's limit and Kcris acting all nice and innocent is too much for Jeena. Within no time Jeena's patience gives up. After feeding Kcris two spoons, Jeena slides the bowl to Kcris and asks Kcris to eat using her own hands.
Jeena doesn't wait for Kcris to finish the bowl of noodles and speaks up.
"Who am I?"
"Huh? What sort of question is this, Jeena? You're Jeena... who else could you be."
"I mean... who am I to you, Kcris?"
"What are you trying to play at, Jeena?"
"Just answer the damn question, Kcris."
"Okay, fine. You're... My girlfriend... Lover... Partner... And most importantly, my future wife."
"Do any of these words you just said can describe an underage minor or a kid? Can a kid become your girlfriend, lover, and all that?"
Kcris has a blank expression on her face and in a meek voice asks Jeena what she means by this. Jeena in a calm and slightly pleading tone goes like, "Kcris, when will you stop hovering over me? I am not a kid who can't take care of herself. Do you really think, I believed you when you said that you want to rest at home and don't need to be in the office?"
"But Jeena, please try to put yourself in my shoes."
"I did that... I put myself into your shoes and that's why I didn't say anything till now. But lying to me just to accompany me to Angelica's office... isn't it too much, Kcris? I know, you have known all along that Peter is out of town."
"But, Jeena..."
"Kcris, first let me finish. Please, you have to understand that I am no porcelain doll that you have to keep behind the glass door. I know that I was in the hospital, so I need to take care of myself and I am doing it... I am taking care of myself. But, you being like this is just not done, Kcris."
Kcris realizes that no matter what excuse she'll give, it's not gonna cut it. And also, if Kcris doesn't stop worrying about Jeena like this, it may raise some suspicion in Jeena's mind as Jeena ain't stupid to start with. In that case, Kcris may be left with no option other than to tell Jeena about what exactly happened that night on Kcris' birthday.
"Jeena, I am sorry that I overstepped my boundaries. From now on, I'll be careful."
Jeena takes a huge sigh of disappointment as she goes like, "Don't take it the wrong way. I just didn't want you to unnecessarily worry about me. I don't mean to upset you or anything, Kcris."
Kcris gets up and bends over to kiss Jeena's forehead saying, "Don't worry, Jeena. I am not upset. In fact, I am glad that you shared with me what was bothering you."
"Thanks, Kcris."
"Okay, okay. So... are we staying here tonight or going back home?"
"Can we stay?"
"Obviously, Jeena. We can, if you want."
"Then let's stay here tonight, Kcris."
"Can we order something first? I am famished. Those noodles were just a drop in the ocean... of my empty stomach."
"Kcris, why don't you order something for yourself while I use the washroom?"
"But, what about you? Aren't you gonna eat something, Jeena?"
"Just... Ummm... one white sauce pasta."
"Jeena, are you sure? Because I don't want to be called frugal when I refuse to share my food with you."
"Yes, Kcris. I am sure. I'll have pasta only."
Whilst going towards the washroom, Jeena is talking to herself in a low voice, "Why fuss... either way, you always slide half of your food onto my plate."
Kcris hears this and smiles saying, "I can hear you, my love."
After having dinner, both wash up and go to bed. While lying in bed, Jeena goes like, "Something just popped up in my mind."
"Tell me."
"Remember that time when I scolded you for buying me pricey gifts?"
"Ah-han... What about it, Jeena?"
"Now that I think about it... you haven't given me any gifts since then."
Kcris doesn't say anything for a bit as she is slightly surprised hearing Jeena say or more like point it out like this.
"Are you judging me, Kcris?"
"Tsk. (Kcris clicks her tongue and further says,) No silly, I am not judging you. I am slightly surprised to hear this. Besides, it's not only you who thinks this way. I have also been thinking the same thing that I haven't given you any present lately."
After a pause, Kcris says, "The thing is that every time I choose a gift for you, I get reminded of my promise to you i.e., not to buy expensive and unnecessary gifts. Hence, a million reasons just pop into my mind as to why I shouldn't give that gift to you. The worst is, if I ever come across a gift that I can present to you without getting scolded for, it turns out to be lackluster."
Jeena makes a sad and disheartened face while saying, "So, I won't be getting any presents from now on. Huh?"
Kcris immediately sits up, turns to face Jeena who is still lying in bed, and tries to coddle Jeena by caressing Jeena's cheeks.
"It's not like that. Jeena, please don't misunderstand. Okay, fine. Ask me whatever you want."
"Anything for you, my love." While saying this, Kcris kisses Jeena's hand.
"Kcris, be my sugar mommy."
Kcris who is drinking water, almost spits it out hearing this. Kcris is surprised and startled at the same time as she never expected Jeena to say something like this. Kcris can't believe her ears, so she asks, "Did I hear it right, Jeena? You want me to be your sugar mommy, right?"
"Yups. You just said 'anything'. Don't you refuse now, Kcris."
Kcris playfully nuzzles Jeena's nose as Kcris is more than happy with the current situation. Kcris slyly asks Jeena, "I can be your sugar mommy. But, you know... you can't just have a sugar mommy just by doing nothing, right? What will I have in exchange?"
Jeena, whilst lying in bed pulls Kcris close to her by pulling Kcris' shirt's collar. Now, Kcris' face is just over Jeena's with their lips almost touching. Jeena starts kissing Kcris passionately so much so that it's a tad difficult for Kcris to catch her breath. Jeena is still holding onto Kcris' shirt but stops kissing her. Before letting go of Kcris, Jeena licks Kcris' lips and gives a licentious wink saying, "How about this in return?"
The moment Jeena lets go of Kcris' shirt, Kcris turns to face the other side as she's feeling shy. Jeena also sits up and hugs Kcris from behind whispering into Kcris' ear, "You are blushing, Kcris. Your cheeks are red as tomatoes."
Kcris still stays mum, but Jeena starts to kiss Kcris' neck and licks her ears too. Kcris can't take it anymore and gets out of bed saying, "Jeena, if you keep doing this, I don't know how long I can really hold it in. You have turned me on already. Anything beyond this... even a cold shower won't be of any help."
That sly, coquettish grin on Jeena's face vanishes as she asks, "Is this why you have been taking cold showers in the middle of the night lately? You have been suppressing your feelings all this time, Kcris."
Jeena also gets out of bed and stands in front of Kcris. Jeena pulls Kcris into a hug.
"Why didn't you say anything, Kcris? Why did you suppress the urge? Why didn't...?
"I didn't mean to tire you, Jeena. Plus, how can I tell you that there is no time when I don't want to devour you? It's a constant thing in my head, Jeena."
Jeena chuckles and goes like, "How can the country's finest businesswoman be so dumb? Why didn't you say anything? Huh? Besides, I would love to hear that my girlfriend loves me so much that she wants to have me all the time."
Before the conversation can proceed any further, suddenly Jeena lets off Kcris and sits on the side of the bed holding her stomach. Jeena's face can tell that she is in a lot of pain.
"What happened? Jeena, is your stomach hurting?"
"Yes. It feels as if something is pinching from inside. It seems like my stomach is twisting."
Kcris tries to help Jeena get up saying, "Come on. Let's go see the doctor."
Jeena resists, going like, "It's nothing to worry about?"
"What do you mean by 'nothing to worry about'? Jeena your stomach is hurting so much so that you have tears in your eyes."
"Kcris, stop panicking. The doctor told me, this could happen. Go get my sling bag. There is a light pink colored medicine in it. Please, get it for me."
Jeena takes the medicine. After 15 minutes or so when the medicine starts to work, Jeena feels at ease. All this time, Kcris has been caressing Jeena's stomach and doesn't stop till Jeena goes like, "Kcris, I am feeling much better now. You can stop."
"Are you sure, love?"
"Yes. I am good."
"Can you tell me what exactly happened to you just now?"
"Kcris, the doctor said that sometimes I might feel pain in my stomach after eating. My stomach has become weak after that day and it may take some time to return to its perfect condition. I just have to take the medicine in case this happens."
"How long will the situation persist, Jeena?"
"Not for much long. Just a week or maybe two. After that, I'll be good."
"I guess the doctor told you this at discharge, right?
"Then, why didn't Neil say anything to me... how irresponsible of him?"
"Because Neil doesn't know. I asked him to wait outside the doctor's cabin as I discussed the follow-up with the doctor."
After saying this, Jeena sits up and starts to kiss Kcris as she knows there is no way she can reason out with Kcris on this one. It's clearly Jeena's fault for not telling Kcris. Kcris separates from Jeena, going like, "Your tricks are getting old, Jeena. Try pulling a different rabbit out of the hat this time. Do you really think that seducing me like this is gonna help you?"
Kcris turns away and walks towards the washroom. Jeena, knowing how furious Kcris is right now, tries to get out of bed to follow Kcris. But, Kcris immediately shouts, "Don't you dare come after me, Jeena. Just stay in bed and rest."
Jeena like a scared kitten goes back to lying in bed. After 5-6 minutes, Kcris comes back and lies next to Jeena. It seems Kcris has come after washing her face. Kcris then pulls Jeena close and asks Jeena to lie comfortably. Jeena tightly wraps her arms around Kcris.

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