I Never Forgot

By kay_kay27

938 2 0

16 year old Paris is the most popular girl in school. She is stylish and everyone loves her. Underneath her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 38

19 0 0
By kay_kay27

I wake up in a dinky old cement room. I was tied to a chair, and my mouth was covered in duct tape. In front of me was a young girl. Her face was disfigured, and scars covered her body. I am pretty sure it was Samantha, but what happened to her face? It has been exactly one month since I have seen her. How much has she changed in one month?

"Oh Paris you are awake," The disfigured girl says. I start to wiggle around in my seat, trying to make a sound. Samantha throws her head back and cackles.

"That won't work. No one can hear you, they are too busy having fun at prom, while you are down here in the boiler room." Samantha leans closer and rips the duct tape off of my mouth. I wince in pain.

"Why are you doing this? How are you alive?" I asks.

"Actually I don't know how I survived, all I know was when you hit me with a van is that I had to come back for revenge. I must have hit a couple rocks because the next time I checked my face in a mirror, I looked like this," she explains," And I am doing this to you because you stole Kobe from me and you hit me with a van, almost killing me."

"Actually Toby hit you with a van, I tried to stop him, but he had this determination to kill you....Do you know why?"

"Of course not! All I did to him was kill his older sister." I give her a sarcastic stare.

"What!"she exclaims confused.

"You killed his sister! Why?"

"Well, his sister lived in Michigan, and I think she liked Kobe."

"So you murder her!"

"Well duh."


"Because I was afraid she would steal Kobe away from me."

"Kobe isn't your property, and if you two were dating I doubt Kobe would cheat on you."

"Better to be safe than sorry."

"What!"I exclaim," You took an innocent person's life! In fact you have taken so many innocent lives!"


"What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing, I just want to protect my man from horrible women."

"Why are you actually killing these girls?"

"I told you, but don't worry...I only have one more victim on my list." I gulp.


"You..." Samantha flashes me a smile.

"You don't want to kill me."

"Why? You are the only one standing in the way of my happiness."

"If you kill me, Kobe will never love you. In fact, even if you don't kill me he still won't love you. You have killed so many people that he could never look you in the eye."

"Take that back! We are meant for each other!"

"Samantha, you can stop this. If you let me go, I won't say a thing to anyone and I will help you flee the country."

"Can Kobe come?" I shake my head.

"Well then that isn't worth it," She replies. Samantha pulls out a knife from her pocket.

"Wait! I need more answers!" I exclaim.

"What do you want to here?" Samantha replies unenthuastically.

"Who is the witch?"

"My grandmother, she really knows her stuff."

"So your grandma is also crazy?"

"No, she just really loves me," Samantha answers,"Anymore questions?" I nod.

"How did it feel to die?"

"I didn't die."

"How did it feel to almost die by getting your face bashed into rocks and almost drowning?"

"It hurt, and I am glad to be alive, so I can kill you."

"Well now you know how your victims felt, they suffered from head trauma and drowning, like you did."

"Yeah so..."

"How did it feel to be left alone, screaming but no one hearing. Begging for your life."

"It wasn't fun, but I lived."

"Well that is how all your victims felt when you killed them, alone, pleading for mercy." Samantha drops the knife and bends down, crying.

"Why did you spare me? You could have killed me a long time ago."

"It wasn't supposed to be like this..."Stammers Samantha,"He was supposed to love me, and we would live happily ever after. I didn't want to hurt anyone....."

"Then why did you?"

"Because I didn't want to lose him, I wanted him and then girls started to get in the way, so I got rid of them."

"Did you know it was wrong to kill them?"

"I don't know, when I went to kill them all my emotions washed out of my brain. I didn't feel anything." Samantha looks at me.

"Why did you spare me?" I ask again.

"I liked you, I wanted a friendship with you. Remember freshmen year?"

"Yeah, I do, but now you want to kill me."

"I don't want to, but I have to."

"No you don't, you don't have to do anything. You can be anything you want, but you ruined that when you killed Ocean."

"Paris you don't understand. I can't control myself. My heart and brain say no, but my body says yes. I don't want to kill people."

"My offer still stands, I will help you flee." Samantha shakes her head.

"I deserve to suffer, for the bad things I have done."

"I agree."

"I have to do this..." Fury and pain appear in Samantha's eyes as she picks up the knife. She walks closer to me.

"Stop!" I scream. She doesn't. I continue screaming. Samantha holds up the knife, but the blade was pointing to her neck, not mine. I then realized what she was doing.

"Don't do it!" I scream.

"Sorry...."Samantha replies," Goodbye Paris." I watch as Samantha moves the blade closer to her neck. It happened so quickly, like the night she was hit. Suddenly the boiler room door bursts open. It was Kobe. He lunges to Samantha, the knife falling out of her hand. They both land on the floor. Behind Kobe was Summer, Kailah, Lina, Jake, Bryce, Toby, Carson, Jack, John, Rose, Keeley, and Blake. Summer rushes to me and unties me.

"Are you ok?" I ask Samantha and Kobe. Samantha was crying and Kobe was holding her.

"How did you find me?" I ask.

"I still had the GPS signal on my phone and the microphone, so we heard the whole thing, but you were doing so well in talking to Samantha we thought we would let you talk some sense into her, but once you started screaming we rushed here as soon as we could," Jake explains.

"Are you ok?" Kobe asks me worriedly. I nod. He comes over to me and hugs me. Samantha stands up.

"I hope you two are happy together," Samantha says," Thank you Paris, for everything." I smile hugging Samantha.

"We already called the cops," Toby says.

"Are you ok? Are you ready?" I ask her. She nods.

"I deserve to go to jail, for my entire life." We walk out of the boiler room. I feel bad for her. I hope maybe they do let her out of jail, she deserves to live a life, but she can't forget how horrible she was in the past. I hope she learns from her mistakes and becomes the best person she can be.


We walk outside the school and there is already the police, an ambulance, and Samantha's mother standing outside.

"Aimee!" Mrs. Clark exclaims.

"Mom!" She runs up to her and hugs her.

"I thought you were dead...." Mrs. Clark looks at Samantha's face,"What happened to your face?"

"I don't know..."

"Well once we get home were are going to take you to a surgeon and-"

"Excuse me miss,"a police officer interrupts,"But your daughter is going to jail....for life." Mrs. Clark looks at her feet, she knew why.

"Actually, your daughter is going to a mental hospital," a doctor from the ambulance says.

"Ok, but can she at least get plastic surgery? She can't look like this for the rest of her life..." The officer and doctor look at each other. They both nod. Mrs. Clark talks to the officer and doctor, while Samantha sits on the curb. I walk over to her. Tears fell down her face.

"I'm scared......," she whispers.

"You will be strong, you are strong. Just focus on getting better, don't worry about going to jail. Maybe you won't have to spend your whole life in jail,"I suggest.

"Paris, I should apologize to you, I made your life horrible. I shouldn't have."

"It is fine....." Samantha continues to weep.

"Did you know that we aren't much different,"I tell her.

"We aren't?" I shake my head.

"We are both head over heels over Kobe, we both got upset when he moved, we both wanted the same thing, but you went about it in all the wrong ways."

"Yeah, ever since freshmen year when we really bonded, I thought we were almost the same person. It felt like we were one soul in two bodies."

"Yeah, kind of except I didn't kill people."

"Hmm, so I am like the evil Paris, and you are the good Paris."

"If you think that,"I chuckle.

"Before I go, I need to tell you something," Samantha says," Don't ever let go of him. Keep fighting, always win."

"Well, I can't always win.."

"Who are you?"Samantha asks. I smile, Lina did the same thing to me the beginning of the year.

"I am Paris Winston," I answer smiling.

"And what do people think of you?"

"They think of me as a leader, as the most stylish, smartest, and most popular girl of all the juniors." Samantha shakes her head.

"Paris Winston is stylish, smart, and popular, but she is also strong, she fights for what she wants. She follows her instinct even if no one else does. She saved everyone from evil Samantha Jones, but she still showed compassion and mercy to Samantha even though she hurt Paris the most. Paris is a good person, and the perfect person for Kobe. Keep fighting for him, and you will always win because you are Paris Winston." A tear falls down my face. I hug Samantha.

"You saved me," she whispers.

"It is time to go, Samantha," announces the officer,"You are going to the mental hospital, after you are stable, you will go to jail." Samantha stands up, she looks at Kobe. He walks over to her and hugs her.

"I will miss you, and I am sorry," She tells him. He smiles. Samantha gets into the cop car, and they drive away.


Summer, Lina, Kailah, and I walk into the mental hospital. We find Samantha who was hanging out with Carson. He has been visiting her everyday. Even after all that happened he still cares for her.

"Hey Samantha," I wave. She waves back. The plastic surgery went well, she was restored back to her original self. She was no longer Aimee Hart, the fakest thing since the Barbie Doll, she was normal Samantha Jones. Honestly, I thought Samantha was beautiful. She had beautiful blue eyes, dark hair, pale milky skin, thin lips, and a beautiful smile.

"I have a gift for you."

"Ooo I want to see!"she exclaims. I give her a small wrapped box. Samantha excitedly opens it. Inside was the lockett I found the night of the accident. She opens it, and smiles.

"You found it," She replies smiling,"Thank you. Oh I thought you should know, if I am really good in the mental hospital and in jail, they will let me out of jail. I might have to spend at least 8 years in jail."

"That is great!" I reply hugging her.

My phone dings. I got a message from Kobe.

"Oh, sorry but I have to go somewhere,"I tell her.

"That is fine," she replies.

"We will stay here,"Summer tells me. Lina, Kailah, and Carson nod.

"Ok, I will come back later." I wave and walk out of the hospital. Kobe wanted to meet me at the diner.


I arrive at the diner. Kobe was sitting at our booth.

"Hey," I wave.

"Hey beautiful," he replies giving me a kiss. I sit down next to him.

"What is all this for?" I ask.

"Well it is our one month anniversary ever since we got back together."

"Wow....that was quick. I can't believe it is alrady summer," I tell him.

"Yeah, what do you want to do this summer?"

"I don't know, maybe we could go to the beach, or maybe we could travel out of the country."

"I think we are both too young to go out of country together," he responds.

"Why? We are both finally 17."

"I know, but lets stay in the country, lets save that for next summer."

"Ok," I reply," I love you," I blurt.

"I love you too," He replies. We sit there for a bit.

"Do remember 8th grade?" he asks.

"All of it, I remember it like it was yesterday," I answer.

"How? That was about 4 years ago."

"Because....." I smirk. Kobe gives me a confused look. I give him a quick kiss and finish my sentence,

"I never forgot...."

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