Adrift ~Book 1 || β€’PJMβ€’ (Rewr...

By Ravendipity

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|| π’π‚πˆπ„ππ‚π„ π…πˆπ‚π“πˆπŽπ 𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐀𝐔 || Park Jimin was never noticed by his peers. Lonely and afraid... More

The Girl On Ganymede
A Tale of Two
The Red Planet
The Battleship
Attack on Bangtan
Exit Strategies
Jimin's "Date"
Jeon Jungkook
The Boyfriend
Kim Seokjin
Jimin's Angel
Passion and Desire
Kim Taehyung
The Tragedy
Ache and Loss
Jimin's Decision
Make Outs and... War?
Mr. L/N
Min Yoongi
The First Fight
The Silent Treatment
A New Ally?
Unwanted Visitors
A Daring Escape
All Good Things... (Part 1)
All Good Things... (Part 2)


23 0 0
By Ravendipity


You keep your arms wrapped around Jimin as one of his hands stays on your back, the other brushing your hair. You've been sitting on the ground in his embrace for who knows how long now. No speaking, only feeling. Neither of you are complaining. You probably won't admit it verbally, but you've needed him. There's nothing you've missed more than his warmth.

For a couple more minutes, you simply enjoy his presence, thankful he's here. However, you know you'll have to address the elephant in the room eventually. So, you let out a small sigh and speak.

"What did Jungkook say to you?"

He shakes his head. "Nothing."

Your eyes open and widen. He said nothing? Then why did Jimin come back? Did Jungkook not explain that their hug was strictly a friend hug?

"That hug was just a hug, Jimin. No matter what we're going through, I want you to know that..." You trail off, fighting to find the right words.

"Y/N?" he asks, and you reluctantly pull back, meeting his eyes. His lips faintly curl up in a smile, but it's so small you barely notice it. "I know."

Your eyes soften, and so do his. No matter how mad at him you are, he still manages to find all the right things to say. You bite your lower lip and avert your eyes.

"I'm sorry I ignored you today," you say.

"I'm sorry I was so cold to you a few minutes ago."

You nod, peeking back up. "I'm sorry for what I said on the bridge. Saying the whole jealousy thing was messed up, even if I was pissed about the decision you were making."

He goes still for a moment, then kisses your forehead, closing his eyes and leaving his lips on your skin. You let out a long breath at his proximity. He pulls back after a few seconds and meets your gaze.

"I'm sorry I hurt you."

That sentence makes you freeze, but you quickly regain your composure. "I'm not going to lie, I'm still pretty pissed about it, but you did what was best for everyone. You're right—if my father went back and got killed, it doesn't matter how much I hate him, I wouldn't be able to cope with his loss. I've already lost enough people. I can't lose anyone else."

"Hey, hey," he whispers, using his hands to cup your face. "You won't. Seeing you hurt... I..."

He brings you back to his body, holding you tightly and using one hand to rub your back while the other stays still. You let out a small sigh of relief, the tension you previously felt slowly fading away. You lean into his touch and breath in his scent, trying to memorize it. Just in case.

You're terrified of your father taking you away. That would mean you'd never be able to see Jimin or the crew again. You don't want to think about it, but you have to. If he takes you, the crew will be safe. That's all that matters to you right now. You need them to be safe. You wouldn't be able to live with yourself if something happened to your second family and there was something you could do about it.

So, you memorize everything about Jimin. The way he nuzzles his cheek against your shoulder, the way his fingers clutch onto your back, trying to get closer. The way his breathing gets slower when you're in his arms, but faster when you're kissing. The way he always looks for you in a crowded room. Even the way he always cares about you, no matter what the two of you are going through. You know you're falling in love with him, but you don't know how to tell him.

"Y/N, I have to ask you something," he whispers, his breath hitting your ear. You slightly tremble at the sensation, but nod nonetheless. He pulls back, slowly opening his eyes and meeting yours. "Answer honestly."

"I always am."

He sighs, glancing down for a brief moment before locking eyes with you again. "Do you still love Jungkook?"

Well, that wasn't what you were expecting.

You're at a loss for words to say the least. Your mouth is slightly open, and for a few seconds, you stay like that before realizing that you're just staring at him. Truthfully, you do still love Jungkook. How can you not? You dated him for not one but two years. He was your first love. You can never forget those feelings. However, there's a difference between loving someone as a partner and loving them as a friend and/or someone you cherish.

"Of course I do. I can't forget those feelings. He was my first everything. First kiss, first love, first time..."

"So he did lose..."


"Nothing, don't worry about it," Jimin says with a faint smile.

You softly chuckle, then shake your head. "The point is, I'll always love him, but as nothing more than a friend. I'm with you now. You. Not Yeonjun, not Jungkook... you."

He seems put at ease by your words. You and him both know you would never cheat on him, and he would never cheat on you, but you can tell that question has been eating him up. The curiosity to know if you still love Jungkook. He did appear again out of nowhere, right in the middle of you and Jimin developing feelings for each other. It's a perfectly valid question.

"Okay," he says with a sniffle.

You slowly let your hand approach his cheek. He lets out a relaxed breath, leaning toward you. His cheek meets your hand halfway, and you immediately feel your heart speed up. Having him this close, it brings out a spark inside you no one else ever set off. You know it now.

You love him.

"I meant what I said. What we have, it means everything to me." he says.

You always knew you were falling, but not this hard. He's the best thing that's ever happened to you. Ironic that you found the best thing in your life by surviving the worst experience in your life. A part of you is almost grateful for it.

Without another word, you lean up and kiss him. He's shocked but returns the kiss, needing your touch as badly as you need his. You pull back after only a few seconds. He opens his eyes, peering at you like you're the only thing that matters. Your entire body fills with ecstasy at just his look. He needs to know. He deserves to know what he means to you. So, you speak.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

~The Next Day || 13:07~

"Are you sure you're okay?" Jungkook asks Y/N, leaning against her doorframe.

"I will be, but this isn't exactly easy," she says as she scurries around her room.

Y/N grabs her hologlobe and watches it buzz to life in front of her eyes. The cyan screen illuminates her features, and Jungkook can't help but stare. He's starting to realize how long it's been since he's seen her. He saw her face every day for literally two years. Not seeing her for so long really put a dent on his memory. She was always beautiful, but after everything she's been through, she's matured. Jungkook respects that.

"I can go get Jimin for this, I'm sure he won't mind-"

"Jungkook," she interrupts. She peeks up at him with an exasperated look in her eyes. "Get your ass in here."

Without hesitation, he steps inside her room and closes the door.

"Why me and not Jimin?" he asks as she plops down on her bed.

"Two reasons. One, I think Jimin and I both need a little bit of space from each other, even if we're all made up. And two, you know my father almost as well as I do. You're the one who saw him almost every day. Jimin succeeded in pissing my father off. Granted, that was hilarious, but my father won't listen to him. He might listen to you."

Jungkook's eyes bulge. "Me? You think he'd listen to me over his own daughter?"

"A hundred percent. He values rank. He may not have liked you dating me, but he always respected that you were a man of honor. And knowing that you're a platinum will definitely help. Not to mention an Executive Officer now."

"So, what's our plan?" Jungkook asks.

"I'll record you telling him about the Blackwell. We need to warn him about the creatures. Only together can we defeat these things. As much as I hate to say it, we need him. He knows his way around the battlefield, and he's the best chance Ganymede has. Ganymede isn't as technologically advanced as Mars or Earth or even the Belt. They won't survive if those creatures get out and Jungkook-" She cuts herself off to fiddle with her fingers. "I can't lose my home. I can't."

He rests a hand on her shoulder. "Whatever you need, I'll take care of it."

She lets out a shaky breath. "Thank you." They stay silent for a few more moments before Y/N hops up, grabbing her hologlobe and pulling up the camera. "I found my father's inbox, now all that's left is the explanation. Do you need any help with it?"

Jungkook nibbles on his lower lip. "I should be okay. Tell him about the creatures and get him to go back to Ganymede."

"That's it. You ready?"

He fixes his posture and makes sure his appearance is proper before giving her a firm nod. "Ready."

She presses record, and Jungkook snaps into a different version of himself. The version he rehearsed on Mars for situations such as these. For Y/N and Ganymede's sakes, he needs to be professional here. He needs to win him over and save Ganymede.

"Mr. L/N, I hope you remember me. Jeon Jungkook, Platinum Intelligence Officer and Executive Officer of the Moonchild. It's been a long time, and I regret that. I wish I was sending this to tell you good news, but unfortunately, Ganymede appears to be in grave danger. I understand you've taken an interest with these creatures... well, if my information is correct, Ganymede has been exposed to them.

"The ship named the Blackwell touched down there after they were infected with the alien life. We believe that whatever these things are, they're waiting for the right time to strike. You already saw what they did to Triton. If we don't act fast, Ganymede will be lost too. Please, we need your help in saving Ganymede. If not for the Moonchild or for Y/N, or even for Ganymede, then for the glory and your family. They need your help. You're the only one with the skills to defeat these creatures. We're on our way there now, I hope we can put our differences behind us and work together for the greater good. Thank you for taking the time to listen to this, and I hope to see you on Ganymede."

Y/N cuts the recording and gives Jungkook a look of astonishment.

"What?" he asks with a quirked brow.

"Jungkook, that was perfect. You didn't even stutter."

He feels the tips of his ears turning red. "You think so?"

She hums as she sends the video to her father. "You did much better than I ever could. Thank you, Bunny." He can't help but laugh at that, which causes Y/N to tilt her head. "What is it?"

"I like it when you call me Bunny."

"Oh really?" she asks, placing the hologlobe down and leaning against her wall. She snickers. "It would be pretty funny if I only called you Kookie from now on."

He fakes a pout. "Do you really want to upset Bunny?"

She snorts before shaking her head and heading over to plop back down next to him. She heaves, then lays down again, staring up at the ceiling. He mimics her actions, laying down next to her. He turns his head toward her, and after a moment, she does the same.

"I really hope he comes back. We can't do this alone. If we do, it will be like Triton all over again," she says.

He agrees, then purses his lips as he goes deeper into his mind. He begins to ponder all that has happened so far, all that she said. His eyes slowly widen when he realizes the truth. Y/N knows it, and now, so does he: if her father goes to Ganymede, she'll give herself to him.

She notices his expression and rips herself away from his gaze.

"Y/N," he whispers, but he has to break off before his voice breaks. "We can't do this."

"We have to."

"Y/N, if we go to Ganymede and he's there, he'll take you away. We'll never see you again."

"If there's a way I can save you guys, I have to do it. No matter what it does to me," she says in a cracked murmur.

"No. We care about you too much to let you go. Hell, I care about you too much to let you go back to that monster. Y/N, we can get his help and not trade you off."

She shuts her eyes, and based on how scrunched up her face is, it looks like it hurts. "How?"

"I'm not sure yet, but we'll figure it out."

She shifts her head back toward the ceiling, blankly staring up at it. He knows she's set on her decision, but he can't let her go. He can't. He feels memories burning at his brain, and his cheeks start to glow as a result. Tears tickle the backs of his eyes as the images of her toothy smile fills his mind.

"Y/N, I've lost everything. My childhood, my friends, my family, my own body, Namjoon. You're the only thing I have left. I can't lose you too. I can't."

"Bunny," she whispers back, and he manages to smile in a poor attempt to comfort her.

She closes her eyes, taking a deep breath and holding it for a few seconds before breathing out. She takes a beat before opening her eyes again. And then, only then, does she nod.


A tear rolls down his cheek. "You mean that?"

She gives him a warm smile, and in that moment, all his doubts are silenced. No matter where his mind is, no matter how numb or lost he is, that one smile brings him back to reality. He studies that expression and engraves it into his mind, just in case.

Oblivious to his thoughts, Y/N continues to grin.

"I do."


Seulgi cracks her knuckles before picking up her pencil and sketching a small landscape. She can't remember the last time she went to Earth, but she wants to create something that reminds her of it.

It's been a while since she's sketched anything. She misses drawing. It distracted her from the news and the world falling apart around her. And now, sitting in the dining hall alone, she feels at peace as she draws grass and trees along with sunlight peeking through the leaves.

Her mind wanders to her past life, sitting on her windowsill whenever it rained and drawing in the sketchbook her mother got her. Seulgi misses her parents more than anything, but she's glad they're still in touch. It's not like she can go see them. She's terrified of going back. She knows she'll be okay deep down, but on the surface, she's scared that someone will come along and tempt her again. That's why she's drawing now. It's an attempt to find the good side of Earth. A reason to go back.

After a few more minutes of her humming to herself, drawing numerous lines, and shading in details, there's a knock. She snaps up in alarm. Seulgi's trained the longest out of anyone on the crew except for Jungkook, but she's still never prepared when Hoseok shows up.

Hoseok stands there, his fist hovering next to the wall where he knocked. He has a small smile on his face, and she slowly returns it. "Am I interrupting?" he asks.

"Never. Come on in. I mean, I'm in the dining hall, who am I to stop you?" He bounces over to her table, sitting down across from her and giving her an eager expression. She has to admit there's wild curiosity beaming in her eyes. "What is it?"

He points to the paper she's drawing. "Can I see?"

She takes a moment to process his words before finally getting it and letting out a small 'yes' in response. She shifts the paper toward him, slightly shy, but at the same time, this is Hoseok. Her Hoseok. The one who would sneak into her quarters at night to make sure she was feeling alright. 'You can't go to bed with bad thoughts on the brain' is what he would say every time. Maybe she misses those days more than anything else.

"Wow. I've missed your drawings," he says, tilting his head ever so slightly and letting his eyes explore the canvas.

She chuckles at his eagerness. Seulgi hasn't talked one-on-one with Hoseok in a couple days. She knows he's hurting, but for both of their sakes, she doesn't bring it up. All she can do is try to stay positive. Like him.

"Remember when I tried to draw a portrait of you?" Hoseok asks as his fingers trace over the lines she drew.

"Portrait? You drew a stick figure with long hair and boobs."

"I tried!" She gives him a long stare of doubt before he shakes his head in disbelief. "I did!" he insists, which makes her snicker.

"Uh-huh," she replies, grabbing her paper back and going back to work on the shadings.

"Let me try again."

"Drawing a demented circle and putting googly eyes on it does not count as a portrait. Hobi. Trust me, my fifth grade art teacher gave me a long lecture when I tried it."

"Your fifth grade art teacher gave you a lecture for being a cute fifth grader?"

She taps her pencil against the table. "Yeah, believe it or not."

"When I was in fifth grade, we made a bunch of paper hearts. My goal was to have the largest one," he starts, falling into his memory. Seulgi watches his eyes move up to the ceiling. She can almost see the memory playing out in his head. "I made a gigantic heart and put it in one of my big bags, but when I pulled it out and showed her, another guy came up and pulled out a bigger heart."

She bites her lip to prevent a snort from coming out. "And what did you do?"

"I put my heart back in my bag and aggressively zipped it up."

She can't hold back her long laugh anymore. Her eyes squint as she does, and it takes her a full minute to dial down so she could form a coherent response.

"Oh yeah, you showed that guy, Hobi. I'm so proud." He does a small bow, peeking up in time for her to give him a cute smile. "You had a crazy childhood," she says.

"My story is probably nothing compared to the lecture you got from your art teacher."

"Nu-uh. You don't get to hear that story yet," she says with an amused tone. As soon as the words leave her mouth, she begins drawing her landscape once more.

He watches her movements while she does, her hand moving gracefully over the canvas, adding marks where she deems necessary. "Remember when I used to call you my Seulmate?" Hobi suddenly says.

Seulgi moves her gaze up to meet his. "Don't you still call me that?"

He shrugs. "Fair, but still."

"I remember. What about it?"

"Well, do you think Y/N and Jimin are soulmates?"

She's not entirely sure how to answer that question. She's too shocked to process it at first, but her mind begins to think of the right words to say.

"Based on what Y/N's told me, I hope so. You know what they say about love. The first love hurts, the second is fun, then the third is the one you end up with."

"They say that?" Hoseok asks, and she gives him a small nod.

"From my experience, all my friends got married to their third love. And let's be honest, even if Y/N and Jimin aren't meant to be, which they probably are, they are way too horny to stay away from each other."


She giggles. "I'm serious!" Hoseok sighs, faking a look of disgust for a few seconds before his eyes light up. "What is it?" she asks, and he fiddles with his fingers.

"You loved me, right?"

"Of course I did," she replies, adding a few more lines to the paper.

"What about me then?"

She continues to keep her eyes on her work. "What about you?"

He hesitates. "What number was I for you?"

Seul stiffens, feeling her heart freeze its motions as she mentally counts. She almost drops her pencil, but instead focuses on breathing again before she peeps up. He returns her shocked expression as she opens her mouth to speak.

"Third. You were my third."


Jimin strolls down the hallway and reflects on the past few days. He's lost his best friend, blew up a station, went on his first date with Y/N, and had a fight with her one day later. These past few days have given him so much emotional whiplash, he isn't sure what to think anymore. Regardless, he moves again, a hot coffee in his hand. It almost hurts him, but he ignores it to instead slow to a stop in front of a door. He knocks softly, then, after a few seconds, it opens.

Yoongi's expression goes from blank to wide-eyed when he spots the Captain standing there, but in a way, he seems pleased. Maybe not on the surface, but deep down.

Jimin clears his throat and holds the beverage out. "I brought you coffee."

Yoongi eyes it for a second, then snatches it from Jimin's hand. Jimin stares as Yoongi stalks inside his room, leaving the door open for Jimin. He chugs his coffee like it'll disappear if he doesn't.

Jimin's slightly confused but doesn't question it as he enters the man's room, kicking the door shut behind him. He's still cautious of the outsider; however, he doesn't let that show. The Captain needs to make him feel welcomed, after all. Maybe Jimin can learn to like him. He's learned to like Taehyung. Jin... is Jin. That's all Jimin will probably ever think of Jin.

"You holding up okay?" Jimin asks. Yoongi shrugs, heading over to his nightstand and placing the half-full cup down. After a few beats of silence, Jimin continues. "You like coffee?"

"You brought me coffee... without asking me if I like coffee?" he asks so calmly it almost makes Jimin feel like he's a silver engineer again.

"I figured it was the polite thing to do. I could take it back, it you'd like," Jimin says, starting forward, but Yoongi gives him a death stare that makes him freeze.

"I know where your room is. You touch my coffee and see what happens." Jimin blinks at him for a few seconds before bursting out laughing. Yoongi's left standing there, puzzled. "Do you always laugh this easily?" he asks, his tone sounding sleepy.

Jimin shakes Yoongi off and dials down from his laughter. "You just... you look like a grumpy cat."

Yoongi appears too tired to be offended. "Fair enough." Jimin isn't sure what to say after that, so he watches as Yoongi sits down on his bed and takes another sip from his coffee. "Did you need something?"

"No. Not yet anyway."


Jimin folds his hands together and forces himself to speak. "We need to discuss what your game plan is."

"My... game plan?"

"How long are you planning on staying with us?"

"However long you'll let me stay, I suppose. I don't have anywhere else to go. Triton is gone, so is my crew."

"Taehyung said you came out of nowhere. Were you born on Triton?" Yoongi goes quiet. Jimin leans his head forward, raising a brow. "Were you?" he repeats.

He doesn't trust this man yet. He wants to, but as the Captain, he can't. He can't take any risks, especially not with his crew at risk. With Y/N at risk.

"I wasn't," Yoongi quietly replies.

Jimin furrows his brows. "You don't look like you're from the Belt. Earth?" Yoongi shakes his head. Jimin is only more perplexed. "Mars?" But Yoongi sadly shakes his head again, taking another sip from his coffee. "Alright, enough of this. Where were you born?"

Yoongi hesitates for a moment, then speaks.

"I was born on Kepler."

Jimin's eyes almost pop out of his soul, and his breath momentarily dances its way out of his body. "Kepler. So that's how you know where it is. Not the whole friend story you told us?"

Yoongi hangs his head. "I was raised there, then they transferred me to Triton. They wanted someone on the inside to monitor transmissions, but I hated them with every fiber of my being."

Jimin leans against the wall. He knows, once again, that he has to ask the hard question. "Why?" he asks, though he must admit he's scared of the answer.

Yoongi's jaw tightens. "Because they experimented on me."

"Oh God," Jimin whispers in response. Yoongi seems to be showing emotion for the first time since they met, and Jimin isn't sure how to feel about that.

"I've never told anyone this, so maybe now you'll trust me, but..." He trails off and blows out a stream of air through his nose. "Those experiments were enhancements."

Jimin can't even being to process the shock sprinting through his body right now. There's another enhanced onboard his ship. How is he supposed to react to that?

"You're... enhanced?"

"Intelligence. They experimented so they wouldn't show on my body. Normally there needs to be a tell, like glowing eyes and lips, maybe cheeks or fingers, but they made it so I can blend right in. Be the ultimate spy. In high stress situations, my brain activity runs faster and smoother, making for higher intelligence."

At the end of the man's explanation, Jimin can't help but feel guilt and pity rise up in his chest. Yoongi senses this and shakes him off, abruptly standing.

"I don't need your pity or your apologies. I told you my past. I only want you to trust me enough to stop being on edge around me. I know you have an enhanced of your own, so if you judge me based on that, I don't even know what to say to you," Yoongi says with a glare.

Jimin meets the man's eyes with a soft expression. This surprises Yoongi, and the hardness in his gaze fades away. Yoongi raises both of his brows, and as if curious to hear what Jimin has to say, he leans closer. So Jimin doesn't keep him in suspense any longer.

"I trust you."

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