Power Rangers Mystic Force: W...

By tanishatribe1118

4.1K 180 3

What if Udonna had a daughter and she was Nick's (Bowen's) sister? Lily is the next White Mystic Ranger and u... More

Broken Spell Part 1
Broken Spell Part 2
Code Busters
Rock Solid
Whispering Voices
Legendary Catastros
Fire Heart
Stranger Within Part 1
Stranger Within Part 2
Petrified Xander
The Gatekeeper Part 1
The Gatekeeper Part 2
Scaredy Cat
Long Ago
Inner Strength
Soul Specter
Ranger Down
Dark Wish Part 1
Dark Wish Part 2
Dark Wish Part 3
Koragg's Trial
Heir Apparent Part 1
Heir Apparent Part 2
The Light
The Hunter
Hard Heads
The Snow Prince
The Light Source Part 1
The Light Source Part 2
Mystic Fate Part 1
Mystic Fate Part 2

The Return

97 2 0
By tanishatribe1118

At Rock Porium, Toby was with the rangers. "So, you guys really are the power rangers?" he asked.

"Mm-hmm." said Maddie as the others nodded.

"Okay. Uh, Nick is the red ranger and Lily is the white ranger."

"Right." he said.

"You got it." said Lily, pointing at him.

"And Xander is green. Madison...blue. Chip...yellow. And Vida is pink." Toby finished off naming their colors. "Okay, so, Nick and Lily are also the children of Udonna, the white ranger, and Leanbow, a powerful wizard who is also Koragg, the guy who's been trying to trash the city. But he's really a good guy. It's just that nobody knows what happened to him."

"I'm impressed, Toby, that's quite..." Maddie started to say but he cuts her off.

"Ah, I haven't finished." he tells her. "Now, Nick being the eldest, is also the light, the power to stop evil from taking over. But the bad guys are looking for the light so that they can destroy him and then destroy the world."

"Exactly." said Chip.

"Silence!" said Toby. "Now, Leelee's mom is the queen of the vampires who really did carry me off, so I guess I can stop seeking professional help now."

"Sorry about that." said Leelee as the others laugh.

"And...and...and now, the 10 terrors are here, trying to call forth the head honcho himself...you know, the master of all evil." said Toby. "And you know what that means?"

"That I should be seeking a therapist or some kind of professional help when this is all over?" asked Lily.

"No." said Toby, then they heard screaming outside of the store. "It means that you guys won't be working your regular hours for a while. Looks like it'll just be me and Lee-squared for a bit."

"Now that you mention it, there's something I've been meaning..." Lily started to say when suddenly the store door opens and Phineas walks in.

"Ohh, you think you'd never seen a Troblin before." Phineas said to people outside of the store. "Hello."

"I will never understand their relationship." said Lily, as she and Vida shook their heads at the couple.

"I don't even understand it now." said Maddie.

"Agreed." said Nick.

"Thought I'd stop by and see you, my girl." Phineas said as he hands her a bouquet of turnips. "Ooh, these are for you."

The rangers started laughing. "Isn't he cute? He's my new boyfriend." said Leelee as she and Phineas walk over to the others.

"You're seeing, uh, Xander's uncle from the old country?" asked Toby.

"Uh..." said Phineas.

"Well, you see Toby..." said Lily.

Down in the underworld, flames appeared out of a funnel. "Behold the energy of the master!" shouted Gekkor.

"Yes, he is here with us, now, and I offer up my body to be his home." said Sculpin.

"I, too, would give him my body." said Black Lance. "It would be an honor to be the receptacle of such power."

"I agree." said Itassis.

"Yes, with the master's strength and magic, there will be no stopping whichever one of us is chosen." said Sculpin. "There shall be no mercy for the light."

Suddenly the stone tablet glowed for the selection ceremony. "Another needs to be chosen before the master selects one of us to join him." said Itassis. "We gather."

The stone tablet sends out its yellow ball of light, landing on Matoombo. "I am the one." he said. At Rootcore, Udonna and Daggeron were at the table while Jenji was at Fire Heart's cave. Lily was digging through her backpack, looking for something.

"Hit it, fire boy." said Jenji as he holds up an article of clothing. Fire Heart sends his fire towards the clothing. "Whoa-a-a! You know, when all this fighting is over, I may open up a laundry." Jenji said to Udonna and Daggeron. "With Fire Heart working with me, I could keep myself in catnip for years."

"If you needed catnip, you could've just asked me." said Lily.

"There's no sign of Leanbow." said Daggeron. "We have looked for days. Perhaps it's time..."

"I'm not giving up." Udonna said sternly.

"Surly the crystal ball would tell us something if he was with us." Daggeron tells her.

"I'm not giving up looking." said Udonna. "If I can't find him from the outside...I will look on the inside. Sereum Novium."

Udonna's spirit left her body in search of her husband. "Wow. Is she even still there?" asked Jenji as he and Daggeron walked over to her. "Uh, boo! Uh, yeah. Lights on...nobody's home."

At Rock Porium, the rangers had put Phineas in a work shirt. "All righty." said Nick as they put the finishing touches.

"My very own shirt." said Phineas. "I'm telling you, I'll make a great employee. I have a way with people. I could sell tree moss to a swamp monkey."

"There's swamp monkeys?" asked Lily. "I didn't know that the woods had swamp monkeys."

"Okay, okay, its 10:00. Store's open." said Xander. "Phineas, open the door and let the first customers in."

"Just remember, use your charm and your wit." said Vida.

"Uh...okay." Phineas said. "Can I use half my wit? Well, I don't want to use it all up day one."

"We should've changed his appearance first." said Lily as they pushed him towards the door.

"Turn the sign." said Phineas, then opens the door. "Welcome to the Rock Porium." The customers turned to face Phineas and started screaming. He then turns to face the rangers, who were then looking at each other. "So, uh...how'd I do?" he asked.

Before they could answer, thunder rumbles outside of the store. "Evil calls. Let's go." said Nick and ran out past Phineas.

"My name is Matoombo." said the terror. "I am gathering all of your electricity. When I have it all, I will return it with a vengeance. My justice will be swift."

"Not swift enough, cotton ball!" said Nick.

"Who dares?" he asked, turning around to face the rangers and Daggeron.

"We do!" said Nick.

"There is nothing you can do." said Matoombo. "It will soon be over."

"Not while we're here!" said Nick.

"Let's stop him!" said Xander. "Yeah!"


"Not so fast!" said Matoombo as he creates a shield, protecting him from the attacks and fires his attack at them, causing them to eject from their Megazords.

"How can he be so strong?" asked Daggeron.

"Stay out of my way and I will not hurt anyone." Matoombo said. "You have my word.

"You guys okay?" Daggeron asked the rangers as he runs over to them.

"That's strange. He said he won't hurt anyone." said Vida.

"Yeah, right. He's lying!" said Nick.

"Nick's right." said Xander. "He wants to destroy the world but he not hurt anyone?"

"We'd better split up and find him." said Daggeron.


"There's not much time. Let's go."

"Okay." said Vida as they all split up.

On the other side of Briarwood, Matoombo was by himself. "Why do these humans resist the darkness and cherish each breathe they take?" he asked. "Can their magic be that strong?"

"My ball!" shouted a boy, his ball running away from him. Matoombo turns around and sees the ball near a couple cars while a car was making a turn. "No!" said Matoombo as he watches the boy walk out into the street to get his ball, not seeing the car coming towards him.

Matoombo uses his magic to stop the care and the little boy picks up his ball. He then walks up to the boy, takes his hand and walks him out of the street. The man driving the car couldn't believe his eyes and drives off. "You need to be more careful." Matoombo said to the boy. "Now go."

"There he is. Better call them." said Vida as she and Lily were flying overhead. "No. not just yet."

"What is he doing?" asked Lily.

"Let's find out." she tells her.

"Okay." said the boy and ruffles his head.

"Hmm." said Matoombo. "Why did he give me this...thing?"

In the underworld, Udonna was searching for her husband. "I know you're here, Leanbow...somewhere." said Udonna as she searches the ground. "Down there."

Matoombo was confused at what the little boy did. "It's called a ball." said Vida as she and Lily walk up to him.


"It's meant for play."

"Give it here." Vida said gently as she takes the ball from him. "Thanks. You can do lots of things with it. You can bounce it."

Vida showed him as she walks around him, bouncing the ball. "You can spin it." Tosses the ball in the air. "You can kick it."

Vida kicks the ball and accidentally hits Matoombo in the face. "Uh-oh." said Lily as she runs to Vida's side but Matoombo starts to laugh.

"Ball." he then said, causing Vida and Lily to laugh awkwardly.

"Yeah, that's right." said Vida. "Ball. Except you're supposed to catch it before it hits you in the face."

"Don't want that to happen again." said Lily and Matoombo laughs again.

"You're not like the others, are you?" Vida asked, taking Lily's hand as they walks around him.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't want to hurt anyone?"

"I am Matoombo, energy warrior of the Underworld!"

"You're not very evil." said Vida. "We just saw you save that child from getting hurt. You have a good heart."

"Heart?" he asked.

"My name's Vida. I'm the pink power ranger." said Vida.

"I'm Lily. I'm the white power ranger." said Lily.

"Hello." said Matoombo as Vida and Lily stretched out their hands but where shot down before they could shake hands.

"Watch out, 'V'! Lily!" shouted Xander as he runs up to them.

"No!" shouted Vida as Xander runs past them, knocking Lily down hard to the ground, becoming unconscious. Xander starts to fight Matoombo as Vida kneels down by Lily. "Lily, come on. Wake up." said Vida as she pulls her towards her body. Vida then looks up at the fight between Xander and Matoombo. "Stop!" she shouted, picking Lily up in her arms.

"Magi Staff!" shouted Xander.

"Put it down, Xander!" said Vida.

"'V', he's trying to destroy our world." argued Xander. "Morph already!"

"Put the staff down now!" Vida demanded.

"Why?" he asked.

"Trust me." she said and Xander powers down.

"Thank you." she said and Lily starts to groan a bit, causing her presence to be known. "I couldn't morph with her in my arms, no thanks to you."

"What do you mean?"

"You knocked her down when you were trying to save us." said Vida as Lily opens her eyes.

"What did I miss?" asked Lily.

"You didn't miss much." she tells her, setting Lily on her feet.

"Good." she said.

"I am Matoombo, conqueror of your world." said Matoombo.

"See, you guys? He's going to conquer the world." said Xander. "We've got to stop him."

"I'm gonna conquer you with a newspaper in a minute." grumbled Lily, her hand to her head and glaring at Xander.

"No." said Vida, then steps forward, pulling Lily with her. "If you conquer our world, you'll harm all of us...me, Lily, that child you just saved. You can't conquer us without hurting us. You don't want that, do you?"

"I must conquer." said Matoombo.

"All right, let's get to it." said Vida. "Start with me and Lily. We won't stop you."

"So be it." he said as he aims his sword at the both of them. In the underworld, the flame carrying the master's energy grew.


"The master comes!" said Sculpin. "Now he will make his choice. May he choose wisely for victory."

"Yes, wisely." said Itassis.

"Yes to victory." said Necrolai. "Pick anyone...but me."

The energy of the master floated in the air, circling the room before going into the stone tablet. "Ah, who is the lucky one?" asked Sculpin.

"I will do it." said Matoombo, still pointing his sword at Vida and Lily.

"No, Xander, stay there." said Vida as he inches closer to Matoombo.

"'V', do you know what you're doing here?" asked Xander.

"I don't." whimpered Lily.

"Stay there." Vida tells him and they heard a noise.

"What's that?" asked Xander and a ball of electricity came towards them.

"The electricity I gathered has returned to destroy this world." said Matoombo.

"Please, Matoombo, don't do it." Vida said. He then raised his sword into the air and destroys the ball electricity. "Yes! Thank you, Matoombo! I knew you couldn't do it! See Xander? He couldn't do it!"

Suddenly purple energy shocked Matoombo, throwing him back. "No!" shouted Vida.

"Panic and run! Panic and run!" shouted Lily as she runs around Vida and Xander, but then stops. "Wait a sec. Never mind. Somehow I was thinking something else."

On the streets of Briarwood, Matoombo came to a stop from rolling. "What happened?" he asked.

"Why did you save the humans?" asked Gekkor as he and Itassis walks up to him.

"The master has chosen you to be his vessel." said Itassis.

"Do you still serve the master?" Gekkor asked.

"No, I don't." replied Matoombo. In the underworld, Udonna reaches the bottom of the ravine. "Where are you?" she asked herself, then sees a body in the distance. "Leanbow!"

"There!" shouted Vida as she, Lily and Xander run towards Matoombo.

"Then you'll fall." said Gekkor and starts to attack him. Vida, Xander and Lily morphed into Legend Warrior Mode. "Let's help him!" said Vida.

"'V'!" shouted Xander.

"I'm with ya!" said Lily.

"Lily!" shouted Xander as both girls went to help him. Just as Gekkor was about to strike Matoombo, Vida steps in front of him, taking most of the hit while Lily gets hit in the leg. Vida rolled over to Xander as Lily hops over on her good leg.

"Vida! Lily!" shouted Daggeron as he and the others run over to them.

"We can't let them do this!" said Vida and Gekkor strikes him again. "Matoombo!"

"It's over!" said Gekkor as Matoombo lays on the ground. "You will be the master's body, like it or not!"

"I've got to do something!" said Vida, then takes Daggeron's ticket.

"I did not see this coming." said Lily.

"Vida, no!" shouted Daggeron as Gekkor growls at them.

"Come on, Solar Streak!" shouted Vida.

"For the master's b..." Gekkor started to say but was cut off by the Solar Streak train. He was pushed back as the train came into the city.

"All aboard." said Jenji as he pops up on Daggeron's back.

"Come on, Jenji!" said Vida as she grabs his lamp before grabbing Matoombo's arm. "Let's get out of here."

"Vida! No!" shouted Daggeron as the Solar Streak takes off.

"I can't believe she did that." said Nick.

"Nothing 'V' does surprises me anymore." said Chip.

"I think I needed a surprise." said Lily.

"I could surprise you." said Itassis. "I may have all the answers that you seek."

"I spoke too soon." said Lily.

"Oh, Daggeron is gonna put me in the cat box for doing this." said Jenji as he drives the Solar Streak.

"Come on." said Vida as she drags Matoombo down the car corridor. "Come on, sit down. Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm much better now." said Matoombo.


"No!" he said as Gekkor appears in train car.

"Matoomba, it's over." said Gekkor. "You cannot escape me or your fate!"

"We'll see!" said Vida, protecting Matoombo.

"Yes, we will!" said Gekkor as he swings his trident back and aims it at Vida. She blocks it and attacks Gekkor. "You can't defeat me!" he shouted and pushes her out of the way. "For the last time, get out of my way!"

"Vida! Duck!" said Matoombo and attacks Gekkor.

"Magi Staff! Energy Vortex!" shouted Vida and a pink magic spell appears underneath Gekkor.

"What's happening? No!" shouted Gekkor and was sucked into the vortex that led out of the train. "AAH! I will hunt you down Matoombo, and get you for the master!"

Back in the chamber of the terrors, Gekkor angrily walks in. "It's Matoombo! He betrayed us all!" he tells Sculpin and Black Lance.

"Oh, relax Gekkor." said Sculpin. "We have seen everything and I know where he's headed. He's going to..."

"...the Dawn dimension, to the sleeping lake." Itassis said to Daggeron and the other rangers.

"Tell us how to get there." said Daggeron.

"I am not like the others." she tells them. "I crave knowledge, not power."

"Sounds like someone else I know." said Nick, looking down at Lily.

"What? Just because I like learn, doesn't mean anything." said Lily. "You never know what you could learn nowadays."

"I'll send you there myself after you tell me what I need to know." said Itassis.

"How do we know that you'll still help us once we give you the information you want?" asked Chip.

"As a gesture of good faith, I will send one of you to their destination right now...only one." she said. "If given the answer that I seek, I will send the others."

"I'll go." said Nick.

"Wherever he goes, I go." said Lily. "We're a package deal."

"I should be the one to go." said Daggeron.

"She's my sister. I'll go." said Maddie.

"I'm not afraid. I'll go." said Chip.

"Remarkable, but I will send him." said Itassis, then uses her magic and sends Xander to Vida.

"Interesting." said Lily. "Who would've thought she would send Xander."

Down in the underworld, a decision was made. "Gekkor, you must stop him before he gets to the sleeping lake." said Black Lance.

"If Matoomba reaches these waters, he will sleep for eternity and the master will never come." said Sculpin. "We must do everything we can to prevent that from happening."

Vida and Matoombo had reached the Dawn dimension. "It's so beautiful here." said Vida, looking at her surroundings.

"Yes, it's sets the mind at ease." said Matoombo.

""V"!" shouted Xander, causing them to turn around as he runs up to them.

"Xander?" asked Vida but were suddenly ambushed by a blast and Matoombo falls to the ground.

"Surprise!" shouted Gekkor as he flies to the ground. "There's nowhere to run, traitor! Surrender to the master or be destroyed!"

"Legend Warriors!" shouted Vida and Xander, protecting Matoombo.

"He's firing too many!" shouted Vida.

"One is too many!" said Xander and Gekkor fires at Xander, knocking him down. Gekkor then sends a ball of white light into the air and fires upon Matoombo. "Matoombo!" exclaimed Vida as he falls to his knees.

"You took the hit that was meant for me? Why?" Xander asked as Vida runs over to Matoombo.

"Fools!" shouted Gekkor as he runs towards them. Xander then runs towards him, stopping him in his tracks. "Get out of my way!"

"Yes!" shouted Xander as he picks up his Lion staff. Both he and Vida aimed their Lion staffs at Gekkor, covering him in dirt so they could get away. "Where did they go?" asked Gekkor as he looks around him.

"Leanbow." said Udonna as she kneels down beside her husband and he groans. "I am not letting you go. Snow Staff!"

Her snow staff appears in her hand and Udonna aims it at Leanbow. Back in the forest, Daggeron and the others were huddled until Daggeron breaks away. "All right, what is it you want to know?" asked Daggeron.

"A simple answer to a simple question." said Itassis. "We are much more powerful than you, yet time and time, you defeated us. Why is that?"

"We're better than you. How's that for simple?" asked Nick and suddenly Lily hits him over the head with a rolled up magazine.

"Careful. The wrong answer will cost you everything." said Itassis.

"Please forgive him for being rude. I'm just sad to even be related to him at times." said Lily and Nick looks down at her.

"I thought you were going to hit me with a newspaper." said Nick.

"Today it's a magazine." Lily said, smugly. "Who knows what I might hit with you next."

"You want to know why we beat you?" asked Chip. "Here's why. Yes, you're more powerful. Yeah, you're bigger."


"What we have that you don't is something that no wizard or witch could ever give you." Chip continued.

"No spell can bring it forth." said Maddie. "You can't buy it or borrow it from someone else."

"You can't teach it." said Daggeron.

"Everyone is born with it." said Nick as he places Lily it front of him. "They just have to step forward and claim it as theirs. It's in the heart."

"What is it?" asked Itassis.

"Courage." said Nick. "It's when you put someone else's well-being before your own."

"It takes courage to stand up to people as well as standing up to your friends, even if your wrong." said Lily.

"And why would you do that?" she asked.

"Because...because you just do." Nick replied.

In the sky, Gekkor searches for Matoombo, Vida and Xander. "Where are they? They couldn't have gotten far!" he said, searching the ground and suddenly he sees them. "Gotcha!"

"Faster! Faster!" said Xander as they ran on foot.

"Ha Ha! You can't escape!" said Gekkor from overhead, blasting Xander and Matoombo. "Fire!"

Xander and Matoombo went over a cliff. "Come on! Get up!" said Xander.

"Playtime is over, Matoombo." said Gekkor and walks over to them. "Now I...what? What? The pink ranger? You can't trick me."

There was a pink bow wrapped on Matoombo's back and Gekkor fires at them, causing Vida to change back into herself. "You're a two time loser...ugly and gullible." said Vida.

"With you chasing us, our tall, cotton-headed friend had enough time to get away to the sleeping lake." said Xander. "Explain that one to your master." Gekkor grips his trident and sends an attack at the two rangers.

"Behold the power of good magic." said Udonna as she restores Leanbow. Vida and Xander were holding Gekkor off. ""V"!" shouted Xander and attacks Gekkor.

"Xander!" shouted Vida, making another attack against Gekkor.

"Now is the end!" said Gekkor as he strikes both of them down.

"Think again, lizard-breath!" shouted Nick as he and the others arrived. "You guys all right?"

"I've been better." said Vida.

"Welcome to the dance. Shall we?" Gekkor asked then starts attacking the rangers.

"He's too fast!" said Xander.

"You haven't seen anything yet!" said Gekkor. "Here is my full power!"

He sends his full power and it knocks them to the ground. "Sweet!" he said as he walks away. Suddenly lasers were sent at him and he turns around. "What?"

Suddenly Leanbow stood in front of the rangers. "Leanbow!" exclaimed Gekkor.

"Dad!" shouted Nick.

"I must be seeing things." said Lily, then she pinches herself. "Nope, it's not a dream. He's alive!"

"Leanbow!" shouted Maddie.

"He's okay!" said Daggeron.

"Good job, rangers. Well done, son, daughter." he said as he looks over his shoulder.

"Thanks." said Nick and Lily.

"I'll take it from here." said Leanbow, facing Gekkor.

"I thought you were..." said Gekkor.

"I'm not." said Leanbow and holds up a morpher. "Magical Source, Mystic Force! Burning heart of Fire! Wolf Warrior, defender of truth!"

"I like that color better." said Lily.

"But how?" asked Gekkor.

"Udonna's good magic saved me." said Leanbow. At Rootcore, Udonna returned to her physical body, with a smile on her face. "The world had been kept whole because of these rangers." Leanbow said.

"We're safe because of you!" said Xander.

"And we're all safe because of Matoombo." said Vida.

"How sweet." said Gekkor. "While you continue your love fest, I think I'll destroy you."

He points his trident at them and run. "Not this time." said Leanbow and withdraws his sword. He and Gekkor battle it out. "In the name of honor, Blazing Storm Slash! Hyah!" shouted Leanbow and sends his fire magic towards Gekkor. "Checkmate."

"This ended poorly." said Gekkor as he goes down.

"Yeah!" shouted Nick.

"Go dad!" shouted Lily.

"Mystic Force!" shouted the rangers.

"Mystic Force!" shouted Leanbow.

"I have found it." Matoombo said as he finds the lake. "It is truly beautiful...a good place to spend eternity, and the master will not bring forth his destruction."

"Yes, he will." said Sculpin as he appears in front of Matoombo. He strikes him with his sword, destroying Matoombo. "Goodbye, Matoombo." he said as Matoombo falls to the ground and laughs.

Daggeron and the rangers gathered around Leanbow. "Hey guys." he said and Vida hangs back.

"What's wrong, "V"?" asked Xander. "You should be happy."

"I am." she said to him. "I'm just really going to miss Matoombo."

"I'll miss him too." said Xander and suddenly thunder rumbles in the sky.

"Matoombo." said Vida as they see him rise up. Out of his body came red tentacles and Vida goes over to Xander.

"I'm here!" bellowed the master and he starts laughing evilly.

"The master's returned." said Leanbow.

"You will perish, as will Solaris Knight." said the master. "Have a look into your future."

Daggeron starts to get pain in his head as he sees his future. "And then, one by one, you will fall, as will your world." he tells the rangers before he takes off.

"Now this...this is bad." said Nick as Lily buries herself into his side.

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