The Light Source Part 2

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The rangers were struggling to keep the rift open until they finally did and walked through. "Hey! Where'd he go?" asked Chip.

"Right here!" shouted Hekatoid as he pops out of the water and bops them on the head with his hammer. "I have Udonna! I have Udonna!"

"As catchy as that sounds, he's going down." said Lily. "Dang it! Now the tune is going to be in my head all day."

In the woods, Leelee, Clare and Phineas were on a rescue mission as they popped up from behind some bushes. "Udonna's inside that portal." whispered Leelee, as Styxoids were guarding the entrance.

"Thanks. I'll take it from here." said Clare. "Those Styxoids won't know what hit them. Infuso..."

"No, no, no, no, no!" said Leelee, stopping Clare from casting the spell. "You can't use magic. It'll alert the others."

"Well, do you have any better ideas?" asked Clare, causing Leelee to smirk and disappear through the bushes. She then walks up to the portal. "No passage." said a Styxoid as both guards block her way.

"Excuse me? Do you know who I am?" she asked, playing it innocent. "I'm Leelee Pimvare. Rearrange the letters in my last name, and, oh, what do you get? Yeah 'Vampire'. In fact, I'm the next queen of the vampires, so..."

"You're not on the list." said the other Styxoid.

"Not on the list? Did you not hear me?" She asked again. "One phone call to my mother, Necrolai, and the two of you are so deep in the underworld you're digging down to get yourselves back up. Now turn around."

"Yes, ma'am." he said and they both faced the surrounding woods. Leelee motions to Clare and Phineas as they entered the portal.

"Keep quiet and don't move." Leelee said to the guards, then enters the portal herself.

Deep underground, Leanbow was battling Gekkor as Necrolai was on the sidelines, watching. "Leanbow's in trouble now." she said as the battle got intense.

"Give us the master." said Gekkor.

"Never!" he said and the battle continued.

Back in the city, Daggeron continued to deal with the poisonous tadpoles. "Daggeron, we're starting to lose energy." said a worried Jenji.

"We have to keep trying." he said.


On the sidewalk, Toby was skating and looks down at his watch. "Three miles down, three to go." he said as he skated down the side walk and heard lasers shooting.

"Hey look!"


Toby looks up and sees the rangers battling Hekatoid. "Maybe if I keep training, once day I can be a power ranger." Toby said to himself. "Yes!"

"Oh, no!" said Itassis as she watched the battle. "Hekatoid is in trouble. Those wizards fight well. They will be hard to defeat."

The rangers had Hekatoid on the ground. "You can't have her!" whined Hekatoid.

"Let go!" shouted Chip. "Come on!"

"I won't give her up! She's my prize!" said Hekatoid, struggling underneath the megazord, he lets go of Udonna for a second before tossing her into the air with his tongue.

"No!" shouted Nick and Lily. They were seconds away from reaching Udonna when suddenly Hekatoid uses his sludge and transports her out of their reach. "(Laughs) I've got her back!" said Hekatoid. "And I'll take something else!"

The rangers ejected out of the megazord and powered down. "I can't believe we let him get away with her." said Nick, pulling Lily up from the ground.

"Nick, as long as we're still breathing, we're not stopping." said Vida.

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