River City Girls: New Girl in...

De ghost-writer-0000

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Ever since she was little, Y/n L/n has been homeschooled online. However after her brother gets a job in a ne... Mais

Chapter 1: First Day at River City High
Chapter 2: School House Rumble
Chapter 3: Boss Battle! Mizuzu
Chapter 4: Y/n Makes a Bet
Chapter 5: A Burger for Godai
Chapter 6: Not Breaking, but Still Entering
Chapter 7: Boss Battle! Yamada
Chapter 8: All in the Mall
Chapter 9: Uptown Funk
Halloween Omake
Chapter 10: A Quick Break for Tea Time
Chapter 11: Up and Down Uptown
Christmas Omake
Chapter 12: Pawning and Fawning
Summer Omake: The Beach Episode
Chapter 14: Downtown Dropoff

Chapter 13: Boss Battle! Hibari

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De ghost-writer-0000

By the time you got back Hibari's fashion warehouse hadn't changed a bit. It's storefront remained suspiciously empty, with not a soul in sight to see as you and the girls slipped into the back. Admittedly this was your first time being backstage in a clothing studio, as the first time you visited Hibari's the runway suspended over a pit of spikes had scared you away. Yet standing here you found yourself kinda hoping it'd be your last. Just something about the eery quiet, half finished designs, and piles of fabric swatches put you on edge.

And of course it seemed you were the only one to feel this way as Misako stepped out ahead of you and brazenly waved the "golden" cat around.

Misako: Yo, lady! Here's a golden cat for ya!

Despite her expectations otherwise, shouting into an empty room didn't yield Misako the response she had hoped, or really any at all as you were all just left standing there waiting as nothing happened.

Kyoko: Are...we supposed to do something now?

Y/n: Maybe we can try putting it on that?

You pointed ahead of you to where smack dab in the center of the room stood a small almost ritualistic looking candle lit altar. Seeing this, Kyoko and Misako blinke sun surprise.

Misako: Huh. I can't believe we didn't notice that. You'd think suspiciously cultish altars would be more noteworthy.

Kyoko: Yeah...

Misako: Welp I'm gonna put the cat there.

Ignoring the sketchy vibes it gave off, Misako walked forward to place the statuette on the alter. However, before she could set the cat down she was stopped by a shout from Kyoko telling her to Wait.

Kyoko: Hold on. Is it just me or is anyone else getting a bad feeing about this?

Y/n: Geez I don't know Kyoko. We're in the back of a fashion studio about to place a golden cat on a ritualistic altar. What's to feel bad about?

Your snark quickly put you on the receiving end of matching glared as both your friends gave you a pointed look

Kyoko: Just set the cat down Misako.

Misako: Yep.

Placing the cat upon the altar, Misako was soon left disappointed as nothing immediately happened. That didn't last long however, for only a second later a deep rumbling shook the room, knocking sewing supplies and a statuette off the shelves as the doors in the back creaked open to reveal a forebodingly unlit passage deeper into the bowels of the studio. Looking in, you could see nothing but inky blackness ahead

Y/n: You see Kyoko now that's ominous.

Kyoko: Oh shut up.

Annoyed, the redhead was the first to stomp her way down the corridor, followed swiftly by Misako and then yourself against your own better judgement. The hallway was as dark as it looked from the outside, leaving the three of you unable to see and with no way to orientate yourselves save for blindly groping at the space ahead of you. Which presented its own problems as your hand accidentally found itself grabbing hold of something very soft and very chest level. Blushing, you immediately scrambled to apologize without actually letting go.

Y/n: S-sorry Misako!

Misako: Huh. What are you talking about?

Confused by her lack of reaction, you gave the suspiciously tit shaped thing in your hand another much rougher squeeze.

Y/n: Didn't you feel that?

Misako: No. Should I have?

You were left utterly perplexed by how calm the other girl seemed right now. Normally you would have expected your groping to earn you a punch to the face, however Misako seemed completely oblivious to your hand on her chest. And as much as you might have wished otherwise, it probably wasn't your boundless charisma making her cool with some light groping between friends. No, something was definitely up.

Y/n: Hmmm, hold up let me get some light in here. Ecudorp Emalf.

Immediately a small flame flickered to life stop your finger tip, illuminating the space around you in a faint orange glow that let you finally see whose breast you were molesting.

Y/n: AaaGGHHH!

Hearing your terrified scream, Kyoko and Misako whipped around ready to defend you only to find you shrieking your head trying to scurry away from a creepily headless mannequin. Sighing, Misako walked over and placed a hand on your shoulder to try and clam you down.

Misako: Yo relax. It's just a dummy.

Your breath raced, but her touch helped you pace yourself as you learn into her hand for comfort.

Y/n: S-sorry. That mannequin startled me. I thought I was touching your boob, but then you were confused when I apologized so I turned on the lights and it was right there.

The girls just stared at you, making you realize how ridiculous your entire story sounded from an outside perspective. Your hasty rambling probably didn't help, nor did the fact you were still technically feeling up the mannequin's chest. Clearing your throat, you let go of the doll's tit with a blush and tried your best not to meet your friends' eyes.

Kyoko: How could you not tell it was a mannequin when you touched it?

Her question as innocently as it was asked only made you feel even more embarrassed.

Y/n: I don't have a lot of experience getting to second base okay.

Misako: Not surprising.

Y/n: C-can we just move on?

Kyoko: Yeah. Sure thing.

She was standing outside your fire's light , and yet you could feel her smirk from here. Now throughly embarrassed and with a face glowing hotter than the flame on your finger, you continued making your down the hallway using your spell to light the way. With sight restored, even if only somewhat, the journey proved far easier, letting you reach the end of the corridor much faster then you would have otherwise. However having reached the door, now came the part of actually opening it and going inside. Something which was done for you as the door opened by itself, the resultant draft extinguishing your flame and leaving you all nervously watching on in shock and a hint of foreboding dread.

Kyoko: Creepy.

Misako: Yeah.

Though she looked just as creeped out as everyone else, Misako took the lead in going first.

Misako: Come on, Hibari's probably through here.

It was only reluctantly that you and Kyoko followed her, the latter clinging to your arm and shivering as you stepped through the door into an expansive and nerve inducing workshop straight out of a twisted seamstress's nightmare. The ceiling was tall, far taller then would ever be needed for a fashion studio. Meanwhile the walls were decorated in a seeming spider web of fabric and designs, with scattered mannequins of varying sizes lined up along the edges of the room portraying dozens of half finished works. And you were forced to see all of this with only the dimly faint glow of flickering blue lights entrenched in the wall sconces.

Kyoko: Okay this just got even creepier.

Y/n: Agreed. You know it's probably not too late to quit.

Just as you said that a skittering echoed from the rafters, drawing your gaze to watch as to the ceiling from which descended the figure of who you could only assume was Hibari. Petite and deathly pale, she was dressed in a kimono that crossed with the gothic Lolita style to give her an appearance reminiscent of a spider. That combined with the way she seemed to float in the air left Hibari with an almost ethereal quality that made you and the girls stop and stare.

As you gawked at the display of flight, Hibari levitated down and stopped just short of laying a foot on the ground as she fixed you all an eerily giggling smirk.

Hibari: Welcome to my parlor little gi-

Y/n: How old are you?

Stunned, Hibari's composure cracked as she blinked not knowing how to respond.

Hibari: E...excuse me?

She wasn't the only one giving you a funny look, as both Kyoko and Misako turned to give you the side eye.

Y/n: Don't give me those looks. You guys have beaten up almost everyone we've met today. I just want to know if she's a kid or not before we beat her up.

Kyoko: Oh. That's a good point.

Misako: Yeah good catch Y/n. Spill it spider lady, how old are you?

Utterly confused by what was happening, Hibari was barely able to mutter out a reply.

Hibari: I'm... Im twenty one.

Kyoko: Oh thank goodness, you really had I was really worried there for a moment.

Y/n: same, but now that We've established she's just a very petite woman. The whole gothic Lolita spider witch thing's kinda hot right?

Misako: My god, you've known she's legal for five fucking seconds. Can you not perv on her for at least that same amount of time.

You went to reply, starting a bickering back and forth between you and Misako over the meritocracy of legal lolis and your ability to enjoy them. While this happened Hibari just stared at you all in confusion and dawning horror, unable to comprehend what just walked into her studio.

Hibari: What...What is happening right now?

Fed up with your insistence and citing of the many wonderfully short and petite girls from anime, Misako pinched the bridge of her nose and turned towards Hibari with a look of utter exasperation.

Misako: Don't worry about it. Now you did your cool entrance and got your fancy cat, now you gonna help us or what?

She tossed the cat towards Hibari, who caught it and started looking it over with a critical eye.

Hibari: Hmmm... It's a little banged up..

Y/n: You mean it has character.

Kyoko: It's also not real-

That little slip up earned Kyoko a hand over her mouth courtesy of Misako as the Ravenette emphatically tried covering up her best friend's mistake.

Misako: HEAVY! It's not real heavy. Except it is, cause it's gold. RIGHT, girls?

Kyoko: Oh. Uh...That is correct.

Y/n: Painfully so.

You subconsciously rubbed where your purse strap was starting wear a bruise into your shoulder from carrying around all the gold in your bag. Luckily no one noticed as all eyes were firmly on Hibari as she finished her glance over the offering.

Hibari: This offering is acceptable. What would you like designed?

Misako tried to speak up, only for a sparkly eyed Kyoko to bulldoze right over her.

Kyoko: Can you do mini-skirts?

Y/n: Yeah can you give her a mini-skirt?!

Misako: Knock it off you two!

Running her hand down her face, Misako let out a deep sigh before fixing Hibari a serious look.

Misako: Actually, we need information.

Hibari: I don't do information. I do fashion. And you're wasting my time.

The sneer on her face made it clear what she thought about being your information broker was. But that's never stopped the girls before, and it wouldn't now.

Kyoko: Our boyfriends got kidnapped.

Y/n: To clarify it's their boyfriends. I have this "will they won't they" thing going on with the girls said boyfriends are possibly cheating on them with. Also maybe something with these two as well maybe?

Misako: No you don't.

Y/n: Ah shoot.

While this conversation happened Hibari was left watching it play out with a look of utter confusion. One which only continued to grow until finally it became too much for her.

Hibari: Who are you people?!

Rolling her eyes, Misako ignored the question and pulled out her phone to pull up the picture of the kidnapping. Once she had it she promptly shoved it in the petite fashion designer's face

Misako: I told you to ignore them didn't I Now the guy in this photo is wearing one of your jackets. Who is he?

Hibari: You seriously expect me to break my client's confidentiality? For a pair of ill-dressed ruffians and their friend.

Blinking, you turned and did the mental math trying to piece together which of you was which in that statement.

Hibari: Besides, everyone wears my designs. Find me someone in River City who isn't wearing my fashion.

Misako: We-

Y/n: I actually had questions about that. Your business model makes no sense.

Everyone stopped and looked at you, especially Hibari whose indignation was back to being replaced by the constant sense of confusion she'd been feeling ever since you entered her doors.

Hibari: E-excuse me?

Y/n: Yeah, like you say everyone is wearing your designs, but you only accept gold as payment? What am I supposed to expect everybody's opening Fort Knox for a blouse. Legitimately how is anyone paying you?

She tried to sputter out an explanation but you kept going over top of her.

Hibari: Well...Well you see-

Y/n: That's not even getting into the whole altar thing. Like are you expecting everyone that wants to hire you to go backstage and do a sacrificial ceremony. There's not even anyone manning your store front, and the spike pit-

Hibari: GET OUT!

Her shout made you pause long enough to see that the fashion designer was positively livid with you. Black painted lips twisted into a dangerous snarl as her fingers twitched like she was about ready to claw your throat out. It was this and the murderous look in her eye that made you shut up and take a step back. But your friends weren't ones to be intimidated by a woman half their size.

Misako: Now hold up just a minute. We ain't leaving until you tell us who that guy in the jacket is.

Kyoko: and make me a mini-skirt.

Hibari's eye twitched.

Misako: Yeah! We got your dumb cat and I'm getting sick of your crappy cosplay spider schtick. Now float down here and help us.

If she was angry before, Hibari was absolutely aghast by now. She looked at Misako with such an incomprehensible fury that you began legitimately fearing for the other girl's safety.

Hibari: I have never in my life been spoken to as you just addressed me. You come into my den,looking like highschool hobos, question my business's legitimacy, and lecture ME on fashion.

As she spoke Hibari rose higher into the air, her eyes unblinkingly staring at the three of you. Something changed in the air but only you could feel it as Kyoko and Misako carried on not noticing the almost supernatural malevolence flooding the room.

Hibari: I've changed my mind.

Kyoko: See was that so-


Pale faced, Kyoko turned to two foot long sewing needle pierced in the wall right beside her head. The low light glinted off its pointed tip, showcasing the deadly point as Hibari rose higher and conjured two more from the sleeves of her dress. The designer's grin was manic and her voice coldly even.

Hibari: Your not leaving here ever again.

That was all the warning you got before the needles in her hands were hurtling towards you. Ducking out of the way at the last moment, you barely had time to throw yourself behind the nearest mannequin and make it take the hit for you before another needle was coming your way. The girls didn't have it any easier, as they were both forced to scramble to get out of the way of Hibari's assault before managing to take cover by ducking behind one the designer's sewing tables. Out of the firing lines, Misako wasted no time in fixing you a blaming look.

Misako: Good going Y/n, you pissed her off!

Y/n: What?!

You rolled out of the way just in time to avoid becoming a pincushion alongside your mannequin shield and proceeded to crawl behind a display mirror before a glare back at the ravenette.

Y/n: How is this my fault?!

Ducking out from behind the sewing table, Misako threw her back pack at Hibari in an attempt to knock her down. But the designer side stepped, and in retaliation hurled a bolt of miasmic purple nervy that blew a chunk out of the girls' barricade. Intensifying the glare Misako gave you as she and Kyoko shook the splinter out of their hair.

Misako: Your the one who insulted her business.

Y/n: Well it made no sense Misako! No one carries gold around to buy clothes, no one would take it and it's too darn heavy! My shoulder's proof enough of that!

Immediately you recognized your slip, and so did she.

Misako: What was that?


Misako: No no no, walk it back. Have you been carrying gold around this whole time.

Y/n: Um, Maybe?

Misako looked about ready to say something else when Hibari's next attack cut her off in the form of a peppering of tiny magical bolts that shred through the sewing table and left her and Kyoko running for cover.

Kyoko: Can you two have this conversation later?

Misako: Okay!

Seeing the two in danger as Hibari readied another bolt, you looked around for a way to help before noticing the wheels on your mirror. Acting quickly, you shoved the mirror and sent it rolling between Hibari and the girls, protecting them from the seamstress's attack but leaving you completely exposed in the prices.

Now on the other end of the fashionista's fury, you were forced to run for your life as she attacked you non stop with magic and needles. Her attacks left a trail of scorch and piercing marks across the studio as you ducked and weaved between anything you could use to put something between you and her. But her failure to kill you only seems to make Hibari more Incensed the longer the fight dragged on.


Kyoko: Gross!

Hibari: Huh?

That was all she managed to say before a being hit in the face with a half finished handbag. Amid your distracting her, Kyoko and Misako had gathered up as much throwable things as they could and were now using them to pelt Hibari with everything they had. Luckily that first hit was enough to disorient her, leaving the seamstress unable to attack and helplessly trying to protect her face as she was hit nonstop with all manner of bits and bobs.

Kyoko: Yeah take that!

Hibari: Grrrrrr

Using the break in her assault, you ducked behind cover and tried catching your breath. But that opportunity would slip through your fingers as Hibari, enraged by the damage done to her, snarled and flung her arms wide in a furious arc, releasing a pulse of dark magic that bounced all incoming projectiles away.


Her voice echoed through the room, and you watched as the mannequins lining the walls all began to twitch and move like something out of a horror movie. You weren't the only one horrified to se ethos as Kyoko and Misako gaped in shock seeing the mannequins step off their stands and dance to unseen strings.

Misako: Oh come on!

Kyoko: Does everyone in the city know magic except us!

Misako: Grrrr, doesn't matter. Y/n! We'll handle these things while you take care of that!

She pointed up towards where Hibari was madly cackling and moving her hands like she was playing with a marionette. Scared, you turned back ready to protest this plan only to see the girls already stuck in a brawl with the animated dummies. Realizing there was no other way to win this, you gulped and hid behind a work desk to frantically try flipping through your Grimoire.

Y/n: Come on, there's gotta be something in here.

The sounds of fighting going on behind you motivated you to look faster, flipping through one spell right after another hoping to find something to counter Hibari's magic. But all you were various curses, illusionary charms, and...

Y/n: Fireball

Your voice took on an awesome tone as you gazed upon the magical equivalent of the firebomb. The sweet allure of it called to your soul, beckoning for you to learn it's dark evocative secrets and unleash them upon your enemies. It was a temptation you couldn't resist, save for the sound of your Kyoko Misako's voices snapping you out of it. Blinking, you turned to see the two struggling to fend off Hibari's seemingly never ending horde of minions. The sight of them in peril proving just enough to stay your hand and continue your search.

Y/n: No! It's not the time for that. Yet...

Dog earring that page for later, you went back to searching for a helpful spell while behind you Misako and Kyoko were hard at work beating back the mannequins. But it was clear the sheer volume of plastic dummies was starting to wear on them. As soon as one was knocked down two more seemed to take its place followed by Hibari's repairing the ones they broke in a never ending cycle. It was a viscous strategy designed to make even the toughest opponents buckle under sheer attrition, and Hibari reveled in it.

The seamstress's cackling echoed through your ears as you scrambled to find a way to help the girls. But the longer you looked the more it seemed hopeless as you realized that by the time it took you to find something and translate it with your ring the battle may very well be over already. Frustrated, you lost your patience hearing Hibari's sadistic laughter and grabbed the nearest thing to chuck at the bitch's head. Unfortunately, it never occurred to you that the only thing at hand was your book, which was currently sailing its way to smack right into the back of Hibari's skull.

Having forgotten you were even there amid her blood lust, Hibari was totally unprepared to be clobbered from behind. The blow to her head knocking her off balance and breaking her concentration on the spell holding the mannequins together. Instantly the horde of dummies crumbled and fell to the floor limp and lifeless. Realizing this opportunity, Misako took the lead and tore off one the mannequins to chuck up at Hibari, who still reeling from the last attack was unable to defend herself as the girls pelted her nonstop with anything they could.

Grunting in pain, Hibari tried defending herself as best she could but the assault soon began to prove to much for her to handle. Exhausted, Hibari lowered closer to the ground as she diverted her magic from flight to defense. It worked well enough to stem the tide of random projectiles hitting her but left her glued to the floor maintaining her shield. This proved to be her greatest mistake because as well versed in the arcane arts as she was, Hibari was still only a tiny slip of a woman and your friends were bigger then her.

Kyoko: GET HER!

Hibari: Huh?

Confused, Hibari didn't have a chance to react before Misako and Kyoko rushed her. You watched as the two athletic girls proceeded to lay Hibari down with a good old fashioned river city curb-stomping. Recollecting your Grimoire, you couldn't help but since seeing how painful the beating looked. Hibari tried fighting back, but it was impossible for her to get a spell off without one the girls punching her in the face.

Hibari: OW! Stop that!

Misako: You gonna tell us what we want?

Hibari: Yes! Just stop!

Surrendering, Hibari was finally released from the beat down and allowed to pick herself up off the ground. She was bruised and her clothes tattered, making her look like she just went twelve rounds in the ring with a heavy weight boxer and not just two highschool girls.

Hibari: Ughh, okay your tougher than you look. What do you want?

Misako: We need information.

The seamstress sighed and rubbed her head, wincing as she did while fixing the three of you a tired glance.

Hibari: I don't know that man in the picture

Misako: How can you not know who he is? He's wearing YOUR jacket.

Hibari: Lots of people wear my fashion. I supposed to be able to recognize one customer out of my hundreds.

Y/n: I still don't get how-

Hibari: SHUT UP!

You wilted under her glare, making the fashionista smirk as she regained some of her prior confidence upon seeing you cowering. Holding herself a bit higher, Hibari turned back to Misako and Kyoko with a sly grin.

Hibari: Like I said. I don't know who that man in your picture is. But if your boyfriends were indeed kidnapped, you should head downtown.

Kyoko: To the slums? Ew.

Misako: Yeah, you trying to say we belong in a dump?

Y/n: Hey I live downtown.

Kyoko: Oh...sorry.

Misako: I'm not. Downtown sucks.

You grumbled and shot Misako a glare, but she just smirked back. It annoyed you hearing them talk bad about your neighborhood. So what if the roads had potholes, or the buildings were cheap and half abandoned, or the cats all had rabies, or...Okay maybe they had a point.

Y/n: Oh my god I live in the slums.

Hibari: Not surprising. But if anyone goes missing, nine times out of ten they are taken downtown.

Y/n: Please stop quoting crime statistics.

Kyoko: So your saying there probably in downtown?

Hibari: most likely.

Kyoko: That's great! Come on Misako we gotta get going.

She made to start heading out only to be stopped halfway by Hibari.

Hibari: Wait. There's a secret tunnel beneath my factory that will lead you straight there.

Y/n: Why do you have that?

You earned yourself another pointed glare with that question.

Hibari: Haven't you asked enough questions for one day.

Y/n: Sorry.

Hibari: As I was saying if you'll follow me I'll show you to the tunnel and you can be on your way.

Not wanting to look the gift horse, err spider, in the mouth the three of you nodded and let her guide you back through the dark scary tunnel and into the altar room. Whereupon the fashionista paused to shoot you all a glare at seeing all the broken messes scattered all over the floor

Hibari: Did you three have to make such a mess out here?

Kyoko: To be fair it was your altar's rumbling that did this.

Hibari: Ughh, the damned thing must be on the fritz again.

Rolling her eyes, she ignored the mess for now and gestures for you to follow her to the corner of the room where a large stack of crates were piled high from floor to ceiling.

Hibari: Well here you go. The tunnel is behind these boxes. Feel free to use it after you get these things out of the way.

Kyoko: What? But they're ginormous. How are we supposed to move these things?

Hibari: Hmmm, That sounds like a you problem doesn't it.

Her smile was positively cat like, making the girls realize this was her petty plan for revenge from the start. Sighing, Misako rubbed her face in exasperation knowing it would still be faster than trying to catch a bus.

Misako: Come on, let's just get this over with. I swear there's better actually be a tunnel behind all this.

Hibari: Oh there is. Now don't mind me but I'll just stick around to let you know where to put them when your done.

Misako: Don't push your luck lady.

With that your friends settled in for the tedious task of unblocking the tunnel entrance. However while watching their sweaty tired bodies work to lift the boxes an idea struck you. Pulling out your Grimoire, you flipped back to the page you eared earlier and got to work using your decoder ring to translate the me essay steps to cast it. Seeing you studying a clearly magic book, Hibari the witch that she was grew interested and came over to see what you were doing.

Hibari: And what exactly are you up to now?

You didn't reply at first, being too invested in deciphering the secrets on the page. But as you the final letters became deciphered, you slammed the book shut and gave the creepy yet kinda cute woman a cocky grin.

Y/n: This! Llaberif!

As the words left your mouth the room became cast in an orange glow as a baseball sized more of flame exploded into life within your palm. Immediately Hibari's went wide in panic seeing this watching, doubly so when you cocked your cocked your arm back ready to blow those crates to smithereens.

Y/n: Girls get out the way! Cause it's fire n the-


The flame dickered out of existence as a stinging red hand print appeared where Hibari smacked you across the face. You barely had time to register how sore it felt before being throttled by the shortstacked seamstress.

Hibari: Are you crazy! You can't cast that spell in here, you'll bring the whole damned building down with us in it!

Y/n: S-sorry.

Seeing how angry she was, you whimpered out an apology but it didn't stop her from shoving you and stealing your Grimoire. You tried to snatching it back from her but she sneered and manifested an ethereal wall between you with a casual flick of her hand. With you unable to stop her, she then proceeded to slam through all the explosive and embarrassing spells you had ear marked for later.

Hibari: My god your gonna get somebody killed playing with this thing. Like take this spell right here. Why would you need to know how to cast Instant Immolation?

Y/n: For when a jerk has it coming.

She stared at you unblinkingly for several moments before sighing and taking out a pad and pen. Quickly jotting something down, she flicked her hand and caused the boxes to move out of the way of the tunnel entrance before tearing the page out and flicking it towards you. Catching it, you looked at what she wrote only to be confused seeing an address, phone number, and list of times. Confused, you tried looking to her for answers only to get an exasperated sneer.

Hibari: Here. Take this and be back here at my studio every Tuesday and Thursday after school.

Y/n: Huh, why?

Hibari: Because someone needs to make sure you don't accidentally summon a demonic incursion. In the meantime though.

She snapped her fingers and instantly a pair of ghostly chains wrapped around your Grimoire. Panicking, you tried to wrench the book open but the bindings prohibited you from reaching beyond the front third of the pages.

Y/n: What the? What did you do?

Hibari: I cursed your book to prevent you from being able to open it to any of the spells your not ready for.

Y/n: B-but that's not fair! It's my book!

Hibari: Yes, and if you want access to those pages your gonna show up, pay attention to my lessons, and work off the damages you've done to my work shop. Congratulations nitwit, you just got yourself a job as my assistant.

Your eye twitched and you felt yourself growing utterly infuriated at this snooty witch telling you what to do. What did she think, that just cause she was cute and better at magic then you that she could boss you around? Well unfortunately that seemed true because no matter what you tried you couldn't get the book open past those darn first couple of chapters. Even worse, every attempt to do so gave your hand a painful little jolt as the ghostly chains shocked you. You even looked to Kyoko and Misako for help, but those two seemed to actually be on Hibari's side of all things. Betrayal. That's what it was, just because you nearly blew you all up once they turn their backs to you. Why if there backsides weren't so pleasant to look at you'd be steamed. But as it were there was no other option but to accept Hibari's rules of you ever wanted full access to your spells back.

Y/n: Ughh fine.

Hibari: Good. Now get lost.

She pointed down the tunnel, and didn't stop until all three of you were inside, at which point she levitated the boxes back over the entrance and disappeared. Leaving you to trudge down the dark barely lit corridor next to the girls and barely able to see two feet ahead of you. Grumbling, you again tried in vain to get past Hibari's restrictions to no luck.

Y/n: Ughh, this blows.

Misako: Yeah...So about that gold you've been hiding from us.

Blinking, you found yourself suddenly on the receiving end of two rather expectant looks as Kyoko and Misako stared at you and your bag full of glittering golden loot. The jig was finally up.

Y/n: Aw shoot.

AN: And thus ends the uptown arc of the story. I hope you enjoyed it and the conclusion with Hibari. I'm not sure how the fight went but I really enjoyed the dynamic set up between Reader and Hibari. In other news, next time we are off to downtown to continue the search for Kenny and Ritchie as well as deciding what to do with all that gold reader's been lugging around for awhile. So tell me what you thought of reader's relationship with Hibari?

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