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ยฉ2023 GIGIRUDE ๐“ฃhrough Struggles And Lies, A True Blind Young Love Continues. A Harlem Ghetto 90s Love Stor... More

01 | N.Y State Of Mind
02 | Queens Princess
03 | The Disparities Projects
04 | Crown Of Thrones
05 | Too Far In Too Far Gone
06 | Harlem To The Beverly Hills
07 | C'est La Vie
08 | (L)oyalty (O)ver (E)verything
09 | La Familia
10 | No Such Thing As Normal
11 | Life Of The Game
12 | Too Good To Be True
13 | C To The E
14 | Risquรฉ
15 | Not A Saint
16 | I'll Be Seeing You
17 | Money Power Blind
18 | Trouble In Paradise
19 | A Stranger To Himself
20 | I Wouldn't Blame You
22 | They Don't Know
23 | Into The Unknown
24 | Badmon Leon
25 | Juan Versus Everyone
26 | Resilience

21 | All Eyez On Me

178 25 46


Death Hides Among Those We Hold Dearest, Veiled By Familiarity. Watch Closely, For The Ones We Love Can Harbor The Darkest Schemes, Orchestrating Our Fate In Silence.

- 𝒥uan Collins


The sound of shattering glass reverberated as Wayne hurled objects against the wall in his office, his rage consuming him. Every decoration in sight became a target for his fury. With the added stress of the police investigation looming over him, he found it impossible to focus on his responsibilities, leading to the cancellation of important meetings. It felt as though his entire street life was collapsing before his eyes, and he felt himself losing his edge. The fact that Emauni's whereabouts remained unknown only fueled his anger further. His office became a chaotic scene, strewn with torn papers, shattered glass, and dented walls from his punches and throws. In a moment of sheer frustration, he let out a primal scream that reverberated throughout the entire household, drawing the attention of everyone within earshot.

The door swung open, revealing Cain, Serena, Tjay, Levi, and Celeste. Their faces registered shock as they took in the chaotic scene before them, with Wayne in the midst of his rampage. He was clearly losing control, venting his frustration by relentlessly smashing his office desk with a wooden chair. "Wayne, what the fuck!" Cain, who typically addressed his father by his first name, sprang into action to prevent further harm, swiftly intervening to wrest the wooden chair from Wayne's grasp. Initially met with resistance, Cain's persistence eventually won out as Wayne relented, recognizing his son and unwilling to cause him harm. As the others looked on in concern, Wayne's composure began to crumble, his quiet sobs betraying the depth of his emotional turmoil. Collapsing to the ground beside an empty liquor bottle, it was evident that he had been drinking heavily, his mind clouded by intoxication.

"It's all my fault, man. I made a mistake." Wayne remained motionless on the ground, appearing utterly numb and disheveled, his eyes vacant and devoid of emotion as he stared into space. Sensing his father's distress, Cain seated himself beside Wayne, offering silent support. As Tjay caught the glares from the others, prompting him to join his family, he didn't hesitate to take a seat on the other side of Wayne, his presence serving as a comforting presence amidst the chaos. "What are you talkin' about? You ain't did shit, remember? As far as we know, someone's out there for yo' ass and it ain't the damn police." Cain emphasized the importance of Wayne maintaining his belief in his innocence, echoing the teachings imparted by his father. He stressed the power of affirming one's mind that they are not guilty, as this conviction can influence one's body language, which the police often scrutinize closely during investigations.

"They have her, the system have her. I failed my own brother." Wayne remained lost in thought, his facial expression devoid of any discernible emotion, his eyes distant and unresponsive. Though tears streaked his face, they went unnoticed as they slowly dried. Tjay, lacking the words to offer solace, found himself in a state of quiet reserve. Unlike Cain and Wayne, he wasn't involved in their business dealings, leaving him with little to contribute to the conversation. Feeling somewhat like an outsider, he offered what comfort he could by gently patting his father's shoulders, silently lending his support while observing the interaction between them. Meanwhile, Celeste stood nearby, her heart heavy with the pain of witnessing Emauni's family distress over her disappearance. Despite her own anguish, she was determined to assist in any way she could, offering whatever details she possessed in hopes of aiding their search.

"It may or may not help, but Emauni has been seeing a boy named Juan. He's from Harlem, and hangs around you know... street people. Is there any possible chances that he probably had something to do with her being taken away?" All eyes turned towards Celeste, including Wayne's, who had been lost in his thoughts. The revelation seemed to awaken something within him, as he processed the news that Emauni had been involved with a boy behind his back—a fact he had been unaware of until now. It was a thing he had worked hard to keep buried, and now, with Emauni missing, the timing of them having a thing took on a troubling significance. Tjay, in particular, was visibly shaken by the revelation, as memories of that fateful night came rushing back to him.

He recalled the events with clarity now: how Juan had drugged him to gain access to Emauni, and how he had awoken in a daze to the sounds of their intimacy. At the time, Tjay had dismissed it as Cain and Serena, but now everything fell into place. Even the rumors he had overheard at school seemed to align with this newfound information. Though Tjay wanted nothing more than to confront Juan and reveal the truth, he knew he had to bide his time and approach the situation with caution, mindful of the potential consequences.

"What? Who is this Juan? Do you know any Juan?" Wayne glanced over at Cain, who shrugged and shook his head, indicating he didn't have any information. Tjay, however, chimed in with a crucial detail: "He goes by Scarface." The mention of the name sparked recognition in Wayne, Levi, and Cain. Scarface was a known associate of Sincere, and his involvement in the situation added a new layer to their search for answers. "Ima kill him... this whole time! We didn't know? Nigga was right under our nose! I bet that nigga Sincere had something to do with it, hell I bet it was even Sosa from how close them two seems!" Cain paced back and forth in the cluttered office, his mind racing with thoughts and emotions. Serena approached him, attempting to soothe his agitation. Meanwhile, Tjay felt overwhelmed by the weight of the information he had just absorbed. The realization that Juan had intimate knowledge of his family's affairs left him feeling vulnerable and exposed. He knew that this marked the beginning of the end for Juan, as he braced himself for the inevitable confrontation ahead.

"We need a plan, a smarter plan. Something him, Sincere or even Sosa wouldn't even see coming." Wayne rose from the ground, his head throbbing, but determination driving him forward. He sifted through his files, pulling out photos from his private party that had been disrupted by the Louisianas. Among them was a picture of Roscoe, Juan, and Malik engaged in conversation, all sporting identical chains—a clear indication of their shared affiliations. As Wayne displayed the image to the others, Tjay and Celeste's hearts skipped a beat. Tjay felt a surge of concern due to his close relationship with Malik, whom he deeply respected as his personal supplier. Meanwhile, Celeste's emotions were stirred by her past connection with Roscoe, despite their relationship having soured over time. "The three fuckin' musketeers."

Cain gritted out through his teeth as he recognized each other faces, Levi let out a snicker happy to join the service into killing them. "We'll kill Sincere, and then Sosa. We'll set them up for good, but I need Juan gone first. We'll worry about the others when it's time, and that'll be afterwards. For now, let's focus on the one that had the balls to disrespect us in our face." Wayne wielded a red marker, circling Juan's face as a target. From that moment on, Juan was marked for death. Wayne opted not to inform his personal hitters, preferring to handle the matter within the family. However, once Juan had been dealt with, Wayne intended to publicly announce the initiation of war throughout the streets. Cain and Levi erupted into laughter, their hands clapping and heads nodding in agreement. As Britons, they were no strangers to bloodshed, having dispatched many with swords in their past.

Tjay was overwhelmed by the revelations unfolding before him. His once-familiar classmates were entangled much deeper in the underworld than he had ever imagined. He felt a pang of sympathy for Roscoe and Malik, harboring a deep affection for them. However, learning about their involvement in such dangerous affairs left him unsettled and unsure of where his loyalties lay. As for Juan, Tjay harbored a growing resentment, especially for the betrayal and drugging he had endured. Yet, he kept these feelings hidden, not wanting to appear weak in front of the others. Secretly, he entertained thoughts of confronting Juan himself to free his comrades, but the prospect of taking a life weighed heavily on his conscience. For now, he could only play his role on the sidelines, silently absorbing every detail, despite feeling inadequate and less than a man.

For Celeste, the situation became overwhelmingly burdensome, tying her stomach in knots and causing her to want no part in it. She abhorred murder, considering it repulsive and wicked. While aware of Emauni's familial background, she always distinguished Emauni and Tjay from it, recognizing them as two innocent souls who had endured significant hardships. Her heart went out to them deeply. Yet, thoughts of Roscoe flooded her mind, igniting her desire to liberate him and locate Emauni herself. Nausea gripped her as Serena approached with a previously held glass of wine, observing Celeste's expression and finding it endearing in its innocence. "Cheer up, war has just started," Serena remarked, subtly signaling with her glass toward Celeste before taking a sip, maintaining eye contact. Everything about them screamed malevolence to Celeste; they moved with the calculated cruelty of ruthless vampires.






Once again, Juan found himself in the meeting office for another assignment from Sosa. It was crucial for him to be present this time, especially after missing yesterday's meeting with his crew and essentially going off the grid to spend time with Jade for the remainder of the day. However, Juan soon realized that life didn't always bend to his desires. While everyone had been summoned to the meeting, only the key individuals were present. Malik occupied his own chair in the corner, preferring to keep his distance these days—a change Juan couldn't fault him for, considering the challenges they faced. BJ and Rico stood on the opposite side, discreetly smoking their blunts and ensuring the smoke dissipated outside to avoid detection in the office. Although Juan and BJ were still at odds, their rift remained a secret unknown to others. Juan took his usual seat in front of Sosa's office, with Ace seated beside him. The two had forged a partnership in business. As for Sincere, he arrived alone this time, strolling past the office. They all awaited Sosa's arrival.

The doors swung open, revealing an irritated Sosa accompanied by five of his men, including Pedro, of course. Sosa's frustration was evident as he entered, fueled by being stood up yesterday and ignored by Juan for the remainder of the day. While his usual response to such disrespect would involve physical punishment, this time he had other consequences in mind for Juan. "I didn't promote you for nothing, ¿verdad? When you get a page for an important meeting, you show your face, ¿entiendes? You don't disappear over some piece of culo that ain't gonna get you nowhere! Don't ever disrespect me like that and make me regret choosing you, Mijo!" When Sosa reached a high level of frustration, he would switch to speaking Spanish, pronouncing each word with precision, his distinct accent audible. He removed his vest and pointed at Juan, reprimanding him before finally taking his seat.

Juan's face contorted with a mix of emotions. Firstly, the notion that Sosa knew about his time with Jade was unsettling, particularly the pussy reference to her. Secondly, being scolded in such a manner, akin to a child being reprimanded by their father, left him feeling deeply disrespected, especially in front of the others. He felt diminished, a sensation Juan couldn't tolerate, regardless of the person's status. "No disrespect, but-" Just as Juan was about to speak up and defend himself, Sosa slammed his hand down on the desk, creating a loud thud that drew everyone's attention. Sosa was fed up with Juan constantly having something to say and not just listening for once. He believed Juan was getting too arrogant and needed a reality check to bring him back down.

"I ain't tolerating your damn arrogance right now. Don't forget, you're working for me! I gave you that promotion for a damn good reason, but if you can't prove you deserve it, I'll have you back on the streets slinging like a damn corner boy. You better remember who the hell you are and what your position is. A boss don't skip out on business for some girl, especially one you ain't even married to, 'cause I guarantee she ain't gonna be your mobster wife. So put that side piece aside and focus! I don't wanna hear another word about it." Once again, Juan faced harsh criticism, this time even more brutal, as Sosa attempted to deliver a reality check. The public scolding, particularly about his business, made Juan feel deeply diminished, less of a man in that moment for allowing himself to be spoken to in such a manner. Despite feeling belittled, he knew there was little he could say; engaging in a back-and-forth would only escalate the situation. However, two truths resonated with Juan: he did indeed work for Sosa, and Jade would never fit the role of a mobster wife.

All Eyez On Me,
Live the life of a thug nigga until the day I die,
Live the life of a boss play,
All Eyez On Me,
'Cause even gettin' high (All Eyez On Me)

"Let me hear some damn noise!" A familiar voice boomed as the door swung open, revealing a young man named Roscoe holding a speaker, blasting Tupac's "All Eyez On Me." He danced his way into the office, injecting some much-needed energy into the room, eliciting smiles from everyone present. Sincere followed closely behind, accompanied by another one of Sosa's men who had returned from their trip to Mexico, each carrying bags filled with money. It had been two weeks since their last encounter, so the reunion brought a sense of joy, especially with Roscoe's vibrant personality on full display. He placed the speaker on the ground and began to break dance, showcasing his moves and drawing laughter from the group. The impromptu show came to an end when Pedro stopped the music, playfully nudging Roscoe's head, prompting playful complaints from the dancer.

"Look who's back in da building!" Rico shouted out before making his way, with BJ trailing behind, to greet Sincere and Roscoe. Malik joined in, embracing them tightly, a clear expression of how much they had missed their presence. Malik couldn't help but notice that things felt different without Roscoe around, almost as if he were the linchpin of their friendship. Roscoe then approached Sincere, who pretended to be less than thrilled to see him. "Waddup, baldy! Lookin' fresh and clean as ever, yo crane shining through da lighting. Good spirit my brother." Roscoe continued to playfully banter with Sincere, nudging his shoulder to provoke a laugh before moving on to Sosa's office to greet him respectfully and hand over the bags of money. Meanwhile, Sincere exchanged greetings with Juan and Ace as conversations began to spark throughout the room. Roscoe strategically saved Juan for last, sensing his somber mood, but their eye contact broke the tension, leading to laughter and an embrace. Despite their jesting, their bond resembled that of playful brothers.

"My family! Man, I missed yo' whack ass. But ay, lemme tell you 'bout them mexicans shawt... they bout fine as hell! I was posted up with three of em bitches at the same time, livin' my blessed up life. Shit was Heaven! I was 'boutta say fuck Harlem." Roscoe's lively rant echoed throughout the office, drawing laughter from all corners. His absence had been keenly felt, and his return brought a palpable sense of joy. He turned his gaze to Ace, whom he didn't know, but still greeted warmly. Juan then introduced them and filled Roscoe in on what he had missed, including his promotion. Sosa, meanwhile, was preoccupied with counting the stacks of money from their Mexico partners, eventually relinquishing the task to Pedro and his workers. Clearing his throat, Sosa redirected Juan's attention back to him, capturing the focus of everyone in the room.

"I still need you to earn my trust back. Handling Bourgeois showed your loyalty, but standing me up was a concern. To make amends, I need you to handle a task. I have a meeting in Jersey with some Detroit members. The goal is to persuade them to do business with us and invest in a new warehouse location to keep our operations under the radar. This will help us expand our partnership all the way to Detroit. The meeting will take place at Lucky's Honeey's club, a strip joint I have connections with. Lucky's aware of the plan. For this task, I want you to prove your worth. You won't have any of my guys with you, just two of your own choosing. If you can seal the deal, you'll keep your promotion. So, who will you take with you? Choose wisely, because I need you there tomorrow."

As Sosa outlined the mission for Juan, it became apparent that it would be a challenging task, especially since Juan had never undertaken something of this magnitude alone. However, he remained confident in himself, despite feeling restricted by the limit of two companions. Surveying the room, Juan felt torn, knowing that each person present could offer valuable assistance and held significance to him. In an ideal scenario, he would have taken them all. However, he adhered to the limit and confidently announced his choices: "Malik and Rico." He had his reasons for selecting them, and despite the burning gazes of those hoping to be chosen, including Sosa's men, Juan stood firm in his decision. Roscoe smiled at Juan's choice, recognizing the potential for Juan and Malik to strengthen their friendship through this opportunity, despite their past differences. On the other hand, Ace couldn't help but feel slighted by Juan's decision to choose Malik over him. Nevertheless, he concealed his emotions and observed from his seat.

"Alright, that's settled. You guys can head out now and make your preparations at home. My private jet will be landing in two hours. I'll continue this meeting with the others and assign each of them their own tasks. Juan, don't let me down on this one. I have faith in you." Sosa's calm tone resonated with Juan as he nodded in acknowledgment. He shared a dap up with Roscoe and exchanged nods, before offering the same gesture to Ace, sensing his disappointment but trusting in his decision. Moving on to the rest of the group, Juan bid farewell before he, Malik, and Rico left the room. As they walked down the hall, preparing for the daunting task ahead, Malik couldn't shake a nagging thought from his mind. With Rico nearby, he mustered the courage to voice his query, "Why me? Why not Roscoe or Ace?" His question caught Juan's attention, prompting him to lift his gaze from the floor to meet Malik's eyes.

"Because before all of 'em, you were my brother first." Juan explained to Malik that he chose him because he trusted him the most and understood him better than anyone else. Malik grasped the significance of their bond and realized that he couldn't be replaced by anyone else. Rico, observing their interaction, saw their bond slowly returning to normal and appreciated witnessing their reconciliation. Rico didn't question why he was chosen because he knew that Juan valued his intelligence and vigilance. He understood that they weren't going to the strip club for fun but for business. Juan deliberately selected serious individuals who wouldn't be easily distracted and would speak up if necessary. Malik felt a sense of appreciation and realized that despite their distant friendship, the love between them remained. They exchanged nods as a sign of respect, and from that point on, their bond grew stronger as they understood the challenges ahead of them.


Nas once said ; Time is Illmatic.
A phrasing to emerge through illmatic. — that death is all around you so you shouldn't waste a minute of your time on earth, while acknowledging that time is always moving forward and it's easy to get stuck in a rut in your life.


— 29/03/24.

not me blessing y'all with two chapters 😩.
besides from that how we feelin' about this one?
honestly probably one of my favourite chapters so far...
'cause things only getting intense from here!
Lucky's Honeey's club too🫣...
Mmm, I wonder what could possibly happen.

Stay tuned for the next chapter, & til next time!
- sincerely, gianna. 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪

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